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Definition Rule of Thirds in Photography | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Definition Rule of Thirds in Photography - One of the main factors that distinguish between interesting photos with a normal photo is COMPOSITION or how the object / subject is placed in a photograph. Using the Rule of Thirds is not a fixed rule, but only a simple composition rules or guidelines to improve the composition of your photos. The concept of the Rule of Thirds contrary to the habits that occur in beginner photographer with their photos always put the subject right in the middle of the frame or often called dead center. Rule of Thirds guide the eye to the point of audience photos Point of Interest or Focal Point in nature, and not in this part of the middle frame. This rule identifies the Point of Interest (POI) and suggest that if you put the Point of Interest in the subject of the right point and collaborate with images tracing how the eye naturally, then you most likely have created an image results with good balance and interesting for the audience photo.
mrs roadrunner

Gray Jay Bicolored Ochoco Mountains Oregon - 0 views

    While deep in the Ochoco Mountains we ran across a nice flowing creek. I love running water and just had to stop!! Upon inspection of where we were it was obvious this spot had been used as a hunting camp. The legs of the elk and the "meat hangers" (we laughed for I am sure there is a real name for them ha) , that were nailed to the trees. The feathers laying around looked as if maybe a turkey was in the mix with the elk? Even a spot for a bathroom. Gave us this impression. Guy wondered further down the creek then I for things happen to catch my eye. So I was wondering around on my own taking shots of the ice that was found where the water was not running fast. As I was doing my thing I heard some racket that was obviously coming from the trees and from birds. As you can imagine wild creatures do not just sit still so one can snap off photographs, so off I went to get this loud birds photographs! There were at least 3 of these birds, however non of them were all that impressed with any of us there! From the information I gathered of this bird, these must of been truly wild Gray Jays!! Not yet ingrained with human presents. I first thought this was a nutcracker. We have many of those around so it seams. Same family as these Gray Jays, but so is the steller's jay,blue jay and the western scrub jay , the crows, the ravens there is a lot of species in the Corvidae family!! From the sub species of the Gray Jay and getting these photographs in the Ochoco mountains this determined these to be the Bicolored Gray Jay. One thing all these birds have in common is, they are very smart!! Smarter then humans give them credit for! Over the Cascade Mountains there is yet another sub species of the Gray Jay over there with different needs and habits. That Gray Jay does not like snow, the ones here better like snow! Like all birds of the Corvidae family, they are pretty much scavengers, however it appears all the species of the Gray Jay have different food s

High ISO - grain is not always bad | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Actually the use of the ISO is not a 'rule' actual of photography, but mostly it was a lot of discussion on of photography tutorial, that we avoid as much as possible NOISE and GRAIN on the results of our photos using ISO setting as low as possible in any lighting conditions when shooting. Use a low ISO will give the images a smooth, clean and sharp as the lighting conditions when shooting course. There are certain times in which to raise the maximum ISO setting could create some interesting photo effects, but on the other side of many of the training course on us as much as possible to use a low ISO. GRAIN or photo noise can give the feel of the sand and crude quality, and for most people it can present a different mood to the picture. It could be said that in the current era of digital of photography will be more difficult due to the efforts of digital camera vendors and try to reduce the NOISE GRAIN better when using high ISO settings. This is easily done when the film camera era, which is the film with a high ISO will result in shades of sand or Grain naturally beautiful. Another way to get GRAIN on the photographs captured using a low ISO setting, is to use software like GIMP or Photoshop, but somehow we'll be more fun to get the effect GRAIN when shooting with the camera.

Using Focal Point In Photography | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Focal Point In Photography - For those of you new to his world of photography, when you shoot with a digital camera occasionally try to stop and ask yourself this: "What is the focal point of the picture?" Maybe some other beginner photographers have asked similar questions such as: What is the Point-of-Interest? What will attract people's attention from this photo? what elements of the picture stand out from the rest? What is the subject of my picture?

Tutorial Auto Mode on Camera Digital | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    Tutorial Auto Mode on Camera Digital - Some time ago there was an interesting question. The question was something like this: "I have been a long time tried to use Manual mode to learn photography, but the results are far from expectations. Existing solutions? ". If you learn photography, and you are learning to use a DSLR camera using Manual mode feel so scary, so this time we will be a little review tips is usually done when learning to use the manual. Let the Auto camera settings to guide you, the AUTO setting is set in such a way as to certain conditions such as Portrait, Macro, Sports, Landscape, etc. For example, use the Sports mode. At Canon 500D camera in the room, we get the settings: f/3.5, 1/230 sec, ISO auto.

Getting to know White Balance In Photography | Tutorial Photography - 0 views

    White Balance In Photography - White Balance is one aspect of photography where many digital camera owners do not understand and know how to use it, but the subject can be regarded as being 'suitable' to be studied, because it will have an impact on the photos you create. So for those of you who even today still avoiding White Balance, this article seems quite interesting to observe. will try to present it as simple as possible and easy to follow.

Tells Stories Through Food Photography | Tutorial Photography - 1 views

    Tells Stories Through Food Photography - Interested in learning about food photography or often referred to as food photography? So the article about some of the introduction of food photography tips is proper to read. You may often go to the bookstore and found a lot of food recipe books, culinary tourism which contains a lot of pictures of food that can make you salivate, and wondering how the taste of food.
Creative Photography

Photography by Adam Bender | Professional Photography Blog - 0 views

    Amazing photographs by Adam Bender, talented graphic and web designer with a real interest in photography, who based in Cambridge, Canada.
Creative Photography

Conceptual Photography by Mark Peterman - 0 views

    Mark Peterman enjoys photographing ordinary people who do interesting things. Although his work is at home in the post-modern world it is very informed by history.
Mohd Hanafi

All about interest in photography - 0 views

Interest, trend or gears.


started by Mohd Hanafi on 20 Feb 14 no follow-up yet
Top Photo

Best People Photography by Ian Taylor - 0 views

    People photography is a big challenge for the photographer but Ian Taylor do it in a very natural way as shown in his portfolio on . Ian was born in England but grow up in Canada. He become interested in photography while his stay in Compodia. His people photography is natural and spontaneous.
Top Photo

Ultimate Landscape Photography by Simon Butterworth - 0 views

    Here we are presenting ultimate landscape photography by Simon Butterworth. he is basically professional musician who is fond of photography. his landscapes have creative touch, romance and depth. Technically he is very strong and handle tricky exposures very successfully. He is interested in all type of photography but mostly shot landscape due to lack of time. here is an example of his landscape photography.
Top Photo

Awesome Landscape Photography By LarsVanDeGoor - 0 views

    Today we are presenting some incredible shots by LarsVanDeGoor in the hoistory of Landscape photography. He was born in Netherland. He was initially interested in music and then shited to photography and editing.

Learn Photography Through Our Photography Training - 0 views

    If you have an interest in photography, you should probably enroll yourself here at Fotoworkshops as we provide the most effective photography training, the best place to learn photography.
mrs roadrunner

Jefferson County Oregon - 0 views

    What is interesting to me, got me thinking (oh oh she is thinking again ha), we are central Oregon BUT we are not central Oregon. We are not included in many central Oregon happenings. People think of Bend and Redmond when thinking of Central Oregon.
Clipping Path Artisan

Vector Drawing | clippingpathartisan - 0 views

    Vector drawing is a complicated and yet interesting way to draw graphics. The apps listed here show the best Join to illustrative designer.

Inspiration Pick #4 - Pick My Templates - 0 views

    This is a weekly inspiration pick, to show our appreciation to these talented creatives from all parts of the world, for submitting inspiring creations, which were selected by the Pickmytemplates design panel. We pick talented creatives such as artists, designers, illustrators, photographers and creative studios to feature their unique creations on our blog @ We welcome graphic design, illustration, photography, print, typography, web design and themes submissions. Submit your original, creative and interesting works to share with our budding community.

Photo-Series About How Different People Live In Identical Apartments - Fubiz Media - 0 views

    Like artist Huang Qingjun who got interested into objects that belonged to Chinese families, photographer Bogdan Gîrbovan focused on the way people exploit and decorate identical flats. It's funny to see that with the same space, each apartment looks different. A fascinating series to discover in the gallery.

Inspiration Pick #7 - Pick My Templates - 0 views

    This is a weekly inspiration pick, to show our appreciation to these talented creatives from all parts of the world, for submitting inspiring creations, which were selected by the Pickmytemplates design panel. We pick talented creatives such as artists, designers, illustrators, photographers and creative studios to feature their unique creations on our blog @ We welcome graphic design, illustration, photography, print, typography, web design and themes submissions. Submit your original, creative and interesting works to share with our budding community.
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