Faculty responsible for making online materials accessible for disabled students | Insi... - 0 views
Virtual Brown Bag Series: Helene Cweren on The Undergraduate Research Office-A Resource... - 0 views
Take Your Time - 0 views
The Chronicle Review The corporate university steals it - let's grab it back While much has been written on the corporatization of universities, its effect on time begs further attention: Corporatization has sped up the clock. A 2001 survey conducted by MIT compared university faculty and CEOs. Seventy-eight percent of...
Should Effort Count? Students Certainly Think So | Faculty Focus - 0 views
Digital Faculty: Professors and Technology, 2012 | Inside Higher Ed - 1 views
Think Alouds Shed Light on How Students Grapple with Content - Faculty Focus | Faculty ... - 2 views
University Center for the Advancement of Teaching - 0 views
This is the home page for UCAT at Ohio State. The University Center for the Advancement of Teaching (UCAT) exists to assist all those who teach at The Ohio State University to excel in teaching, support student learning, and experience the satisfaction that results from teaching well. Visit our site for upcoming events, community opportunities, an explanation of our services, a library of resources, and much more.
New study suggests that faculty development has a demonstrable impact on student learning - 1 views
Students Think They Can Multitask. Here's Proof They Can't | Faculty Focus - 3 views
September 26, 2012 Students Think They Can Multitask. Here's Proof They Can't. By: Maryellen Weimer, PhD in Teaching Professor Blog. With easy access to all sorts of technology, students multitask. So, do lots of us for that matter. But students are way too convinced that multitasking is a great way to work.
Student Persistence in Online Courses: Understanding the Key Factors | Faculty Focus - 0 views
Foreign Students and Tolerance, Part I - 0 views
When a neo-racist act occurs, international students - and all students, except for a few - look to campus administrators and faculty for ethical academic leadership. Even if no major incident has occurred, campus leaders are responsible for creating a positive climate for the burgeoning number of international students arriving at their institutions. While there is no "one size fits all" approach, we offer for consideration three "educational encounters" that make a positive difference in the lives of international students. Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/views/2012/10/26/essay-how-colleges-should-respond-racism-against-international-students#ixzz2BYSBAftD Inside Higher Ed
Designing the Wheel: Built-in Instructional Technology (EDUCAUSE Review) | EDUCAUSE.edu - 0 views
"Many experienced faculty members have developed a sense of what will and won't work within their discipline; however, when faced with developing a new course or redesigning a course to incorporate more active learning, instructional technologies, distance education, core curriculum demands, and the like, they struggle with how to approach the course design."