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Randy Kolset

OER Rubrics and Evaluation Tool | - 0 views

    "Open Educational Resources (OER) offer opportunities for increasing equity and access to high-quality K-12 education. Many state education agencies now have offices devoted to identifying and using OERs and other digital resources in their states. To help states, districts, teachers, and other users determine the degree of alignment of OERs to the Common Core State Standards, and to determine aspects of quality of OERs, Achieve has developed eight rubrics in collaboration with leaders from the OER community (download link for rubrics below). To allow users to apply these rubrics and evaluate the quality of instructional resources, Achieve partnered with OER Commons to develop an online evaluation tool. OER Commons, an online repository for open education resources, is now hosting the tool and its resulting evaluation data. Every resource available on OER Commons contains an "Evaluate Resource" button that will direct users to the evaluation tool. The coding for the tool is freely available online here. Resources rated on OER Commons will create a pool of metadata, and this metadata will be shared through the Learning Registry with other interested repositories."
Randy Kolset

Tony Vincent's Learning in Hand - Blog - Ways to Evaluate Educational Apps - 0 views

    "am conducting a series of workshops in Florida and was asked to share a rubric to help teachers evaluate educational apps as part of the workshop. In 2010 Harry Walker developed a rubric, and I used his rubric (with some modifications by Kathy Schrock) as the basis for mine."
Randy Kolset

Rubrics and Rubric Makers - 0 views

    Rubric Maker - All of these tools will make it easy for you to them.
Randy Kolset

RubiStar Home - 0 views

    Welcome to RubiStar! Want to make exemplary rubrics in a short amount of time? Try RubiStar out! Registered users can save and edit rubrics online. You can access them from home, school, or on the road. Registration and use of this tool is free, so click the Register link in the login area to the right to get started now.
Randy Kolset

Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators - Assessment Rubrics - Kathy Schrock's Guide for Ed... - 0 views

    All kinds of rubrics to help with lessons and evaluating technology
Randy Kolset - 0 views

    collaboration on rubrics that are already developed
Randy Kolset

OCDE Student Showcase on California K-12 High Speed Network - 0 views

    "The Orange County Department of Education is searching for the best student curriculum technology integration projects in Orange County. Selected student representatives will present at the OC Student Technology Showcase and may be asked to present at the 11th annual State Student Technology Showcase in Palm Springs. Use the information found within the Guidelines and Rubric sections of this website to help prepare your application. "
Randy Kolset

Landmarks for Schools - 0 views

    This site, "dedicated to the idea that information will be the raw material that drives the 21st century, and that today's students should be learning to build with information," offers free Web tools for integrating the Internet into the curriculum in a meaningful way. The tools include a rubric maker, citation machine, permission template, and digital index card, as well as Web site and WebQuest creators.
Randy Kolset

App Ed Review | education app review - 0 views

    "To ensure App Ed Review is the highest quality educational app resource, its essential features have been vetted by scholarly journals, such as the Journal of Information Technology Education and the journal of Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. Using research as its guide has resulted in App Ed Review developing: An organizational system that supports teachers finding the apps they want quickly and efficiently Two research-vetted app evaluation rubrics A system for classifying educational apps based on their purpose and function 3-5 instructional ideas or classroom applications for each app reviewed"
Randy Kolset

OCDE Student Showcase on California K-12 High Speed Network - 0 views

    Orange County Student Technology Showcase The Orange County Department of Education is searching for the best student curriculum technology integration projects in Orange County. Selected student representatives will present at the OC Student Technology Showcase and may be asked to present at the 6th annual State Student Technology Showcase in Palm Springs. Use the information found within the Guidelines, Rubric and Submission sections of this website to help prepare your application.
Randy Kolset

GradePad: mobile performance assessment - 0 views

    "Manage groups. Create rubrics. Assess performance. Track improvements. Share data."
Randy Kolset

Microsoft Educator Network - Professional Development : Educators : Courses : Overview - 0 views

    "Help your students get the skills they need The 21st Century Learning Design (21CLD) rubrics provide a research-based methodology to help you identify how to evolve your lesson plans and learning activities to build and assess your students' 21st century skills. "
Randy Kolset

Project Based Learning | BIE - 1 views

    "Project Based Learning's time has come. The experience of thousands of teachers across all grade levels and subject areas, backed by research, confirms that PBL is an effective and enjoyable way to learn and develop deeper learning competencies required for success in college, career and civic life. Why are so many educators across the United States and around the world interested in this teaching method? The answer is a combination of timeless reasons and recent developments."
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