Contents contributed and discussions participated by Claude Almansi
UBS -Dictionary of Banking - 0 views
This updated edition of the «UBS Dictionary of Banking» contains definitions of over 2,400 terms, incorporating the latest information available from our Research department.
Noi Media (blog e perno) > Swiss ePower initiative e Stiftung Produktive Schweiz induco... - 0 views
In Parlamentarier sind "IT-fit" (11 giugno 2008), Swiss ePower Initiative [1] annuncia di avere purtroppo indotto - assieme a Stiftung Produktive Schweiz - i parlamentari federali svizzeri a fare questo dubbio test
Internet Archive: Audio Archive - 0 views
Welcome to the Archive's audio and MP3 library. This library contains over a hundred thousand free digital recordings ranging from alternative news programming, to Grateful Dead concerts, to Old Time Radio shows, to book and poetry readings, to original music uploaded by our users. Many of these audios and MP3s are available for free download.
ClicNet - 0 views
ClicNet édite et localise des ressources virtuelles en français pour les étudiants, les enseignants de français langue étrangère (FLE) ou langue seconde (FLS), et tous ceux qui s'intéressent aux cultures, aux arts et aux littératures francophones. Situé à l'Université de Swarthmore (Pennsylvanie, USA), ClicNet est réalisé par Carole Netter. - Home - MPIR - 0 views
The mission of MPIR is to provide FREE access and introduction to the wonderful world of Old Time Radio. Turn that TV off, throw it out the door. Your mind is better, and gets better reception! Old Time Radio are radio plays from the 30's 40's and 50's, long before television. Rich, in history, American culture, and good clean family entertainment.
Welles: The Mercury Theatre on the Air + other shows for download - 0 views
The finest radio drama of the 1930's was The Mercury Theatre on the Air, a show featuring the acclaimed New York drama company founded by Orson Welles and John Houseman. (...)The show is famous for its notorious War of the Worlds broadcast, but the other shows in the series are relatively unknown. This site has many of the surviving shows, and will eventually have all of them. The show first broadcast on CBS and CBC in July 1938. It ran without a sponsor until December of that year, when it was picked up by Campbell's Soup and renamed The Campbell Playhouse. All of the surviving Mercury Theatre shows are available from this page in RealAudio format (some are also in MP3 format). There are several Campbell Playhouse episodes available here as well, in both RealAudio and MP3 formats; the rest are being added gradually.
French class needs students - 94 views
The University of Maine - The Master of Arts in Teaching French and Maine State Summer... - 0 views
This degree is designed to provide both the advanced level of mastery in language and culture and the pedagogical knowledge they need for full certification from the Maine State Department of Education. Additional requirements include a course in advanced French grammar or one in French stylistics and a minimum of 12 hours of 500-level courses in French linguistics, film, literature, and contemporary society. (suggested by Deb Taylor)
Internet Archive: Livre Audio - Audiocite - 0 views
Audio books in French - Parce que la culture devrait appartenir à tous ... Partageons-la ! Écoutez un roman, une nouvelle, un poème d'auteur classique ou contemporain. Découvrez notre catalogue de livres audio à télécharger gratuitement et légalement. Vous pouvez participer à ce projet en devenant, vous-même lecteur ou lectrice pour Audiocite: Suivez le guide du lecteur !
Internet Archive: LibriVox - 0 views
Listen to free audio books from the LibriVox collection! LibriVox volunteers record chapters of books in the public domain and release them for free on the Internet. Their goal is to make all public domain books available as free audio books. LibriVox is a totally volunteer, open source, free content, public domain project. Click for more information, or to volunteer for LibriVox.
Integrazione completa delle due lingue (lis e lingua parlata) Su questo sito potete trovare un bellissimo video di un gruppo rock che recita,cantando, una poesia di primo levi insieme ad un ragazzo sordo che "canta" la stessa canzone. Il video a mio parere è stupendo, la lis da ancora più ritmo e suono alla canzone. Sempre sullo stesso sito potete trovare altri video simili, spettacoli teatrali per esempio, tutti accompagnati da sottotitoli e lis. Il progetto è del prof. Roberto Ellero. I suoi studi si concentrano su come rendere i video accessibili, unendo lis e sottotitoli.
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Isabelle, the pre-set bookmarks that appear when one is sharing a bookmark with this group are great help, thanks. But how did you create them, please? Is it a feature in the admin interface of the group owner? It would be great to have something similar at other Diigo groups
Thanks in advance for your answer.