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Ian Guest

ClassBadges - 0 views

    "ClassBadges is a free, online tool where teachers can award badges for student accomplishments. Through your teacher account, you can award badges customized for your classroom or school. "
Ian Guest

Education Week: 'Digital Badges' Would Represent Students' Skill Acquisition - 0 views

    "Advocates of this vision for K-12 contend that such badges could help bridge educational experiences that happen in and out of school, as well as provide a way to recognize "soft skills" such as leadership and collaboration. Badges could paint a more granular and meaningful picture of what a student actually knows than a standardized-test score or a letter grade, they say."
Doug Belshaw

You Will Suffer My Love » Archive » The Open Badges Project - 0 views

    Has link to 'experimental schools' page
Ian Guest

Achievery - 0 views

    "Achievery is a global platform for recognizing and verifying new and emerging skills, standards, and credentials. Using Achievery, organizations can make, manage, and issue, verifiable digital credentials and badges."
Ian Guest

Badges Go To Graduate School | iterating toward openness - 0 views

    "I've just started awarding the first badges from my graduate seminar, IPT 692R: Introduction to Open Education."
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