Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kerry J
SBL Interactive > Home - 2 views
Digital Media and Learning Research Hub (MacArthur Foundation) - 1 views
" We investigate the ways in which digital technology is changing learning environments, social and civic institutions, and youth culture. We work to support the growth of the emerging digital media and learning field and community. We spread thought leadership and best practices for next generation learning and civics. How we do it Carry out an extensive agenda of original research Provide a gathering place for those interested in new models of learning Host a weekly webinar series Produce blogs, websites, a report series, other publications Hold an annual conference Support emerging scholars by sponsoring workshops, working groups and a weeklong summer institute Partner with like-minded research organizations and individuals"
What is 'competence' and how should education incorporate new technology's tools to gen... - 3 views
This paper addresses the competences needed in 21st century life especially in relation to civic participation, and the educational requirements to foster them in young people. New technologies are widely used by young people for informal social interaction, video game-playing and giving voice to their views. Incorporation of these practices into the classroom has been fairly slow, despite their manifest potential for promoting agency and civic engagement. The paper argues that this is in part due to the need for a cultural shift in education to accommodate them. Currently, many competences young people will need for the future world of interactive technology and 'bottom-up' information, communication and democracy are mainly being developed through informal practices. These competences, which include adaptability, managing ambiguity, and agency are discussed in relation to civic participation.
Take Control - YouTube - 1 views
Take Control aims to support gamers whose gaming has gone from fun to harmful. It also has information for parents and friends of gamers who may have gaming problems. We tapped into expert advice from ten computer/console/phone gamers aged 12-17 as well as from university researchers and experts on gambling addiction to put together some screening tools, checklists and resources. Visit to learn more.
Paid consultancy work for gamers 12 to 17 years old - Relationships Australia SA - 1 views
Relationships Australia (SA) is looking for up to 10 Adelaide area gamers who want to participate in paid consultancy work about online gaming through a program called Keep It Fun. The end game is to create an online or mobile widget/app/info source for gamers aged 12 to 17 to help them work out whether they’ve got game and are keeping it fun or whether their gaming habits are pwning them.
Relationships Australia (SA) is looking for up to 10 Adelaide area gamers who want to participate in paid consultancy work about online gaming through a program called Keep It Fun. The end game is to create an online or mobile widget/app/info source for gamers aged 12 to 17 to help them work out whether they've got game and are keeping it fun or whether their gaming habits are pwning them.
The neuroscience of online learning Registration, Adelaide - Eventbrite - 3 views
Neuroscience has shown that our brains are plastic and that education, gaming and the use of technology can change our brains' connectivity, function and structure. (1, 2) But learning is more than just biology - it is affected by our learning environment and the people with whom and from whom we learn. So how do you take what neuroscience reveals about the plastic, learning brain and combine it with educational research, expertise and common sense? Klevar, in association with Flinders University, are offering you the chance to explore this with Dr Paul Howard-Jones of the University of Bristol, researcher and author of "Introducing Neuroeducational Research: Neuroscience, Education and the Brain from Contexts to Practice".
How Fast is the NBN? - 0 views
Browser basics - YouTube - 0 views
Skype premium test - 0 views
If you're near your Skype account and Skype device tonight (Wednesday, 11 April, 630pm Adelaide time) - I'd welcome your participation in a test call to kick the tyres on Skype premium. Details on my blog:
Mini-course on Crap Detection - howardrheingold's posterous - 4 views
Beta | Goalbook - 3 views

Kerry J
I'm KerryJ, an educational designer and learner with a passionate interest in how technology is changing teaching, learning and communications. My areas of special interest include engaging and motivating mature aged learners, scenario-based and project-based learning and brining in joy and play.