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Selenium 3.0 Certification Training - IQ Online Training - 0 views

    IQ Online Selenium Certification Training makes you understand the various concepts of Selenium from scratch. It helps you to understand the various concepts such as TestNG, Selenium IDE, Selenium Grid, XPath and Waits, IFrames and Alerts in Selenium WebDriver, POM Frameworks and so on. This Certification is also a gateway towards your Automation testing career. The course has been curated by industry experts. What is Selenium? Selenium is a framework that is used for testing web simple words, it is testing software for doing functional tests on applications without the need for learning scripting language. What you will learn in Selenium Certification Training? Upon completion of this course, one gains the knowledge on: * Understand about Selenium and its evolution * Learn about the Regression testing and Functional testing * Learn to Set - up JAVA, Eclipse, and Selenium Environment and configure them * About to list the components of Selenium such as Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium Grid * How to create Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver * Understand about Waits (Page Synchronization) and various other Selenium WebDriver functions * Know how to handle different controls on a Webpage * Learn to Implement TestNG * What is Page Object Modelling * Describe the Parametrization and different frameworks * Learn to implement some of the Third-Party Tools such as Jenkins, AutoIT, Sikuli, and Maven Who can join this course? * Suits for the professionals who aim to become Automation Testers * For the application Testers who aim to explore Automation * Also for the QA Engineers Learn Best Selenium Online Training Step by Step with Real-Time Industry-Leading IT Experts. Join our training now!
David Wetzel

Project Based Learning Viewed Through a Digital Lens - 19 views

    Often we search for meaningful ways to integrate digital technology in project based learning activities given to our students. We also would like our students to develop a thorough understanding of the concepts underlying the work - after all this is the purpose of the project. Giving students the opportunity to complete and present their project through a digital lens has one great advantage - student engagement. This in turn causes students to develop a more in depth understanding of concepts.
David Wetzel

Saving the Sports Complex Algebra Project - 6 views

    An algebra project focusing on a theme which interests students is more likely to engage them in the project, so lets take a look at sports. Many students participate in sports at some level, whether as part of a school team or a community team. For the most part these same students do not understand the costs involved to host the sport. Also, they do not understand how much money is needed to ensure a profitable season so the sport can continue from year to year.
Shane Freeman

WWI Poetry Analysis and Creation - Thematic History - 19 views

    This activity is targeted to the critical analysis and construction of understanding of war poetry.  The tasks involve developing an understanding of the effects that warfare has on the individual soldier as a snapshot of the battle experience that most men experienced during the brutal trench war conflicts of the first world war.

New Home Interior Designers - Interior Designer in Tilak Nagar - 0 views

    Welcome to New Home Interior Designers Unveiling Inspirational Interiors for Your New Abode Discover the art of turning your new house into a haven of elegance and comfort with New Home Interior Designers. Our passion for creating breathtaking living spaces, coupled with a commitment to impeccable design, makes us the ideal partner for transforming your house into a dream home. Our Expertise 1. Personalized Design Solutions: At New Home Interior Designers, we understand that every home has a unique story to tell. Our skilled designers take the time to understand your preferences, lifestyle, and aspirations. The result? A personalized interior that reflects your individuality and resonates with your vision.
Don Doehla

How to Refine Driving Questions for Effective Project-Based Learning | Edutopia - 0 views

  • I've had teachers ask, "What is the difference between essential questions (à la Understanding By Design) and driving questions?" In my opinion, essential questions, when created to their utmost potential are driving questions. Driving questions are just essential questions that are high on caffeine. They demand authenticity and rigorous problem-solving, which essential questions can do, but don't always. In addition, essential questions are often created to be more like enduring understands or learning targets. Those are great, but shouldn't be confused with driving questions. Essential questions that sound like enduring understandings (2) are not exciting and do not DRIVE the learning, which brings me to my next point.
    Another blog piece by Andrew Miller on how to make good DQ's
    Another blog piece by Andrew Miller on how to make good DQ's
Jan Smith

Bridges to Understanding - 0 views

    "Engaging students worldwide in direct, interactive learning and storytelling to build cross-cultural understanding"
Judy Robison

Understanding Slavery: - 0 views

    • Judy Robison
      great interactive resource - although most of the content is text.
    interactive website to understand the world-wide history of slavery. May not appeal to non-readers

MentorMob - 0 views

    Curation of publicly available resources to build an unique resource on its own. Has applications as ways of showing understanding of learning and application of knowledge.
Don Doehla

4 Keys To Designing A Project-Based Learning Classroom - - 0 views

    "Traditional American classrooms tend to fit a particular mold: Students face the front of the class where teachers lecture. Students take notes, finish assignments at home, and hope to memorize enough information just long enough to pass a test. Engagement and passion are often in short supply - among students and teachers. The system does not necessarily accommodate all learning styles, and even those who fair well may be missing out on other important work-life lessons, like how to creatively solve problems, stay focused, work as part of a team, and organize their thoughts in a way others will understand. This is where project-based learning enters the equation."
Don Doehla

Creative Commons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

  • Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Mountain View, California, United States
    • Don Doehla
    Creative Commons (CC) is a non-profit organization headquartered in Mountain View, California, United States devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.[1] The organization has released several copyright-licenses known as Creative Commons licenses free of charge to the public. These licenses allow creators to communicate which rights they reserve, and which rights they waive for the benefit of recipients or other creators. An easy-to-understand one-page explanation of rights, with associated visual symbols, explains the specifics of each Creative Commons license. Creative Commons licenses do not replace copyright, but are based upon it. They replace individual negotiations for specific rights between copyright owner (licensor) and licensee, which are necessary under an "all rights reserved" copyright management with a "some rights reserved" management employing standardized licenses for re-use cases where no commercial compensation is sought by the copyright owner. The result is an agile, low-overhead and low-cost copyright-management regime, profiting both copyright owners and licensees. Wikipedia uses one of these licenses.[2]
Pooja Runija

Apple iWatch Puts Entire SmartWatch Market in Standby Mode - 0 views

    The Apple Watch puts whole industry on standby mode. Maybe it's because they want to see if there are any tricks the other company release or how the market reacts to the way you interact with the watch. Apple understands that, they are making real smartwatches and if they had a killer features, it immediately would have the attention of the world's biggest tech press.
Pooja Runija

How Google Tracks Your Every Movement? | Blog - 0 views

    Google is perhaps more than any other company that truly valued your information and known for its privacy inclination. But now with moving towards online world, Google is also interested in following you offline, because they understand the information is power and its proper usage can give them some more information also.
Don Doehla

ISTE | Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators By Midge Frazel - 1 views

    Storytelling is an age-old art form. With Web 2.0 and the tools already available on most computers, students can use text, music, sound effects, videos, and more to create a multimedia presentation that links them to the world beyond the classroom. Storytelling has the potential to unleash creativity, engage, and motivate. Applicable across the curriculum, digital storytelling teaches students to work collaboratively and use new technologies, skills they will be required to have in the workforce of the future. This book offers an overview of digital storytelling as well as its variations, including e-portfolios, digital photo essays, and scrapblogs. The many recommendations, overviews, and explanations of digital storytelling tools, along with lists of additional digital storytelling resources, will help educators to apply this exciting technology in their classrooms. Educators will also discover the ways digital storytelling can be used for their own professional development. Digital Storytelling Guide for Educators provides detailed directions to preparation, production, and presentation, and rounds out with a discussion on creating rubrics and evaluating student work. Readers will come away with an understanding of digital stories and the tools needed to create them.
David Wetzel

5 Ways to Integrate Science Process Skills in Lessons - 14 views

    Integrating the science process skills within your teaching does not require drastic changes. It simply involves making the process of science more explicit in lessons, investigations, and activities you are already using in your curriculum. The science process skills are the methods used for helping our students understand how we know what we know about the world in which they live. This often means going beyond a science textbook and supplementing the core-content within textbooks. It also means using your course content as a means for exposing students to the real process of science.
David Wetzel

5 Creative Ways to Use Flip Cameras in Science and Math - 27 views

    The Flip camera is great for all types of projects in science and math - at any grade level. Flip cameras are small handheld video cameras that can record 30 or 60 minutes worth of video. They connect to a computer with a USB plug that "flips" out from the side of the camera. The benefits of these cameras include another means for assessing students understanding of concepts beyond worksheets and tests. Besides a teacher's record, the videos provide a digital record for parents and administrators to show a student's successes or areas which need improvement.
David Wetzel

Stimulating Critical Thinking through a Technological Lens - 19 views

    Stimulating critical thinking using technology has the potential to create more in depth understanding of science and math content by students when engaged in learning activities which integrate in-class and on-line technology resources. Technology tools support stimulation of both inquiry-based and critical thinking skills by engaging students in exploring, thinking, reading, writing, researching, inventing, problem-solving, and experiencing the world outside their classroom. This is accomplished through learning content through the lens of video to multimedia to the internet (Using Technology to Improve Student Achievement, NCREL, 2005).
Joe Jacquot

How to Understand American Decline - Newsweek - 0 views

Jeff Johnson

Projects By Jen -- online projects for PreK-6 classrooms - 16 views

    Jennifer Wagner, creator of ProjectsByJen, has been succesfully encouraging teachers since 1999 to use online projects in their PreK-6 classrooms. Using various ideas, Jennifer will help you understand how online projects will help you make the most of your time in a variety of ways. Winning numerous awards for her creative ways in encouraging teachers to collaborate, her teaching style is very user friendly, creative, and personable.
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