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Cause and Effect poverty - 1 views

    This article talks about the causes and effects of poverty. It also talks about what was once thought about poverty. This article angered me when I learned that many people used to think that it was all the poor peoples fault for being poor.
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    An article that gives the definition of poverty (absolute and relative). It also gives some causes that have been spectulated over. Not only that, but it has a nice chunk about the effects of poverty AND a feminist perspective on it. This article can help you if you are doing causes or effects of poverty.
    The word poverty has a sterotype that the poor cause there own poverty. The effects of poverty are serious. Children who have lived in Poverty all their lives suffer more persistant, and ususally have sever health problems compared to the children who grew up with a little better health circumstances. The "blame the poor" perspective is stereotypic and is not true for all the underclass people. Not only are most poor people able and willing to work hard, they do so when given the chance. There are no solutions or explanations to why the poverty exist but scientist are going to continue to research though the years. \n\n
    There are theories that the cause of poverty has to do with lack on concern about the future and possibly commiting self harming activited. Other families are born into it if their parents were in poverty, so they can't help it. Many effects of poverty include birth defects, easily sick, and impaired vision because of the lack of nutrition.\nI was surprised that the artical said that infants born into poverty are more likely to die before their first birthday. It also scared me because it would be hard on the family if they lost a child.
    This gives a lot of information about poverty, and effects. It says that babies born to parents in poverty are more irritable, weigh less, and are more likely to die. It's kind of depressing, but we have to learn about the problem to solve it.
    wow you guys are like writing novels over here... I like this website, it had some stuff that really interested me, and stuff that was kinda disturbing too. ://

Poverty Facts - 11 views

    Overall it's just different facts about poverty. Some of the categories are Health, Agriculture and hunger. I wonder why women were mentioned more.
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    It really amazed me how little they live on a day. They live on a dollar a day and I go the mall and buy $100 worth of clothes.
    It Disturbied me to learn that about every min some where in the wolrd a women dies giving birth. It also shocked me that about 40% of the worlds population doesnt have bacis sanitary water.
    A lot of the facts in this are pretty suprising, like that every 3.6 some one dies of starvation.
    It was really disheartening to hear that over half the people in the world live on less then 2 dollars a day
    It made me feel really bad when it said that six million kids die every year from malnutrition before their 5th birthday.
    I could not believe that 800 million people every day go to bed hungry, and that 300 million of them are kids.
    800 million people go to bed hungry every night! I don't even know what it feels like to be starved or to go to bed without food. I can't even begin to imagine what these people are going through.
    Tara's's hard to put yourself in somebody else's shoes when you are so used to having basic things, like food. But it's important to try.
    The Paragrapsh that really caught my attention was the phone tittled "Big corperations make poor pay higher taxes" becuase it just seems crazy to me that you would tax the people who are the most likely not to be able to pay? not to mention the majority who would be buying the corperations product?
    If i was hungry before i went to bed, i would just walk downstairs and get a snack. It's hard to imagine that these people do not have that, and that they are almost always hungry. I just can't even imagine that.
    mr reed the world sucks te rich are paying incentives to government so they wont raise taxes on the rich. so where are they gonna get the money? middle and lower class people!
    This article is very depressing, the way it's written. But, it does have very interesting facts. It's hard to believe that basically 1 in 6 people are living on less than a dollar a day. In our country, a dollar can barely buy you a burrito or a burger. Although some people may use the excuse that stuff costs less in other places, so what? In our country, the minimum wage is about $56 dollars a day, and a lot of people have other money saved up. It seems like so much, compared to the less than one dollar, but people are barely getting by on that. It's just not fair that a lot of people have a ton of money, but there are more people living on pratically no money.
    This article shows income poverty, health poverty, poverty effects on women, and poverty effects on children. From deaths to the struggles of surviving poverty, these charts and percentages show what is happening around the world to over 1 billion people in poverty.
    This website really opened my eyes. I knew that there was an amount of people who live under a dollar a day but i didnt realize that ONE BILLION live that way. It was also horrble to see that ELEVEN MILLION children die each year because they cant afford to cure their sickness.

Study:Poverty dramatically affects childrens brains - 0 views

    This article describes how poverty affects childrens brains. The articles says that lower class children's brains develope differently than those of the higher and middle class. This affects thier language skills and thier "ability to plan and remember details". I found this article interesting, and i think it might help explain why people who grew up in poverty have trouble getting out of it when they are older.
14More - 4 views

    This website provides information about several health issues that are a result of poverty. It also introduces you to one of the several solutions to help end poverty. This article really forced me to see the reality of it and just how many people are impacted.
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    This website is about world poverty and its effects. The home page has a map of people dying all around the world because of hunger/hunger related causes.
    This website shows deaths this hour, and sadly it is mostly kids ans women who die. I noticed none of the deaths are from America.
    Well, this article tells you facts about poverty. It tells you organizations that help out this problem too. It told me that over 25,000 people die because of poverty and I was like, "OMGNOWAY!!"
    It really mad me sad to see all of the faces on the map. It made me sad, but yet it mezmorized me to see all of the people that had died
    I hated how the faces were showing up, but what made me sad was that most of them were in asia, africa, and a few were in south america. What i REALLY didn't like was at the bottom of the home page, it said the faces and the names were fake.
    this article expains statistics and how although there is enough food for everybody, not everybody can afford it. About 25,000 people die every day of hunger,yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. its sad to see how many people are dying in just this hour.
    I was really disturbed when I read that 25,000 people die each day of hunger or hunger related causes... I knew people died but I never thought that it would be that many...
    Being in the situation we are, or at least the situation I am, I always feel very datatched rfom the world of poverty. But seeing the actual faces and coming to mental realization that these4 are people with families and storys was really an eye opener. good find.
    oh my god, this article makes me soo depressed. but i don't understand how they could have the picture up of people who just died in that hour? unless i read it wrong
    One person dies every 3 and a half seconds according to the United Nations. Children die more often than adults. The world has plenty of food to feed everyone but the problem is that people are trapped in severe poverty. They dont have the money to buy the food. If they never have food, they become week and sick causing them to not work and they get poorer. There are programs around the world the can help children buy food when they are at school so their families can save money.
    It's sad just knowing how many people die from poverty, but seeing their faces makes it even worse!
    The fact that every 3 1/2 seconds, a person dies due to poverty is really sickening. It makes me feel guilty that we have such a great life compared to others.
    thats so sad that over 25,000 people die a day because of poverty. it is also very sad because they show the pictures of the people who died witch made me very sad.

Poverty in Ohio spreading and getting worse - 19 views

    Ohio has the top 3 poorest cities. i thought that ohio had tones of money before this came up. Its sad that Ohio can't help the people in those city. Why can't we lower the taxes or something like that to help the people that need it.
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    omg i did kno we were poor kinda ironic because we grow so much food!
    I was supried when i found out that the top 10 poorest cities, three are in Ohio are Cleveland, Cincinnati and Toledo. I meen those are mentioned all the time for art shows and cool events and to think that they are poor?!! wow!
    this article is about how 1in 5 Marion County residence went into poverty last year. and how bad the economy has effected Ohio
    i agree with adele about the cool events. I drive though cinncinati a couple times a year and i see the big stadium plus i have family down there who are dintist so i never would have thought it would be one of the more poor cities in ohio. I also can't believe clevland because its up by lake errie and i travle there too and i would think they would have more job opertunities from working the ferries or working at cedier point.But i guess thats why its so shocking to me.
    it terrible that all of this is happening in the U.S but also in our own state, and in the cities around us. it was sad that even though people had a job, they were living paycheck to paycheck. Sometimes jobs help you, but sometimes they don't. nice artical ryan.
    I never really thought that ohio had alot of poverty! I was suprised that Cleveland, Cincinnati. and toledo are listed in the top 10 of poor cities. I am hoping that we can whip this country back into shape before eerything goes down!
    this amazed me that no other state has more than one city that is in poverty. Coming from the state ohio, living in columbus, i had no idea toledo, cleveland, and cincinnati was in poverty.
    This article is about how poverty in Ohio is growing really fast. I was pretty dang surprised at the numbers when the article told how fast poverty is growing. I think it's a really good 'cause there's a lot of good information!
    This article really surprised me. I couldn't believe that Ohio has the most cities in poverty! I never really thought that our state was really poor, until I read this article.
    I always thought Ohio didnt have a lot of poverty, but that is just becasue I'm protected from it, so i never see it. this is a huge eye opener because even working families in Ohio arent doing well financially.
    It was shocking that Ohio has three of the poorest cities in all of America. That's like 1/3 of the top ten are where we live... Disturbing.
    woah dude! I thought that we were kinda rich.... But I guess not o_O... nice article, I learned a lot!
    I never knew Ohio was this bad. I thought Ohio was coming back but apparently not according to the stats.
    I was very sad to read that Ohio is three of the poorest cities in all of America. It makes me feel to do something since I live around poverty. Very eye opening!
    to be honest, it doesn't suprise me that Ohio has the top 3 poorest cities. Everyday I see people struggle.
    I can believe that Ohio has the poorest cities, but yet it still suiprises me. Deep in your head you know that people are poor, but you don't want to believe it.
    yeahh what rachel said. i mean even though i don't really see many people on the streets like you would in D.C. or chicago. but still it is very truee. :c
    I never thought that poverty in Ohio was this bad. I guess I just hadn't opened up my eyes to the people who are struggling. To see that our home is riddled with hardship is not only sad, but it is a monumental weight on your mind.
    This doesn't suprise me. I see people on the street and in food banks.
    the highest number of poverty in 51 years? Wow the world really sucks today.
    This is Crazy, In Marion The Salvation Army's food pantry served 1,020 This August. The number of people doubled from a year ago. This shows that more and more people need support, its sad
    i agree with caroline. it seems like the world is getting more expensive how will we survive when we're older. the population is getting out of hands too.
    It's scary to think that Ohio is has more poor people in this year than last year. Hopefully, we can get reduce poverty levels in Ohio again.
    i can't believe the sitaution is so bad, and how WILL we survive? (that was supposed to be in italics) it doesn't make sense-if the world becomes poorer and poorer, then the rich become fewer and fewer, and eventually it's going to snowball and just get out of control
    I was surprised to see the one of the facts said that poverty is a much more complex problem today than it was when the war on poverty began in the 1960s. I would have thought that that it would have gotten better because there were more jobs avaliable and more money. It would make sense to be bad in the 1960s because there werent a lot of jobs available. What if it keeps getting worse? What will happen in about 50 years from now? Will everybody be living in poverty? It would be helpful to find these answers out now.
    I think this quote hits the nail on the head. "We're seeing a different wave of people using our health centers as the recession hits people in the middle class who have recently lost their jobs," - Julie DiRossi if the economy keeps tanking the way it has been the U.S is in trouble, the majority of this country is people in the middle class and if people keep losing jobs and not being able to build the econonmy up and its just a circling problem

Poverty Facts and Stats - Global Issues - 5 views

    It talks about facts about poverty, and gives percetages about the people in povery. it says there are 2.2 billion kids in the world, and 1 billion is in poverty. That's... sad.
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    I was shocked where it said, "At least 80% of humanitly lives on less than $10 a day". There's something wrong with humanity if this is all we have. This article gives a lot of surprising facts.
    Some of the graphs really made me sad. There was $105 billion spent on alcoholic drinks and $400 billion spent on narcotics drugs, what really made me sad was that there was only $6 billion spent on BASIC education, and $9 billion spent on water sanitation throughout the world. It made me sad..
    These are statistics about poverty. There are several graphs and charts that show how poverty effects different countries. Alot of the graphs are surprising and make me very sad. In 1998 more money was spent on Narcotics Drugs and Alcoholic Drinks than was spent on sanitation, basic education, and health (nutrition)
    This is unbelieveable! 22,000 children die every day due to poverty? It makes me feel like we really need to do SOMETHING. We have enough money to make a big change in the poverty levels, if we did something about it.
    i think its really sad that over half of the world makes less than 2.30 dollars a day. its also sad how many kids and people die each day from poverty and hunger. we should think of better ways to provide other people with food because there is enough for everyone.

solutions to poverty by the group CARE - 9 views

    the group CARE- a nonprofit organization works to provide food and water to those living in poverty. They have improved the lives of over 31 million people living in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. This article gave me a sense of how many people were living in poverty and how sad it is too see that number - Grant Chesser
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    i cant believe that almost 3 BILLION people are in poverty in the world. one of our friends could be in poverty and we dont even know it.
    thats amazing that just one group has helped more than 31 million peolpe all over the world.
    It's phenomenal that the nonprofit organization improved the lives of over 31 million people in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the middle east.
    i can't believe that 3 billion people live on 2$ of food everyday. That is half of the world.
    I thought it was cool that this organization helped actually educate and train people to become farmers. It's one thing to give money to help a family in poverty, but eventually that money will run out. By training people to be farmers, they can then get a job and make a steady income to support their family on their own.
    I thought this was a very good article to read! I liked how they helped these people by not only feeding them but teaching them, giving some health care and standing alongside families that need soulutions to problems. THat is alot of people that need help. THis program is doing a great job of helping those in need.
    I think that this article really shows how much we can help people in need. This one organization has helped over 31 million people. It's really upset me that 3 billion people are in poverty. Thats almost a 1 out of 2 kids being in poverty.
    I find it amazing that a non-profit organization can be so wide spread throughout the world. This shows how if we all come together like the members of this organization, we can overcome great obsticles such as poverty. It ' s shocking however that so many people will not even attept to help those poor unfortunate families.

Causes of, Solutions to Poverty - 0 views

    This article has listed a few of the ways people have made the poverty number drop. The author of the article has also stated their opinions on how we should help the people in poverty by helping them learn how to sustain by themselves, not giving them aid.
    I don't like how the person makes demands for the world to follow. It shows nothing about if countries are already trying to get rid of poverty or how it would mess with their economic structure. Some countries have health care for everyone but other parts of their economy is messed up.

Poverty - 4 views

shared by Matson K on 10 Jan 11 - Cached
Korn G liked it
    Summary of the article and then a brief personal reflection/reaction/opinion
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    This article talks about what poverty is and the different kinds of poverty. Relative poverty and absolute poverty are two kinds of poverty. Hunger and disease are some of the effects of poverty.
    Parts of this article describes what poverty is. It says how poverty is caused and the effects poverty has on people.
    this gives information about health effects, hunger, lack of sources, and the deffinition
    this article has facts about poverty before i read this i was thinking that i have pretty bad but reading about the people how are struggling every day just makes me feel like a spoiled brat
    This article tells you the definiton of poverty and its history in our world. It also talks about some campaigns that help to fight the poverty in the world. I thought this article was very useful beacaue then you know background to help you further your knowledge about poverty.

Poverty Rising in Suburban School - 3 views

    The poverty rate in columbus is starting to show in the schools. As other articles have said, poverty influences not only physical, but mental health. I think the capacity at which poverty is rising is dramatic, and the fact that it has seeped into schools in astounding,
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    I was surprized to see that poverty in the Columbus district is the highest percent, at 82%. I thought that Columbus would be one of the disticts that had a lower rate of poverty.
    i think caroline is right. its sad that the government has tostep in and lower the cost of luinches for some people because america is so poor
    i hadn't ever realized how many people in the columbus area were in poverty like the columbus school district all the way up at 82%
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