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7 Common Myths About The Brain - Business Insider - 0 views

    The main point of the article is to just go over 7 myths of the brain and why they are not entirely true. For example, some people say that you only use 10% of your brain, but really you use many parts of your brain which are all equal to more than 10%, so the myth is completely incorrect. The purpose is to expose to people that not everything you hear in movies or see on social media is always correct, and that by letting people know about these myths, they will think twice about accepting truth from everything on the internet. But the topic that is covered is that some brain "facts" are actually myths, and the article chooses 7 to debunk, like the myth that we humans only use 10% of our brain; That's entirely not true. We use far more than 10% of our brain, because we use different PARTS of our brains, all at different times. This myth being debunked is important because it doesn't make us sound so stupid (using only 1/10 of our brain power), but it also contradicts every movie, like Limitless, and Lucy, which are about people which gain control of more than 10% of their brains, in which the results are supposed to be drastic, like the ability to freeze time. If someone were to ask about this article, I would simply tell them that the article goes over 7 of the biggest myths of the brain, and debunks them, and has data to back it.
Britney hill

5 Tips about Recommendation letters - 0 views

    These helpful tips will help any college bound senior find the right people to write their recommendation for them.
Caroline Camara

Greenhouse Science - 2 views

This is good. Please copy it to your Annotated Bibliography doc with the proper citation.

Greenhouse Effect Glass Solar Thermal Radiation Polycarbonate

Mk Charnley

Ceramic Arts Daily - 1 views

    "Information and Inspiration from inside the artist's studio." An all-things-ceramics website that includes video archives, photos, guides to workshops and classes, forums and articles.
Allison Sargent

Activities that can teach you to be old. - 0 views

    By far my favorite website while working with the elderly. This site gives a list of activities that have to deal with your senses but as if you're aged. For example: eyes can yellow as you age so this site explains how you could buy swimmer's goggles an color them yellow to show the aged eyes. This site offers the best inside for understanding how different life is for the elders.
Will Aldrich

Drug Reactions - 0 views

    This website was really useful for me to see where drugs travel through the body and how they affect the body. It's very useful for someone delving into pharmacy and more specifically, pharmacology because it really gives you a sense of what goes on once the drug is inside the person. I recommend this website to anyone wanting to learn how to comprehend the reactions of drugs to the human body and vice versa.
mickella haskins

Business Insider - 0 views

    Washington passed legislation, and the use of marijuana
    Does this help you with your chart on legal changes of the drug?
Whit Lower

College Prowler - 1 views

"Millions of College Reviews & Rankings." College Prowler. College Niche, n.d. Web. 08 Apr. _____2014. College Prowler is possibly the most useful online source to students looking for colleges, e...

Prowler research education college students reviews

started by Whit Lower on 08 Apr 14 no follow-up yet
Mary-Kate Clark

Developing a Character for Acting Auditions - 0 views

    This is a short video by professional theater director Dr. Charles Grimes about finding your character while rehearsing monologues by using a outside to inside method. Helpful if you're having a hard time understanding the personality of your character for an audition.
Will Aldrich

Dolphin Training - 0 views

    This website really helped me to get an inside look at the training that goes into dolphins. It was really incredible as it described different techniques to use when training them, different commands, the different stages of training. It was also incredible to just learn about dolphins and their personalities and behavioral tendencies involving stimulation. This site is definitely one that I'd recommend to someone else who wants to know more about the field and dolphins in general.
Will Aldrich

Marine Mammal Trainer - 0 views

    This website is a must visit for any person wanting to gather more information on Marine Mammal Training and how to get into the field. This website really helped me to see some of the small things that go into the upkeep of marine mammal training and just the regular, everyday jobs. This site also really helps to figure out how to get into the field. It has the, "Ask a Trainer" section, and they actually respond. It has tips and fun little facts as well. Any person aspiring to train marine creatures should definitely put this site on their must-see list.
Kiley Pratt

Anima Shrestha- Language Teacher - 0 views

Anima was an incredible language teacher. Not only did she hike with us to a rural village to continue our language lessons, she gave us all an inside view at Nepali culture and lifestyles.

Nepal anima language teacher good Education writing sanskrit

started by Kiley Pratt on 14 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

10 Amazing Things People's Brains Have Done - HowStuffWorks - 0 views

    The article goes over ten amazing things peoples brains have done; The ten things have no connection to each other, but they all are very interesting things that brains have done. For example, the article has one part of the ten devoted to a man named Howard Engel who could write full book, but couldn't read!!!! AHHHH, how weird. The purpose of the article is simple; To go over ten amazing things people's brains have done. The article doesn't cover any issues really, except for one of the people who died from over exhaustion because he didn't sleep for 6 months; Under sleeping is an issue these days, but this part of the article didn't even mention undersleeping being a problem, so no, the article doesn't tackle any issues. If someone asked me what the article is about, I would tell them that the article is about ten amazing things peoples brains have done, plain and simple.
    The article goes over ten amazing things peoples brains have done; The ten things have no connection to each other, but they all are very interesting things that brains have done. For example, the article has one part of the ten devoted to a man named Howard Engel who could write full book, but couldn't read!!!! AHHHH, how weird. The purpose of the article is simple; To go over ten amazing things people's brains have done. The article doesn't cover any issues really, except for one of the people who died from over exhaustion because he didn't sleep for 6 months; Under sleeping is an issue these days, but this part of the article didn't even mention undersleeping being a problem, so no, the article doesn't tackle any issues. If someone asked me what the article is about, I would tell them that the article is about ten amazing things peoples brains have done, plain and simple.
    The article goes over ten amazing things peoples brains have done; The ten things have no connection to each other, but they all are very interesting things that brains have done. For example, the article has one part of the ten devoted to a man named Howard Engel who could write full book, but couldn't read!!!! AHHHH, how weird. The purpose of the article is simple; To go over ten amazing things people's brains have done. The article doesn't cover any issues really, except for one of the people who died from over exhaustion because he didn't sleep for 6 months; Under sleeping is an issue these days, but this part of the article didn't even mention undersleeping being a problem, so no, the article doesn't tackle any issues. If someone asked me what the article is about, I would tell them that the article is about ten amazing things peoples brains have done, plain and simple.
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