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Philosophy of Education Technology: Rhizomes in my Brain: Introvert, Extrovert, Ambiver... - 1 views

  • The thing is those other 4 people indicated that they agreed with the statement that the collaborative experiences were impeding their learning (S1) and they disagreed with the statement saying that the collaborative experiences were helping their learning (S2). What about those guys? Yes, there are not a lot of them but they are almost 10% of the respondents. If we believe that important things can come from introspection then I want to say that there is a good chance that they have something of value to offer the community. And when the community is the curriculum that seems of vital importance.
    • Tania Sheko
      Amongst these people who say that collaborative experiences impeded their learning there would be more subsets, ie various reasons why, eg some might have not had much experience so only had an unsatisfactory one. So much more to unpack.
  • I think that there is a good chance that we social learners can be somewhat (and often unconsciously) biased against solitary learners.
  • I think that there is room for the solitary learner in a cMOOC and I think that the solitary learner can have just as rich of an experience as a social learner.
  • ...3 more annotations...
  • find the course is kind of haunting me and getting in the way of other things - it is breaking my brain a bit in a way that I’m loving
  • I think that many could benefit from not finding someone but rather finding some thing.
  • To get started as a new learner it seems I need to know or get to know the people. Could there be benefit to (alongside of curating by personality) curating by theme, topic, argument, or subject? So that one could search for topics that others are talking about that one might be interested in with the focus on the subject and not on the personalities?
    extroverts, introverts, ambiverts and the solitary learner in a social context (online learning eg #rhizo

Neil Gaiman - Inspirational Commencement Speech at the University of the Arts 2012 - Yo... - 0 views

shared by Jaap Bosman on 22 Apr 15 - No Cached
    about how to find the way without objectives.

Toward Reflective Conversations: An Advising Approach that Promotes Self-Authorship - 1 views

    List of reflective questions about the educational experience to help students find themselves in the conscious role of student / partner in their education. >"Jane Pizzolato writes that "if students were self-authored, they would be more likely to choose majors that were appropriate and interesting to them, engage in critical thinking about their choices, and develop healthy relationships with diverse others" (2008, 19). Becoming self-authored requires transformational learning that helps students "learn to negotiate and act on [their] own purposes, values, feelings, and meanings rather than those [they] have uncritically assimilated from others" (Mezirow 2000, 8)."< Additional information And here:
    There has been a model for this in Empire State College for 40 years. Individuals design their own degree programs with a mentor and are able to apply for credit for life experience. It has worked extremely well for the majority of the people who have obtained their bachelor's degrees in this manner The model was initially developed by Ernest Boyer: the scholarship of the educator and the integration of knowledge and practice are important: note the section on Mentoring and Uneasy Scholarliness in the previous document

Reading Writing Responding: PLN, a Verb or a Noun? - 1 views

  • +Alec Couros' simple suggestion made during an interview with the +Ed Tech Crew&nbsp;that&nbsp;everything can be a resource online.
  • So often we limit ourselves by seeing PLN's as something made - contained and organised - rather than something continually evolving, changing growing and adapting.
  • s I have suggested previously,&nbsp; PLN's often form themselves organically. PLN's are rhizomic. There is no central root system. There is only one connection leading to another.
  • ...17 more annotations...
  • everyone in our lives has a point of knowledge to share, if recognised
  • Solutions for today can so often be found in adapting and extending ideas from the past.
  • A part of this is limiting ourselves by failing to recognise the connections in our lives and what they may have to offer.
  • One way in which we restrict these connections is by deciding what it is we want to know, before we have even asked the question.
  • Sometimes the best answers I get from my PLN are from those who I didn't expect.
  • everyone does have an opinion and something to add to the discussion. In my view, education is much better from incorporating wider range of voices and perspectives
  • post about mandated technology in schools. Guhlin calls for a infinite plurality
  • rather than collective uniformity, where everyone does this or uses that
  • a plurality of diversity that builds relationships among diverse partners to achieve common goals
  • plurality in regards to PLN, it is about capturing a range of perspectives
  • a PLN is that it is not something that we build, rather a PLN is something that we grow and nurture.
  • There are a number of ways in which a PLN can be nurtured. This includes engaging in dialogue, posting comments, as well as sharing ideas and resources.
  • the most important thing that we can do, whether it be in person or online,&nbsp;is to listen and simply be there
  • Connecting is a Mindset, not just a Thing Done
  • How are you sharing this with others?
  • In the end, you don't measure the success of a blog by the amount of hits it gets
  • Being connected is a mindset, a way of being and a way of doing, not something static, that is a thing done and complete
    "everything can be a resource online. By approaching resources in this way, our understanding moves away from being an actual object, lets say a textbook, to a resource as being a way of seeing something. In this sense, a resource stops being a noun, something named, ordered and categorised, and instead becomes a verb, a way of approaching something, interpreting it, questioning it. In much the same way, PLNs can be thought of in much the same way. "

Rhizomatic follower of rhizomes | NomadWarMachine - 2 views

    Sarah breaks out the strings and makes a song remix about Dave ... nifty.

Insight: Picked up a great lesson from the book Turn… by Jason Fried of 37sig... - 2 views

  • Picked up a great lesson from the book Turn The Ship Around. David Marquet, the author and nuclear sub captain, says you can’t empower people by decree. While you might be able to ask someone to make a decision for themselves, that’s not true empowerment (or true leadership). Why? Because you’re still making the decision to ask them to make the decision. That means they can’t move, or think, or act without you.
    • anonymous
      I use an approach to teaching created by Ian Cunningham in the 90s called Self Managed Learning. The quote reminds me of a dear mentor of mine when I first started teaching on my Masters programme; she would say that the biggest paradox in what we were doing with the students came to life when in answer to us saying ' What do you want to learn?' they said 'I want you to tell me' Yes, we are always making the decision to ask them to make the decision. In my experience the dynamic shifts pretty quickly when they get we mean it when we say ' you decide the 'wha't and we will help with the 'how''. it is about owning the power the role inherently carries and using it to encourage self-direction rather than boosting it further…may be?
    The highlight in the article makes me wonder where the power to learn rhizomatically comes from in the classroom. We can tell students to empower themselves but they can't "move, think, or act without you."

Improvisation Blog: A Short Introduction to Thinking in Educational Technology: Part 1 ... - 0 views

    Why do some many people want to study education?
    about thinking in educational research and theorizing.

Cheating and the new value of knowledge #rhizo14 | A Fine Balance - 1 views

  • what we have long taken to be essential to the structure of knowledge: a foundation.
    • Terry Elliott
      Just a metaphor that is as capable of change as any other metaphor.
    • Jaap Bosman
      knowledge never had a foundation,
  • copying what you love
    • Terry Elliott
      Pretty compelling idea. One of the more compelling and accessible ways to learn and play at the same time is to copy. I supose that is why it is such a common practice in master/apprentice relationships.
  • But we also know that we make ourselves stupid when we restrict ourselves to tolerating only the mildest disruptions of our comfort.”
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • “in this world of abundance, knowledge is not a library but a playlist tuned to our present interests. It is not eternally truthful content but subject matter good enough for our current task. It is not a realm but a path that gets us where we’re going.”
    • Terry Elliott
      And we are walking the path together.
  • “educate our children from the earliest possible age about how to use the Net, how to&nbsp;evaluate&nbsp;knowledge claims, and how to love to difference.”
  • Now that the temple priests don’t control what we encounter”&nbsp;we need&nbsp;”critical thinking skills more than ever”.&nbsp;
  • The barriers that remain are not our technology’s but our own.
  • facts have played as the foundation of knowledge.”

Kobayashi Maru Test for Learning Cyber Security - 1 views

    Teachers of cyber security use "cheating" to challenge students' assumptions
    I'd been thinking about Kobayashi Maru

Cheating to Learn: How a UCLA professor gamed a game theory midterm | Which Way L.A.? - 1 views

    Nonacs proves the value of "flipping the test" is to stimulate new ways to perceive and solve problems with what's been learned rather than regurgitate what teacher expects.
    then there was the story about the L.A. school district students getting iPads that were supposed to keep them on the school site and course resources... the students promptly hacked their iPads and let themselves out on the net

Rhizomatic Education : Community as Curriculum | Dave's Educational Blog - 7 views

  • define what counts as knowledge.
  • painstaking process by which knowledge has traditionally been codified.
  • Knowledge as negotiation
    • Terry Elliott
      The Secret Sits We dance round in a ring and suppose, But the Secret sits in the middle and knows. Robert Frost
  • ...27 more annotations...
  • The rhizome metaphor, which represents a critical leap in coping with the loss of a canon against which to compare, judge, and value knowledge, may be particularly apt as a model for disciplines on the bleeding edge where the canon is fluid and knowledge is a moving target.
    • Terry Elliott
      The future is already rhizomatic, it's just not evenly distributed.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I wonder what disciplines he is referring to here. Which ones live on the edge these days? And is that changing?
  • clear definition of the word "knowledge" is difficult
    • Terry Elliott
      The definition of knowledge is considered 'key' to the search for shared understanding. The more I read that sentence, the more it becomes the worm Ourboros. If it's a key, then the there is a locked something behind it. In litcrit this has been a fiercely fought battle. Some say it unlocks the power relationships undergirding any society, some say it unlocks the mysteries in the knowers themselves. Some say, fuck it and let's just look at the shiny things inside the vault with no further intent. Yes, it is difficult.
  • simply another part of the way things are"
    • Terry Elliott
      I believe that one of the functions of theory is to reveal our cognitive blindspots. This they very much do while at the same time creating new blindspots that arise from the use of the 'tools' of the new theory. Any new system of knowledge exposes the assumptions of the the old system. For example, awareness meditation reveals the blindspot of categorization and differentiation, but the Buddha realized that say focusing on the breath is like pointing at the moon, just another step along the path toward no-mind. Mind and knowing is the problem.
  • Horton and Freire
    • Terry Elliott
      I am profoundly happy to see Myles Horton cited and used. I think he has had more influence on my teaching and learning than any other. His autobiography The Long Haul is absolutely must-read for a rhizomatic pov.
    • Jaap Bosman
      Myles Horton adapted Danish Grundtvig Folkehojskole to USA schools.
    • Terry Elliott
      Yes, he did and then used it at the Highlander School in Tennessee.
  • The expert translation of data into verified knowledge is the central process guiding traditional curriculum development.
    • Terry Elliott
      I am quite taken by the word 'translation' here. I think the metaphor of translation is central to rhizomatic learning as we are always connecting and sharing information that then gets translated into knowledge (actionable knowing).
    • Jaap Bosman
      Experts are not to be trusted anymore, they work for big companies, their translation is skewed.
  • no community can live a healthy life if it is nourished only on such old marrowless truths.
    • Terry Elliott
      Brave words those--no community.
  • a negotiation (Farrell 2001)
    • Terry Elliott
      I wonder if this is similar to rhetoric and comp's idea of writing as a conversation?
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Interesting word, though: negotiation. It suggest an unfair balance at the start, right?
  • social contructivist and connectivist
    • Terry Elliott
      These are dead links to the innovateonline site.
  • (Cormier 2008).
    • Terry Elliott
      Great question by Alec Couros in the comments: how do we get to a place where we are really and truly decentralized, and will this make the difference?
    • Terry Elliott
      I don't think the decentralized rhizome has reached a tipping point society wide, but perhaps we can play at the rhizomatic game for this short few weeks and see what it might mean to live in this world that may or may not be emerging.
  • Information is the foundation of knowledge.
    • Jaap Bosman
      doubt if information really is the source of knowledge. Mostly it is, but the road from information, over statistics, logics, arguments is not that simple I think
  • If a given bit of information is recognized as useful to the community or proves itself able to do something, it can be counted as knowledge.
    • Jaap Bosman
      again info is not easily translated into knowledge. Distrust and care are needed, even in a rhizomatic world.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Or skepticism?
  • the prestige of a thousand-year history,
    • Jaap Bosman
      all over this history the prestige has been attacked. Prestige and knowledge are to be separated, so many experts were proven false and wrong.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      It's a loaded term, for sure, because those who call themselves experts are often the ones in power, and with books and writers to back them up. Is the Internet changing this paradigm? Not yet. Not yet.
  • fluid, transitory conception of knowledge
    • Kevin Hodgson
      I like this phrasing .. that knowledge is always in motion
  • rhizome.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      And here is it.
  • disciplines on the bleeding edge
  • The explosion of freely available sources of information has helped drive rapid expansion in the accessibility of the canon and in the range of knowledge available to learners.
  • Information is coming too fast for our traditional methods of expert verification to adapt.
  • In the rhizomatic model of learning, curriculum is not driven by predefined inputs from experts; it is constructed and negotiated in real time by the contributions of those engaged in the learning process.
  • The living curriculum of an active community is a map
    • Kevin Hodgson
      The cartography of learning. I am always intrigued by how this plays out, if done successfully. Most of the curriculum mapping I have done ... I would not call them maps. They are just plot lines going nowhere, it often seems. But the idea of a map continues to intrigue me.
    • wayupnorth
      I know D&G speak of a map as opposed to a tracing. I struggle with understanding this. The best I can come up with is the idea that a map gives possibilities for exploration, as opposed to a photo which declares what exists. This leaves me wondering about sites like Lino and Pinterest. Might they function as a map of one's exploration too, rather than just a collection of discoveries.
  • Knowledge seekers in cutting-edge fields are increasingly finding that ongoing appraisal of new developments is most effectively achieved through the participatory and negotiated experience of rhizomatic community engagement. Through involvement in multiple communities where new information is being assimilated and tested, educators can begin to apprehend the moving target that is knowledge in the modern learning environment.
  • we see as our goal the co-construction of those secret connections as a collaborative effort
    • Terry Elliott
      Is this what we are doing together here in Diigo, co-constructing secret connections collaboratively? Sounds like an underground conspiracy (forgive the lame joke there.)
  • Changing Knowledge
    • Terry Elliott
      Meta note here: I see our collaboration as a secret growing of knowledge among us. It may only even be true for us, on this web page, at this particular juncture because we are growing it out on the tip of the root of this text.
  • the conversion of information to knowledge
    • Terry Elliott
      Examples of this conversion in our work here? 1. Each of us runs these words through the filter of our own experience 2. sharing out on social networks 3 asking and answering quesions
  • members of several communities—acting as core members in some, carrying more weight and engaging more extensively in the discussion, while offering more casual contributions in others
    • wayupnorth
      And some of us are still mainly consuming, jumping in with perhaps superficial content, practicing our engagement.
  • students had the opportunity to enter the community themselves and impact the shape of its curriculum
    • wayupnorth
      Sharing power - deconstructing the tradtional power structures of the educational system. Did this recursion result in "watering down" the curriculum? From what I recall of Dave's story, the students put in extra effort instead. Like me, they had difficulty in knowing when to quit, the exploration was so rewarding.
  • if knowledge is to be negotiated socially
    • wayupnorth
      Stephen Downes ( and elsewhere) argues against socially "constructed" knowledge, saying instead that knowledge is recognized. Cormier's "negotiated socially" fits nicely.
    Let's play with group annotation here.
    the expert is the power. No resistance is tolerated, because who knows better than the expert? But curriculum is not only made by experts, pressure groups do influence curriculum, hypes and politics do either. Here is the reason for cheating.
    Recommended by Telli01 in Vialogues conversation as good intro to Dave's work on rhizomatic ed

lastrefuge: #rhizo14 - week 2: Seeding independent learning: wrestling with writing - 0 views

  • wrestling
    • Terry Elliott
      When I taught high school and middle school I was reminded of how I felt after wrestling practice when I was in high school myself. Totally drained in the body.
  • hat ‘fish out of water’ feeling that is the experience of so many non-traditional students in the traditional classroom.
    • Terry Elliott
      Also felt by teachers in those classrooms.
  • doing the MOOCs really reinforced the need to bring the human back into the physical classroom.
    • Terry Elliott
      I find that I drop out of MOOC s that do not have this humanity and do not have opportunities to bond.
  • ...5 more annotations...
  • role plays and simulations in the trad ‘lecture’ time really helped this to happen.
    • Terry Elliott
      Inspiring me to sponsor some academic play at the beginning of every classroom. So....what does academic play look like?
    • Terry Elliott
      It looks like any other kind of play with flow and sharing and game boards and game pieces.
  • the classes definitely FEEL different
    • Terry Elliott
      I think that without this feel there probably has been no learning. I often ask my students what learning feels like. When this embodied cognition, this snick of the tumblers in a lock feeling, is absent I daresay the reading and writing and academic research have not been integrated, intertwined with not only your own rhizomes but with other rhizomes. I have a post about this struggle here:
  • using creative techniques: drawing, collage, poetry… to help us all to think differently
    • Terry Elliott
      Expanding the academic space. Yes. And expanding our idea of what constitutes play in that space. Inviting everyone in to play.
    • Terry Elliott
      blog, voice, transmedia, iteration, flow, joy, the feeling of climbing and the crossing the divide, failing and banishing fear from the space, playing the fool, online spaces--these are ways to play in an academic space.
  • It all feels too slow and painful. Anyway - once you have improved it a bit yourself - print all of that off - and bring it to the class on Wednesday. We can give you feedback and hopefully help you to the next step!
    • Terry Elliott
      My struggle here is an institutional and structural one. How can we play when no matter what it is still my enforced independence, my assignment , my classroom?

10 Things I've Learned (So Far) from Making a Meta-MOOC - 0 views

  • How We can Unlearn our Old Patterns to Relearn for a More Engaged, Successful, Fruitful, Productive, Humane, Happy, Beautiful, and Socially-Conscious Life.
  • This meta-MOOC advocates that 21st century education needs to return to Deweyite roots, embracing much more of a maker spirit, and much more willingness to experiment, to stray away from expertise
  • Do we really want knowledge that comes only from senior professors? I don’t know about other profs but my most exciting conversations invariably are those with junior colleagues, graduate students, or undergraduate students.

Books - them selfish creatures #rhizo14 | Little did I know... - 0 views

  • every time you read it,
    • Terry Elliott
      Not so much anymore--Goodreads, social reading of all kinds out there and more rising all the time.
  • it’s also about the making of the fire, the way the young ones distribute themselves around the circle, with maybe the older ones sitting right and left of the tribe elder, it’s what they eat or drink during the gathering, it’s what they wear, and maybe, most importantly, it’s the coarse voice of their elder, telling them their own story almost musically, the tempo of the words, one after the other, and the curious questions that the young ones might ask, generating an increased understanding of their tribal identity, of their unity as a group – a network of people.

Kevin's Meandering Mind | The Making of the #Rhizo15 Radio Play, or The Complexities of... - 1 views

  • important artifact of content
    • Terry Elliott
      This makes the radioplay an object
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Yes. Right? Right.
  • a bit of mayhem.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Aren't we all in Rhizo15?
  • Dave Cormier, the facilitator of Rhizomatic Learning, will showcase the premiere of the radio play — A Multitude of Voices: Mr. X Loses His Battle for Objectivity — in his next post and message
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Then he should land here, too, unsteady in the subject/object just like you were and all of us were. Yes?
    • Terry Elliott
      Talk about rhizomatic.  Annotation is the mycellium/hyphae of rhizomatic learning
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • something to represent our relationship as friends and colleagues and collaborators.
    • Terry Elliott
      Or something beyond them, transcending them, entering into new realms.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Maybe it is that transformative process that lures me in ...
  • I would have slipped into file madness (it may have happened … I’m not saying).
    • Terry Elliott
    • Kevin Hodgson
      What? No little boohoo violin?
  • My aim as editor was to help nurture into place a radio play
    • Terry Elliott
      When something had to get done I think it's interesting that there had to be a director and an editor and whip wielder to get it done. Doesn't seem entirely rhizomatic to me.  Means to me that there are places for rhizo and other places for hiearchy.  
    • Terry Elliott
    • Kevin Hodgson
      Hmmm .. good point ... collaborative editing would be interesting and nearly impossible ... maybe ... there is the tension of "let's get this done" and the "let's wait to hear your ideas on how to get this done" in the mix ...
  • Sill, the many hours
    • Terry Elliott
      What is the dif b/t rhizomatic collab and non-rhizo collab?  
    • Terry Elliott
  • Terry had a great song earmarked for the ending (an Arabic version of Toy Story and “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”), but I could not figure out if it would violate copyright if we used it, so we abandoned it. As I told Terry, it probably is best, as Michelle Shocked wrote in one of her songs, to make your own jam anyway.
    • Terry Elliott
    • Terry Elliott
      Didn't think you would get away that easily, did you?  The snarky beauty of Diigo annotations rears its janky head.  
  • Too many timezones.
    • Terry Elliott

Careertography - 1 views

  • decentralise people’s attention and (interestingly) to allow multiple viewpoints (even disagreements)
  • In a rhizomatic museum, visitors can add meaning to exhibitions
  • we need to think of new ways to engage with students and make them active participants in their career thinking.
  • ...7 more annotations...
  • we need to break through this cultural baggage earlier. Changing our own culture in order to allow student voices to have an equal value to our own could be part of this.
  • moving out of our own space to meet students in theirs. The rhizome cannot be contained
  • In a recent post about learning spaces, Peter Bryant makes the point that learning occurs where people happen to be
  • Wherever “people congregate and share”
  • shift from a transactional to connections model
  • help students make their own connections, create their own career knowledge and take their own lines of flight
  • In a rhizomatic careers centre, however, there should be a way for students to add their own knowledge to these. Interactive workshops/discussions in the centre (rather than in a separate space) based around the displays? Giving space for students to add their own observations and comments within the display or to create their own? In this sense, the displays need to ask questions rather than present facts. They should stimulate discussion.
    • Kevin Hodgson
      This would be more inclusive, more interactive, more meaningful, right?
    "What would a rhizomatic careers centre look like?"

touches of sense...: Doodling in Latin... - 1 views

  • I just couldn't be bothered.
    • Terry Elliott
      I was bothered. I never rose above it.  I stepped outside of it as soon as I finally understood my abuser.
  • I am the one at the back that the teacher gives stern looks to.
    • Terry Elliott
      I was a good boy.  I liked school.  I memorized my catechism.  I pleased my parents and my teachers.
  • I am the archetypal distracted student.
    • Terry Elliott
      I paid attention.
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • This class has got nothing to do with me.
    • Terry Elliott
      I know better.  You are obsessed with the rhizomatic meme.  I am, too. Not that I get it.
  • left me feeling a little frustrated
    • Terry Elliott
      left me feeling...a bit manipulated again by that teacher who does that fucking Socratic thing.
  • subjectives
    • Terry Elliott
      gotta love a word like 'subject' that is itself a placeholder nothing turned into an even vaguer noun and whose first meaning it to be submissive, subjugated, quite literally sub-jected.
  • lump of concrete just under the surface
    • Terry Elliott
      Many rhizomes are serious disrespecters of the concrete, irony that.  Bamboo--irreconcileable with any other plant.  Johnson grass--unless eaten back by my sheep, will run rampant.  And that doesn't even get at kudzu.  Rhizomes are in the dark and partake of the dark.  Don't ever forget.
  • I chose three posts which marked me from the first days of rhizo15:
    • Terry Elliott
      Of note: I wrote a post today before I read this that explored 3 ways of looking at 1 walk:
  • "Ethics in MOOCS: the Two Four Ten or so Commandments of #rhizo15"&nbsp;
    • Terry Elliott
      Not sure I want to be told what not to be (raptor, troll) and what to be (swarm).  Isn't ethical action an exercise of will and choice?  Perhaps I need to learn to be in the swarm or maybe the swarm can be just as unethical?
  • uses language
    • Terry Elliott
      "unique as a fingerprint, and impeded upon by the scars we have collected throughout our coarses and courses and curses"--I love this because of the word 'impeded' literally to shackle the feet. In this case I see experience as shackle.  Too true and poetic as all 'get-out'.
  • exudes energy in her writing
    • Terry Elliott
      "Those who can meander freely through such a course as #rhizo15, whether it be maze-like or cloud-like or layers-deep or miles-wide, should consider this choice, this freedom, this perquisite of economy and culture and opportunity as an entryway into possibility."  This is the work of more than just facility, this is flexing and breathing and working repetition to serve a larger purpose--that of pointing to the nature of contingency in the world of free agent.  We open the doors of adjacency one after the other and here she points to our agency as a working through and through mazes and more mazes. Sweet metaphor.
  • one of the games that I prefer.
    • Terry Elliott
  • Dejected
    • Terry Elliott
      dejected, ppl. a. (dɪˈdʒɛktɪd)  [f. deject v.]  1.1 lit. Thrown or cast down, overthrown. arch.     1682 Wheler Journ. Greece vi. 427 Buried in the Rubbish of its dejected Roof and Walls.    1881 H. James Portr. Lady xxvi, Looking at her dejected pillar. b.1.b Allowed to hang down.     1809 Heber Passage of Red Sea 12 The mute swain‥With arms enfolded, and dejected head. c.1.c Of the eyes: Downcast.     1600 [see 3 b].    1663 Cowley Pindar. Odes, Brutus ii, If with dejected Eye In standing Pools we seek the Sky.    1715-20 Pope Iliad ix. 626 With humble mien and with dejected eyes Constant they follow where Injustice flies. d.1.d Her. Cast down, bent downwards; as dejected embowed, embowed with the head downwards.     1889 Elvin Dict. Her., Dejected, cast down, as a garb dejected or dejectant. †2.2 Lowered in estate, condition, or character; abased, humbled, lowly. Obs.     1605 Shakes. Lear iv. i. 3 The lowest and most deiected thing of Fortune.    1641 Milton Reform. ii. (1851) 71 The basest, the lowermost, the most dejected‥downe-trodden Vassals of Perdition.    a 1680 Butler Rem. (1759) II. 14 Able to reach from the highest Arrogance to the meanest, and most dejected Submissions.    1721 [see dejectedness]. 3.3 Depressed in spirits, downcast, disheartened, low-spirited.     1581 Marbeck Bk. of Notes 115 So that he was deiected and compelled to weepe for very many, which had fallen.    1608-11 Bp. Hall Medit. & Vows i. §39, I marvell not that a wicked man is‥so dejected, when hee feeles sicknes.    1667 Pepys Diary (1879) IV. 369 Never were people so dejected as they are in the City.    1793 Cowper Lett. 8 Sept., I am cheerful on paper sometimes, when I am absolutely the most dejected of all creatures.    1835 Lytton Rienzi x. viii, Thus are we fools of Fortune;-to-day glad-to-morrow dejected! b.3.b transf. (Of the visage, behaviour, etc.
  • Adjacent
    • Terry Elliott
      adjacent, a. and n. (əˈdʒeɪsənt)  [ad. L. adjacent-em pr. pple. of adjacē-re to lie near; f. ad to + jacē-re to lie. Cf. Fr. adjacent, 16th c. in Littré.]  A.A adj.  1.A.1 Lying near or close (to); adjoining; contiguous, bordering. (Not necessarily touching, though this is by no means precluded.) adjacent angles, the angles which one straight line makes with another upon which it stands. Also fig. in Logic of nearness in resemblance.     c 1430 Lydg. Bochas v. xiii. (1554) 132 a, There wer two cuntries therto adiacent.    1509 Barclay Ship of Fooles (1570) 104 [He] warred on other realmes adiacent.    1606 Shakes. Ant. & Cl. ii. ii. 218 A strange inuisible perfume hits the sense Of the adiacent Wharfes.    1663 Gerbier Counsel 6 The Houses adjacent, and those which are opposite.    1745 De Foe Eng. Tradesm. XI. xxxiv. 72 Those parts of Essex, Surrey, and Kent, which lie adjacent to London.    1789-96 J. Morse Amer. Geog. I. 302 The adjacent inhabitants had assembled in arms.    1827 Hutton Course of Math. I. 317 The sum of the two adjacent angles dac and dab is equal to two right angles.    1846 Mill Logic iii. xxi. §4 (1868) II. 108 With a reasonable degree of extension to adjacent cases.    1860 Tyndall Glaciers i. §2. 20 Furnishing ourselves with provisions at the adjacent inn. †B.B n. That which is adjacent, or lies next to anything; an adjoining part; a neighbour. Obs.     1610 Healey St. Aug., City of God 721 The LXX rather expressed the adjacents, then the place it selfe.    1635 Shelford Disc. 220 (T.) He hath no adjacent, no equal, no corrival.    1725 De Foe Voy. round World (1840) 224 The whole place and its adjacents.
  • Conject
    • Terry Elliott
      I would go on but nobody is going to read these OED references.
  • Rhizomatic learning in rhizo15 is about making connections.

Choreographies of Becoming | Personal Research Blog - 0 views

shared by Jaap Bosman on 22 Apr 15 - No Cached
    This paper centers what I consider to be an important question: As educators in the 21st century, what is our ethical responsibility in relation to human technological subjectification? As digital technologies proliferate, thinking through the ethics of becoming-digital is of paramount importance for college student educators.
    about subjectification and socialization

Theoretical foundations of learning environments first ed / edited by David H. Jonassen... - 2 views

    Second Edition (2012) available from Routledge Preface This book is about the learning theories that provide the foundation for the design and development of open-ended learning environments (defined in Chap. 1). During the 1990s, we have witnessed a convergence of learning theories never before encountered. These contemporary learning theories are based on substantively different ontologies and epistemologies than were traditional objectivist foundations for instructional design. This book is intended to provide an introduction to the theoretical foundations for these new learning environments for instructional designers, curriculum specialists, mathematics and science educators, learning psychologists, and anyone else interested in the theoretical state of the art. Edited April 8/14 by Scott J. Dropped the chapter list and replaced with a sample from the section on self-directed learners: Self-Directed Learning and Self-Regulation Theory Chapter 11 Learning Communities: Theoretical Foundations for Making Connections Janette R. Hill "As indicated throughout this chapter, learning is "strongly influenced by setting, social interaction, and individual beliefs, knowledge, and attitudes" (Dierking, 1991, p.4). This is particularly important to keep in mind while turning attention to the individual within the learning community. While there is often a focus on the collective that is the learning community, individuals are the foundation that enable the community to form. Two theories can help guide our understanding of how to support learners within the context of a learning community: self-regulated and self-directed learning. Self-regulation encompasses a variety of individual characteristics, including self-efficacy, motivation and metacognitive skills. Each characteristic has been studied to various extents (see, for example, Lim & Kim, 2003; Oliver & Shaw, 2003; Song & Hill, 2009), with the majority of the studies indicating that all
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