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Meghan Hahr

Elementary School Teacher Job Description and Requirements - 0 views

    This site has very well organized descriptions of the job of a teacher. It has information on many subjects such as requirements, salary, description, responsibilities and ways to be promoted. The website is a great one because you can search basically any career and there is a in detail description of the job.
Maureen Deppman

Inspired Picture Writing - PicLit - 0 views

    This tool is great to help students with their creative writing. The site provides visually stunning images with a bank of words for writing a poem, descriptive paragraph, or caption. Lists of words are categorized by verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and with an additional universal list. The work is public, supports vocabulary building, and helps with word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
Kamille Snell

The Little Prince » Birth of the book - 0 views

    Great description of how the Author of "Le Petit Prince" came to write the book.
Kelsey Haskins

Ten Steps to planning a novel - 0 views

  • Planning a novel in ten steps
    This website was incredible. It went through step by step to help me plan out my novel. It went through summarizing and character charts. It even said to take the one paragraph summary and turn it into a four page summary/description of the novel. It was one of the best websites that I have ever used.

Cosmetology Job Description - 0 views

    I used this site to get a basic understanding on what a career in cosmetology would be like. It was very descriptive and provided an abundance of information that was very useful.

Nail diseases - 0 views

    This site was very useful with great explanations and descriptions of nail diseases, each description also included pictures for accurate visuals which really help my understanding.
Turner Brett

Utah Avalanche Center - 0 views

    This website gives extremely detailed and secific analysis of snow conditions in the mountains of Northern Utah, but is also useful for anyone trying to learn about what conditions are ripe for avalanches. Every day the site gives a description of each possible type of avalanche, the likelihood of it happening and where, what will cause it, and the potential severity of the slide. The website also gives a detailed analysis of all previous avalanches, explaining why it happened and the effect that it had.
Alyssa Lucia

National Guard Engineering Career description - 0 views

    This site specifies some of the careers you can take through engineering

Etsy - 0 views

    Etsy is similar to Ebay. It's different because it's entirely focused on hand made products. It's a sight for artists to post pictures and descriptions of their work on along with a price. There is a monthly cost of a few cents so it is very affordable for an artist to keep their sight maintained, and also highly profitable if people notice and buy their work.
Clayton Trombley

Ski, Snowboard Reviews Evo - 0 views

    Evo is a leading online retailer of outdoor gear. Evo also gives great reviews on items and great item descriptions.
Turner Brett

Time for Tuckerman - 0 views

    This website provides a great description of skiing in Tuckerman Ravine. There is also a forum on the site where consistent reports on conditions in the bowl are posted. This is a very useful site for anyone traveling to Tuckerman Ravine, the East's most popular and dangerous area for backcountry skiing.
Margaret Moody

Shading Techniques - 0 views

    This website is a great source that has taught me a lot about different shading techniques. The purpose of this website is to simple give you shading techniques. This website was really useful for me when I had to bring home artwork to finish and couldn't have the help of an "actual" art teacher. This source is very reliable because the website was created by a former art teacher and student in Scotland. I also found this site helpful from all the descriptions and visuals that helped walk me through the process of shading. I feel like by focusing on little tricks and techniques that were given on this website has made me a better artist and my art pieces more appealing.

INHS parsnip - 0 views

    SPECIES CHARACTER Description The thick taproot of the wild parsnip is long, conic, and fleshy. Branching from the fleshy root is the light green, hollow, deeply-grooved stem that stands erect at 2-5 feet (0.6-1.5 meters) tall. Leaves are alternate, pinnately compound, and branched with saw-toothed edges. Another site describing chemicals that are used to control poison parsnip. The common chemicals are 2, 4-D and Round UP, which could be interesting to test on the seeds.
Louissa Rozendaal

Degree Works - 1 views

    I used this website to help me choose my classes for next year. It gave me suggestions and course descriptions of the classes I will need to take.
Whit Lower

Community Reference - 0 views

Clark, Martin. "Community Resources." Personal interview. 1 Mar. 2014. Throughout my project, not many things have gone smoothly, but the one resource I know I can count on %100 of the time is Mar...

Martin'sHardware resources references help community

started by Whit Lower on 23 Mar 14 no follow-up yet
Will Aldrich

Epinephrine - 0 views

    This site is truly amazing! It gives descriptions on how Epinephrine is used and it's different purposes. This website really helped me to delve deeper into Epinephrine and it's use/role in pharmacy. This is must read website for anyone who is researching pharmacy and wants/needs to look deeper into the purpose of epinephrine. I would recommend it to anyone who is interested in pharmaceuticals and drugs. I definitely think this site really helped me to learn more about this field and it definitely perked my interest in it more.
Will Aldrich

Home of the Periodic Table - 0 views

    This is an extremely helpful site! It gives you the information that you need for the periodic table, such as the atomic numbers and groupings, but it also is an interactive table! If you click on the element you will be given an in depth description about the element and it will even tell you all of the groups it is in as well as different classifications. I would definitely recommend this to someone who is interested in chemistry and wants to learn about the different elements.

Types of Deer - 0 views

    It may surprise you to discover that there are over 100 different sub species of deer in the world. They live in all locations except for Antarctica where it is too cold. As the name of this animal tells us, the White Tailed Deer is one that has a patch of white that is located around the area of its tail. The main points/the different species listed on this site are white tailed deer, red deer, caribou/reindeer, moose, water deer, common muntjac, axis deer/chital deer, elk, sika deer, elds deer, sambar deer, visayan spotted deer, fallow deer, key deer, mule deer, pampas deer, pudu, roe deer, and extinct species. The purpose of this site is to list all the species of deer. Some topics and issues covered are, why the deer is called what it is, unique features, size, other names, fawns, etc. The topics and issues covered are a few characteristics of each species. If someone asked what this webpage is about, I would say it briefly explains the 100+ different species of deer. This source was useful because it informed me of all the different species of deer in the world and some of their characteristics. Compared to other sources I have used, this article lists many types of species but is less descriptive about each individual species as they are brief. This information is reliable because it comes from a legitimate source called BioExpedition. There is a use policy at the bottom of the website that says this source can be used by students and teachers for school projects and homework. I would recommend this source for people looking to learn more about the many species of deer. This source was helpful to me because it showed me all the different species of deer and is focused on my current area of study - deer. It helps me direct my learning by giving me more material to focus on in class and at home. I can use this source to identify deer species when I'm out in the wilderness by their recognizable characteristics explained in this source. It has change
Kiley Pratt

A Guide to Herbal Remedies - 0 views

Written by Mark Evans, this book explores the variety of herbal remedies and solutions to diseases and sickness. It provides explanations and descriptions of various plants, as well as their uses a...

herbal remedies Education research guide mark evans plants healing ayurveda

started by Kiley Pratt on 14 Jan 15 no follow-up yet

Hocking College - 0 views

    I was doing a college search and found Hocking college in which I'm very interested in there farrier science and business associates degree. The site is very well set up and had great course descriptions with all the costs laid out for easy viewing. I plan to use this source and possibly apply in the future.
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