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Brittany Atkins

Muddiest Horse Competition - 0 views

  • provides information on every aspect of horses. It also provides horse-related entertainment like this page that is a competition of the muddiest horse. It makes horse-lovers thankful that their horses aren't looking like this during mud season.

How horses build charater - 0 views

    Interacting with horses is not only a lot of fun for children, but it also builds their character in ways that will benefit them in all other areas of their lives. The best thing that parents can do for their horse-crazy child is let them learn to ride and handle horses.the main purpose of this article is to show that it's good to let children and teens ride because they develop responsibility and a bond between horse and rider. The topics that are covered are what the child will learn with a horse like sensitivity, patience, trust, respect, teach us to have a open mind, teaches us to learn from our mistakes, and it teaches us self discipline.this article is about how letting a horse crazy child ride and care for a horse.

Complete Horse Care Manual - 0 views

This book clearly explains how to take care of a horse. This book covers the development of the horse, general care, the horse outdoors, the stabled horse, nutritional needs, horse problems and fo...

Horse Education Horsecare Farming

started by kylie2017 on 16 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

Complete Horse Care Manual (Chapter 2) - 0 views

In chapter 2 it is all about the general horse care of taking care of a horse. This chapter is more for people who are just getting started on taking care of a horse and have no or very little expe...

Horses GeneralCare Farming

started by kylie2017 on 29 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Dealing with Rearing and Pulling - 0 views

    this article explains the proper way to take care of a rearing horse and where to stand safely when it does happen.this article explains why the horse rears and pulls in the first place and it explains that its actually human error that they rear so often. humans become afraid of horses when they rear and they try to get the horse on four feet by shanking and pulling but it in fact makes the horse feel trapped and that's a great way to make the horse flip backwards.

Horse handling and riding through feel - 0 views

    This article is about developing a feel for the horse to accomplish a well balanced, well versed horse. The purpose of this article is to urge people to get a feel of their horse.This is a useful source because it explains why the feel for the horse should be established.This source was helpful because it gives readers another tool that could used when riding by feel

Complete Horse Care Manual (Chapter 3) - 0 views

Chapter 3 is all about the horses outdoors, the field, fencing and gates,water and shelter and ect.. it shows what you need to do to make sure you horse is safe when its outside and how you could s...

farming horses equine education care

started by kylie2017 on 29 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

horse manual care chapter 5 - 0 views

The chapter Food and water is about how to feed your horse, nutritional needs, concentrated feed, sources of roughage, and feeding hay. This book is very helpful to anyone who is just buying a hors...

farming horses care

started by kylie2017 on 12 Nov 14 no follow-up yet

Complete Horse Care Manual (Chapter 1) - 0 views

In this chapter it tells you about the development of the horse, different types of horses, color and markings, physical features, leg and joints, feet and hooves, gaits and movement and ect.. This...

horse care farming Education

started by kylie2017 on 29 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Brittany Atkins

Vermont Farm and Tack on Facebook - 0 views

This is a group on facebook where a community of horse lovers come together and advertise all their horse-related items that they have to sell. Everything from horses to horse trailers can be found...

horse equine equestrian

started by Brittany Atkins on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
Brittany Atkins

Heart and Heritage Stables Inc. - 0 views

Heidi Sheldrick is the owner of Heart and Heritage Stables and her main goal is to provide quality horse care and maintenance to over 20 boarders who board their horses at her facility. She aims to...

horse horseback riding equine equestrian boarding lessons

started by Brittany Atkins on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
Brittany Atkins

Horse Collaborative on Facebook - 0 views

This a group on facebook where a community of horse lover's come together. You can find horses for sale, horse art, tack, and much more.

horse equine equestrian

started by Brittany Atkins on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

The complete guides to horses and ponies - 0 views

This book is about how to care for you horse and pony. Daily routines, indoor/outdoor lifestyles, cleaning and feeding, grooming, blankets,shoeing, first aid, and tack. If your just starting with h...

horses care farming equine

started by kylie2017 on 17 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Brittany Atkins

Complete Horse Riding Manual by William Micklem - 0 views

This book is very informative and packed with diagrams about horse riding technique. Every aspect of horsemanship is covered, from mounting on your horse, to jumping and competing in different disc...

horse horseback riding equine equestrian

started by Brittany Atkins on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet

Barn Owners - Horse Boarding - 0 views

    This website is about horse boarding and what are the outcomes of horse boarding

Equine Legal Solutions: Legal Counsel with Horse Sense. - 0 views

    This has helped answer a lot of my questions on boarding horses. It tells how to run a boarding business, How to raise prices, and contacts/ releases

Talking with your seat - 1 views

In this article, people will learn how to use your seat properly when riding and how to control your horses speed without using your hands and legs.This article explains how to slow your horse dow...

Education Horses aids Hands legs

started by currierbrooklyn on 19 Sep 14 no follow-up yet

The Training Tree: Contact - 0 views

    this article explains how to properly create contact with your green horse. the article explains that its not a project that can just happen instantly and it requires at least six to eight months until the horse figures out how to keep itself round and supple. in this article, you will learn that keeping contact is more of a elastic connection rather then a dead connection
Brittany Atkins

Horse Ilustrated - 0 views

Horse Illustrated is a monthly magazine that talks about everything equine. It has articles on everything from braiding to trailering. It is very informative and a reliable source that is written a...

horse equine equestrian

started by Brittany Atkins on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
Brittany Atkins

How Good Good Rider's Get Good by Denny Emerson - 1 views

Although the title is lacking, this book thoroughly analyzes the choices that all riders have to make if they are going to distinguish themselves as a"gonnabe" instead of a "wannabe", and makes a r...

horse horseback riding equine equestrian

started by Brittany Atkins on 04 Jun 14 no follow-up yet
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