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Kinesiology for Riggers and Animators - 7 views

    A friend of mine just finished compiling these guidelines. Hope it helps.

Facial Rigging: Balancing Quality & Control - 6 views

shared by Brad Noble on 25 Apr 11 - No Cached
    A character TD from Image Metrics talks about various philosophies of facial rigging. He details the common mistakes seen in facial rigs, how they implement their solution while also working within the constraints of game engines and answers various questions posted by people watching online at the time of recording.
    pretty cool Brad! I`m going to watch this later. I was actually wondering what and how guys in Image Metrics work. Looking forward to see all the parts.
5More - 6 views

    This comes out of work I presented as a SIGGRAPH 97 Technical Sketch. The demo is mostly an experiment to isolate the minimal number of facial expression elements that will produce a "convincing" impression of character and personality. Of course this is just a subset of the full range of expression the human face is capable of. Paul Ekman's pioneering work on the Facial Action Coding System gives a functional description of the full range of expression of which the human face is capable.
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    well that`s just great Markus! why didn`t you send this a year ago he? ;)
    ... because Dave was withholding it from us... until today! ;-)
    I did send it a year a go, and have been looking at it off and on since it was created. As a simple base set of points it's wonderfully expressive and shows how much reads with so little adjusted. Head angle and noise plays a big part in this too.
    I was playing with that. Very cool! It just shows the system, simplied as possible. What is "heas" angle?

SIGGRAPH 2011 Papers - 5 views

    a bit rigging off-topic but hey... :) thanks to Gabriele for the link.
    The Disney paper and video on "Efficient elasticity for character skinning with contact and collisions" is definitely worth a look.

Facial motion transfer. - 5 views

    Kinda cool
    it`s just interesting how he describes the vector deltas, which are basically just blendShape. And pushing nearest points by that amount is like usual wrap. I just wasn`t getting why there is custom ICE network, maybe I missed something :) btw. I really liked the short "dog-boy" animation this guy did
    It's a bit different to a wrap, more a delta look up and transfer, not a bind to of one bit of geo to another. As such you're only transferring relative motion and can manipulate that in different ways.

Drawsh: Anatomy - 1 views

    Simple anatomy for the artist, decent reference and simplification.

ARTNATOMY - 5 views

    that`s pretty cool!! guys, try to play with layers of skull, muscle etc.. really nice interface!

Rob The Bloke - 1 views

    MEL-Scripting & Maya API

Superficial Anatomy - 0 views

    Superficial Anatomy Reference

rigging mentor - 4 views

    early this year guys from Texas` Reel FX started online school for riggers. this has also facebook site here:
    sweet, didn't know about the fb group...

Musculo-Skeletal Reference Archive - 0 views

    CG Papers and Abstracts Dealing with Muscles / Skin Deformation

Wave sculpture - 4 views

shared by Dave Short on 27 Jul 11 - Cached
    Real world rigging.

cgclay: Face Rig WIP - 4 views


Vanilla Rigging - 4 views

    blog about rigging spines

more about rotations - 3 views

    looks again like basics, but could be useful to someone
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