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Roger Cook

The Sixth Wave - a book by James Bradfield Moody and Bianca Nogrady - 2 views

shared by Roger Cook on 05 Jul 11 - No Cached
    "THE SIXTH WAVE is a business book, a motivational book, a bold prediction and a roadmap to the future. It is for anyone interested in understanding how the next wave of innovation will change our lives, and how to succeed in a resource-limited world. "
Roger Cook

Presentation Zen: 10 great books to help you think, create, & communicate better in 2012 - 3 views

    Some of these books are available via the QUT Library (both carbon-based & online). Ideas have applications to L&T as well as team meetings/interactions.
Roger Cook

Innovating Pedagogy | Open University Innovations Report #1 - 2 views

    "The series of reports explores new forms of teaching, learning and assessment for an interactive world, to guide teachers and policy makers in productive innovation." The ten innovations are: Assessment for learning Badges to accredit learning Learning analytics MOOCs New pedagogy for e-books Personal inquiry learning Publisher led mini-courses Rebirth of academic publishing Rhizomatic learning Seamless learning
Roger Cook

iPad As.... - 2 views

    A good summary of iPad apps categorised according to these learning objectives: 1. I want my students to record and edit video on the iPad. 2. I want my students to record and / or edit audio on the iPad. 3. I want my students to read class content on the iPad. 4. I want my students to annotate course readings on the iPad 5. I want my students to be able to use audio books on the iPad. 6. I want my students to use the iPad as a digitial notebook / note-taking device. 7. I want my students to use their iPads to create screencasts to share and demonstrate their understanding. 8. I want my students to create presentations on the iPad. 9. I want my students to create digital stories on the iPad. 10. I want my students to be able to study with the iPad. 11. I want to use the iPad as a student response system. 12. I want my students to create written content on the iPad. 13. I want my students to blog on the iPad. 14. I want my students to create ePubs / iBooks to read on the iPad.
Roger Cook

Seeking Evidence of Impact in Blended Learning: New Models, Designs, and Results | EDUC... - 0 views

    The presenters will describe their work over the past two years with 53 researchers in blended learning from all over the world. The result of the project was the book Blended Learning Research Perspectives: Volume II.
Tim Plaisted

Ian Bogost - Reality is Alright - 1 views

    Review of Jane McGonigal's new book Reality is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World by Mr Serious Games
Roger Cook

Game Changers: Education and Information Technologies | - 1 views

    "Game Changers: Education and Information Technologies is a collection of chapters and case studies contributed by college and university presidents, provosts, faculty, and other stakeholders. Institutions are finding new ways of achieving higher education's mission without being crippled by constraints or overpowered by greater expectations."
Elizabeth Greener

The nature of learning: using research to inspire practice - 1 views

    What do we know about how people learn? How do young people's motivations and emotions influence their learning? What does research show to be the benefits of group work, formative assessments, technology applications, or project-based learning and when are they most effective? How is learning affected by family background? These are among the questions addressed for the OECD by leading researchers from North America and Europe. This book brings together the lessons of research on both the nature of learning and different educational applications, and it summarises these as seven key concluding principles.
Megan Duffy

WebTool Mashup - 1 views

    I've just made a beautiful flipping book. Check it out, I hope you like it.
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