masala markets - 0 views
spicesboard on 08 Aug 15Grand Hyatt Goa Grand Hyatt- with its fantastic palm lined beach front, manicured lawns to host the evening cocktails, water sports, luxuriously appointed rooms and the most impressive banquet hall in Goa, adds another golden feather on its cap by hosting ISC 2016. Now Escape to Grand Hyatt, Goa for this International Spice Conference on January 21st to 24th, 2016. Special Hotel Packages @ Grand Hyatt would be announced very soon...

spice trading countries - 0 views
Decoding Spices in the 21st Century Learn this and more by being a part of this initiative, the All India Spices Exporters Forum (AISEF) and the entire Spices Fraternity of India invite you to the first ever International Spice Conference 2016 . AISEF has been working tirelessly in improving the Indian spice industry for the last 25 years. The ISC 2016 will also be a celebration of the 25 years it has devoted and contributed to the industry. http://www.internationalspiceconference.com/overseas-dele-reg.html
Long-term solitary confinement: a method of torture - 0 views
19-01-2011 Medical evidence has shown that long-term solitary confinement is a form of torture. Dr Joost J den Otter, Medical Director at the International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims (IRCT), adds that while there is no doubt about the damage caused by long periods of isolation, solitary confinement for a short period may also cause psychological harm. Dr den Otter highlights the fact that many qualitative and quantitative scientific studies have documented how solitary confinement in prison has damaging health effects. He asserts that the scientific debate on solitary confinement as a method of torture has been settled for many years, but that it seems there is still confusion among policy makers, prison authorities, and the general public. A recent commentary published by the Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law about solitary confinement and mental illness in U.S. Prisons, the authors, Jeffrey L. Metzner and Jamie Fellner, support Dr den Otter's judgment. "Isolation can be psychologically harmful to any prisoner, with the nature and severity of the impact depending on the individual, the duration of confinement, and particular conditions (e.g., access to natural light, books, or radio). Psychological effects can include anxiety, depression, anger, cognitive disturbances, perceptual distortions, obsessive thoughts, paranoia, and psychosis". In August 2010, Physicians for Human Rights published a report (Experiments in Torture) which added to the growing body of evidence that solitary confinement causes psychological harm consistent with torture. In an interview with 'Life's Little Mysteries', Dr Scott Allen, one of the authors of the paper, said that solitary confinement "can lead to anxiety, depression, certainly disorientation, [and] it can even lead to thought disorders including psychotic thoughts." He added "The consequences can be significant." This backs up researcher Peter Scharff Smith, of The Danis
International Spice Conference - Black Pepper & Red Chillies - 0 views
In UK, an observational investigation on vitamin D and COVID-19 risk for #MedicalResear... - 0 views
Mendelian Randomization (MR) experiments using the genetic variations associated with serum 25OHD as instrumental variables have been conducted to investigate the causative role of vitamin D in COVID-19 risk. Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/3fBpMYP For our services: https://pubrica.com/services/physician-writing-services/orginal-research-article/ Why Pubrica: When you order our services, we promise you the following - Plagiarism free | always on Time | 24*7 customer support | Written to international Standard | Unlimited Revisions support | Medical writing Expert | Publication Support | Bio statistical experts | High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us: Web: https://pubrica.com/ Blog: https://pubrica.com/academy/ Email: sales@pubrica.com WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-1618186353
How do you write an original research article and have it published? - Pubrica - 0 views
The introduction sets the standard for the rest of your speech. It's divided into three sections: what's known, unknown, and your burning query, hypothesis, or goal Original Research Manuscript Writing Services. Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/3zlvIxO For our services: https://pubrica.com/services/physician-writing-services/orginal-research-article/ Why Pubrica: When you order our services, we promise you the following - Plagiarism free | always on Time | 24*7 customer support | Written to international Standard | Unlimited Revisions support | Medical writing Expert | Publication Support | Bio statistical experts | High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us: Web: https://pubrica.com/ Blog: https://pubrica.com/academy/ Email: sales@pubrica.com WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-1618186353
Research methodologies that result in data collecting from the patient medical record -... - 0 views
Developing a precise data collection instrument, implementing a coding manual, and continual communication with research personnel are all tactics for collecting accurate patient medical records. Learn More : https://bit.ly/3x9r0Va Reference: https://pubrica.com/services/medical-data-collection/ Why Pubrica: When you order our services, we promise you the following - Plagiarism free | always on Time | 24*7 customer support | Written to international Standard | Unlimited Revisions support | Medical writing Expert | Publication Support | Bio statistical experts | High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us: Web: https://pubrica.com/ Blog: https://pubrica.com/academy/ Email: sales@pubrica.com WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-1618186353
Reporting guidelines - Manuscript Writing in Medical Research - Pubrica - 0 views
Reporting guidelines are tools that advise authors publishing a scientific article on particular study items to be disclosed to improve the research rigour, reproducibility, transparency, and scientific community acceptance of the study results and conclusions. Continue Reading: https://bit.ly/3Ap017y For our services: https://pubrica.com/services/physician-writing-services/ Why Pubrica: When you order our services, we promise you the following - Plagiarism free | always on Time | 24*7 customer support | Written to international Standard | Unlimited Revisions support | Medical writing Expert | Publication Support | Bio statistical experts | High-quality Subject Matter Experts. Contact us: Web: https://pubrica.com/ Blog: https://pubrica.com/academy/ Email: sales@pubrica.com WhatsApp : +91 9884350006 United Kingdom: +44-1618186353
Liberating Ministries for Christ International - 0 views
hormones that are released then cause panic, increased respiration, adrenaline flow, headache, acid indigestion, etc. The prefrontal cortex is bypassed in assessing the situation because the triggered memory has already been recorded as a dire emergency. When the anxiety reaches the hypothalamus, the body will respond accordingly.
In other words, fear can be remedied by action but anxiety can only be remedied by strong hope.
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Beate Kittl, Michael Birchmeier: Wie Verführer unser Gehirn manipulieren | T... - 0 views
"Wie oft pro Tag will jemand etwas von uns, will uns überreden und überzeugen? Vielleicht 20- oder 30-mal, würden die meisten Menschen schätzen. Psychologen haben das untersucht: Es geschieht 400-mal am Tag.... Weniger amüsant ist es, wenn der menschliche Autopilot im Gerichtssaal sein Unwesen treibt. Zahlreiche Untersuchungen belegen, dass attraktive Angeklagte mildere Strafen erhalten, Angehörige der «falschen» Ethnie härtere. Vorbestrafte werden häufiger schuldig gesprochen. «Solche Urteilsschlüsse verstossen gegen gesetzliche Regeln und ethische Prinzipien», sagt die Psychologieprofessorin Margit Oswald von der Universität Bern, die solche nicht-legalen Einflüsse untersucht. So erschreckend das klingen mag, so zeigt es auch, dass wir von den meisten Beeinflussungsversuchen nichts mitbekommen. Menschen und ihre Botschaften manipulieren wirkungsvoll unser Unbewusstes."
Frans Frans Tassigny | Facebook - 0 views
Ne prétendons plus à la neutralité mais tenons compte de l'efficace psychanalytique et de sa résistance, de ses spéculations et stratagèmes, interpellons de façon critique, ouvrons des brèches: c'est oeuvrer à la psychanalyse "en fracas". Faut-il encore soumettre le discours psychanalytique à la rigueur de la preuve, aux chaînes de la conséquences , aux contraintes internes du collectif? Faut-il toujours articuler et surtout ne plus ignorer ce que certains voudraient laisser tomber ou réduire sous les dogmes de diverses chapelles? Faut-il enfin déterminer la spécificité de l'après-coup psychanalytique et de ce qu'elle arraisonne? Que propose-t-on ä la psychanalyse alors que nous vivons dans un espace pluridisciplinaire, global où toutes les valeurs préfabriquées normalisent banalisent l'être? Où des revues, articles, de tout poil, semblent, plus qu'informer, nous rendre un amalgame de savoirs qui donnent une impression de fadeur lorsque,rivalisant de diagrammes abscons, ils font la statistique de leur propre médiocrité telle un "semblant" juste bon à décomposer, fragmenter, un tout qui ne sera donc jamais compris exhaustivement. Jamais l'enseignement de la psychanalyse n'a fait de la psychanalyse une recherche "limitée corporativement en en une weltanschaung réservée aux seuls initiés". Initiés de l' héritage freudien, lacanien, etc... Tous les membres du collectif , responsables, intervenants, contribuent à élever la psychanalyse en un espace spéculatif telle une recherche fondamentale. On n'y apprend ni des systèmes, ni des cultes, on y reçoit un éveil de la pensée dépassant les limites de la psychanalyse pure pour se tourner vers l'ethnologie à l'exemple de Frazer ou de Malinowski et dans ce pluralisme se dégagent des idées non dirigistes, des non certitudes en quelque sorte. Jamais cette recherche ne prendra matrice dans une quelconque corporation, guilde, défendant ses droits et privilèges plutôt que la pertin

spice international - 0 views
Bay Leaves were believed to alleviate the pain of bee and wasp stings. visit : www.internationalspiceconference.com
The Feminine Critique - New York Times - 0 views
In 2006, Catalyst looked at stereotypes across cultures (surveying 935 alumni of the International Institute for Management Development in Switzerland) and found that while the view of an ideal leader varied from place to place — in some regions the ideal leader was a team builder, in others the most valued skill was problem-solving. But whatever was most valued, women were seen as lacking it.
WEIRD Science: We Are the Weirdest People in the World | Psychology Today - 0 views
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incentivize them to use wider subject pools
assist them in international collaborations
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