Exactly How A Learning Management System Can Improve Your Teaching - 0 views
Blog - 0 views
Personalized Learning Requires Effective Teaching First,Technology Second - 2 views
On Tuesday, July 10, the US Department of Education (ED) hosted "What Teachers Need to Know about Personalized Learning" as part of their Teacher Summer Seminars. Richard Culatta, Deputy Director of the Office of Educational Technology, Matthew McCrea, Science Instructional Lead Teacher at G.
Interesting question from the article: "Let's say that a delivery truck shows up at your school and suddenly you have all these devices such as iPads, netbooks, classroom response systems, and learning and data management portals.... Will teachers in your school teach any differently?"
BrainHoney LMS - 0 views
Teachers can create a free account to try out this Learning Management System. This LMS has content standards built in and can be used for online, blended learning, and mastery based learning
Make a Personal Connection in Your Online Classroom - OnlineCollege.org - 0 views
Advice to post a faculty bio and develop online presence are not uncommon, but when I look out at my class roster in the school's learning management system (LMS), on a sea of new names at the beginning of each term, my focus has increasingly become direct instructor-student exchange with each person.
Students at the Center HUB - 0 views
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