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Dan R.D.

Cosy social networks 'are stifling innovation' - 0 views

  • Previous research has shown that certain patterns of social interaction make radical innovation more likely. Bold ideas are typically incompletely formed when first conceived and easily shot down by criticism. Hence, they emerge more readily in communities in which individuals work mostly in small and relatively isolated groups, giving their ideas time and space to’s software developers work in social networks in which everyone is closely linked to everyone else. “The over-abundance of connections through which information travels reduces diversity and keeps radical ideas from taking holdTo restore the kind of aggressive innovation needed to build the next-generation internet will require re-engineering of the social networks of software developers themselvesThis could be doneif funding agencies ensured that research projects were carried out by many small, competing groups over longer periods.To enable innovation it may be necessary to reduce the number of social ties Read more at
Dan R.D.

Social media 'could transform public services' - 0 views

  • Social media could transform the NHS and other public services in the same way that file-sharing changed the music industry, a conference has heard.Growing use of tools, such as Facebook and Twitter, offered an opportunity to reinvent services, delegates heard. “It’s happened to the music and travel industries and it’s going to happen to public services,” said Dr Paul Hodgkin, founder of the Patient Opinion site that organised the MyPublicServices conference. He said that conversations about people’s experiences with public services were going on all over the web and needed to be taken into account.“This is about turning things upside down so the thing that looks like a deficit, your experience, becomes the gift you have to give to other people.” “I’m not sure that the government can re-engineer itself from the inside out,” he said. “It’s going to take the demands of people to force it into shape.” Read more at
Dan R.D.

Police open up to social media - 0 views

  • PC Ed Rogerson is on Twitter. He is one of about 20 or so police officers that have turned to the micro-blogging service. “It works on a far more local level than the force-wide Facebook group,” he said. “It’s local to Harrogate and our problems.” Some of his messages, or tweets, contain advice for residents. On occasion he announces an arrest. Others are just to let people know that, while they were out, the police were on patrol. “People do not see us so they do not think we are there,” he said. North Yorkshire police are among the few forces using social media. Its Safer Neighbourhood teams use it to send out messages and it has reserved a page that will soon become its presence on Facebook. “Posting a message on Twitter warning about a spate of burglaries in an area is a similar concept to pinning up a poster on the local parish council noticeboard.” “Doing either in isolation might be fine, but by doing both we can spread that warning even further.” Read more at
Dan R.D.

Twitter and the Global Brain - 0 views

  • In fact, judging by Twitter’s Trending Topics, the re-tweeting process does not point to either good, or important content. Of course, it may not be right to assume that a global brain will be smarter, and real significance will be lost in the tsunami of celebrity drivel.Amplify’d from recent evidence in neuroscience shows the truth is actually an interested twist on this idea - a twist that could have important implications as a model of how global consciousness could emerge from real-time social media like Twitter.In reality, synapses are modified according to a rule called Spike Time Dependent Plasticity (STDP).   In a nutshell, STDP says that if two neurons fire (= spike) in rapid succession, the  connection from the one that fires first to the one that fires second will be strengthened.users could be automatically steered towards following folks who are the first to post content that will interest them - towards those who are considered the ‘thought leaders’ you might say.  And content creators who work hard to be the first to find and tweet interesting content will be rewarded automatically with a growing list of followerscontent generators on Twitter will compete to be the first to create good content or break important news
Dan R.D.

Facebook users share what's on their mind: the top trends for 2009 - 0 views

  • Not very impressive, if these are the trends occupying the Facebook public mind. BTW (by the way) FML stands for (Fuck My Life). What can that be about? It’s #2 and I’ve never heard of it! It does not sound very positive. Is it the equivalent of whining? It’s a genuine question.Amplify’d from Status Trends of 2009:1. Facebook ApplicationsSpecific words: Farmville, Farm Town, Social Living2. FMLSpecific word: FML3. Swine FluSpecific words: Flu, Swine Flu, H1N14. Celebrity DeathsSpecific words: Michael Jackson, Patrick Swayze, Billy Mays5. FamilySpecific words: Family, Mom, Dad, Son, Daughter, Kids6. MoviesSpecific words: New Moon, Transformers, Star Trek, The Hangover, Paranormal Activity and Harry Potter7. SportsSpecific words: Steelers, Yankees8. Health CareSpecific words: Health Care, No one should have to…9. FBSpecific words: FB, FB Friends, News Feed10. TwitterSpecific words: Twitter, RT11. YearsSpecific words: 2008, 2009, 201012. Lady GagaSpecific words: Gaga, Poker Face13. YardSpecific word: Yard14. ReligionSpecific words: Easter, Lord, God15. ISpecific words: I, isFacebook Memology ranks the most commonly used phrases or words in people’s status updates in 2009 and compares them to the trends seen in 2008.Read more at
D'coda Dcoda

Know the Flow - Socializing Content - 0 views

  • If you take the time to create good content, take the time to share it well. There is no magic formula, only thoughtfulness + tools. Know the Flow is my approach to social media data flow. Over the next week I’ll be sharing some of my theory and tips that I touched on in a recent #SoSocial presentation. Consider this the starter pack. Tools & Theory for social media content distribution
  • Distribution Tools
  • Social Blogs
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  • Facebook
  • Networked Blogs App – This is the best method for publishing an RSS feed to your Facebook profile or page. Easy setup and clean integration. Selective Twitter App – Allows you to update your facebook status by adding #fb to the end of a tweet.
  • Twitter Hootsuite – Full featured twitter client, that cross posts to Linkedin & Facebook, also allows scheduled updates and RSS integration Twitter Tools Wordpress Plugin – This is THE twitter wordpress plugin. Autotweet new blog posts, twitter status sidebar widget all in one. Reader2Twitter – Tweet any items you share from Google Reader [ Example] Favorite Tweets – Tweet any tweets you mark as favorite [ Example]
  • Even More… Recommended Reading Wordpress Plugin – Create blog posts from Google Reader shared items. Good customization and easy setup. [Example] Linkedin Twitter Integration – Update your Linkedin status by adding #in to the end of a tweet – URL shortener that allows you to update Facebook & Twitter simultaneously and scheduled updates
  • Power Apps Yahoo Pipes – Advanced data manipulation and output. Not a beginner tool but very powerful. [Example] Friendfeed – Easy method to autotweet any inbound content stream
    listing avenues of social flow
Dan R.D.

10/03/03 Beyond Twitter Search Semantic Analysis of the Real-Time Web Beyond Twitter Se... - 0 views

  • What Ellerdale is now doing with Twitter’s 50 million tweets per day is definitely interesting - the service uses an intelligent data-parsing engine to analyze the context of tweets and the links they contain and combines that with other data sources like RSS feeds and Wikipedia to create a real-time search engine and trends tracker that provides more than just a list of tweets - it provides an understanding of the world’s conversations.The best part about all these new partnerships is that we’re about to see an entirely new way to search the web emerge. For quick real-time results, there will always be the major search engines and their more basic lists of tweets, but for true data analysis, we now have incredible new options like Ellendale and all the others.Within each category are conversation topics and sub-topics.any topical page on Ellendale returns an incredible amount of data. There are summaries provided from sources like Wikipedia, Freebase (an online semantic database),
Dan R.D.

10/04/23 Back to the "SMS" Future - Twitter Buys A Text Messaging Company - 0 views

  • Twitter was born as a text messaging service; tweets are 140 characters because that is the length of a text message, minus a few characters for the author’s name.Today, though, most people in the United States think about Twitter as a Web tool, and they use it either online or via smartphone apps.But Twitter has not forgotten about all the people in the world who do not have fancy phones. On Friday, the company announced that it had acquired Cloudhopper, a Seattle text-messaging start-up.There is “untapped potential” with Twitter text-message use “Mobile is clearly where the majority of usage will happen,” Evan Williams, Cloudhopper has already been working with Twitter to connect its service directly with mobile carriers around the world, in part so that users do not have to pay extra to send or receive text message tweets. Twitter has long had problems with this, and in the past has had to disable text messaging in certain countries because of high fees.Read more at
    Twitter seeks to rebuild it's original text messaging wing with the help of "Cloudhopper" - read on. . .
Dan R.D.

10/04/23 Bad-news Blippy - When Over-Sharing Leads to Problems - Bits Blog - - 0 views

  • Blippy, which lets people publish their credit card purchases online.
  • The blog found a Google results page that divulged the Citibank-issued Mastercard numbers for 127 transactions. Those numbers could be easily scooped up by identity thieves and used for fraudulent purposes.
  • plained that when people link their credit cards to Blippy, merchants pass along their raw transaction data — including some credit card numbers — and the site scrubs that information to present just the merchant and the dollar amount spent.
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  • this appeared to have happened to only four users, he said.
  • “We contacted Google and they promptly removed the 4 credit card numbers from their cache,  so they are no longer visible.”
    I'm not sure why anyone would want to share their transactions. . . 
Dan R.D.

10/02/23 Stalking Yourself? - Personal Blippy + Foursquare + = Strings - 0 views

  • A service called Strings, which launched today, is trying to find and collect all the different ways you can track yourself online — your purchases on Amazon, Zappos and other e-commerce sites; your watching on YouTube, Hulu and Netflix; your listening on iTunes; your check-ins on Foursquare. The service is not about socializing and sharing that information, like the Twitter-for-credit-cards Blippy, but about privately harnessing it. It aggregates all that different preference data to build a better picture of things and places you like. The problem with stalking yourself on the Internet is it’s potentially an invitation to other people to do the same — but Strings of course is promising to keep your data safe.
    Harnessing the power of your consuming preferences in order to consume more of the media content you're already consuming.... ick.
D'coda Dcoda

10/04/19 Privacy Slips Again - Facebook Retroactively Makes More User Data Public - 0 views

  • There’s an argument circulating that we don’t care about our privacy as much as we did when Facebook rolled out with its “promises”, justifying, in part, this decision. Where do you stand? Will you take steps to remove information from Facebook to keep it from going public? See the article for clarification of Facebook’s claim that these changes are “opt in”.
  • Once upon a time, Facebook could be used simply to share your interests and information with a select small community of your own choosing. As Facebook’s privacy policy once promised, “No personal information that you submit to Facebook will be available to any user of the Web Site who does not belong to at least one of the groups specified by you in your privacy settings.”How times have changed.Today, Facebook removed its users’ ability to control who can see their own interests and personal information. Certain parts of users’ profiles, “including your current city, hometown, education and work, and likes and interests” will now be transformed into “connections,” meaning that they will be shared publicly. If you don’t want these parts of your profile to be made public, your only option is to delete them.Read more at
D'coda Dcoda

10/04/22 Money Maker - Twitter and the rise of data platforms - 0 views

  • The unthinkable has happened: Twitter has decided to make money. Longtime users of the microblogging service, which for years has operated without a viable business model, are anguished at the prospect of paid ads appearing among their tweets. But advertising is just the tip of the iceberg. Twitter’s vast and ever-growing data store will be the true profit center, say company execs — both for Twitter and for independent developers.Exactly to what extent Twitter plans to make its data available to outside parties remains unclear, but the company’s APIs are already accessible for developers to access its services, and last October it signed deals with Google and Microsoft to allow tweets to appear alongside search results. Now Twitter is reportedly developing “analytical products” aimed at marketers who want to mine the Twittersphere for insight into public opinion about companies, products, and brands — and it’s encouraging others to do the same.Read more at
D'coda Dcoda

India's copyright bill gets it right - Boing Boing - 0 views

  • India's new copyright bill sounds like a pretty good piece of work: it declares private, personal copying to be "fair dealing" (like US fair use) and limits the prohibition on breaking DRM so that it's only illegal to do so if you're also violating copyright. That means that you can break the DRM on your iPad to move your books to your Kindle or vice-versa. It also makes it legal to make, distribute and sell tools to accomplish this.
D'coda Dcoda

10/04/08 The Revolution is over - Overhauling the conversation about social media - 0 views

  • We’re standing on the shoulders of thought leaders who got social media rolling, time to take the next steps: Better Research Better Metrics and a better understanding of what they mean Defining Ethical & Acceptable Practices Educating others and never wavering from the core elements of social media: What do you want to accomplish? How best do we work to accomplish your goal? How do we measure it? The author adds, “…so I’m done reading the 10 ways to better engagement and follower strategies. It’s either junk science or its been said already.The theories and practices are already defined, it’s time to go to work and use them.”
  • Geoff Livingston, a long time PR blogger, is calling it quits because, “I have run out of things to say.” Further into his post he shared a profound state of social media. Though the pioneering phase is done or may be near done, it’s actually a robust time for social media. Widespread adoption is occurring and best practices within verticals continue. It’s just time for new voices here and abroad (YOU GUYS) to carry the social PR conversation.
  • The internet and people are not new but the past 5 years have been a Social Media explosion. A breathless gold rush to a brave new country and anytime that happens great explorers emerge to lead the way.But the revolution is over
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  • I’m not implying that social media is dead or its impact will lessen, just the opposite actually. The revolution is over because we are now sitting at the decision makers table.It’s time to stop pretending we’ve discovered something new.Read more at 
    We're standing on the shoulders of thought leaders who got social media rolling, time to take the next steps: Better Research Better Metrics and a better understanding of what they mean Defining Ethical & Acceptable Practices Educating others and never wavering from the core elements of social media: What do you want to accomplish? How best do we work to accomplish your goal? How do we measure it? The author adds, " I'm done reading the 10 ways to better engagement and follower strategies. It's either junk science or its been said already.The theories and practices are already defined, it's time to go to work and use them."
D'coda Dcoda

10/04/17 Digital Dossier - TEDxSeattle, Greg Bear on too much information - 0 views

  • Perhaps we need to ensure that the future world is “info friendly”?
  • Using word pictures like “the pig’s blood of technology,” award-winning science fiction author Greg Bear urged Friday’s TEDxSeattle audience to be mindful of our increasingly public and digitally-archived lives. “The web that knows who you are … do you want it to?” he asked.“All of us are neural nodes” in a massive and “vast social brain.” What does it mean to live in a world where finding a moment of private time — for nefarious or honorable reasons — becomes nearly impossible?We don’t know, Bear asserted. “We must understand that we cannot predict the ultimate social response to technology.” In part, that is because society changes over time. Bear painted two scenarios related to our increasingly visible digital lives.In one, he used humor to take us to a world where everyone has a digital dossierBut in the other world, a darker world, social mores have changed. In that future world, behavior that was “acceptable” in 2010 (like drinking coffee) is no longer legal.Read more at 
    Perhaps we need to ensure that the future world is "info friendly"?
D'coda Dcoda

10/04/11 Twitter and Health Care « WiredPen - 0 views

  • A slideshow here on how hospitals are using Twitter
    how hospitals are using twitter, a slideshow
D'coda Dcoda

Spread Your Wings- Get More Retweet Action Today - 0 views

  • Twitter offers a great way to get your information spread far and wide: the retweet.
  • Making Re-Tweet Ready Posts Make sure your post info has room for your original info plus a retweet. If your original post is close to 140 characters, the person retweeting has to edit your post to send it back out. Smells like work? People won’t make extra effort to retweet you if they have to edit your posts. Make sure you use URL shorteners like or or (there are dozens) to get back more of your real estate. If you’re going to tweet a URL, give folks a sense of what they’re clicking into. For instance, I use (video) or (youtube) when pointing to a YouTube video. And make sure you use (NSFW) on things that are Not Safe For Work. The more helpful or entertaining your tweet, the more likely people will take an action. The more jumbled with @ names and multiple urls and hashtags your tweet is, the less likely it will be retweeted. People will gladly retweet causes (unless you fatigue us). Starting a tweet with an @ means that a good chunk of folks won’t see it.
  • Retweet other people and promote other people 15x to every 1 time of your effort. Don’t tweet every damned thing you write about or do. Folks will fatigue quickly. Befriend and add value to the best retweeters. It’s a live network, a human network, a give-and-take relationship. That’s it. That’s how I do it. What about you? How are you getting it done? Photo credit Mike Baird ShareThis Tags: communication, howto, socialmedia, twitter runs on the Thesis Theme for WordPress Thesis is the search engine optimized WordPress theme of choice for serious online publishers. If you’re a blogger who doesn’t understand a lot of PHP, Thesis will give a ton of functionality without having to alter any code. For the advanced, Thesis has incredible customization possibilities via Thesis hooks. With so many design options, you can use the template over and over and never have it look like the same site. The theme is robust and flexible enough not only to accommodate a site like, but also to enable the site to run far more efficiently than it ever has before. Go on a guided video tour of Thesis and see the amazing things you can do with this theme! Seriously, you’ll love it. Check out the Thesis demo site See more Thesis-based sites in the gallery showcase
D'coda Dcoda

The Internet's Broken Promises - 0 views

  • The Internet Has Been a Force for Good” No. In the days when the Internet was young, our hopes were high. As with any budding love affair, we wanted to believe our newfound object of fascination could change the world. The Internet was lauded as the ultimate tool to foster tolerance, destroy nationalism, and transform the planet into one great wired global village. Writing in 1994, a group of digital aficionados led by Esther Dyson and Alvin Toffler published a manifesto modestly subtitled “A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age” that promised the rise of  “‘electronic neighborhoods’ bound together not by geography but by shared interests.” Nicholas Negroponte, then the famed head of the MIT MediaLab, dramatically predicted in 1997 that the Internet would shatter borders between nations and usher in a new era of world peace. Read more at
D'coda Dcoda

Facebook's Hidden Hate Button - - 0 views

  • Perhaps the saddest thing about Facebook (note: I do think there are good things) is that most users seem utterly unware of the way Facebook is changing things; unaware of FB’s ever-changing Privacy settings; little idea about how expansive the recent f8 announcements could be (in fact I’d say a huge percentage of users don’t even know what the heck f8 is or what its impact may have); and perhaps wholly uprepared when their profiles and their data are streaming out in the open publicly. Most users are using FB strictly to post pictures and update their status in the literal way in which FB was designed - no sense of re-purposing the software in broader ways. On one hand, it’s great that we can all share our experiences with each other; on the other hand it’s worrying that more users aren’t educated enough about the fundamental nature of these media to make smart connections back to their own lives.
  • Furthermore, if Facebook becomes the primary place where people congregate, purchase, publish and share, it will become imensely important that users are proficient and savvy and creative in using it *for* their interests as citizens and not against them. The smallest tweaks in any software can have major implications in their use. Imagine if Facebook had a Hate button. I agree with Scoble: I hope we never see something like that. …But I have a feeling, there’s a Hate button hidden deep within our collective social experience and dynamics just waiting to surface its ugly head in the not-too-distant future. Recommend on Amplify                
Jan Wyllie

30% fee - How Facebook plans to fuel the app economy with Facebook Credits [21Apr10] - 0 views

  • Taking 30 per cent of every transaction off the top is plain greedy — very much not part of the ethos of a community / social currency.
  • New details emerged today on Facebook Credits, a long-awaited virtual currency on the social network that will likely have a lot of impact on how much money is made by Facebook’s ecosystem partners.
  • the goal of Facebook Credits is to make it “friction-less” for users to adopt virtual currency and to start spending it across a bunch of Facebook apps.
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  • With credits, it becomes easier for people to buy things across apps.
    Taking 30 per cent of every transaction off the top is plain greedy -- very much not part of the ethos of a community / social currency.
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