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Contents contributed and discussions participated by Jan Wyllie

Jan Wyllie

Another tech bubble is set to deflate - - 2 views

  • But bubbles can pop with a bang or deflate with a long, slow hiss. There is a growing feeling that an eight-year boom is over. It is one thing when non-tech Neanderthals guffaw at the very idea of Twitter, but quite another when those blessed by the Valley’s recent success worry that the gig is up.
  • To create a successful tech company, he wrote, “you have to find an idea that 1) has escaped the attention of the major internet companies, which are better run than ever before; 2) is capable of being launched and proven out for ~$5m, the typical seed plus series A investment; and 3) is protectable from the onslaught of those big companies once they figure out what you’re on to. How many ideas like that are left?”
  • To build a significant tech company in a new space, you cannot be trivial. Yet this is exactly how many start-ups and some big tech companies now feel. Ten of the top 15 paid apps on iTunes this week are games. For all of Apple’s commercials showing people doing clever, scientific-looking things with their devices, most people are using them to play Angry Birds rather than solve the world’s problems.
Jan Wyllie

Social Scoring and Peer Influence | Geoff Livingston's Blog - 0 views

  • The highest scoring “influencers” like to think they deliver widespread impact with their followings. Every single book I’ve read by a blogger on influence claims this. In actuality, that influence lies closer to home. When real researchers parse influence we get a different story than the blogger myth propagated by social scoring. Instead, we see that true influence comes from those who are closest to us in our on and offline social networks, our peers.
  • But generally, their writings serve as a credibility point for readers, just like Consumer Reports, and nothing more. Why? Because relationships — true meaningful interactions beyond social platitudes (Like, love, you rock, etc.) — don’t scale after a certain point.
  • By selecting our friends, we’re also choosing to be influenced by their ideas, beliefs and behavior systems
Jan Wyllie

Facebook's Ambition Collides With a Harsh Market - - 0 views

  • the Facebook newsfeed on your mobile phone would deliver to you everything you want to know: what news to digest, what movies to watch, where to eat and honeymoon, what kind of crib to buy for your first born. It would all be based on what you and your Facebook friends liked. Facebook’s algorithms would be refined so that it would all be sent to you — “pushed,” in Mr. Purdy’s words. You wouldn’t have to search for it.
  • What he didn’t have to say was that in this future world, you wouldn’t need Google. How would Facebook profit exactly? “There is a tremendous amount of value in here because we’re providing the user experience value,” he said. “That means users come back to Facebook. They come back again and again and again. That allows us to show advertising.”
Jan Wyllie

Businesses are right to be turning away from social media - Telegraph - 0 views

  • In the fourth quarter of 2011, 22pc of businesses polled in the sector were investing in social media marketing. This figure fell to 8.5pc in the first quarter of 2012 and to 6pc by the second quarter. Pearlfinders, a major business research company, spoke to more than 5,000 marketeers around the world about their budgets. “This represents an interesting about-turn. We saw investment in social media increase steadily throughout 2011, to reach the highest levels ever by the end of the year. However, as financial services brands embraced new methods for communicating with customers, they opened themselves up to criticism and negative sentiment,” said Anthony Cooper, Pearlfinders managing director.
  • putting spending on hold until they have developed a clearer picture of how social media can be harnessed to improve their brands.”
  • conversations directly linking to brands near impossible to control
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  • Display adverts rarely work on the small mobile screen – so Facebook has its work cut out.
Jan Wyllie

New measures needed - Why Social Media Customer Service Is A Failure @davidpidsley yy - 0 views

  • companies must:
  • Empower employees
  • STOP being afraid of your customer!
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  • Improve the customer experience
  • I personally love the customer; they are my passion and success. I represent them in everything I do. I use their stories to drive change. It is something you may want to do to.
  • the brand of your business is the culmination of shared experiences
  • STOP minimizing the value of your customer! They are more influential to you in the post-commerce phase than you can imagine.
    • Jan Wyllie
      Of special pertinentence to Unit4 who have built their business in this precept.
  • Frank Eliason is SVP of Social Media for Citibank in New York. He previously did social media customer service for Comcast,
Jan Wyllie

'Cancer risk for mobile phones' | This is Devon - 0 views

  • Earlier this year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) classified radiation emitted by mobile phones as a possible cancer risk, with a similar threat to lead and the banned pesticide DDT. And the European Commission also issued a warning saying that individuals should be protected from low-frequency radiation emitted by cell phones, masts and Wi-Fi systems.
  • Mr Stein, the chief group executive of Samworth Brothers
  • began suffering the effects of low-frequency radiation six years ago when he experienced pain when using his mobile phone. “I began getting weird sensations in my ear if I went near a computer or TV, any electrical equipment with a microchip” he said. “I took the view that I was a freak and kept quiet, but it was difficult because I couldn’t drive a modern car with computers on board.” Mr Stein’s research eventually led him to the diagnosis that he is electro-sensitive, a condition he shares with several thousand people in the UK. Electro sensitivity is caused by the thousands of magnetic fields that surround us, from mobile and cordless phones to other wireless devices, including car sat-nav kits. The symptoms include sleep problems, headaches, tinnitus and earache, chest pains, loss of memory, poor concentration and depression.
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  • In May the European Parliamentary Assembly issued a report which recommended the use of Wi-Fi be restricted in public places and schools.
  • An HPA spokesman said there was “no clear scientific evidence” of a cancer risk at levels below international guidelines, but admitted that “the possibility remains”. “Given the possibility of long-term cancer effects, excessive use of mobile phones by children should be discouraged,” the spokesman added.
  • Exposures from Wi-Fi are much less than from mobile phones,
Jan Wyllie

Applying Game Mechanics to Functional Software [13Sep11] - 0 views

  • I am very skeptical about gamification in enterprise software and deeply suspicious about the hype around it in my company and outside. I have been searching for a while for a good introduction to behavioral mechanics that engage people. I found this talk by Amy Jo Kim very useful for the kind of work I do. She has worked in areas where social media and game mechanics intersect. Game mechanics change people's behavior Games engage us in flow, unfolding challenges over time to the player The 5 foundational elements of game mechanics are Collecting The power of completing a set Points Game points are points given by system Social points are given by other players. They drive collaboration. Redeemable points drive loyalty in those who care Leader boards drive player behavior such as competitive behavior Levels are short hand of points earned. Feedback Feedback accelerates drive to mastery. Feedback is fun Social Feedback is more powerful than system feedback Exchange Structured social interaction Explicit exchanges Adding a friend in facebook Implicit exchanges Are more powerful than explicit exchange Gift exchange Customization Character customization Customization engaged players and makes them stick Social media trends influencing game mechanics Accessibility Social media is making games more accessible to more people Recombinant Syndicated
Jan Wyllie

Four mega trends shaping the future of commerce [18Sep11] - 0 views

  • In the next decade, we’ll see more change in the commerce landscape than in the past 100 years combined.
  • Mobile
  • by 2020 and each consumer will have approximately seven devices connected to the Internet.
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  • Local
  • By leveraging inventory sharing and local mapping, buyers can now access real-time inventory data while on the go
  • merging of mobile and local is also leading to the creation of entirely new business models and opportunities
  • Social
  • share it on her social network of choice and get a ‘thumbs up’ or ‘thumbs down’ within minutes
  • The explosion of consumer interest in social networks has spawned the so-called social commerce opportunity.
  • the group gifting apps and the ‘social shopping mall’ concept that allows sellers to offer their products directly to hundreds of millions of Facebook users.
  • Digital
  • Digital has changed everything—including how we use and think about currency. People now have the ability to bump phones together to pay off a friendly wager, order and pay for a meal
  • The Future
  • , the pace of innovation will determine which businesses will go boom or bust.
Jan Wyllie

Like Minds | Blog | Social Media Dark Sides: The Deception and Projection Economy - 0 views

  • people want work and have to act like they’ve got work to get it. And more often than not, people won’t settle for work that’s matched to their experience. They want the big names because what do we honour in our social media circles? Names. The reality is that if these scores of people spent as much time projecting as they did actually humbling themselves to take work at their level and do it, they wouldn’t have to project having work in order to get the work they so desperately need. Right now I know of dozens of people who need work, some famous, some not, who if they would just stretch their hand out and ask, without searching for the big brands, the
  • I had a friend who told me the truth when he couldn’t tell others. His name was Trey Pennington, and when we lost him this month (and there was more to his loss than most know), we became determined to help others who felt equally unable to get the help that they needed
  • I know that most self employed and company owners within our Like Minds community are on the edge of their finances. They are startups in tough times, and the consultants especially are struggling to get work. I venture that together we could help a whole lot of people get the work they need if they told the truth and could be open with one another.
Jan Wyllie

National crowdsourcing project to better predict world events [28Jul11] - 0 views

  • With the goal of creating a more powerful “prediction engine,” for forecasting everything from the price of gas in the U.S. to the nuclear capabilities of Iran, Stone’s research team is looking for individuals to contribute their knowledge in topic areas such as politics, the military, economics, science and technology, and social affairs. “This kind of enhanced predictive analysis capability will help the intelligence community provide early warning and leading indicators of events,” said Stone, who has published studies on the nature of expertise and how to make well-calibrated, non-overconfident judgments. “The idea is to combine individual judgments from a lot of people who all know a little to provide a tremendous amount of information.  Unlike the current process, our procedure captures, shares and combines expert opinions in a manner to make forecasts as accurate as possible.” The ACES process provides opportunities for anonymous sharing and deliberating before making forecasts and will provide participants feedback on their contributions and predictive successes.
  • According to ACES Principal Investigator Dr. Dirk Warnaar, “Some people know important details that can make the future predictable in many cases. They often do not share their insight with others. Our project is designed to find out what people know, have them share this knowledge with others, and ask them to make a prediction based on what they and others know.”
Jan Wyllie

Mobile phones 'more dangerous than smoking' [30Mar08] - 0 views

  • Mobile phones could kill far more people than smoking or asbestos, a study by an award-winning cancer expert has concluded. He says people should avoid using them wherever possible and that governments and the mobile phone industry must take "immediate steps" to reduce exposure to their
  • radiation.
  • It draws on growing evidence – exclusively reported in the IoS in October – that using handsets for 10 years or more can double the risk of brain cancer. Cancers take at least a decade to develop, invalidating official safety assurances based on earlier studies which included few, if any, people who had used the phones for that long
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  • Noting that malignant brain tumours represent "a life-ending diagnosis", he adds: "We are currently experiencing a reactively unchecked and dangerous situation." He fears that "unless the industry and governments take immediate and decisive steps", the incidence of malignant brain tumours and associated death rate will be observed to rise globally within a decade from now, by which time it may be far too late to intervene medically.
Jan Wyllie

Why Social Accountability Will Be the New Currency of the Web [29Jul11] - 0 views

  • Focus has been largely placed on volume and reach of an individual’s ideas versus the implications of their actions. We’re so focused on growing our own brands that the megaphone has become more important than the message.
  • The Whuffie Manifesto further states that “when reputation is wealth, only those who do good and well unto others are the richest.”
  • Sites like DailyFeats have created models in which people self-badge positive actions that then aggregate their overall “Life Score,” which CEO and co-founder Veer Gidwaney says “is a reflection of the good that you do every day.”
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  • The notion of “good” is defined by an individual, and then supported via the closed-loop context of a person’s social graph. This “accountability based influence,” or ABI, is complementary to current measures, but evolves the idea of reputation based on action in communities where a closed-loop context makes sense. And it’s in these contexts that social capital is most easily converted into the virtual currencies moving to the forefront of the new digital economy.
  • . Positive reputation within the community could translate to increased credit and benefits outside of Empire Avenue’s social stock market.
Jan Wyllie

We Live In The Age Of Conversation Overload: G+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn [13Jul11] - 0 views

  • The problem with conversations is that they are more important than not reading that great article... Conversations are with people that I work with, that I meet at conferences and events, potential business partners, friends, family, readers, supporters, and more. I want these conversations because I respect these people. But I don't want it to seem that I'm ignoring people or that I'm arrogant in some way, but I have to admit this -- I can't keep up! And I bet many others can't keep up too.
  • Now they have to do this across a fragmented landscape of social networks and messaging platforms.
  • I'm hoping that people understand that it's not personal.
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  • even greater understanding of the immensity of this problem and each of us will develop their own ways of dealing with the stress of conversation overload.
  • Brands are spam, easy to ignore. People are not -- and that's the problem.
Jan Wyllie

Shadow Cities, a New iPhone Video Game [15Jul11] - 0 views

  • The game’s basic concept may sound familiar: you are trying to help your team take over the world. But we’re not talking about some fantasy realm or alien planet here. In Shadow Cities you’re trying to take over the real world.
  • Right there on the screen you will see other nearby players in real time, and not all will be friendly. When you start the game, you must choose between two factions, the Animators (nature lovers) and the Architects (technologists).
  • when you read an alert from another player that a big battle is brewing in, say, Paris. You jump to a friendly beacon and the next thing you know, you’re lobbing spells against enemy players from all over the world for control of the Champs-Élysées
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  • they did not allow you to play directly with other users in real time and they certainly took no note of where you were in the real world.
  • But in Shadow Cities the network and the real world it pervades become the game, which is so much more powerful. (
Jan Wyllie

Social friending - William Deresiewicz on the meaning of friendship [18Jun10] - 0 views

  • Having been relegated to our screens, are our friendships now anything more than a form of distraction?
  • Facebook isn’t the whole of contemporary friendship, but it sure looks a lot like its future. Yet Facebook—and MySpace, and Twitter, and whatever we’re stampeding for next—are just the latest stages of a long attenuation. They’ve accelerated the fragmentation of consciousness, but they didn’t initiate it.
  • We’re busy people; we want our friendships fun and friction-free.
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  • Far from being ordinary and universal, friendship, for the ancients, was rare, precious, and hard-won. In a world ordered by relations of kin and kingdom, its elective affinities were exceptional, even subversive, cutting across established lines of allegiance.
  • Friendship was a high calling, demanding extraordinary qualities of character—rooted in virtue,
  • Christian thought discouraged intense personal bonds, for the heart should be turned to God.
  • The classical notion of friendship was revived, along with other ancient modes of feeling, by the Renaissance. Truth and virtue, again,
  • The modern temper runs toward unrestricted fluidity and flexibility, the endless play of possibility, and so is perfectly suited to the informal, improvisational nature of friendship. We can be friends with whomever we want, however we want, for as long as we want.
  • in ancient times
  • The culture of group friendship reached its apogee in the 1960s. Two of the counterculture’s most salient and ideologically charged social forms were the commune—a community of friends in self-imagined retreat from a heartlessly corporatized society—and the rock’n’roll “band” (not “group” or “combo”), its name evoking Shakespeare’s “band of brothers” and Robin Hood’s band of Merry Men, its great exemplar the Beatles.
  • Friendship is devolving, in other words, from a relationship to a feeling—from something people share to something each of us hugs privately to ourselves in the loneliness of our electronic caves, rearranging the tokens of connection like a lonely child playing with dolls.
  • And now friendship, which arose to its present importance as a replacement for community, is going the same way. We have “friends,” just as we belong to “communities.” Scanning my Facebook page gives me, precisely, a “sense” of connection. Not an actual connection, just a sense.
  • The more people we know, the lonelier we get.
  • But when I think about my friends, what makes them who they are, and why I love them, it is not the names of their siblings that come to mind, or their fear of spiders. It is their qualities of character. This one’s emotional generosity, that one’s moral seriousness, the dark humor of a third.
  • So information replaces experience, as it has throughout our culture.
  • Character, revealed through action: the two eternal elements of narrative. In order to know people, you have to listen to their stories. (…)
  • No solitude, no friendship, no space for refusal—the exact contemporary paradigm.
Jan Wyllie

The Social Addiction - It's More Serious Than We Think [14Jun11] - 0 views

  • With a pool of nearly 1,000 college students in ten countries over five continents – including the US, the study sought to witness the effects of abstaining from social media and ALL media for a period of 24 hours.
  • The word “addiction” while not clinically relevant was surely on the minds of the students as this word came back repeatedly in responses. “I was itching, like a crackhead, because I could not use my phone.” – US studentFacebook is the social media “drug” of choice. “There is no doubt that Facebook is really high profile in our daily life.” – Hong Kong studentBut “Texting is the glue of social life.” “I found it hard not to text my boyfriend as I am so used to doing that as our main way of communicating during the day.” – UK studentA sense of isolation and loneliness came over many. “When I couldn’t communicate with my friends by mobile phone, I felt so lonely as if I was in a small cage on an island.” – China student Envy led to hostility. "I realized that I was having hostile thoughts towards those students who were walking around texting. I was jealous of them and it literally felt like some sort of withdrawal.” – US student
  • My first reaction after reading over all of the findings was ‘I think much of this is applicable to ALL social media and media users as a whole.’
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  • My next thought was ‘how pathetic we’ve become.’ How utterly pathetic and dependent we’ve all become on technology, which is truly what this is all about.
  • I am merely making the point of how dependent – and that truly is the operative word, we’ve become as a society.
Jan Wyllie

QR Codes set a blingin - Is this the coin of the future? - 0 views

  • The coins will be limited edition and will be produced in silver as well as gold. The silver 5€ and gold 10€ will be issued on June 22, 2011.
  • The Royal Dutch Mint has produced what is the first QR coded coin to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the mint in Utrecht.
  • The Royal Dutch Mint has produced what is the first QR coded coin to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the mint in Utrecht.
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  • The Royal Dutch Mint has produced what is the first QR coded coin to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the mint in Utrecht
Jan Wyllie

Next time with feeling - Sentiment Analysis hocum [20Jun11] - 0 views

  • The data that twitter can supply is good for basic mentions, the basic smell of the situation - just not it's meaning -good/ bad, action required, not required. It's a canary in the mine, but it can't tell you what gas it is. This what many brand/ marcomms research dashboards supply - but many aren't optimised for the 'now take action' moment - they are mostly like webcams of rivers - an ongoing situation goes on. What does work is smart , linguistics trained researchers, alerted by flagged moments in data inputs, then raking through data/ tweets to find meaning. Machines are useful for sorting these out but real meaning comes from human analysis still. Your engineers could help by writing some scripts that help the sifting/ alerting. Everywhere data is used for analysis, a human is required for the real interpretation. The robots just aren't that smart yet.
Jan Wyllie

Facebook Sees Big Traffic Drops in US and Canada as It Nears 700 Million Users Worldwid... - 0 views

  • Facebook is still growing towards 700 million users, having reached 687 million monthly actives by the start of June, according to our Inside Facebook Gold data service. Most of the new users continue to come from countries that are relatively late in adopting Facebook, as has been the trend for the past year.
  • Most prominently, the United States lost nearly 6 million users, falling from 155.2 million at the start of May to 149.4 million at the end of it. This is the first time the country has lost users in the past year. Canada also fell significantly, by 1.52 million down to 16.6 million,
    • Jan Wyllie
      Isn't it inevitable that people become bored -- especially when everything looks the same as it does on Facebook
  • Facebook is the new AOL:
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  • The moral of this story is that you can make a business out of simplifying what is chaotic and confusing, but only at the outset. As people become habituated to what at first was scary and headache-inducing, they will move away from controlled experience to more personally managed negotiation of the world.
    The Facebook's user interface is almost a standardised and boring as Amplify's.
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