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John Pearce

ACMA - Spam & e-Security - 0 views

    Another of the really great ACMA pages, this one deals with spam in all its permutations. From the Nigerian email through to telemarketers who are acting outside the do not call register the site has advice on how to avoid, report, protect yourself and complain about spam. There is also a listing of the latest current scams. On the page you can also download SpamMATTERS which works with Outlook. Then when you delete spam from your email it will also lodge a report with ACMA automatically. Neat.
John Pearce

ACMA Portal - 4 views

    "Connect.ed is an innovative, self-paced cybersafety education program offered by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) as part of Cybersmart. Connect.ed provides teachers with the flexibility of a self paced environment to learn about current online behaviours of students, potential risks involved in these activities, a teacher's and school's duty of care and the appropriate tools, resources and strategies to help students to have safe and positive experiences online."
Roland Gesthuizen

ACMA - Learning Portal - 0 views

    "Connect.ed is an innovative, self-paced cybersafety education program offered by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) as part of Cybersmart."

ACMA - Telecommunications today: research report series - 0 views

    ACMA has an ongoing program of research, information collection and analysis in relation to the availability and take up of communication services in Australia. Thx to jason hando
John Pearce

How Cybersmart are you? - 6 views

    From ACMA Cybersmart this very catchy video has stats on what students are doing online as well as lots of targetted advice on what to do to prevent problems and what to do when problems arise. It also contains visual links to the support docs that Cybersmart can provided.
Rhondda Powling

Cybersmart - Internet and mobile safety advice and activities - 0 views

    ACMA site. Cybersmart provides activities, resources and practical advice to help young kids, kids, teens and parents safely enjoy the online world. Cybersmart also offers training and resources for schools and materials for library staff. Developed by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, Cybersmart is part of the Australian Government's cybersafety program
Kerry J

GetUp! Campaign Actions - 0 views

    Our partners on this campaign to save the net: * Amnesty International Australia * Australian Lawyers Alliance * Australian Network for Art and Technology * Civil Liberties Australia * Human Rights Coalition * Human Rights Council of Australia * Human Rights Law Resource Centre * * National Arts and Cultural Alliance * Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance * Public Interest Law Clearing House * Somebody Think of the Children
John Pearce

Cybersmart Detectives - 0 views

    Cybersmart Detectives is an innovative online game that teaches children key internet safety messages in a safe environment. Children work online in real time liaising with community professionals to solve an internet-themed problem. The activity is based in the school environment, and brings together a number of agencies with an interest in promoting online safety for young people, including State and Federal Police, internet industry representatives and child welfare advocates.
    Cybersmart Detectives is an innovative online game that teaches children key internet safety messages in a safe environment. Children work online in real time liaising with community professionals to solve an internet-themed problem. The activity is based in the school environment, and brings together a number of agencies with an interest in promoting online safety for young people, including State and Federal Police, internet industry representatives and child welfare advocates.
Kerry J

iiNet quits Conroy's filter trial: News - Communications - ZDNet Australia - 0 views

    "It became increasingly clear that the trial was not simply about restricting child pornography or other such illegal material, but a much wider range of issues including what the government simply describes as 'unwanted material' without an explanation of what that includes," Malone said in a statement. Malone said that although everyone was against child pornography, the filtering trial would not help keep it away from Australian internet users.
Kerry J

KerryJ's blog » Freedom of speech vs. safety - what a week! - 0 views

    It's been an amazing week for Australia in terms of the debate on filtering, censorship and internet safety. Our country is now on an international surveillance list of repressive regimes. Ouch.
Kerry J

miscs.jpg (JPEG Image, 777×478 pixels) - 0 views

    After Stephen Conroy's appearance on the ABC's Q and A programme someone hacked the Classification Board's web site -- here is a screen shot of it. As of 10am ACDT Friday 27 March the site was still down
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