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Randy Kolset

About | Tiny Techie - 1 views

    "Tiny Techie is a 9 year old blogger. She enjoys singing, dancing and playing games on her iPhone and Nintendo DSi. She created this blog to share her reviews of all the games she plays. After looking at technology sites with game reviews, she realized adults were reviewing kid games. Some of the reviews of the games she enjoyed were unfair. That's when she decided to write her own reviews, from a kid's point of view. Tiny Techie is about all things techie. Just for kids."
Randy Kolset

App Ed Review | education app review - 0 views

    "To ensure App Ed Review is the highest quality educational app resource, its essential features have been vetted by scholarly journals, such as the Journal of Information Technology Education and the journal of Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education. Using research as its guide has resulted in App Ed Review developing: An organizational system that supports teachers finding the apps they want quickly and efficiently Two research-vetted app evaluation rubrics A system for classifying educational apps based on their purpose and function 3-5 instructional ideas or classroom applications for each app reviewed"
Randy Kolset

Free Digital Textbook Initiative - 0 views

    While digital textbooks were reviewed for their alignment with the content standards, California's Social Content Review criteria were not applied during this phase. Districts, schools, and individuals planning to take advantage of these books are reminded to conduct their own reviews to determine whether these resources meet their needs.
Randy Kolset

Free Digital Textbook Initiative - CLRN - 0 views

    "While digital textbooks were reviewed for their alignment with the content standards, California's Social Content Review criteria were not applied during this phase. Districts, schools, and individuals planning to take advantage of these books are reminded to conduct their own reviews to determine whether these resources meet their needs. "
Randy Kolset

Gabe's Gamification Revolution Q&A Review - July 30, 2012 - 0 views

    "If you haven't been keeping up with our page, then you've been missing out on Gabe's weekly webcasts where he talks to gamification experts and answers user questions about gamification and design! To help keep you guys updated, we will now be writing small reviews outlining the topics Gabe spoke about so you don't get to miss any of the action. Read the topics, and watch the full show right below! "
Randy Kolset

The Best Web 2.0 Applications For Education In 2012 - So Far | Larry Ferlazzo... - 0 views

    "I usually just do a year-end list on Web 2.0 Applications For Education and many other topics, but it gets a little crazy having to review all of my zillion posts at once. So, to make it easier for me - and perhaps, to make it a little more useful to readers - I'm going to be publishing mid-year lists, too. These won't be ranked, unlike my year-end "The Best…" lists, and just because a site appears on a mid-year list doesn't guarantee it will be included in an end-of-the-year one. But, at least, I won't have to review all my year's posts in December…"
Randy Kolset

I Education Apps Review - I Education Apps Review - 0 views

    iPod/iTouch applications Reviewed for more information
Randy Kolset

IEAR - I Education Apps Review for the IPhone and ITouch - Do these devices have a plac... - 0 views

    "IEAR - I Education Apps Review for the IPhone and ITouch\n\nDo these devices have a place in the classroom?"
    Great for reviewing iPod apps
Randy Kolset

Over 20 Free Digital Classroom Tools… Customize… Plus No Log In! | 21 st Cent... - 0 views

    " What amazed me most about was not the valuable tools provided, but the ability for teachers to easily customize these tools and use them in any subject area. If that is not enough, how about the ability to embed your newly made instructional resource on your own classroom website, wiki, or blog? Any educator will also like the fact that students have no need to log in or sign up for an account… and neither do teachers! Need tutorials… they are provided! Do samples help you understand better… you will find plenty! Is budget a problem… then free should be affordable! is the work of educator, Russel Tarr, Head of History at the International School of Toulouse, France. Upon entering the site, educators will see the listing of tools. Clicking on a tool allows teachers to individualize that specific tool for their own classroom needs. Teachers then have the option of copying a generated link to place on their own web site or of copying a generated code to embed as a tool (widget) on their classroom site. Also, on the front page, are some video links that will provide further information. Two videos that provide excellent information are the 1 Minute Overview and How to Create Games. The Listing Of Over 20 Digital Tools For Your Classroom The tools that you can even customize are included below. Along with this tool listing you will find descriptions of each tool, an overview of and samples of specific tools (if provided), and any related video (if provided). * Arcade Game Generator - Allows teachers to create concept builders, practice exercises, and reviews. Best of all, one set up feeds into five different game possibilities at the same time The teacher can choose which game, or allow students a choice. Make sure you check out all the examples and pre-made games in (overview and samples). Also watch the How to Create Games . * Random Name Picker - Can be used as an activity management tool or skip the names.
Randy Kolset

edshelf | Reviews & recommendations of tools for education - 0 views

    "Find the right educational tools for your needs Reviews & recommendations of tools for education"
Randy Kolset

Math Goodies - 0 views

    "Math Goodies is your free math help portal featuring interactive lessons, worksheets, and homework help. A pioneer of interactive instruction, our goodies have received rave reviews from the media! Today, we have hundreds of instructional resources for educators, students and parents." Heavy on the Adds ;O(
Randy Kolset

Evernote shared notebook: iPad - 0 views

    ipad articles an reviews for using in the classroom.
Randy Kolset

Educational Technology Guy: Five Free Screen Recording Apps and Services - 0 views

    Screen Recording is a very handy tool to have. You can use it to create presentations, help sessions, and more. I've used them to create review sessions for students, as well as presentation videos and even live, remote presentations. Here are five, free screen recording apps and services:
Randy Kolset

iPod Touch & iPad Resources - LiveBinder - 0 views

    Start by clicking the subtabs in this section to learn more in general about the iPod Touch and iPad. Click on other tabs to find resources including recommended apps, reviews, and articles related to this topic.
Randy Kolset

iNACOL National Standards - iNACOL - 0 views

    "On October 12, 2011, iNACOL released the National Standards for Quality Online Courses, version 2. The standards selected are based on the original standards, the results of a research review and survey of online course quality criteria. These quality standards were evaluated and assembled into an easy to use document for evaluating online courses with common benchmarks. "
Randy Kolset

Common Core | Khan Academy - 0 views

    "We've launched thousands of new peer-reviewed practice problems that rigorously cover the new US Common Core State Standards and can be used in your classroom today."
Randy Kolset

Teachers With Apps - Because Not All Apps Are Created Equal - 0 views

    Teachers reviewing apps and how they connect to the curriculum
Randy Kolset

Innovation Incubator Program - SIIA: Software & Information Industry Association - 0 views

    "SIIA's Innovation Incubator program identifies and supports entrepreneurs in their development and distribution of innovative learning technologies. The program began in 2006 and has provided incubation for dozens of successful products and companies in their efforts to improve education through the use of software, digital content and related technologies. SIIA's Innovation Incubator program is unique in that it both employs a peer review process to identify the most innovative and most likely to succeed products, and those peers - successful industry leaders - provide one-on-one mentorship to support the growth and success of identified innovators."
Randy Kolset

Study Finds That Online Education Beats the Classroom - Bits Blog - - 0 views

    Education that includes at least some online work is more effective than classroom-only teaching, according to a major research review done for the Department of Education.
Randy Kolset

Tux Paint - 1 views

    5-Star and "100 Clean" rating, April 2007 More reviews & awards... Tux Paint is a free, award-winning drawing program for children ages 3 to 12 (for example, preschool and K-6). It combines an easy-to-use interface, fun sound effects, and an encouraging cartoon mascot who guides children as they use the program.
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