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julie palmer

Amputee Coalition - Resources for amputees, amputation, limb loss, caregivers and healt... - 0 views

shared by julie palmer on 28 Sep 13 - Cached
    Amputee Coalition is a national non-profit organization providing extensive resources, peer support, outreach and education to individual amputees, amputee caregivers, limb loss professionals and those dealing with the effects of limb loss.

Introductory Amputee Care For Lower Limb Amputees - 0 views

    There are several video resources located here LE Amputee. Narrated by Paddy Rossbach, RN, former President and CEO These demonstrations are to help you learn to manage after a lower extremity amputation. They are not to take the place of your regular rehabilitation or medical care; rather they should serve as a reference or reminder of what you are being taught.
Laura Dunaway

About Us - Amputee Coalition - 0 views

    Amputee Coalition is a national non-profit organization providing extensive resources, peer support, outreach and education to individual amputees, amputee caregivers, limb loss professionals and those dealing with the effects of limb loss.

Advanced Arm Dynamics - Occupational Therapy | Upper Limb Prosthetics| Advanced Arm Dyn... - 1 views

    I found this website that talks about services provided by this company that specializes in OT for UE amputees. I found it really cool that there are centers that specialize in just this. The only downfall I see is that there is only 5 centers in the whole US.

Amputees Learn To Use Artificial Limbs - 1 views

    This is an old, short 1916 film with no sound showing soldiers, who are amputees, wheelchair racing, playing tug-of-war, marching, and dancing. This is conjecture -- but maybe there are reconstruction aides helping them out -- the people who helped in the development of occupational therapy. Also, this film shows the amputees as NOT helpless, having fun and very much functional.

Occupational Therapy Techniques for Amputees - Bing Videos - 2 views

shared by watsonml3 on 26 Sep 14 - No Cached
    This address should take you to the "Amputee OT" video. Please let me know if it doesn't. An OT that is also an amputee narrates and demonstrates how a prosthetic running leg is made. It is amazing how much precision and details are used to get the best fit for a running prosthesis.

12B: Fitting and Training the Bilateral Upper-Limb Amputee | O&P Virtual Library - 1 views

    This chapter is concerned with the unique problems presented by the bilateral upper-limb amputee. Although it is generally recognized that the unilateral upper-limb amputee uses a prosthesis as an assist and the sound limb for sensory feedback and fine manipulatory activities, the bilateral amputee does not have such a choice.
Kellie Hudgens

Amputee Coalition Website - 3 views

    This is the amputee coalition website. What an amazing resource for patients, families, and therapist. This website provides current research, peer support, and even has detailed discussion about how to deal with phantom pain. Great website and resource!
    Thanks for sharing this Kellie
Julie Noll

Ten Exercises to Maximize the Performance of Your Prosthetic Feet - 0 views

    Published by the Amputee Coalition in partnership with the U.S. Army Amputee Patient Care Program, this shows how to enhance prosthetic performance to maximize functional ability.

Amputee Sock - 0 views

shared by cbouvia on 14 Oct 15 - No Cached
    An issue that an individual with an amputee might have is moisture control. I searched for products available that might help with this. I came across this you tube video and they talk about how they developed a sock specifically for individuals with amputees. However, since then they now products for anyone (athletes). Here's a link to their webpage If we were working with someone that had this problem, we could possibly offer this as a solution.

National Amputation Foundation - Tips for the New Amputee - 4 views

    Each amputee goes through their own personal struggle. Whether the amputation is a result of trauma or illness, the feelings are the same!
    I found this website is very powerful and educational. And as a future OT practitioners we can recommend it for our clients. It is about amputation foundation that originally was created for veterans, but would give a hand to any amputee civilian. There are a lot of helpful information about how to take care of amputated limb, how to get social security disability, etc. Also this foundation offers support, financial aid, information on recreational activities, medical equipment, and counseling.

SSG Travis Mills - Wounded warrior, motivational speaker, actor, and an advocate for ve... - 0 views

shared by lorieallion on 24 Nov 15 - No Cached
    Wounded warrior, motivational speaker, actor, and an advocate for veterans and amputees. He is a quadruple amputee and an amazing inspiration.

Combat Amputee - 0 views

    I had actually been searching for something like this because I am interested in some work with wounded warrior, and this gave me lots of great information on the combat amputee. This is a powerpoint on the combat amputee, and shows some really neat progressive pictures and explanations!

LE amputee - 2 views

    This article shows many types of LE amputee, their medical intervention and their pre and post rehabilition

Amputee Desensitization - 1 views

shared by stewartjc1 on 03 Oct 15 - No Cached
watsonsj3 liked it
    After reading about desensitization I was interested in learning more and, lo and behold, our favorite Amputee OT had a great video on the topic! She talks about the importance of massage, tapping, and using different types of fabric to help with hypersensitivity (desensitization) of the residual limb. She also touches on some exercises that are used to help prepare a residual limb for weight-bearing during use of prosthesis.

Managing the Upper Extremity Amputee: A Protocol For Success - 2 views

    This article was published in the Jounal of Hand Therapy April/June 2008. This article details the 5-step protocol that was developed in response to the large number of amputees from Operation Enduring Freedom. The article is broken into 3 "phases": "acute care, subacute care, and long-term rehbilitation needs."

Losing More to Gain More - Amputees' Once-Unthinkable Choice - - 0 views

    This is an amazing story. It seems odd to think that people would have more of their leg removed in order to have a better prosthesis. But this woman's leg looks so amazingly real to me.

Record-setting double amputee inspires triathletes - 2 views

    "Hang on, I'm between heights right now," Scott Rigsby jokes as he transitions from his walking legs to his cycling legs for his part of a relay at the Events DC Nation's Triathlon on Sunday. Rigsby is the first double amputee using prosthetics to complete the Ironman World Championships in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

Military inStep: Prosthetic Devices for Upper-Extremity Amputees - 1 views

    this webpages gives a general overview of body-powered vs. electric-powered UE prosthesis. Advantages and disadvantages, improvements, and types of terminal devices. There is some interesting information on the different types of hands and gives info re: an experimental hand being engineered by students at Rutgers University that can be controlled through human thought.
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