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Allan Gyorke

50 most stunning examples of data visualization and infographics | Richworks - 4 views

    "The terms Data visualization and Infographics are used interchangeably, the former means the study of visual representation of data and the latter is its representation per se. In this article, I have showcased some of the most creative infographics and data visualization examples, along with some really effective tools to help you improve your skills in creating infographics. Enjoy the journey!"
    I was looking for some good examples of displaying data in meaningful ways and came across this post.
gary chinn

Flipped Classroom Infographic #flippedclassroom #blendedlearning #edtech - 4 views

    infographic about classroom flip use case in K12.
    Very nice. I want to put that up on a wall somewhere to get people thinking about the idea.
Cole Camplese

The Who, Why, And How Of Twitter - 5 views

    Nice graphic. Unfortunately I can't find an "N" value for overall twitter accounts. I always find it interesting to compare this to some of the popular Zynga data. For instance: 20.6 million US adults access twitter once a month 59 million zynga players access a zynga game at least once a day Last I heard, the total Zynga account tally was at 277m (if viewed as a country, Zynga would be the fourth largest behind the US). At one point, more people were playing farmville than there were twitter accounts, but that stat is 2 years old so I'm sure that's changed quite a bit (but in what direction, I have no idea).
    Agreed - I like the way this is presented, especially the 8% on the U.S. map. I might have to steal that one.
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