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Ian Guest

RSC e-Assessment: #OpenBadges: challenges and opportunities for assessment - 0 views

    Grainne Hamilton @ JISC thinks "it could be time for the assessment infrastructure we have had in place for many years to be shaken up."
Ian Guest

More on Badges and Assessment | iterating toward openness - 0 views

    "To me, an assessment is the (1) the activity, (2) the evidence, and (3) the judgment. Whether the "thing" awarded out the back end of that process is a grade, a certificate, a pat on the back, or a badge, these second-order proxies are credentials and not the actual assessments"
Ian Guest

Steve Barkley Ponders Out Loud: ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATES...DIGITAL BADGES - 0 views

    "What kind of options and motivations for learning could alternative certificates create? What if students could complete assessments when they were ready? Can we give students the chance to "test out of "units or whole courses because of independent learning?"
Ian Guest

Badges for Learning: Threading the Needle Between Skepticism and Evangelism | DMLcentral - 0 views

    Thoughts of David Theo Goldberg on "whether badges can offer a viable means for assessing learning."
Doug Belshaw | Open Badges and assessment - 1 views

    A study group following a 'semesters of learning' approach to explore the concept of, and issues around, Mozilla's Open Badges project.
Ian Guest

Re-Evaluating Assessment; Recognizing Achievement and Skills - 0 views

    Blog post from John Patten
Ian Guest

Digital Media and Learning Competition - 0 views

    Badges Competition: Call for Proposals Badges for Lifelong Learning "Winning projects will be selected by the expert panel on the basis of aesthetic, technical, and pedagogical quality, the effectiveness of the assessment the badges represent, and the likelihood the badges will be recognized and effectively deployed by learners, learning institutions, employers, trade associations and the general public."
    The details are out!
Tim Riches

Open Badge Experiences - 0 views

Anyone working on Open Badges for their projects let us know. We're currently assessing OBs for use with our educational programmes. Would welcome chance to discuss with others...

badges assessment mozilla education

started by Tim Riches on 27 Oct 11 no follow-up yet
Ian Guest

Why A Badge Is Better Than an A+ - 0 views

    "I admit this title makes a pretty bold statement for a society that pretty much uses the first five letters of the alphabet to define every child from about age 5 until adulthood. But, I am hearing more and more about the use of badges in the classroom, especially in conversations about gamification and self motivation."
Ian Guest

Recognizing, Supporting, and Attracting Adult Learners with Digital Badges - 0 views

    "Shifting demographics and workplaces create new needs for non-traditional adult learners. Two responses to these changes have been online learning and certificates. The use of digital badges is another response to these needs that is full of potential."
Ian Guest

MOOC Badging and the Learning Arc - 0 views

    Different views of how badges might recognise progress, achievement or exploration/innovation
Ian Guest

Webmaker Badges Are Here: Get Recognized! - 0 views

    "...web literacy is more than just learning how to code or specific technical things, but also about being good active members of communities, etc. The first Webmaker badges are a taste of this."
Ian Guest

Show Me Your Badge - 0 views

    "... digital badges are actually portals that lead to large amounts of information about what their bearers know and can do. They are also being used to improve education itself, by borrowing techniques from video games that keep users playing, until they advance to the next level." -
Ian Guest

Open Badges 1.0 Launch - 0 views

    Blog post from Erin Knight (@eknight)
Ian Guest

How Mozilla's Newest Project Could Improve Continuing Education - 0 views

    Blog post by Matt Russell
Ian Guest

Badge System Design - 0 views

    "...we've begun to develop and pilot internal badge systems within different areas of the organization. Not surprisingly, this growing group of Mozilla badge systems is revealing itself as fertile ground for investigating the development of a variety of badge systems." via Carla Casilli
Ian Guest

ForAllBadges - 0 views

    Badge Systems for K-12 Students
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