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Ian Guest

What we're up to with Mozilla Webmaker (Open) badges - 0 views

    Thinking behind the framework or ecosystem within which Mozilla Webmaker badges will sit
Ian Guest

Mozilla Open Badges Issuer Gadget for Google Sites (and issuing Badges using a Google S... - 0 views

    "the Open Badges Issuer Gadget for Google Sites. This gadget wraps the Mozilla Issuer API to allow you to issue badges from a Google Site. To use the gadget is insert into a Google Site and prefix (base url) is set for your Assertion JSON."
Ian Guest

Badge System Design - 0 views

    "...we've begun to develop and pilot internal badge systems within different areas of the organization. Not surprisingly, this growing group of Mozilla badge systems is revealing itself as fertile ground for investigating the development of a variety of badge systems." via Carla Casilli
Ian Guest

Grades Out, Badges In - College, Reinvented - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "Erin Knight, leader of an education-badge project run by the Mozilla Foundation that provides a platform for students to display such badges on their Web sites, argues that grades shift students' goals from learning to earning, because the stakes are so high when the result of an entire course is reduced to a single letter."
Ian Guest

TeachMeet Mozilla #TMmozLDN2012 - 0 views

    "One thing that struck me in the conversation about Badges was the thought that they can operate on three levels."
Ian Guest

How Mozilla's Newest Project Could Improve Continuing Education - 0 views

    Blog post by Matt Russell
Ian Guest

Open Badges Research Docs - 0 views

    An Etherpad list of research papers and articles pertaining to Open Badges, maintained by Carla Cassilli
Doug Belshaw | Open Badges and assessment - 1 views

    A study group following a 'semesters of learning' approach to explore the concept of, and issues around, Mozilla's Open Badges project.
Doug Belshaw

You Will Suffer My Love » Archive » The Open Badges Project - 0 views

    Has link to 'experimental schools' page
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