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Home/ Online and Blended Teachers/ Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kristen Taubman

Contents contributed and discussions participated by Kristen Taubman

Kristen Taubman - 0 views

    This comprehensive overview of the underlying learning theory and practical application of blended learning is authored by one of our BSU instructors, Dr. Norm Friesen!
Kristen Taubman

6 Models of Blended Learning - DreamBox Learning - 1 views

    I found this blog post particularly interesting because they consider 6 Models of Blended Learning in direct relationship to high risk students and programs that are currently coming under fire by the Department of Education.
Kristen Taubman

The lab rotation model (video) | Khan Academy - 1 views

    This Khan Academy Lab rotation model gives a step by step for STEM classrooms.
Kristen Taubman

Models | Blended Learning Universe - 1 views

    I have noticed that the majority of EDtech 523 course work in k-12. This site is directed toward younger learners but provides a great deal of content for all classrooms.
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