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Ian Guest

Badges, Portfolios, and Blending Formal and Informal Learning | FunnyMonkey - 0 views

    "Coming up with a way that allows people to display informal learning in a way that makes sense to people not actively involved in the communities where the learning occurred is critical to ensuring that, as learning and scholarship evolve, new means of acquiring and demonstrating knowledge are recognized as valid."
Ian Guest

Digital Media and Learning Competition - 0 views

    Badges Competition: Call for Proposals Badges for Lifelong Learning "Winning projects will be selected by the expert panel on the basis of aesthetic, technical, and pedagogical quality, the effectiveness of the assessment the badges represent, and the likelihood the badges will be recognized and effectively deployed by learners, learning institutions, employers, trade associations and the general public."
    The details are out!
Ian Guest

Badges for Learning: Threading the Needle Between Skepticism and Evangelism | DMLcentral - 0 views

    Thoughts of David Theo Goldberg on "whether badges can offer a viable means for assessing learning."
Ian Guest

Steve Barkley Ponders Out Loud: ALTERNATIVE CERTIFICATES...DIGITAL BADGES - 0 views

    "What kind of options and motivations for learning could alternative certificates create? What if students could complete assessments when they were ready? Can we give students the chance to "test out of "units or whole courses because of independent learning?"
Ian Guest

Initial Questions About Digital Badges and Learning - 0 views

    "This post suggests some initial questions about learning that you might want to ask if you are considering using digital badges."
Ian Guest

Why Should You Care About Badges? - 0 views

    "How are we using badges to enable a complex, robust ecology of learning to support more just & equitable social futures?"
Ian Guest

Grades Out, Badges In - College, Reinvented - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 0 views

    "Erin Knight, leader of an education-badge project run by the Mozilla Foundation that provides a platform for students to display such badges on their Web sites, argues that grades shift students' goals from learning to earning, because the stakes are so high when the result of an entire course is reduced to a single letter."
Ian Guest

Gaining Some Perspective on Badges for Lifelong Learning - 0 views

    A thoughtful post which led to an passionate exchange in the comments between Doug & Dave Cormier on the philosophical underpinning of badges
Ian Guest

Reflections on Reflections on Badges - 0 views

    Responses and thoughts on some of the posts arising from the DML 2012 conference & DML Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition
Ian Guest

Six Ways to Look at Badging Systems Designed for Learning - 0 views

    "...understanding the different ways people approach badging systems, the different frames people are using, will help us all develop a more comprehensive and informed understanding of our emerging badging ecology"
Ian Guest

Andrea Zellner ยป Badges as Goals: Achievement Goal Theory - 0 views

    "Using achievement goal theory to predict the ways in which these divergent orientations towards learning might impact a learner's motivation within a badge system can be useful."
Ian Guest

Recognizing, Supporting, and Attracting Adult Learners with Digital Badges - 0 views

    "Shifting demographics and workplaces create new needs for non-traditional adult learners. Two responses to these changes have been online learning and certificates. The use of digital badges is another response to these needs that is full of potential."
Ian Guest

MOOC Badging and the Learning Arc - 0 views

    Different views of how badges might recognise progress, achievement or exploration/innovation
Ian Guest

Webmaker Badges Are Here: Get Recognized! - 0 views

    "...web literacy is more than just learning how to code or specific technical things, but also about being good active members of communities, etc. The first Webmaker badges are a taste of this."
Ian Guest

What youth say when they talk about badges - 0 views

    "Video by DigitalMe and S2R Medals, a winner of the Badges for Lifelong Learning Competition"
Ian Guest

7 Things You Should Know About Badges | - 0 views

    From the EDUCAUSE 7 Things ... series - "a different approach to credentials, one that places the focus on individual students and their learning accomplishments."
Ian Guest

Badges of honour | E-Learning Provocateur - 0 views

    "Open Badges ... initiative allows training providers to issue digital "badges" to the participants in their courses, who thereby earn online representations of their newly acquired skills. Each learner can earn badges from all manner of verified issuers, collect them in their online "backpack", and show them off by plugging them into their website or blog."
Doug Belshaw | Open Badges and assessment - 1 views

    A study group following a 'semesters of learning' approach to explore the concept of, and issues around, Mozilla's Open Badges project.
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