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7 Common Myths About The Brain - Business Insider - 0 views

    The main point of the article is to just go over 7 myths of the brain and why they are not entirely true. For example, some people say that you only use 10% of your brain, but really you use many parts of your brain which are all equal to more than 10%, so the myth is completely incorrect. The purpose is to expose to people that not everything you hear in movies or see on social media is always correct, and that by letting people know about these myths, they will think twice about accepting truth from everything on the internet. But the topic that is covered is that some brain "facts" are actually myths, and the article chooses 7 to debunk, like the myth that we humans only use 10% of our brain; That's entirely not true. We use far more than 10% of our brain, because we use different PARTS of our brains, all at different times. This myth being debunked is important because it doesn't make us sound so stupid (using only 1/10 of our brain power), but it also contradicts every movie, like Limitless, and Lucy, which are about people which gain control of more than 10% of their brains, in which the results are supposed to be drastic, like the ability to freeze time. If someone were to ask about this article, I would simply tell them that the article goes over 7 of the biggest myths of the brain, and debunks them, and has data to back it.
Rider Maccrellish

In the Beginning - Virginia Hamilton - 0 views

    This is a compilation of creation stories from small tribes around the world. From Navajo people of the southwestern U.S. to remote tribes traced to the island of Madagascar. This was a tremendous source to get me started on understanding the variety of creation myths, and seeing the commonalities in a very succinct form. The book is also well illustrated which makes it more fun, and easy to read.

Amazing Brain Facts, Videos About the Brain - Posit Science - 0 views

    The purpose of this article is to go over 5 amazing brain facts. The writer of the article does do something that I personally am a big fan of, which is instead of writing about 5 interesting brain facts, they have short videos describing every brain fact in moderate detail. The main points of the article is to showcase 5 amazing brain facts and talk about why they are amazing, such as explaining why exercise is good for your heart AND your brain. The only issues that are covered are about why people should exercise regularly, and the article talks about memory loss, and why it doesn't have to happen to you; No other "issues" are covered. If some lady or some gentleman were to ask me "What is this article about?", I would tell them that it is about what the title says it is about; 5 amazing brain facts, plain and simple.
    The purpose of this article is to go over 5 amazing brain facts. The writer of the article does do something that I personally am a big fan of, which is instead of writing about 5 interesting brain facts, they have short videos describing every brain fact in moderate detail. The main points of the article is to showcase 5 amazing brain facts and talk about why they are amazing, such as explaining why exercise is good for your heart AND your brain. The only issues that are covered are about why people should exercise regularly, and the article talks about memory loss, and why it doesn't have to happen to you; No other "issues" are covered. If some lady or some gentleman were to ask me "What is this article about?", I would tell them that it is about what the title says it is about; 5 amazing brain facts, plain and simple.
    The purpose of this article is to go over 5 amazing brain facts. The writer of the article does do something that I personally am a big fan of, which is instead of writing about 5 interesting brain facts, they have short videos describing every brain fact in moderate detail. The main points of the article is to showcase 5 amazing brain facts and talk about why they are amazing, such as explaining why exercise is good for your heart AND your brain. The only issues that are covered are about why people should exercise regularly, and the article talks about memory loss, and why it doesn't have to happen to you; No other "issues" are covered. If some lady or some gentleman were to ask me "What is this article about?", I would tell them that it is about what the title says it is about; 5 amazing brain facts, plain and simple.

Islamic Law - 0 views

    The start of the paper outlines both the preconceptions and misconceptions of the Islamic Law and why they are proven wrong. The article moves onto saying that there is no separation of church and state, proving another myth wrong, defining the elements of the Sharia Law, finally concluding with the many crimes in Islam. The source was useful in defending against the preconceptions towards Islam and helped to gather information on church and state.
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