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Personal Learning Environments- the future of eLearning? - Graham Attwell - full text.d... - 1 views

  • a Personal Learning environment was not an application. A PLE is comprised of all the different tools we use in our everyday life for learning.
  • All educational software, implicitly or otherwise, either enhances or restrains certain pedagogic approaches to learning. There is no such thing as pedagogically neutral software. A Personal Learning Environment could allow a leaner to configure and develop a learning environment to suit and enable their own style of learning.
  • Social software offers the opportunity for narrowing the divide between producers and consumers. Consumers become themselves producers, through creating and sharing.
    This is paper written back in 2007 about PLNs. The author argues that PLN are the future of elearning because of the power they have to offer individualized learning and give the learner the opportunity to organize his/her own learning. That educational institutions cannot expect to simply recreate the same forms of learning used in tradition education online. rather that we must learn to adapt to the new and emerging technologies of ubiquitous computing and social software. Considering that this article was written 9 years ago, I found it to be extremely accurate and representative of PLNs today.
    Some ideas for using personal learning networks for personalized learning.
Wendi Straub

Flipped Learning Community - A professional learning community for educators using flip... - 0 views

    free profession learning community of flipped learning

Competency-Based Learning or Personalized Learning - 1 views

    Transitioning away from seat time, in favor of a structure that creates flexibility, allows students to progress as they demonstrate mastery of academic content, regardless of time, place, or pace of learning. Competency-based strategies provide flexibility in the way that credit can be earned or awarded, and provide students with personalized learning opportunities.
Terrence Shaneyfelt

Blended Learning: Personalizing Education for Students - New Teacher Center, Silicon Sc... - 2 views

    This is a pretty well done Coursera course on blended learning from folks at the Christensen institute. It can be started at any time.
    I would love to take this after I am finished this semester! I have take a class through coursera on copyright for educators and it was great!

Personalized Learning vs. Differentiated Instruction: Understanding the Difference | Sc... - 1 views

    This article explains that differentiated learning is not the same as personalized learning. From my interpretation, differentiated learning is tailored to the needs of a learner within a specific framework (such as State Standards/Common Core) while personalization also considers all of the learner's interests outside of the overarching academic goals, paces the learning to the needs of the student, and uses feedback to adjust as necessary.
Kristen Taubman

6 Models of Blended Learning - DreamBox Learning - 1 views

    I found this blog post particularly interesting because they consider 6 Models of Blended Learning in direct relationship to high risk students and programs that are currently coming under fire by the Department of Education.
Natalie Burr - 0 views

    Tools to the trade of Blended Learning. Answers the questions "What is Blended Learning" and "How can I implement Blended Learning in my classroom".

The Crowdsourced Guide to Learning - FutureLearn - Free e-book - 0 views

    "This free, 60-page e-book offers useful advice on how to start learning, organise your studies, remember what you've learnt, keep motivated and learn with other people."

Competency-Based Learning or Personalized learning - 0 views I had no idea the government had resources about competency based or personlized learning. Pretty interesting!

trends blended learning

started by jsender on 02 Feb 16 no follow-up yet

The Role of Success Coaches and Blended Learning in Boosting Learning Independence - 0 views

    The personalized learning movement is profoundly changing the landscape of education. In all corners of the country and countless places in between, we are seeing blended learning schools open up in larger numbers each year.
Erica Fuhry

Personalized Learning: A Guide for Engaging Students with Technology - 0 views

    Download the free digital copy of this ebook with fresh ideas for practical applications of personalized learning. "This book provides the information needed to implement personalized learning with technology and concludes with a step-by-step guide to planning, funding, and implementing a school-wide personalized learning program"

Where blended meets personalized learning-and gets results - eClassroom News - 1 views

    A coordinated, intentional program of blended learning is changing teaching and learning in the Nation's capital. For the past two years, the Washington, D.C. Public School District (DCPS) has earned a sort of celebrity status with lawmakers, superintendents, and think tank heads filing in to see what, and especially how, students are learning.

CTE - Collaborative Learning - 0 views

    What is collaborative learning? What is the impact of collaborative learning or group work? What are some examples of collaborative learning activities? How can you design group work activities? How can you manage group work? How can you evaluate group work? What are some general strategies to keep in mind when incorporating group work?

Benefits of Synchronous and Asynchronous e-Learning - eLearning Industry - 1 views

    In an online classroom environment many of the learning activities and expectations are similar to those found in a traditional classroom. These learning environments offer meaningful interactions in a face-to-face setting and are most commonly referred to as synchronous learning activities (Hrastinski, 2008; Harris et al., 2009; Simonson et al., 2012).
Shelley Nash

How Peer Teaching Improves Student Learning and 10 Ways To Encourage It | InformED - 0 views

    "Research also indicates that peer learning activities typically yield the following results for both tutor and tutee: team-building spirit and more supportive relationships; greater psychological well-being, social competence, communication skills and self-esteem; and higher achievement and greater productivity in terms of enhanced learning outcomes."
Mary Carter

CTE - Collaborative Learning - 2 views

    Learn how to encourage student engagement by incorporating discussion, active learning techniques, collaborative work, problem-based learning and more.

Online Learning Update, Author at e-Learning Feeds - 0 views

    3 Ways Virtual Reality Can Enhance Learning by Emory Craig, Maya Georgieva, EDUCAUSE Review Share on Facebook var button = document.getElementById('facebook_share_link_19253') || document.getElementById('facebook_share_icon_19253') [...]

Designing for Deeper Learning: How to Develop Performance Tasks | Stanford Center for A... - 0 views

    "Designing for Deeper Learning: How to Develop Performance Tasks"
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