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Buchbinder A

How to Address Poverty in the Classroom - 0 views

    This article talks about how to adress the major problem of poverty in a class room(teachers veiw). I thought that in the article it was cool that they would give the teachers different ways to handle that certen stiuation in a good affective way.
Borror D

What are the Long Term Effects of Poverty? - 4 views

    This talks about the long term effects of poverty and has a few paragraphs about understanding generational poverty. Reading the effects, I wasn't to surprised because I can see all of that happening to children and families in poverty.
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    This article tells the long-term effects of poverty, the different kinds of poverty, and how we can help stop it. I thought that this article was really helpful if you don't know much about poverty, or if you want to know how to help it. I think it's pretty sad that some people are born into poverty and they can't get the right education because of it.
    The article seems to really talk a lot about how poverty affects the life of a person. It's terrible how those with less money have so many more difficulties than those who have money. Basic needs should have no price.
    THis article made me so sad! I never knew all of the problems that can be caused by poverty! I agree with Pen Basic needs should have no price. I really want to reach out and help those familes in need. I also think I will understand people who are depressed or who are in poverty. I think I will become a better person because of this article.
Chapman M

hunger - 0 views

    this article gives the definition of hunger. it gives the statistics of the world and it gives organizations that help people in hunger.
Estice H

Facts on Hunger in DC - 0 views

    This gives facts about hunger in both Washington DC and around the world. Some of the facts are really surprising.
Maddox M

..:: Causes of Poverty ::.. - 10 views

    This article is about the causes of poverty. Poverty is caused by overpopulation, unequal distribution of resources, costs of living, inadequate education, and unemployment. I was upset by the some of the causes of poverty, but hopeful too, because some of the causes could be changed in order to end poverty.
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    this website talks about the many different factors that can play in peoples lives that will lead to them being in poverty
    i think poverty will eventually be bred out wether from the most poor starting to die out and it will make it easier to help the smaller less scattered groups or somebody acually finds a decent way to help them all
    This article gives some basic causes of poverty and information on each of them. This article made me realize that it may not be the people's fault that they are struggling, but their environment plays a big part in it too.
    This article is about the suspected reasons for poverty. It provides detailed explanations for each cause of poverty; Overpopulation, Global Distribution of Resources, Costs of Living, Inadequate Education and Employment, Enviromental Degradation, and others. Reading this article, I felt guilty because of the standars of living in the U.S. I felt that in America, we worry about which new car, or designer clothing to buy, when people in developing countries worry about having enough in their gardens to feed their families. Our standards of living seem so silly compared to the standards in poverty stricken countries.
    I didn't know poverty was caused by so many things. This site is really informational too.
    Yes, their are many causes of poverty, but more importantly the efects, like malnutrition, homelessnes, and much, much more! It's crazy!
    I think that poverty in some places can be like a cycle, once someone gets into poverty, it is almost impossible to get out.
    I agree Jake. I think that poverty is a never ending cycle, After reeading alot of these articles, I think the best solution would be to educate people so they can get their own jobs and make an income to end poverty.
    i disagree with jake and tara. I think that poverty is not a never ending cycle, because if everyone heard about these people and we convinced them to donate 10-100$ every month or so, then we can end poverty!. Here is website where you can donate money:
    This article is extremly useful to me since i'm thinking about doing my report thing on causes. but its amazing how many causes there are and what they are.
    I think that the most prominent reasons for poverty are inadequate education and pverpopulation. This makes more sense to why the US has a lot of poverty.
Foster H

Poverty in American & what we can do to help! - 0 views

    this gives information about how people living a good life style, can help other people in need.
    I was suprised that nearly 51% Americans will live in poverty at some point before they are 65.
Goldblum J

Empowering Women in Poverty - 7 views

    This article talks about women in Africa that are in poverty and how the Hunger Project is helping.
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    The fact that more than three quarters of women have HIV is scary I felt. When I saw that women in are giving up their food their food so that their children can eat is really sad. This article and all the other articles that I've been reading makes me want to do something.
    this is a really great article. i new that poverty affected everyone that has to go through it, but i never realised how much more it affects woman. I wonder why AIDS is now more of a womans disease?
    I couldn't believe that 3/4 of young people with HIV and AIDS were women! That really scares me. I agree with Mariah that women giving up food for their children is really sad. This article really makes me want to find "solutions" to poverty.
    I couldn't belive that women are usually in poverty! Young girls don't go to school, and 3/4 of young people with HIV and AIDS are young girls! To hear women giving up their meals so their children can have food is so sad. THis really wants me to take action and try to help those in need.
    2/3 of women!! I agree with Molly. That scares me as well. The one thing I'm wondering is why women? Why are women getting the disease? Women are making a sacrifice so their children can eat is very brave. Especially in poverty. I can see they are making a big scarafice.
    I thought is was really sad when they said that women are trying to help meet their families needs but are restricted because of the lack of resources. I would hate to be in poverty, but it would be even worse if you had to watch your children suffer and there is no way that you can help them.
Foster H

They are here to Help! - 1 views

    this artical describes certain institudes helping people that need the help. They are setting diferent types of programs that help people that are too poor to pay it for themselves.
Oberly K

Causes of, Solutions to Poverty - 0 views

    This article has listed a few of the ways people have made the poverty number drop. The author of the article has also stated their opinions on how we should help the people in poverty by helping them learn how to sustain by themselves, not giving them aid.
    I don't like how the person makes demands for the world to follow. It shows nothing about if countries are already trying to get rid of poverty or how it would mess with their economic structure. Some countries have health care for everyone but other parts of their economy is messed up.
Pawluk M

How to Help you Kids get out of poverty - 0 views

    It is sad that parents don't know how to deal with their children being in poverty. This shows how they can be more supportive of them and help with their growing.
Stockhausen M

Homelessness Doesn't Have To Be A Death Sentence - 0 views

    This site is about a new system to help solve homelessness. It is called a Vulnerability Index and provides housing for the homeless. I was saddened by reading that when you see someone who is homeless you are essentially seeing someone who is dieing.
Liu D

Poverty Day to address human rights and dignity - 0 views

    This article explains that Poverty Day should be celebrated and be made aware that poverty exists.
Smyth C

Share our Stregth - 0 views

    This is a columbus based program that helps people in poverty, particulary children. They reccomened and give out healthy foods. THey have many internal programs, such as cooking matters, which teaches low income families how to prepare and cook healthy delcious meals.
Baker M

POVERTY: K through homeless - 4 views

    This article is about a woman in New York who helps children who are homeless get free and reduced lunches, transportation and immediate enrollment.
    I think what Miss Kilduff is doing is very unselfish--a great quality! It's a shocking fact that there are 51,316 homeless students in NYC alone! And 1.1 million in the entire state of New York! It's not hard to believe that poverty exists in such a city, but the numbers are outstanding. I really hope that Kilduff keeps up her work, and inspires others to reach out, too.
    I very much agree with Roseann Kilduff. I used to go to a private school which people are not that wealthy but are not in poverty. Now in a public school, I found out it's very different. Their are people I know that are in poverty which has opened my eye more to reality. Poverty is scene daily, even if others don't recognize it.
Cooperman H

More Facts About Poverty - 8 views

    this is a great site that shows you in numbers how many people in different areas are living in poverty in different areas.
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    I really like this website. It is basically a bunch of facts and statistics about poverty. On this website they take statistics from a lot of different websites. And they have facts about Global poverty, National poverty, and State poverty. I really like this because I can learn about 3 different types of poverty. :^D
    That's horrible how much poverty is rising in the world.
    I was very surprised that one billion people cant read. I think not being able to read would affect how you live because reading is a big part of life. In most jobs there is a need to know how to read, and if you dont know how, you're not going to stay in a job for very long.
    iI couldn't believe that half the world is in poverty. I can't imagine not being able to read. my life would be really boring if i couldn't read.
    This article was simple and gave so many facts everybody should read this!
    I was shocked when i saw that more than 37 million americans living in poverty.I didnt know there was that many people living in poverty.
    It was nice that the statistics included numbers from 2010. It gives a better perspective of the issue.
    i argree with ariel and liz they are right and i am shocked that one billion cant read and that is somthing you NEED to know how to do anywhere you go!
    it amazed me that 3 billion people are living less than $2 a day. that's half of the worlds population.
    *Number of people in the world who went hungry last year: 852 million *Number of people in the world who are going hungry this year: 854 million This is shocking to me. This means that That the rate of people going hurngry is increasing a lot. What if it increasss every year like this? What will that mean to people? This website gives facts that really open up my eyes. The reality is that people are in trouble and they are in hunger and we need to find ways to help. But how can we do this? I hope somebody finds a solution that makes a big difference and helps people.
Walouke A

The BIG Picture - 1 views

    Stopping extreme poverty is somehwhat very difficult. But these people think its very possible. They think poverty can be reduced in the year 2015 and can be extremly reduced in the year 2025. In my opinion, this is a goal that is very hard to reach, Especially with our economy today. But it is possible.
Gonzalez A

Child Deaths and Poverty - 6 views

    This article talks about poverty around the world and gives statistics. I was shocked when it said that 1 child dies every four seconds due to poverty. 15 children die every minute.
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    This site was really an eye opener. You here that children are dying, and not having food, but when you put number sto it, like 8.1 million children every yeaar, it really makes you want to do something about it.
    I was very unpleasantly suprised to see that every 4 seconds a child dies.
    I cant believe that so many children die every year of poverty. And its really sad that 88million died in the span of 9 years. It makes me want to help even though I know it will always be a problem. The least we can do is donate and help decrease the number of deaths each year.
    the way the statistics were explained were good, the numbers weren't just numbers. they make sense, and it breaks my heart. a child dies every four seconds. We are letting precious life slip away.
    wow this is so sad. i world of never thought over 8 million kids die a year in the world. the Haiti earthquake was terrible but i never knew every ten days as many people died in the earth quake was as many kids died in the ten days around the world. thats so sad :(
    i can not believe that a child is dieing every 4 seconds, and 15 every minute. I don't know how they know that 15 children are dieing every minute or 22,000 children are dieing every day. I think that it is sad that most people don't donate money to people who need it.
    Its so sad that so many children died before there 5th birthday! 8 MILLION children. It really gives perspectice to the situation and i know people go with 8 million children dying if i helped by donating it wouldn't make a difference but it will. If everyone thought that same way the number of kids dying each year would be soooo much higher.
    I was completly shocked at what this article had to say. I was not happy with the notion that every four seconds a child dies and most likely it is causes realates to poverty. I want to help those in need. The pictures that they had of the children made my heart ache. I know that we might not save every child in the world but maybe we can reduce those numbers.
    Definatly a eye-opening article. The first few lines of text were like a bomb to the heart. It's just so sad that so many children are dying, and that there is no clear, easy solution.
Teets S

Children in Poverty: America's War - 3 views

    A lot of true facts about children in poverty. I can't believe about 15 million children live below the poverty line :(
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    15 million children that sad. Why want people help them?
    I don't know if we should be giving money to other nations to hepl poverty when we have so many people here in america that are experiencing the same hardships.
    i fond this fact very disturbing and suprising: "Everyday 2,660 children are born into poverty; 27 die because of it.'
    I liked this article because although it talked about the sad poverty statistics it did talk about how the government is trying to help compared to other articles which blame the government.
    This article was not only informational, but it made me hopeful. Full of statistics, this article gives you information on the effects of poverty AND tells you what is currently being done to help this growing problem in America. "Everyday 2,660 children are born into poverty; 27 die because of it." Although this fact is saddening, I was inspired by this fact: "In 1995, 49% of American adults regularly did some form of volunteer work -- a total of 20.3 billion hours." It's good to see that children in poverty are being helped by those more fortunate than themselves. (:
    I cant believe that in 2008 15.45 million children were living in poverty or were poor. Those children will probably not get an adequate education or have a good healthy childhood. Most likly when those children are old enough they will have to get a job as soon as they can to help the family pay for the things they need. We are so lucky and most of us dont realise it.
    1 in 4 children in America live under the poverty line. Its sad
Allen C

Regional Differences in Family Poverty - 1 views

    This article shows the differences in poverty in different places and reasons why the poverty levels are different.
Gust A

Poverty - 1 views

    This website give a lot of other webpages on different topics. Easy to see with complimentary pictures.
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