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Isabelle Jones

When do people learn languages? - 0 views

    Advice for language learners General warning: what follows may or may not apply to you. It's based on what linguistics knows about people in general (but any general advice will be ludicrously inappropriate for some people) and on my own experience (but you're not the same as me). If you have another way of learning that works, more power to you. Given the discussion so far, the prospects for language learning may seem pretty bleak. It seems that you'll only learn a language if you really need to; but the fact that you haven't done so already is a pretty good indication that you don't really need to. How to break out of this paradox? At the least, try to make the facts of language learning work for you, not against you. Exposure to the language, for instance, works in your favor. So create exposure. * Read books in the target language. * Better yet, read comics and magazines. (They're easier, more colloquial, and easier to incorporate into your weekly routine.) * Buy music that's sung in it; play it while you're doing other things. * Read websites and participate in newsgroups that use it. * Play language tapes in your car. If you have none, make some for yourself. * Hang out in the neighborhood where they speak it. * Try it out with anyone you know who speaks it. If necessary, go make new friends. * Seek out opportunities to work using the language. * Babysit a child, or hire a sitter, who speaks the language. * Take notes in your classes or at meetings in the language. * Marry a speaker of the language. (Warning: marry someone patient: some people want you to know their language-- they don't want to teach it. Also, this strategy is tricky for multiple languages.) Taking a class can be effective, partly for the instruction, but also because you can meet others who are learning the language, and because, psychologically, classes may be needed to make us give the subject matter time and attention. Self-study is too eas
Isabelle Jones

Networking for Language Teachers : Sharing to Grow - The Educators' Royal Treatment - 0 views

    I have found that the "Sharing to Grow" concept is always a lot harder to sell to colleagues than expected.Teaching is after all an essentially individual activity-it is about you and 30 children, isn't it? As we all know, it is and it isn't. As an individual activity, it is easy to rely on habit, recycling activities that we feel work in the classroom. However, with educational technology developing at high speed, the life-cycle of classroom activities seems to be getting shorter and shorter, with more and more needed to get that "wow factor" out of classes. This is when...
Stéphane Métral

What are your favourite tools to teach or learn languages ? - 290 views

Bonjour, I teach French to foreigners recently arrived in Geneva. We have 2 Mac in class in a computer room with a PC for each student I use a blog to make my students write and t...

languages teaching tools

Andrew Graff

TPR Foreign Language Instruction and Dyslexia - 2 views

  • For language teachers, this accepted presumption of incapacity is a huge hurdle, because it keeps many children and adults from even dipping a toe into the language pool!
  • TPR was and is a wonderful way to turn that presumption on its head and show the learner that, not only can we learn, but under the right circumstances, it's fun!
  • When we are infants our exposure to language is virtually inseparable from physical activities. People talk to us while tickling us, feeding us, changing our diapers... We are immersed in a language we don't speak, in an environment that we explore with every part of our body. Our parents and caregivers literally walk and talk us through activities - for example, we learn lots of vocabulary while someone stands behind us at the bathroom sink, soaping our hands until they're slippery, holding them under warm water, rubbing or scrubbing, all the while talking about what we're doing and what it feels like. In this way, movement and feeling are intimately tied to the process of internalizing the language.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • Classes are active - you are not in your seat all period. The focus for the first weeks is on listening and moving in response to what the teacher says.
  • There is heavy emphasis on listening comprehension, because the larger your listening comprehension vocabulary is, the larger your speaking vocabulary will become.
  • Lots of language is learned in happy circumstances, especially while you're having fun.
  • In a TPR class, grammar and syntax are not taught directly. Rather, the teacher designs activities that expose the student to language in context, especially in the context of some kind of movement.
  • I'm asked with some regularity about appropriate foreign language instruction for students with a dyslexic learning or thinking style. I'm quick to recommend finding a school or program that includes - or even better - relies on TPR as its principal instructional strategy.
  • Typically, the initial TPR lessons are commands involving the whole body - stand up, sit down, turn around, walk, stop.
  • Fairly soon, the teacher quietly stops demonstrating, and the students realize that they somehow just know what to do in response to the words.
  • You're also encouraged to trust your body, because sometimes it knows what to do before your brain does!
  • As class proceeds, nouns, adverbs, prepositions are added until before you know it, students are performing commands like, 'Stand up, walk to the door, open it, stick your tongue out, close the door, turn around, hop to Jessica's desk, kiss your right knee four times, and lie down on Jessica's desk."
  • It's just that the instruction is designed to facilitate language acquisition, not learning a language through analysis, memorization and application of rules.
  • But consider your native language: you did not need to learn the grammar and syntax of your native language in order to learn to speak it. You learned those structures, unconsciously as you learned to speak.
  • The first is that in a TPR classroom, the focus is not on analysis of linguistic structures, but on internalizing those structures for unconscious use.
  • When we use TPR strategies to teach, our goal is truly to be able to understand, speak, read and write the language, not "about" the language.
  • I think this creativity, the synthetic rather than analytic experience, the low stress, and generally accepting environment engineered by the teacher, are a large part of the reason so many students, including students with learning challenges, find TPR classes so effective and enjoyable.
  • Within these real experiences, students are free to generate all kinds of expressions using the language they're studying, and to lead instruction in unique directions.
Martin Burrett

Improving Writing - 7 views

    "Writing is vital to most examples of learning. It is how civilisation conveys information from generation to generation, it is how parents often communicate their needs and fears for their children as notes to the teacher, and it is how little Johnny/Jane tells you about what their cat and/or dog did at the weekend. Some people love writing, while others struggle with it, but everyone has to write to some degree in their daily lives, and all of this stems from their experiences in the classroom."
Barbara Lindsey

NEA: World Languages - 0 views

  • "The fact that our students study a language from grade one not only teaches them how to learn languages, it gives them the mindset that languages are just as important as any other subject," says Janet Eklund, now in her 20th year at Glastonbury, where she's one of two Russian teachers.
  • "All along, we're working to make them not just language proficient, but culturally aware," says Oleksak. "We always remind them that they have to learn more than just the words to relate to people from other cultures."
  • "There's a Chinese saying, that if three people pass by, one of them is your teacher. We learn from just about every experience we have," says Wang. "Then we make sense of it through our language."   
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Asia Society's Shuhan Wang cautions against a "language of the month" approach for districts working to build their language programs. It's more important, she says, to build on community resources and to do what you can to make language learning real-world and relevant to them.
  • Presidential candidate Barack Obama hit on some deep-seated anxiety when he remarked in July that we should emphasize foreign language learning from an early age.
  • "The U.S. will become less competitive in the global economy because of a shortage of strong foreign language and international studies programs at the elementary, high school, and college levels," the Committee for Economic Development stated plainly in a 2006 report. "Our diplomatic efforts often have been hampered by a lack of cultural awareness," the report went on to say. The world is becoming so interrelated, if we don't teach our young other languages and cultural values, says Wang, "We are denying them access to the new world. It is just plain and simple. If we continue to view language learning as for the elite, for the "smart ones," or for the family who can afford to pay for it, we are really widening the gap."
  • What does it say about America that we are the only industrialized nation that routinely graduates high school students who speak only one language? Frankly, it says that if you want to talk to us—to do business with us, negotiate peace with us, learn from or teach us, or even just pal around with us—you'd better speak English.
  • "The norm is still either no foreign language or two years in high school," says Marty Abbott, director of Education at the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages.
  • Foreign language programs are often among the first things cut by urban school administrators desperately adding math and reading classes to raise test scores.
  • "It's time to reassess what 'basic skills' really means for the 21st century," says Asia Society's Wang.
  • Not only will students learn new vocabulary in the target language, but they get to work on the concepts they need to master for other classes, and yes, for high-stakes tests. That's how they do it in Glastonbury, says Oleksak: "We pre-teach, co-teach, and post-teach what's going on in the elementary classroom."
  • The kids reason out what you get when you add three butterflies plus four butterflies: Seven, yes, but really it's practice in Chinese and math, as well as a reminder that caterpillars turn into butterflies.
  • Right now, districts like Glastonbury—with an articulated, sequential program spanning grades 1–12, state-of-the-art language labs, and all the support an administration could give—are the exception.
Claude Almansi

Theatre of sleep - an anthology of literary dreams by Guido Almansi and Claud... - 0 views

    • Claude Almansi
      Inded. I'm marking them with these Diigo notes, and will be very grateful if others do the same.
  • I probably left many mistakes
    • Claude Almansi
      Indeed. I am marking them with these Diigo comments, and will be very grateful if others do the same.
  • in cross-references, the inner link to the cross-referenced text has been added
    • Claude Almansi
      rephrase more clearly
  • ...51 more annotations...
  • And he enjoyed the possibility to write and rewrite and re-rewrite with it.
    • Claude Almansi
  • is given
    • Claude Almansi
      is given. (add the period)
  • LEncyclopédie
    • Claude Almansi
  • copyright q:)
    • Claude Almansi
      copyright ©
  • copyright Ç
  • die disturbing
  • bc die only
  • at die table
  • what arc their causes
  • Dreams arc what we know nothing about
  • but we arc at liberty
  • We arc giving
  • arc formless little black lumps
  • But the what problem
  • the world turns half away/ Through
  • writes the American poet Elizabeth Bishop in a poem included in this anthology
  • What does this translation entai]
  • just like the interpretations by Freud orjung
  • the ear of man hadi not seen
  • skin, eves, ears, nose, tongue
  • We said that a dream could bc a descent
  • Of course dreams of flying can also bc symbolic
  • which could bc due to the continuous curving
  • bc th4 his own or society's
  • to bc crushed mashed and mushed
  • another example would bc the mine
  • in Zola's Genrmina
  • In Dante's Hell
  • 0.1 Electronic version
  • the dream "1"
  • Hervey SaintDenis
  • what kind of symbols would they bc
  • I fortuned on a day to goc thither,
  • to make mv market there
  • as'it often
  • by the decree of the Provinciall judge-.
  • 0Omy friend Aristomenus
  • we might bc merry and laugh
  • Bt I becing in such extremity
  • being an old man atid one
  • whieh she useth in a certaine hole i ' n her house
  • yea rather with great fcare
  • But I wanted to sec
  • But I not willing to sec
  • to sec how of Aristomenus I
  • snafl
  • And whfle I lay on the ground
  • I peeped under the bed to sec
  • I shall bc forsaken
  • and hadi seene all our doings
  • Behold, I sec Socrates is sound
    This is an "0.1" version because electronic texts are far easier to amend than printed books, and so they must be. And this version will need to be: on the one hand, scanning and OCRing (see Formal Features below) is a stupendous possibility, but it is not totally reliable, and even if I proof-read the electronic text, I probably left many mistakes. On the other hand, I hope to be able in future to reinsert some of the texts under copyright for which I haven't obtained yet a renewal of the permissions given for the print edition (see Copyright and Content below). However, the deadline of the Google Book Search Settlement for asking Google to pull out their own, inacceptable, electronic version made it imperative to publish this one quickly.
    This electronic version of "Theatre of Sleep - Dreams in Literature " is multilingual, because it uses the original texts when they were in the public domain and the translation was copyrighted. It was made by scanning and OCRing the book, which left many mistakes even if I proofread the result of the OCR (Optical Character Recognition). I am correcting them in the Diigo comments, and would be very grateful to others who would do the same.
M Jesús García San Martín

Stop and Learn English: The Artist takes it all - 0 views

    A silent movie, the second silent movie to be awarded an Oscar in history. Have a look at the trailer below and try to write some words for it, as if you were subtitling it.
Paul Beaufait - 3 views

    Question: Have many hours of study in high school programs does it take for students to reach the Intermediate-Mid to Intermediate-High proficiency ranges? Answer: This is the number one question teachers and administrators ask about foreign language study. It is the right question, because it relates student proficiency outcomes to the amount of instruction hours students have had. Like other areas of study, what you get out depends on what you put in" (p. 1 of 6).
Joel Bennett

Notifu - Send Group Messages (Free) and get responses! - 0 views

    I just tried this (without creating an account or anything) ... it let me put a phone number in, and type out a message for it to send by a VOICE message, along with choices. It called instantly, and the moment my wife made her choice (by pressing 3 on her phone), the answer showed up on the website.
James OReilly

Google Translation Center: The World's Largest Translation Memory - GigaOM - 0 views

  • Google is preparing to launch Google Translation Center
  • This is an interesting move, and it has broad implications for the translation industry, which up until now has been fragmented and somewhat behind the times, from a technology standpoint
  • Google has been investing significant resources in a multi-year effort to develop its statistical machine translation technology.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Google Translation Center is a straightforward and very clever way to gather a large corpus of parallel texts to train its machine translation systems.
  • If Google releases an API for the translation management system, it could establish a de facto standard for integrated machine translation and translation memory, creating a language platform around which projects like Der Mundo can build specialized applications and collect more training data.
  • On the other hand, GTC could be bad news for translation service bureaus — especially those that use proprietary translation management systems as a way to hold customers and translators hostage.
  • For freelancers, GTC could be very good news; they could work directly with clients and have access to high quality productivity tools. Overall this is a welcome move that will force service providers to focus on quality, while Google, which is competent at software, can focus on building tools.
  • That strategy would also eliminate a potential conflict of interest
  • translation professionals are understandably wary of contributing to something that could put them out of work
  • as well as avoid channel conflicts with partners who will be their best advocates in selling to various clients
  • my guess is Google will make this a free tool for the translation industry to use, and it will figure the money part out later. It can afford to be patient
  • I remain convinced that a multilingual web will be a reality in a short time, and that a menagerie of tools and services will emerge over the next few years — some geared toward helping translators, some toward building translation communities, and others that make publishing multilingual sites and blogs easy and intuitive.
  • the web will begin translating itself, and within a short time
Tami Brass

Using Web 2.0 to motivate boys to speak in the target language - 0 views

  • Voki is a Web 2.0 tool that enables users to express themselves on the web in their own voice using an avatar, a talking character (Voki 2008) which they can customise to their liking. I decided that Voki would be the ideal tool on which to base the three lessons that I chose to describe and evaluate in this paper because: it can be accessed both at home and at school; it necessitates computer-pupil interaction, which, as described above, is a motivating factor;  it facilitates the transition from teacher-centred, class-based learning  to one in which the pupil begins to acquire individual responsibility; it makes it possible for the quieter pupils to make their presence felt and be heard; and it allows the pupils to role-play and hide behind a mask (an avatar).
    • Tami Brass
Claude Almansi

Welles: The Mercury Theatre on the Air + other shows for download - 0 views

    The finest radio drama of the 1930's was The Mercury Theatre on the Air, a show featuring the acclaimed New York drama company founded by Orson Welles and John Houseman. (...)The show is famous for its notorious War of the Worlds broadcast, but the other shows in the series are relatively unknown. This site has many of the surviving shows, and will eventually have all of them. The show first broadcast on CBS and CBC in July 1938. It ran without a sponsor until December of that year, when it was picked up by Campbell's Soup and renamed The Campbell Playhouse. All of the surviving Mercury Theatre shows are available from this page in RealAudio format (some are also in MP3 format). There are several Campbell Playhouse episodes available here as well, in both RealAudio and MP3 formats; the rest are being added gradually.
Maggie Verster

Using English Effectively (A free english course) - 6 views

    "The free online course will help you learn how to use English more effectively. It covers different types of writing including imaginative writing, English in the media, journalism, and textual analysis. It goes on to offer a comprehensive guide to using language effectively. This course is ideal for those who want to improve their written English for work or pleasure. It is also suitable for students of English. "
eric paul

Object Pronouns in French - 2 views

    Object Pronouns: Video here In English: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them 1- THINGS it: le, la them: les I am reading an email: I am reading it Je lis un email: je le lis (the pronoun before the verb) Je lis une carte: je la lis J'ai reçu une lettre: je l'ai reçue J'ai reçu les le
Gramarye Gramarye

ESL Vocabulary - 4 views

    I work with adult migrants and they live with their non-English speaking families. Therefore, unlike children of native English speaking families, these adults are not surrounded by rich English words that are full of meaning. We might say to a child "put your toys away" and they won't understand, so we do it for them. However, we started doing it when they were 8 months old, and after a few more months, they understand what it means.
International School of Central Switzerland

The World Wide Lexicon Translator - Firefox addon - 0 views

    The World Wide Lexicon Translator makes browsing foreign languages sites easy and automatic. Simply open a URL. It detects its language and translates using human and machine translations. With it you can view and create translations for any website.
International School of Central Switzerland

Are you ready to play five card flickr? - 5 views

    Five Card Flickr "This quasi experimental web site is designed to foster visual thinking. It is based completely, or more loosely... copied, from the Five Card Nancy game devised by comics guru Scott McCloud and the nifty web version at 741.5 Comics. However, rather than drawing from a hand of randomly chosen panels of the nancy comic, my version draws upon collections of photos. You are dealt five random photos for each draw, and your task is to select one each time to add to a selextion of images, that taken together as a final set of 5 images- tell a story in pictures. When you are done, you the option to save the story so you can put a link in your resume or send to your Mom (she pay print it out and tape it to the fridge, or she may criticize your creativity, your mileage and mom may vary)."
Claude Almansi

Pay It Forward in Sign language (English subtitles) - YouTube - 0 views

    "Uploaded by payitfwdisl on Oct 17, 2010 Pay It Forward In Signs is a non-profit organization created to raise awareness and bridge the gap between the deaf and the hearing communities in Israel. Lean more at : or in ower Facebook page:"
Paul Beaufait

Translate and Speak - 8 views

    "ImTranslator offers a natural sounding text-to-speech system with translation capabilities that quickly translates text and reads it aloud at one click of a button." Thanks to Isabelle for pointing it out in a recent presentation that she has posted on her blog, Supporting EAL Learners in the MFL Classroom, Edge Hill University, Monday 21st October 2013.
    "ImTranslator offers a natural sounding text-to-speech system with translation capabilities that quickly translates text and reads it aloud at one click of a button."
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