"This badge designer makes use of the exciting new features in HTML5 to allow you to combine different visual elements, colours and text to create an attractive Open Badge graphic. You can then use this graphic in your Open Badge issuing systems when creating your rewards."
"A common question about Open Badges is 'what is their real value' this is obviously a much broader question than I am qualified to answer* but a key component of creating value in Open Badges is being able to share them with others and generally shout 'Go Me!"."
"the Open Badges Issuer Gadget for Google Sites. This gadget wraps the Mozilla Issuer API to allow you to issue badges from a Google Site. To use the gadget is insert into a Google Site and prefix (base url) is set for your Assertion JSON."
"Following on from our previous post on the Open Badges Generator we have updated our system to include both badge creation and badge issuing components.
We have now written up a small guide to help anyone who would like to implement this elsewhere."
"Earlier this week, IMS Global announced "an initiative to establish Digital Badges as common currency for K-20 and corporate education." By 'digital badges', the post makes clear, they mean Open Badges."
"If you're interested in making badges for a course/class you're teaching or for a workshop/tutorial you're offering, this post will give you the low-down on making a badge by hand." . « Billy Meinke's Blog
"This Challenge will walk you through all the steps needed to create a badge for P2PU. It will provide links to all resources needed, including Open Source software, font files, and initial templates. You will need a bit of creativity and a bit of patience if you haven't done any graphics work before."