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Deb Henkes

Digital Citizenship in Schools | - 0 views

    ""Explore the concept and practice of digital citizenship."" Great resources!
    "Explore the concept and practice of digital citizenship." Great resources!
Sandra Campie

Mathtrain.TV   - 0 views

    This site allows students in a protected environment to create podcasts on math topics to share. It is wonderful.
Dennis OConnor

Education Week: E-Learning for Special Populations - 0 views

  • This special report, another installment in Education Week's series on virtual education, examines the growing e-learning opportunities for students with disabilities, English-language learners, gifted and talented students, and those at risk of failing in school. It shows the barriers that exist for greater participation among special populations, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of this approach. It also looks at the funding tactics schools are using to build virtual education programs for special populations and the evolving professional-development needs for these efforts.
  • Download the interactive PDF version of the report, E-Learning for Special Populations.
Dennis OConnor

Education Week Teacher: High-Tech Teaching in a Low-Tech Classroom - 0 views

  • How can we best use limited resources to support learning and familiarize students with technology?
  • get creative with lesson structure
  • Take advantage of any time that your students have access to a computer lab with multiple computers.
  • ...10 more annotations...
  • Relieve yourself from the pressure of knowing all the ins and outs of every tool. Instead, empower your students by challenging them to become experts who teach one another (and you!) how to use new programs.
  • "Pass it On" Buddy Method
  • Students assist one another in creating digital products that represent or reflect their new learning. It’s a great way to spread technological skills in a one-computer classroom.
  • Group Consensus Method
  • Small groups of students engage in dialogue on a particular topic, then a member uses a digital tool to report on the group's consensus.
  • Rotating Scribe Method
  • Each day, one student uses technology to record the lesson for other students.
  • Whole Class Method
  • Teachers in one-computer classrooms often invite large groups of students to gather around the computer. Here are a few suggestions for making the most of these activities
  • When we are faced with limited resources, it is tempting to throw up our hands and say, "I just don't have what I need to do this!" However, do not underestimate your ability to make it work.
    Might help create a blended classroom, even when you have to share the blender.  Common sense advise for the real world of underequipped classrooms and stretched thin teachers.
Deb Henkes

Cyberbullying Toolkit | Common Sense Media - 0 views

    Standing up, Not Standing By: A Free Cyberbullying Toolkit for Educators
Dennis OConnor

Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day… - The Best Listening Sites For English ... - 0 views

  • This “The Best…” list was initially a difficult one for me to compile. A number of my previous lists, including the ones on reading and conversation, can also be characterized as “listening.” I finally decided on the following criteria for sites that would appear on this list. They would need need to: … be free. … be accessible to English Language Learners. … let English Language Learners listen to pretty much anything they would either write or anything they could find on the Internet, OR … have a wide range of listening options that would be combined with comprehension assessments.
    Thanks Larry for collecting high quality sites to help ESL, ELL, EFL teachers and students!  These sites will appeal to all language and writing teachers as well!
Deb Henkes

Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade - - 0 views

    Simply put, we can't keep preparing students for a world that doesn't exist. We can't keep ignoring the formidable cognitive skills they're developing on their own. And above all, we must stop disparaging digital prowess just because some of us over 40 don't happen to possess it. An institutional grudge match with the young can sabotage an entire culture.
Deanna Etherington

Web 2.0 Design Guide - 0 views

    This looked like list of items to consider when designing web pages. I'm not sure I shared this correctly with the group. If I didn't, would someone tell me how to it?
Erin Strasil Larson

ollie1: Iowa Online Teaching Standards - 0 views

  • Assists students with technology used in the course
    • Mary Beth Murrell
      As math teachers we need to be able to use technology as a tool to deepen understanding. It's about the math, not about the button pressing.
    • Susan Parker
      I keep thinking about the technology that has been prevalent for math for many years: graphing calculators--some do not understand the power of those since they are not significant in other disciplines.
  • Provides and communicates evidence of learning
    • Mary Beth Murrell
      This addresses our state work with Formative Assessment & Margaret Heritage. "Unpacking evidence of student learning" is an area we need much growth.
    • Susan Parker
      Good perspective--I just am nervous about how I will be able to effectively do this online--guess I will find out.
  • understands how to teach the content to students
    • Susan Parker
      I think that this piece is sometimes lacking in educators--will technology be the complete way to work in mathematics education?
    • Mary Beth Murrell
      I agree. We all still have a long way to go in building content knowledge & pedagogical content knowledge
  • ...21 more annotations...
  • best enhance student learning,
    • Susan Parker
      I want us all to really question this when designing a course: should it be complete moodle, or blended?
    • Cindy Menendez
      Yes, I think all things in moderation might be a good mantra. Any time we are "totally" something, it can be too extreme. :-)
    • Carissa Otto
      I believe this is essential in all areas of teaching - to design the structure of the class. This is essential in all courses as there should be a sequence/structure that flows utilizing the tools needed to "teach" the content. It is our roadmap to what our outcome is.
    • Erin Strasil Larson
      I think it is often helpful to take a "hybrid" course, as least if it is one's first online course experience...that way, you can get face-to-face assistance with learning all the online components, as it can be overwhelming!
  • Understands the differences between teaching online and teaching face-to-face
    • Susan Parker
      Will we use online to its best ability and know if teaching face to face is a better/worse method and do what is better for the learner?
  • Tailors instruction to meet the different needs of students, including different learning styles, different interests and backgrounds, and students with special needs or whom are language learners
    • Susan Parker
      My question is how flexible will we be when we design a course for online? Can we use formative assessment to make changes in instruction as easily as face to face--
    • Carissa Otto
      Tailoring instruction is very essential for learning, as I work with preschool teachers to do this, they struggle and they see their students day to day F2F. Where I wonder if it is harder or not to do this in an online class. thoughts? This is an essential component needed in every class.
    • Marjorie Nash
      It is imperative for teachers to understand the tools that are available to meet the diverse needs of all students. Many teachers would use more tools, in my opinion, if they were aware of them and had help learning how and when to use them.
    • Anne Michel
      Many of these new tools will help meet diverse learning needs.
    • Cindy Menendez
      I think these are key words! So often technology in education to add "bling" to our lesson or presentation. It doesn't necessarily improve learning or teaching. This is a reminder to keep our eye on the ball, so to speak.
  • appropriate behavior and proper interaction
    • Carissa Otto
      Appropriate behavior is very important and teaching appropriate expectations.....through your class
    • Carissa Otto
      This was a test
    • C Richardson
      How different can it be from F2F? I'm wondering...
  • unit/lesson overviews and reviews, using patterns in lesson sequencing, and using appropriate visual web design techniques
  • course and the presentation of the content
    • Carissa Otto
      I believe this is essential in all areas of teaching - to design the structure of the class. This is essential in all courses as there should be a sequence/structure that flows utilizing the tools needed to "teach" the content. It is our roadmap to what our outcome is.
  • student motivation
    • Carissa Otto
      If in college, my online courses were as effective as this one, I would have been more engaged. This class motivates me to want to do more and learn more. I feel motivation is key int having an engaged class.
  • course evaluation and student feedback data to improve the course
    • Erin Strasil Larson
      I think it's essential to consider student feedback so we can keep improving our online courses...sometimes, feedback is gathered but not looked at or not used to make changes, so this will be important to provide the optimal online learning environment
  • synchronous/asynchronous
  • including course management software (CMS) and
    • Erin Strasil Larson
      I am excited about the possibilities of both synchronous and asynchronous communication tools...there may be times when synchronous learning would be most beneficial (having students view the same instruction or community learning at the same time), but how convenient would it be if everyone did not have to be in the same location?? They could view or join in the conversation from anywhere they have a computer! And I love the asynchronous tool possibilities, as in today's age, we can reach so many more learners when they can do the learning at their own convenience and whatever time works best for them! Love the possibilities both of these types of communication tools offer!!!
  • Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students (
    • anonymous
      I can see it would be very useful to devise a way for the student to know before a deadline if the attempt to find the correct document, highlight it, and leave a comment (for example) was successful.
    • anonymous
      Because the learner has more control over time management in online learning, but less control over record keeping and receipt of "assignments."
    • C Richardson
      This matches Iowa Teaching Standard 5e - e. Provides substantive, timely, and constructive feedback to students and parents.
  • Maintains an online social presence that is available, approachable, positive, interactive, and sincere (S
    • anonymous
      Face to face or online -- this is always essential!
  • Has experienced online learning from the perspective of a student (SREB F.1, Varvel II.E) • Net
    • Marjorie Nash
      As a former teacher, I always treid to remember how it felt to be a student learning new information. That perspective changed the way I approached teaching.
    • C Richardson
      I attended an Ethics presentation Friday and there is so much that educators need to know about dealing with students. Where can we find more about these 'techniques?'
  • ethical conduct as defined by state law and local policies or procedures
    • C Richardson
      Chapters 25 & 26 Iowa Code of Conduct & Ethics I did a search on this document and it's interesting the word 'technology' is not included. It could be implied in many criteria.
  • Creates a learning community that encourages collaboration and interaction, including student-teacher, student-student, and student-content
    • David Henry
      For me, this is very immportant since class members are unlikely to be in the same room together to learn.
  • Demonstrates growth in technology knowledge and skills in order to stay current with emerging technologies
    • David Henry
      How difficult it is to keep up as a middle aged learner. It is much easier and comfortable to stick what I already know!
  • uses techniques to engage students
    • Ron Russell
      Using techniques to engage adult learners will be critical for a successful online class. I think that this will require use of a variety of tools, including those that involved audio and video components. Even "content rich" online courses would have difficulty engaging the learner if they only involved reading, web lessons, powerpoints, etc. (without some sort of screencasting, video or audio).
    • Erin Strasil Larson
      I agree...videos and audio components make online learning way more meaningful and enjoyable!
  • aligns instruction to the achievement goals of the local agency and the state, such as with the Iowa Core
    • Ron Russell
      This standard reminds us that aside from providing an engaging, motivating course via techology, educators need to sure that their offerings align with district/student needs. We want to design courses that will impact student learning and achievement.
  • Creates or selects multiple assessment instruments that are appropriate for online learning
    • Anne Michel
      Early childhood is practicing collecting multiple assesments.
Sharon Kurns

ollie1: Iowa Online Course Standards - 0 views

  • learning styles and preferences.
    • Evan McCormick
      How can you address multiple learning styles and preferences with a single technology? Are some tech standards idealistic?
    • Lynn Hockenberry
      I agree with your question of how to do this. Perhaps we will learn more as the course progresses...
    • Ami Leath
      I hope to learn more about this as well...
  • Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components.
    • Evan McCormick
      Ideally accomplished by single entry points to information. When there are multiple ways to get to information, it leads to confusion.
  • The course instruction includes activities that engage students in active learning.
    • Lynn Hockenberry
      Building in wikis, blogs, and opportunities for small group meetings will be an exciting and critically important part of the design of the class. Otherwise, online learning could be no different than reading a textbook (only on a computer screen)
    • Ami Leath
      Agree we just have to figure out how to do it!!
    • Sharon Irelan
      Don't forget conversations on SKYPE. Great way to communicate in a visual way with others.
  • ...6 more annotations...
  • • The course meets universal design principles, ADA compliance, Section 508 standards and W3C guidelines to ensure access for all students.
    • Lynn Hockenberry
      Will we learn about these standards and how to ensure we are meeting them?
  • The course design provides opportunities for appropriate instructor-student interaction, including timely and frequent feedback about student progress based on the learning targets.
    • Lynn Hockenberry
      I will be curious to learn from others the amount of time that it takes for an instructor to teach an online class and respond to the needs of students.
    • Sharon Kurns
      It seems that the instructor will be key in keeping learners engaged.
  • Sufficient learning resources and materials to increase student success are available to students
    • Sharon Irelan
      Making resources and materials available to participants is an important component of the design of a class. Resources and materials supplied by the instructor support the learning that is intended. I think there should be a sufficient amount of resources and materials but not overwhelming amounts. The information provided needs to be useful, enhances understanding, and contains examples to support the expected outcomes. These resources and materials need to be easily accessible to the participants.
    • Sharon Kurns
      Finding the right balance between sufficient resources and "not overwhelming" seems like the key
  • requirements for student work, including student interaction, are clearly articulated.
    • Ami Leath
      Set the expectations at a high level.  Participants need to know what is expected of them each week.  This piece should be very clear and concise.
  • Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.
    • Sharon Kurns
      When teaching online we need to also focus on how the course contributes to the learners information literacy and communication skills, not just the content of the course.
  • Ongoing and frequent assessments are conducted to verify each student’s readiness for the next lesson.
    • Sharon Kurns
      This is a challenge with face to face learning also. With the online environment, new tools and different methods to assess will need to be used. I have much to learn in this area.
Ron Russell

ollie1: Iowa Online Course Standards - 0 views

  • Instructions make clear how to get started and where to find various course components
    • Mary Beth Murrell
      It is important that all instructions regarding one task can be found in one place. If we need links, information or skills from prior learning we need to provide links back to that. It can get very overwhelming quickly.
    • Susan Parker
      This is a major point for me--I find that I am still a note taker and if the info is scattered, it impedes my learning.
    • Ron Russell
      Yes - I am rather "left brained" and my learning style online would want a very sequential presentation, where "what's next" is crystal clear.
  • Information literacy and communication skills are incorporated and taught as an integral part of the curriculum.
    • Susan Parker
      Will there come a time in the future that proficiency in using online learning will be expected and that part of the course will not have to include this and instead can get to the "content" of the course offered? I am grateful that I had support--this is just a question for the future.
  • The course architecture (CMS) permits the online teacher to add content, activities and assessments to support the learning objectives of the course.
    • Susan Parker
      I am so glad to see this here, but I do wonder how flexible online courses/instructors are--do we see things added/deleted according to the formative assessment of the learners? I do hope so, so I like this point.
  • ...4 more annotations...
  • The course intentionally emphasizes 21st century skills in the course, including: using 21st century skills in the core subjects, 21st century content, learning and thinking skills, ICT literacy, self-directed learning, global awareness
    • anonymous
      This seems fitting.
  • The course provides opportunities for appropriate student interaction with the content to foster mastery and application of the material.
    • anonymous
      The eXe tutorial and the Soft Chalk exemplar give me some visuals or ideas about what this might look like.
  • The course structure includes a wide variety of assessment procedures to assess students’ mastery of content
    • Ron Russell
      In the OLLIE courses, I look forward to looking at different assessment techniques that will be effective in an online course. In a class like this one (how to develop an online class), assessment is very authentic - we build a course! However, using Moodle to deliver other content will be more challenging in terms of developing meaningful assessment. Teachers taking courses need to be accountable for their learning, but will expect meaningful assessment activities, rather artificial types of assessment that seem like busy work.
  • opportunities for appropriate instructor-student interaction, including timely and frequent feedback about student progress based on the learning targets
    • Ron Russell
      I look forward to learning more about this standard during our OLLIE courses. How much direct instructor-student interaction is necessary/appropriate in asynchronous courses? Do best practices dictate that there must be some "face to face" interaction (via Skype or other video chat methods) or would discussions, forums, and e-mail methods only be appropriate?
Andrea Danker

Response to Intervention | Intervention Central - 0 views

    I often get questions from teachers on interventions for students. This is a pretty comprehensive site which also includes some tools that might be useful.
Andrea Danker

What's the best way to ensure mastery of low-level content? | Dangerously Irrelevant - 0 views

    What can I say about this except that Scott McLeod is a wealth of information.
Cindy Menendez

TechSmith | Jing, instant screenshots and screencasts, free tour page - 0 views

    I plan on using this tool because I believe my students will need some modeling of how to operate within my moodle. (much like we have been provided.) :-) Does anyone have any hints in using this tool or recommendations of other tools to do the same job more effectively?
    Jing is pretty cool!!! I have downloaded and can't wait to try it!!!
Sue Kelso

Collaborative writing software online with Writeboard. Write, share, revise, compare. - 0 views

shared by Sue Kelso on 30 Sep 11 - Cached
    This site will be useful in a writing workshop course. Students can collaborate and provide scaffolding and support for one another or work independently. I like the organizational feature also.
Carole Neary

Empressr - The Best Online Rich Media Presentation Application - 0 views

shared by Carole Neary on 30 Sep 11 - Cached
    In this presentation site, the users are able to tell the story through photos, music, video and audio. What an interesting way to take our writing and then move into another form of presentation.
Carole Neary

Tagul - Gorgeous tag clouds - 0 views

shared by Carole Neary on 30 Sep 11 - Cached
    I can seeing using this as a pre and post for writing, collaborative writing, and an interesting way to determine expectations and rules for a writers' workshop.
Cindy Menendez

280 Slides - 0 views

    Make powerpoint presentations with video embedded and share with others. Store in the cloud!
    Oh, this is sooooo neat! If you are disappointed with the lack of sophistication of google presentations (on google docs), you have to check out 280 Slides! I haven't used it, but it looks like it provides high quality themes and you can easily embed videos!
Deanna Etherington

Jing Learning Center - 0 views

    This site has several Jing tutorials. In addition to handouts, there's also video tutorials and "hands-on" walkthroughs.
    Looks like a helpful site if you wish to learn how to use Jing.
Deanna Etherington

Screenr | Instant screencasts: Just click record - 0 views

    Here is another screencasting tool that I came across while doing some research on Jing.
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