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Socksy Notgoogleable

[1] socksynotgoogleable comments on I know I need to go to an AA meeting... but I'm rea... - 2 views

    Self-linking because I'm a narcissist. Some common traits of alcoholics that AA tries to break you of from day one.
Off The Rocks

Sobriety Trash Talk - 4 views

rae vie

girlreachingout24 comments on Day 35! In talking to my new AA buddies, I've exhausted e... - 2 views

    Good advice about how to connect with people without the crutch of alcohol
Off The Rocks

Quitting is like getting a glass of water barefoot... - 2 views

    It's a bit like getting a glass of water barefoot, but the floor is covered in broken glass from all the bottles you smashed while wasted the night before. The objective couldn't be easier, but the wreckage in the way and the pain and the effort involved in accomplishing your goal seems insurmountable in your weakened, deluded state.
Off The Rocks

The 12 Fucking Steps - 3 views

    Step 1: I'm fucked Step 2: There might be a way out of this fucking mess Step 3: Decide to level the fuck up Step 4: Take a good hard look at how fucked up I am Step 5: Tell someone else about all the fucked up stuff I've been through Step 6: Prepare to stop being such a fuck up Step 7: Try to stop acting so fucked up Step 8: Make a list of everyone I fucked over Step 9: Swallow my fucking pride and tell them I really fucked up, except when doing so would fuck them harder. Step 10: Keep an eye on my fucked up thinking and behavior Step 11: Chill the fuck out sometimes Step 12: Help the next poor fucker that walks through the door
Socksy Notgoogleable

offtherocks comments on Stranded in Japan and looking to quit drinking - 2 views

    offtherocks has got this shit down to a science. Bonus for a pic of the actual 24/7 worksheet.
Socksy Notgoogleable

slinginintherain comments on Tonight was the first AA meeting I have ever willingly att... - 1 views

    "I built it up waaaay too much before getting there." slinginintherain goes to her first AA meeting.
Off The Rocks

12 Steps of Alcoholics Bro-nonymous : stopdrinking - 3 views

    12 Steps of Alcoholics Bro-nonymous
Socksy Notgoogleable

spambot6742 comments on drunk, hating myself, and wanting to die. - 1 views

    A quick call-out to the best thing about /r/stopdrinking; the cameraderie among drunks.
Socksy Notgoogleable

How do I explain myself as the alcoholic I am. : stopdrinking - 1 views

    Deep shit from both pizzaforce and strangesobriety re: why can't I quit.
Off The Rocks

Be confident when telling people that you don't drink - 1 views

    May I offer something that has helped me? When opening up about your sobriety, I have found that people usually gauge their response to how you are acting. For instance, if you simply said 'I do not drink', confidently, without hesitation, people are less likely to even respond and just move on. If you kinda him-haw, 'Well.. .uh, actually.... I don't drink anymore', it is much more likely to turn into a bigger deal.
Socksy Notgoogleable

qqwpq comments on Who else messed up? - 1 views

    qqwpq from a year in: You can learn from your mistakes.
Off The Rocks

socksynotgoogleable comments on Is AA a cult? - 1 views

    If AA is a cult, they're not a very good one.
Socksy Notgoogleable

"The primary source of pain in my life" - 1 views

    StupidWasteOfMoney could have been reading right ouf of the Big Book with this insight. I probably shouldn't mention that to him.
Off The Rocks

I always drank a lot daily. I felt fine. : stopdrinking - 1 views

    PaintWithCorn drank for years & always felt fine.  He quit for two months then went to get some medical tests.  Check out the results.
Off The Rocks

The key to not drinking is to realize that it's literally poison and that you don't wan... - 0 views

    The key to not drinking is to realize that it's literally poison and that you don't want it in your life.
Off The Rocks

Serenity prayer, Ambivalent_Fanatic style - 2 views

    "He-man, Master of the Universe: Grant me the balls of steel to deal like a man with bad news, instead of turning into a quivering, whiney douche who wants to dive into a bottle and hide; the power to deal with good news by not feeling like I need to pop a cork to celebrate; and, while you're at it, help me to level out and just breathe no matter what happens. Also, please give me X-ray vision and the ability to predict lottery numbers. Shazam!"
rae vie

Why Tom Waits Quit Drinking - 0 views

    "I always wanted to be mystified by it all - and rather fascinated with life itself. I think maybe when you drink, you're probably robbing yourself of that genuine experience, even though it appears what you're doing is getting more of it. You're getting less of it."
Off The Rocks

Back Again : stopdrinking - 0 views

    Guy tries drinking moderately, learns he can't. (Note: I asked his permission to link to this.)
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