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amy musone

How to Use the Concept Attainment Strategy | Cult of Pedagogy - 2 views

    • amy musone
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    • amy musone
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amy musone

Personalize Learning: Continuum of Self-Efficacy: Path to Perseverance - 0 views

    Self-Efficacy: Continuum (Cautious, Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Perseverance)
amy musone

5 Ways Design Thinking Can Empower Your Students - A.J. JULIANI - 0 views

    LAUNCH Cycle, Design Thinking 
amy musone

Teacher at Mt. Blue Uses Engineering and Design Principles in English Class | Maine Pub... - 1 views

    What a powerful example of design thinking! Who would have imagined it power in English class?

A blended approach to e-learning PLD - 0 views

    Teachers from Paihia School talk about the benefits of implementing a blended approach to e-learning professional learning and development (PLD). Transcript David Rogers Paihia School is a decile 4 school, and we have roughly 50% Māori population in this school.
amy musone

Home - iNACOL - 0 views

    Lots of good information on this site along with the blended learning teaching framework.
amy musone

Educator Resource Area - Right Question Institute - 0 views

    The Right Question Institute aims to make democracy work better by teaching a strategy that allows anyone, no matter their educational, income or literacy level, to learn to ask better questions and participate more effectively in decisions that affect them.

Google-Proof Questions: Tips for Designing Effective Questions for the Classroom - Syne... - 2 views

    If we ask high level questions having students "google search" the answers to cut and paste becomes less of an issue. Author Stephanie Sholtis provides suggestions and charts to support the skills of high level questioning.
amy musone

The SAMR Model is Missing a Level - A.J. JULIANI - 0 views

    Think about adding another level to SAMR? Food for thought...
amy musone

A.J. JULIANI - Intentional Innovation - 0 views

    blog and projects linked from his home page. 

10 Experts' predictions for education and technology in 2016 - GoConqr - 0 views

    Interesting article about predictions for 2016.
amy musone

How Quickly Things Change - The Principal of Change - 0 views

    If you have never seen the "Blockbuster Offers a Glimpse of Movie Renting Past", it is a great (and funny) piece that promotes some great conversations on how quickly things can become obsolete:
amy musone

Personalize Learning: Home - 0 views

    Barabra Bray is the author of Make Learning Personal

Why Finland has the best schools - 1 views

    Interesting article - "The emotional climate of the typical classroom is warm, safe, respectful and highly supportive."...

Visible Learning - 0 views

    Visible Learningplus is a professional development program for teachers that explores how evidence can be used to create innovation in the learning environment. Our work is focused on John Hattie's research and the principles of Visible Learning and visible teaching.
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