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10 Things You Should Do Before Having Brain Surgery - 0 views

    The main point of this article is to go over what one person should do before brain surgery, such as by giving tips to keep yourself stress free during and after the operation, and what to eat after surgery. The purpose of the article is to make a list of things someone should do before undergoing brain surgery, because it can be a traumatic experience, and the author of the article wants only the best for the readers health. The author of the article tackles the issues of health, both mental and physical, attitude, and different ways to handle different situations you may be in before, during, and after the surgery; Essentially, the author goes over the right and wrong things to do in the situation where you require cranial surgery. And as for what the article is about? It is about 10 things to do before having brain surgery, but the article also discusses some things to do after the surgery as well.
    The main point of this article is to go over what one person should do before brain surgery, such as by giving tips to keep yourself stress free during and after the operation, and what to eat after surgery. The purpose of the article is to make a list of things someone should do before undergoing brain surgery, because it can be a traumatic experience, and the author of the article wants only the best for the readers health. The author of the article tackles the issues of health, both mental and physical, attitude, and different ways to handle different situations you may be in before, during, and after the surgery; Essentially, the author goes over the right and wrong things to do in the situation where you require cranial surgery. And as for what the article is about? It is about 10 things to do before having brain surgery, but the article also discusses some things to do after the surgery as well.

10 Amazing Things People's Brains Have Done - HowStuffWorks - 0 views

    The article goes over ten amazing things peoples brains have done; The ten things have no connection to each other, but they all are very interesting things that brains have done. For example, the article has one part of the ten devoted to a man named Howard Engel who could write full book, but couldn't read!!!! AHHHH, how weird. The purpose of the article is simple; To go over ten amazing things people's brains have done. The article doesn't cover any issues really, except for one of the people who died from over exhaustion because he didn't sleep for 6 months; Under sleeping is an issue these days, but this part of the article didn't even mention undersleeping being a problem, so no, the article doesn't tackle any issues. If someone asked me what the article is about, I would tell them that the article is about ten amazing things peoples brains have done, plain and simple.
    The article goes over ten amazing things peoples brains have done; The ten things have no connection to each other, but they all are very interesting things that brains have done. For example, the article has one part of the ten devoted to a man named Howard Engel who could write full book, but couldn't read!!!! AHHHH, how weird. The purpose of the article is simple; To go over ten amazing things people's brains have done. The article doesn't cover any issues really, except for one of the people who died from over exhaustion because he didn't sleep for 6 months; Under sleeping is an issue these days, but this part of the article didn't even mention undersleeping being a problem, so no, the article doesn't tackle any issues. If someone asked me what the article is about, I would tell them that the article is about ten amazing things peoples brains have done, plain and simple.
    The article goes over ten amazing things peoples brains have done; The ten things have no connection to each other, but they all are very interesting things that brains have done. For example, the article has one part of the ten devoted to a man named Howard Engel who could write full book, but couldn't read!!!! AHHHH, how weird. The purpose of the article is simple; To go over ten amazing things people's brains have done. The article doesn't cover any issues really, except for one of the people who died from over exhaustion because he didn't sleep for 6 months; Under sleeping is an issue these days, but this part of the article didn't even mention undersleeping being a problem, so no, the article doesn't tackle any issues. If someone asked me what the article is about, I would tell them that the article is about ten amazing things peoples brains have done, plain and simple.

20 Things You Can Expect After Brain Surgery | The Everywhereist - 0 views

    In this article, the main point is to go over the twenty things to expect after undergoing brain surgery, such as the lack of bowel movements, poor attention span, and the urge to eat everything in site! The article delves deeper into these side effects of brain surgery by explaining what they'll do to you, and how to avoid them to the fullest extent possible. Some of the things they list are medically important, like safety measures for the scalp or hallucinations that may occur, but some of the things listed are worth knowing, but silly. For example, "Everything in your life will make sense". I would think that things make the most sense when you're not "high" off of pain killers, but people have different views on different things. If asked about the article and what the idea behind it is, I would simply tell the questioner that this article is written to prepare individuals for the shock, that is brain surgery. The article will help prepare the soon to be brain surgery recipients for what they are about to undertake.
    In this article, the main point is to go over the twenty things to expect after undergoing brain surgery, such as the lack of bowel movements, poor attention span, and the urge to eat everything in site! The article delves deeper into these side effects of brain surgery by explaining what they'll do to you, and how to avoid them to the fullest extent possible. Some of the things they list are medically important, like safety measures for the scalp or hallucinations that may occur, but some of the things listed are worth knowing, but silly. For example, "Everything in your life will make sense". I would think that things make the most sense when you're not "high" off of pain killers, but people have different views on different things. If asked about the article and what the idea behind it is, I would simply tell the questioner that this article is written to prepare individuals for the shock, that is brain surgery. The article will help prepare the soon to be brain surgery recipients for what they are about to undertake.

Amazing Brain Facts, Videos About the Brain - Posit Science - 0 views

    The purpose of this article is to go over 5 amazing brain facts. The writer of the article does do something that I personally am a big fan of, which is instead of writing about 5 interesting brain facts, they have short videos describing every brain fact in moderate detail. The main points of the article is to showcase 5 amazing brain facts and talk about why they are amazing, such as explaining why exercise is good for your heart AND your brain. The only issues that are covered are about why people should exercise regularly, and the article talks about memory loss, and why it doesn't have to happen to you; No other "issues" are covered. If some lady or some gentleman were to ask me "What is this article about?", I would tell them that it is about what the title says it is about; 5 amazing brain facts, plain and simple.
    The purpose of this article is to go over 5 amazing brain facts. The writer of the article does do something that I personally am a big fan of, which is instead of writing about 5 interesting brain facts, they have short videos describing every brain fact in moderate detail. The main points of the article is to showcase 5 amazing brain facts and talk about why they are amazing, such as explaining why exercise is good for your heart AND your brain. The only issues that are covered are about why people should exercise regularly, and the article talks about memory loss, and why it doesn't have to happen to you; No other "issues" are covered. If some lady or some gentleman were to ask me "What is this article about?", I would tell them that it is about what the title says it is about; 5 amazing brain facts, plain and simple.
    The purpose of this article is to go over 5 amazing brain facts. The writer of the article does do something that I personally am a big fan of, which is instead of writing about 5 interesting brain facts, they have short videos describing every brain fact in moderate detail. The main points of the article is to showcase 5 amazing brain facts and talk about why they are amazing, such as explaining why exercise is good for your heart AND your brain. The only issues that are covered are about why people should exercise regularly, and the article talks about memory loss, and why it doesn't have to happen to you; No other "issues" are covered. If some lady or some gentleman were to ask me "What is this article about?", I would tell them that it is about what the title says it is about; 5 amazing brain facts, plain and simple.

Brain (Human Anatomy): Picture, Function, Parts, Conditions, and More - 0 views

    This website gives a lot of information in an overview format of the brain and the nervous system, brain tests, and treatments. Also listed are a few brain conditions (ie. headaches, aneurysms, etc). At the bottom of the website are many other similar resources for further research. This is a reliable and useful source because upon checking the sources I found that the information is written by doctors. This source was very helpful in terms of hindering a basic understanding of the brain. The diagram is helpful in visualizing the different parts of the brain.
    This website gives a lot of information in an overview format of the brain and the nervous system, brain tests, and treatments. Also listed are a few brain conditions (ie. headaches, aneurysms, etc). At the bottom of the website are many other similar resources for further research. This is a reliable and useful source because upon checking the sources I found that the information is written by doctors. This source was very helpful in terms of hindering a basic understanding of the brain. The diagram is helpful in visualizing the different parts of the brain.

7 Common Myths About The Brain - Business Insider - 0 views

    The main point of the article is to just go over 7 myths of the brain and why they are not entirely true. For example, some people say that you only use 10% of your brain, but really you use many parts of your brain which are all equal to more than 10%, so the myth is completely incorrect. The purpose is to expose to people that not everything you hear in movies or see on social media is always correct, and that by letting people know about these myths, they will think twice about accepting truth from everything on the internet. But the topic that is covered is that some brain "facts" are actually myths, and the article chooses 7 to debunk, like the myth that we humans only use 10% of our brain; That's entirely not true. We use far more than 10% of our brain, because we use different PARTS of our brains, all at different times. This myth being debunked is important because it doesn't make us sound so stupid (using only 1/10 of our brain power), but it also contradicts every movie, like Limitless, and Lucy, which are about people which gain control of more than 10% of their brains, in which the results are supposed to be drastic, like the ability to freeze time. If someone were to ask about this article, I would simply tell them that the article goes over 7 of the biggest myths of the brain, and debunks them, and has data to back it.

Sleeping Brains Can Process and Respond to Words - 0 views

    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!
    Summary: In this article the main focus is the amazing things that people's brains can do, but specifically that even when we're sleeping, our brains can process and respond to words! This has been a theory of many people for the past hundreds of years, and now it's been proven. One of the people who was subject to this was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, whose mother would wake him up in the dead of night, and would give him music lessons then, when his brain was awake and free of distractions, and from there, Mozart could do nothing but absorb the information being embedded in his brain. And the knowledge about being able to understand words in your sleep could change the way people learn languages and study for exams. For example, if you go to sleep listening to a language learning tape, you will comprehend the bulk of the words in theory, and by default, will be learning in your sleep!
Caroline Camara

Greenhouse Science - 2 views

This is good. Please copy it to your Annotated Bibliography doc with the proper citation.

Greenhouse Effect Glass Solar Thermal Radiation Polycarbonate


Brain Parts Overview - 0 views

shared by ameliafbruhl on 16 Jan 15 - No Cached
    The source different from other sources I've used because it is actually a slideshow, not an article (which is helpful in the sense that you do not have to read a lot, it is very short and concise information). The slideshow gives plenty of information about the five senses of the body and the various organs related to those senses. I took notes on the entire slideshow. This source is useful because, as I mentioned before, it is written out in the simplest form possible and most important terms are highlighted. This source helped me understand the fundamentals of the senses and how they operate in the brain. I will use this source from time to time when I need to reference the information on the senses.
Meghan Hahr

Differentiating in the Classroom - 3 views

This was a blog entry by a kindergarten teacher that went into details about how one could help each student at different levels advance in the classroom. The blog went into great detail about not ...

Education Differentiating Multiple Intelligences


Anatomy of the Brain Quiz - 0 views

shared by ameliafbruhl on 16 Jan 15 - No Cached
    This source is an online quiz. I found it helpful in terms of studying and memorizing the different sections of the brain. Of each question there is a diagram of the brain labeled with numbers and the objective is to match the numbers to the corresponding area of the brain. This is different from other sources I have used because the source is an online quiz, not an article. I still learned a lot from it though. This source has helped me to realize that the brain is quite complicated and that it is time consuming to memorize the different parts of the brain. I would highly recommend this article because it is fun to take this quiz and see what you know (or don't know) about the human brain.
Brittany Atkins

How Good Good Rider's Get Good by Denny Emerson - 1 views

Although the title is lacking, this book thoroughly analyzes the choices that all riders have to make if they are going to distinguish themselves as a"gonnabe" instead of a "wannabe", and makes a r...

horse horseback riding equine equestrian

started by Brittany Atkins on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

Reproductive Seasonality in Deer - 0 views

    The physiology of reproduction in the deer (family: Cervical) can help us understand their behavior. Deer are seasonal breeders, with males exhibiting "rut" behavior in the early fall during the breeding season. The timing of the breeding season also has implications in survival of young. The reproduction cycle of deer plays a strong role in deer population, management, and many other things that have to do with deer. I have found an article that talks a lot about the reproductive seasonality of deer or reproductive cycle/mating season. The main points of this article are, what is seasonality, seasonality in male deer, seasonality in female deer, seasonality in all species of deer, comparison to domestic animals, and practical implications. The purpose of this site is to provide the proper information so that some one can understand the seasonality of deer. Some issues covered throughout this article are, deer puberty, the estrus cycle, the rut, birthing process, shows the difference in between all species, white tailed deer, mule deer, red deer, reindeer, roe deer, fallow deer, shows different types of estrus, deer and human accidents, and a little bit of deer psychology. This name of this article gives away what it is about which is the reproductive cycle/seasonality of deer. This source is very useful because of all the great information provided. The article included tables, graphs, and diagrams. Compared to other sources I have used this article goes above and beyond other sites/articles I have used. This information is reliable, relevant for my learning, and is also provided by a reliable source. I would definitely recommend this site to anyone, a deer hunter and anyone who wants to know abou the reproductive seasonality of deer. This source was very helpful to me and helped me discover a lot about the reproductive seasonality of deer. It has helped me direct my learning by making me want to know more about deer in general. Someone could use this source for
Riley Forbes

Music Theory Website: - 1 views

    Summarize: This is a music theory website which I used for a music composition course that I was taking. Common chord progressions was just one of the lessons from the website that I used. In this article that I used the main points were major and minor chord progressions. The purpose of this article is to show what chords most often progress from one chord to the next and the different chords that progress in a major vs. minor key. The theory website has many topics ranging from the basics: dotted rhythms to harder more complex things: cadences and neapolitan chords. They are all very nicely ordered and categorized if you have any specific things that you need to know about. Once you have selected a topic of interest a paragraph appears on the screen. There are two arrows at the bottom that allow the reader to read the page a sentence at a time along with the model that explains what you are reading. It is almost like a PowerPoint but you control the speed at which it moves. Review and access: This is a useful source, because the website explains everything in a clear and easy to understand way. There are pictures to guide your learning. When using other resources I find that they are hard to follow because of their advanced musical terms. Also, the models on other websites often go with one part of the paragraphs and not the other so it gets confusing. The information on this site is reliable, because we used it in class to learn some of the musical terms in each lesson. I would recommend anyone who wants, needs or just likes learning about music theory to use this website as a tool. Reflect: This source was super helpful for me and I accessed it many times throughout my composition course when I was confused on a certain topic, word or structure of song. This site helped me direct my learning because it is very organized and I could find the exact topic that I was looking for. You can use this source as a reference to terms or musical topics, or use it as notes
Riley Forbes

Colonists coming to the New World - 0 views

    The main points in this article are the settlements, population sources, the relationships with Native Americans, government, religion, and economy and population growth for the English, French and Spanish Colonies. The purpose of this article is to show the similarities and differences between the English, French and Spanish Colonists during the founding of the New World. There are many topics covered in this article, however the most important topic is the colonists and how they are different even though they came from the same continent: Europe. This articles is a comparison of the three colonists groups and which group would be the best suited to colonize the New World. This is a very useful source to use as notes or to help you debate a certain side, because it shows you the group's strong points as well as the drawbacks. Other sources that I have used only talk about on group of colonists and you really have to dig for answers, whereas this site is organized in a chart and all the information is right in front of you. This was very useful for my U.S. History class because this website showed the different groups of European colonists and their strengths and weaknesses.

Types of Deer - 0 views

    It may surprise you to discover that there are over 100 different sub species of deer in the world. They live in all locations except for Antarctica where it is too cold. As the name of this animal tells us, the White Tailed Deer is one that has a patch of white that is located around the area of its tail. The main points/the different species listed on this site are white tailed deer, red deer, caribou/reindeer, moose, water deer, common muntjac, axis deer/chital deer, elk, sika deer, elds deer, sambar deer, visayan spotted deer, fallow deer, key deer, mule deer, pampas deer, pudu, roe deer, and extinct species. The purpose of this site is to list all the species of deer. Some topics and issues covered are, why the deer is called what it is, unique features, size, other names, fawns, etc. The topics and issues covered are a few characteristics of each species. If someone asked what this webpage is about, I would say it briefly explains the 100+ different species of deer. This source was useful because it informed me of all the different species of deer in the world and some of their characteristics. Compared to other sources I have used, this article lists many types of species but is less descriptive about each individual species as they are brief. This information is reliable because it comes from a legitimate source called BioExpedition. There is a use policy at the bottom of the website that says this source can be used by students and teachers for school projects and homework. I would recommend this source for people looking to learn more about the many species of deer. This source was helpful to me because it showed me all the different species of deer and is focused on my current area of study - deer. It helps me direct my learning by giving me more material to focus on in class and at home. I can use this source to identify deer species when I'm out in the wilderness by their recognizable characteristics explained in this source. It has change

New England Young Writers Conference - 0 views

shared by ameliafbruhl on 16 Jan 15 - No Cached
    This is the website for the New England Young Writers Conference. I has information about the conference, how to apply, the cost, and where it's located. I used this website to apply for the conference. It was easy to navigate and I found the application form quite easily. THis source was very helpful because after applying, I was accepted into the conference. I believe that it will help me develop my writing skills. This source opened up new possibilities for me in terms of exploring my creative writing skills. The purpose of this website is to give the readers more information about the New England Young Writers Conference.

A Doctor Unlocks Mysteries Of The Brain By Talking And Watching - 0 views

    Summary: The belief by many medical professionals is that better understanding of neuroscience will be achieved through investment in technology that focuses on such. But Dr. Allan Ropper believes that learning from talking, feeling, and watching is just as important as fancy scans and MRI's. As he talks about in his interview, administering bedside tests can, and will give you results that would have never been retrieved by using a machine. For example, Dr. Allan Ropper conducted an experimental test on a woman who was having muscle troubles, and by using a blood pressure pump, he discovered that she has a disease that weakens muscles with repeated use. The other doctors believed earlier that it was a stroke that made her feel weak, but Dr. Ropper proved them wrong. In Ropper's new book "Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole", he delves deeper into why neuroscience should use bedside tests more often, because in times like the one described, it's the only way to get the true answer.
    Summary: The belief by many medical professionals is that better understanding of neuroscience will be achieved through investment in technology that focuses on such. But Dr. Allan Ropper believes that learning from talking, feeling, and watching is just as important as fancy scans and MRI's. As he talks about in his interview, administering bedside tests can, and will give you results that would have never been retrieved by using a machine. For example, Dr. Allan Ropper conducted an experimental test on a woman who was having muscle troubles, and by using a blood pressure pump, he discovered that she has a disease that weakens muscles with repeated use. The other doctors believed earlier that it was a stroke that made her feel weak, but Dr. Ropper proved them wrong. In Ropper's new book "Reaching Down the Rabbit Hole", he delves deeper into why neuroscience should use bedside tests more often, because in times like the one described, it's the only way to get the true answer.
Lyn Smith

Brain Structure Slides - 0 views

    This site makes finding the major and finer structures of the brain easy. The intuitive layout lets the user go through the brain, slice by slice, to reveal actual MRI data and drawn pictures that are clearly labeled to indicate surface and subcortical structures. You can zoom in on actual microscope pictures to reveal cells in the brain and see detailed pictures of how they connect. The detailed pictures use horizontal axis (top of brain to bottom), coronal axis (front to back), and sagittal axis (side to side) scans so that you are able to develop a picture of a three dimensional map of the human brain, in your mind. One of the hardest things to picture when I first began researching about the anatomy of the human brain, was picturing where all the subcortical structures were positioned in relation to each other. By using the many informative anatomical and chemical maps, I was able to clear up the issues I had had with trying to visualize a three dimensional model. This source is very reliable, as it uses real images for the slices you see as you navigate the brain. This source also comes from the University Institut für Anatomie, so the data was observed first hand there, making it reliable. I will be using this information that I have gathered to add to my brain portfolio document, and will be a useful tool if I decide to make a three dimensional model of the brain.
Lyn Smith

Subcortical Fibers - 0 views

    This article cleared up the confusion I had revolving around subcortical fibers. I was unclear on where the white matter was in the brain, what it did, and other information about it. This PDF answered my questions by explaining the roles of the white matter in the brain. It explains that the white matter is right under the gray matter of the cortices of the brain, and transfers information to and from the cortex, to other parts of the brain. It also explains the proportion of the different white matter fibers to each other, which play different roles. The long fibers that go across the brain are long, but there are not as many of them. The shorter fibers that connect closer distances are much shorter, but there are many more of them. This source was used in my brain portfolio, and gave me a generally clearer understanding of the structure that is directly below the cortex.
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