I am interested in hearing alternate approaches to assessing projects other than using rubrics. I want to begin moving away from rubric use, as I have experienced students tend to work to satisfy the rubric rather than focus on the process of learning (isn't a rubric just another way of answering the student question "What do I need to do to get an A on the project?").
While a rubric can be constructed so as to avoid prescriptive language, and consequently prescriptive projects, they then become less effective in assessing the project overall. Further, I am hoping to encourage a more "learning for it's own sake" environment, rather than learning to get a grade as described by the rubric.
Is anyone using pure narratives/personal reflections as the sole project assessment tool? If so, what are students asked to write? Personal reflections on what was learned through the project? Summary of project goal achievement? What are you looking for in the narratives as evidence of true learning?