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Carsen Sanchez

Match Play - 0 views

    To anyone who does not keep up with golf, match play is a see-saw battle of hole by hole golf. Best score each hole wins one point. Chip Sullivan does a great job explaining the strategies and mindset you should bring to the match.
Madison Wood

Choosing Concert Band Music - 0 views

    This website gives insight into how to select music for a concert band. This week, I was asked to pick out some music for our band to play in the Winter Concert and I found it rather difficult. I decided that this would be an important subject for me to research. Its most important suggestion is to be realistic of your expectations of your band. It said not to choose pieces that range in pitches that you have not heard your group successfully reach. It also said to to be sure to balance what your students want to play with what they should play.
Mary-Kate Clark

Games to Develop Your Character - 1 views

    This website provided me with games to help create immediate and reactive character development. I'm enrolled in theatre arts this semester, and some of these games are similar to ones we play. I may even suggest one of these games to play in class.

Darren Haynes - 0 views

He is a new math teacher at Mt. Abe. During his high school and college years, he played football. He played back up quarterback for LSU college. He told me his experiences with concussions and tea...

Football Concussions Interview

started by rosstheboss16 on 02 Oct 14 no follow-up yet

Basketball My Way by Jerry West - 1 views

This book is a great resource if you are looking for inspiration for how to increase your level of play on the court. Jerry West was a pro in the NBA for many years and gives you many great facts a...

Basketball Sports Coaching

started by craigbristol17 on 02 Oct 14 no follow-up yet
Kelsey McCormick

Why Do Babies Like Boxes Best? - 1 views

Why Do Babies Like Boxes Best was all about why a baby would prefer to play with a box and wrapping paper versus a toy. This resource explains at what ages babies begin to develop in specific areas...

Development Babies

started by Kelsey McCormick on 16 Sep 14 no follow-up yet
Carsen Sanchez

The Greatest Game Ever Played - 0 views

Frost, Mark, and Mark Frost. The Greatest Game Ever Played. New York: Hyperion, 2006. Print. Mark Frost wrote this book about the history of golf, and older events in golf around 1900


started by Carsen Sanchez on 05 Nov 13 no follow-up yet
Rider Maccrellish

John T. Scopes Trial - 1 views

    This website gives an intricate background and play by play of the Scopes trial a.k.a. The State of Tennessee v. John Thomas Scopes. The trial pitted the theory of evolution against Christian creation, and challenged Tennessee's anti evolution statute. Renown attorney Clarence Darrow defended John Scopes, and three time presidential candidate William Jennings Bryant represented the state of Tennessee. Scopes taught Darwin's theory of evolution to students in a Tennessee classroom while acting as a substitute. The case was a clash between Traditionalists and Modernists, and determined a lot about the progression of society in the face of evolution and religion. The debate is still one that is prevalent today and this site gives good history of one of the key turning points in the ongoing discussion.

Writing Generators - 0 views

    I used this article because I was looking for some inspiration to write a play. Turns out, this website was the just the thing I needed. The random generators are really helpful when you can't think of something interesting for a character you are writing about. There are plot, character, title, and name generator included in this website. I used these generators to come up with character names and even some different interesting things about my characters. They are super helpful when you are stuck or your story needs a lift! This is very different from other sources I have use because it is not an article, but a generator. I would highly recommend this source!
Eliot Brett

Tips on Turning Writing into a Screenplay - 0 views

    This site displays seven important differences between a normal piece of writing and a screen play. How the dialogue is different, the ways to show a plot and how to format a screenplay verses a piece of fictional writing.
Carsen Sanchez

Swing fundamentals - 0 views

    A lot of this is stuff that I do naturally, but I can use this when I am teaching others how to play golf as a beginner.
Courtney Panton

Costuming-"A Christmas Carol" - 1 views

    This video shows ideas that were drawn out and then brought to life for the characters in play.
Courtney Panton

Costume patterns, designs and materials - 0 views

    This is a costuming/crafts store. It has tons of patterns, designs and materials to help build ideas from. I recommend this site you anyone creating a costume for a play, musical ect.
Caitlin Davis

Shakespeare's Tempest: to be read or watched? - 0 views

    This article discusses whether Shakespeare's works should be enjoyed on stage or enjoyed through reading. What do you think - to be read or watched?

Coaching Basketball - 0 views

    Drills, plays, scoring tips & coaching strategies. Answers your basketball questions! Visit forum. 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips. This site didnt help me but it could help you
Amelia Bruhl

Scenic Design - 0 views

    Classic Wikipedia: lots of information
Amelia Bruhl

Career In Set Design - 0 views

    Career in set design>reliable source
Courtney Panton

Scrooge Makeup Tutorial - 0 views

    Really cool video of an idea on how to do makeup for Scrooge in the play A Christmas Carol. Many ideas to build from.
Melinda Lathrop - The Official Website of NCAA Championships - 0 views

    This is the Official Website of the NCAA (college sports). The most coverage of NCAA Athletics on the web. If you are interested in playing a college sport or learning more about college athletics, this website is perfect for you!
Lyn Smith

White Matter Types - 0 views

    This was a extremely helpful source that explained the differences of the three cortical fibers. Though I knew about the roles that white fibers fulfilled, it was clarifying to read this source on the differences among the specific fibers. The commissural fibers connect the two hemispheres of the brain. Association fibers connect different gyri together. Since gyri gyrate in an up and down fashion, the association fibers create a U-shape, so they are sometimes called U-fibers. Projection fibers connect the cortex to the lower brain and brainstem. This article was extremely helpful, as parts of the basal ganglia and limbic systems had been confusing me. In particular the corpus callosum and fornix in these systems had been confusing me as to what they did. This source explained that they just bus the information, and do not have a complicated internal structure, like many of the nuclei in that region. This really helped me understand these two systems, and the roles that each component plays within them.
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