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Jen Kravitz

The Secret To Germany's Low Youth Unemployment : NPR - 3 views

    Interesting story about Germany's apprenticeship programs and how it trains students on the job while paying them to learn.
    I have a great auto mechanic in town that has been working with one of our seniors. He offered the student the chance to run a project by himself this last week. The student is learning about state tax and calculating hours and part costs. His only remark to me, "I know now that I do not want to own my own shop." By the way, the mechanics in the shop call him a 'wrench'. No Boeing plant around here, but we are fortunate to have community members, who can offer struggling seniors a chance.
Jason Finley

Personalization vs Differentiation vs Individualization - 11 views

    "There is a difference between personalization and differentiation and individualization. One is learner-centered; the others are teacher-centered."
  • ...4 more comments...
    Great chart to make you think about how we do what we do.
    Jason, Excellent chart - I have long appreciated the learning styles awareness inherent in differentiated instruction, but providing instruction in this way is highly teacher centered - and group focused. Feeding, encouraging, and developing students' individual interests spark the desire to learn and engage. I printed this chart immediately. Really appreciating your posts...personalization could be a "brand" for a school increasingly willing to transform in this direction. Anne
    Thanks Anne, The "brand" thing sounds very Corporate America to some, but I think that is is extremely important for schools...and not just because of the looming school choice issue. There is also a connection to community piece to this. To some it might come across as selling the school, where in actuality it is just the school identifying and clarifying what it sees as its mission and role in educating its students. I think that this starts with the perceptions and expectations of the community. What are those? Do they match the schools mission and action plan? ...They certainly should. Ideally when a school has an established brand it gives a sense of identity and pride in the school system by all stakeholders, provides a foundation and rationale for professional development, informs the community about what the school does well, gives students an idea of "Why?" to their education, and much more. Identifying and building a brand really is about moving away from the ambiguous and esoteric way we often speak of education and makes what happens in our schools clear, approachable, and embraceable to our communities.
    Having participated in several differentiated instruction trainings, and seen strategies executed successfully by trained teachers, I've found that sound DI includes much of the content listed under 'personalization.'
    Completely agree Adam! The chart is a little perplexing at times in its definitions/examples. How the first is Competency-based and the others must be Carnegie Unit based comparison…I just don't get. What I do like about the chart is that it makes me reflect on how I do what I do. And also on, "Do I do what I say that I do?" Sometimes I feel like I might begin implementing a strategy one semester only to have my application of that strategy drift as time goes by. Every now and then I think that it is necessary to take a step back and question each piece of my own professional practice. This approach comes from my belief that we need to question and challenge everything...especially those things we most believe in.
    Excellent point! Beliefs are like clothes. If we don't regularly take them off to wash them, we often mistake our own stench for what we perceive as someone else's.
Susan Hennessey

Transformation: Redefining Public Education for the 21st Century | NH Department of Edu... - 7 views

    An inspiring look at NH's work toward transformation and policy change.
    One of the four stated goals is to "Help Higher Ed partner with K-12 schools." What ways can Vermont high schools work with our state colleges? For me, I'd like to see the opportunity for high school students to take all of their courses through CCV or other state schools their senior year.
Critical Skills1

Information on the Critical Skills Program - 5 views

    This is a great catchall of information on the Critical Skills Program. Folks use the CSP as a big backpack to carry their work around 21st Century Skills, student-centered learning, differentiation and personalization.
Jason Finley

7 Skills Students Need for Their Future - 5 views

    Dr. Tony Wagner, co-director of Harvard's Change Leadership Group has identified what he calls a "global achievement gap," which is the leap between what even our best schools are teaching, and the must-have skills of the future:Critical thinking and problem-solvingCollaboration across networks and leading by influenceAgility and adaptabilityInitiative and entrepreneurialismEffective oral and written communicationAccessing and analyzing informationCuriosity and imagination
  • ...2 more comments...
    The best 29 minutes you'll spend this week. Well worth your time. jf
    How are we assessing these skills? If we don't why not? What could be more important?
    Shared this a couple of months ago...worth another look.
    And we're thrilled to have Tony Wagner as the keynote for the Rowland Foundation's 2nd Annual Conference on School Transformation! You can preview The Global Achievement Gap here:
Jason Finley

Quest High School Rubrics - Demonstration of Mastery Discussion Guide - 4 views

    Electronic handouts to accompany Dr. Wagner's Rowland September 27 Rowland workshop. Tony Wagner, Ed.D. Innovation Education Fellow Technology & Entrepreneurship Center at Harvard
Jason Finley

Vermont Department of Education : DOE Weekly Field Memo - 8 views

    "...the DOE Weekly Field Memo, a compilation of the messages sent to principals and superintendents in a single, concise format." This is a great way to keep up on coming events, courses, workshops, topics being explored at the state level, grant opportunities, and in general what is happening in education.
Lauren Parren

Commons 2.0: Library Spaces Designed for Collaborative Learning (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) | ... - 4 views

  • information commons as a space for students to gather and work with technology
  • How well do these environments currently support social learning and promote collaborative work?
  • flexible design
  • ...16 more annotations...
  • Do they encourage creativity and discovery
  • Do they offer services and features that students don't already have
  • self-help graphics services
  • one-stop collaboratory for out-of-class assignments, writing, research, and group proje
  • social software
  • learning spaces should align with current pedagogy.
  • "environments designed for people" where the availability of food and drink, comfortable chairs, and furniture support a variety of active and social learning activities.3
  • "human-centered" design
  • modular clusters
  • multiple options for output
  • open, free, comfortable, inspiring, and practical
  • Wireless laptops give students the freedom to explore the commons or anywhere in the library—to group themselves as they see fit and not as decided for them.
    • Lauren Parren
      One of Laura's gifts!
  • his space should feel dynamic
  • inspiring
  • practical.
    Although a bit dated, this seems like a great example of the type of library we want to create.  Combine this physical space with inspiring, practical Professional Development and we're going to cook!
Jason Finley

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Projects | Edutopia - 4 views

    A Step-by-Step Guide to the Best Projects Discover a project-based learning model that motivates students to pursue knowledge and drives academic achievement.
Jason Finley

iPrep Academy - My teacher is an App - 8 views

    A truly transformed school. Could be tweaked to include non-curriculars. Interesting collection. Video, article, slideshow.
Michael Martin

First Annual High School Transformation Conference - 3 views

    Here's a Burlington Free Press article about the conference keynote with Sir Ken, a truly great speaker.
Michael Martin

UVM Summer Course: Leading School Transformation (EDLP 380) - 3 views

    Here's a brief description of a 3-credit UVM course to be offered this summer with links to the 2nd Annual Rowland Conference on School Transformation. This intensive, one-week institute will bring together leaders of school transformation in Vermont schools and connect current transformation initiatives from around the state with the latest research. You can choose the time and location by enrolling at UVM's Summer U here (choose EDLP from the drop-down menu): EDLP 380 (61346) Jun. 18-22 at Rutland H.S. with Adam Rosenberg EDLP 380 (61348) Jul. 30-Aug.3 at UVM with Mike Martin
Critical Skills1

The Critical Skills Classroom - 7 views

    Today's Post ("Something Greater") is my reflections on Sir Ken's comments last week as they connect to my work in schools.
Jen Kravitz

Singapore wants creativity not cramming - 3 views

    How Singapore's education system is innovating and deliberately adopting practices to promote creativity. The result - extremely high PISA test scores.
Jason Finley

Faculty Learning Communities: Benefiting from Collective Wisdom - 8 views

    "In isolation neither the research nor the teacher seems to have much of a chance for sustained discovery, growth, and positive change." (p. 39) "Faculty members are changing how they teach and making informed choices when it comes to teaching strategies. They feel empowered and are encouraged to take risks, are fostering collaborations in their teaching and are talking about teaching. For some, the change in how they teach has been radical. For others, the change has been small but still noticeable." (p. 42) And to what do the conveners attribute this success? "We saw that we are learners together in this learning community and we are our own best resource: Our collective knowledge is an invaluable asset." (p. 43) Retrieved from:
    As educators do we model those "best practices" for learning which we expect from our students? How do we... "Engage ... in active learning experiences; Set high, meaningful expectations; Provide, receive, and use regular, timely, and specific feedback; Become aware of values, beliefs, preconceptions; unlearn if necessary; Recognize and stretch ... styles and developmental levels; Seek and present real-world applications; Understand and value criteria and methods for (our own) assessment; Create opportunities for (peer to peer) interactions; ...; Promote (peer) involvement through engaged time and quality effort" Retrieved from:
Jason Finley

Education Endowment Fund - 3 views

    "Based on a review of the best educational research, the Toolkit is an independent and accessible resource which helps teachers and schools identify the most promising and cost-effective ways to support their pupils.Existing evidence shows that how money is spent in schools is at least as important as how much is spent."
Karen Budde

Digging Deeper into the Common Core State Standards: Going Beyond Awareness to Implemen... - 2 views

    Join The Leadership and Learning Center's "Common Core State Standards U.S. Tour" including nationally renowned experts, practitioners, and knowledge leaders! This two day event will provide solutions that will not only help you learn, but will also help you apply and implement the standards in your district or school. Tuition is $679.00 for each participant.
Jason Finley

"Graduating All Students Innovation Ready" - 2 views

    "Rather than worry so much about graduating all students college-ready, I have come to understand that the most essential education challenge today is to graduate all students innovation- ready."
Jason Finley

21st Century Learning: 9 Principles for Implementation: The Big Shift - 6 views

    Long-term transformational change has four primary aspects: scale (the change affects all or most of the school), magnitude (the degree to which it challenges the status quo), duration (the change is incremental at first and then moves to exponential), and strategic importance (how ready the culture is for adapting to change). Yet schools will only see significant change when the change occurs first at the level of the individual educational leader- be that principal, superintendent, or teacher. Real change, transformational change happens when there is personal ownership of the new technologies and concepts. Today's new economy is all about human capital, which starts with the educators in a school and then extends outward to all members of the school community.
    Principles for Managing Change 1. People before Things (or test scores) 2. Start at the Top 3. Everyone is a Player in the Change Game 4. Garner Buy-in 5. Can't Give Away What You Do Not Own 6. Communicate and Often 7. Know Your Culture and Predict Possible Impact 8. Expect the Unexpected 9. As the Individual Grows so Will the Collective Wisdom of the Community
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