Philosophy of Education Technology: Rhizomes in my Brain: Introvert, Extrovert, Ambiver... - 1 views
The thing is those other 4 people indicated that they agreed with the statement that the collaborative experiences were impeding their learning (S1) and they disagreed with the statement saying that the collaborative experiences were helping their learning (S2). What about those guys? Yes, there are not a lot of them but they are almost 10% of the respondents. If we believe that important things can come from introspection then I want to say that there is a good chance that they have something of value to offer the community. And when the community is the curriculum that seems of vital importance.
Tania Sheko on 29 Apr 15Amongst these people who say that collaborative experiences impeded their learning there would be more subsets, ie various reasons why, eg some might have not had much experience so only had an unsatisfactory one. So much more to unpack.
I think that there is a good chance that we social learners can be somewhat (and often unconsciously) biased against solitary learners.
I think that there is room for the solitary learner in a cMOOC and I think that the solitary learner can have just as rich of an experience as a social learner.
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