No Time to Think (GoogleTechTalks by David Levy) - 0 views
v woolf on 05 Nov 14I love this lecture by David Levy at GoogleTechTalks from 2008. I found the required video by Levy to be a bit too short for my taste, so for anyone who is interested in hearing more, I would recommend this lecture.
noveltynotion on 05 Nov 14I'm reading "Men Like Gods" by H.G. Wells, and there are quite a few things that seem prophetic. The book was published in 1923 and the setting includes things like connecting by voice and visuallly when talking to others at different locations. (Skype, Facetime) A screen where the words move instead of your eyes. (
noveltynotion on 05 Nov 14I too worry about the world of work, that I am only the efficiency at which I function.