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Digital Projects for the Public - 0 views

    The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Division of Public Programs is accepting applications for the Digital Projects for the Public Program. The purpose of this program is to support projects that interpret and analyze humanities content in primarily digital platforms and formats, such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch screens and kiosks, games, and virtual environments.

Digital Humanities Advancement Grants - 0 views

    Digital Humanities Advancement Grants (DHAG) support digital projects at different stages throughout their lifecycles, from early start-up phases through implementation and sustainability. Experimentation, reuse, and extensibility are hallmarks of this program, leading to innovative work that can scale to enhance scholarly research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities. This program is offered twice per year. Proposals are welcome for digital initiatives in any area of the humanities. Through a special partnership with NEH and pending the availability of appropriated funds, the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) anticipates providing additional funding to this program to encourage innovative collaborations between museum or library professionals and humanities professionals to advance preservation of, access to, use of, and engagement with digital collections and services. IMLS and NEH may jointly fund some DHAG projects that involve collaborations with museums and/or libraries. Digital Humanities Advancement Grants may involve * creating or enhancing experimental, computationally-based methods, techniques, or infrastructure that contribute to the humanities; * pursuing scholarship that examines the history, criticism, and philosophy of digital culture and its impact on society; or * conducting evaluative studies that investigate the practices and the impact of digital scholarship on research, pedagogy, scholarly communication, and public engagement.

Professionalizing the Judicial Sector in the Central African Republic - 0 views

    INL is one of the leading international foreign assistance providers in CAR, and has an excellent reputation among the CAR government and the UN mission as a committed partner to building the capacity of CAR's criminal justice institutions. INL has committed more than $40 million to help re-operationalize and re-establish CAR's law enforcement, justice, and corrections institutions during the past four years. This project seeks to provide training and technical assistance to strengthen the ability of CAR civil society organizations, lawyers, police investigators, prosecutors, and judges to ensure justice for SGBV survivors and crime victims in Bangui and CAR's provinces, while also providing urgently needed legal services to SGBV survivors and victims of other serious crimes and human rights violations .

Living Independently and Being Included in the Community (LIBC) - 0 views

    The Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance (DRG), within the Bureau of Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance (DCHA) of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced the availability of Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 Disability Program funds to support programming in the area of Living Independently and Being Included in the Community (LIBC).

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    T hrough this Addendum, USAID/Philippines invites eligible organizations to submit concept papers/applications for funding that will carry out activities aimed to enhance democratic governance in the Philippines, specifically respect for human rights. Interested Applicants must comply with and be fully responsive to the process and requirements for submitting concept papers and potentially full applications as detailed in the Annual Program Statement (APS) NFO No. 72049219APS00001 Initiatives for Democracy, posted in website at and this Addendum. Any questions regarding this Addendum must be submitted by email to, with subject line "Questions on USAID/Philippines DG APS Addendum #2 submitted by [Organization Name]" by the deadline indicated above. USAID's responses to questions and amendments, if any, will be posted under this Addendum.

Information Office - Press Engagement Program - 0 views

    The Information Office (IO) in the Public Affairs Section of the Embassy of the United States of America in Islamabad, Pakistan, is pleased to announce a notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) for an assistance award through the Public Diplomacy Grants program. PAS Islamabad invites organizations to submit proposals for an award to provide training to media professionals through the program specified in this specified in this NOFO. Programs will take place in various locations in Pakistan including Islamabad, Karachi, Kyber Paktunkhwa and the newly merged tribal areas (the former FATA). The objective of this program is to strengthen Pakistan's free press. Its aim is to strengthen the capacity of journalists and the accuracy of reporting in Pakistan. This program seeks to address the gaps in their professional knowledge by providing training to journalists in new or traditional forms of media that also support professional standards in journalism, increasing participants' knowledge and skills in producing and reporting quality news stories, and exposing them to high professional standards.

World Affairs in Theory and Practice - 0 views

    The REPS Office of the U.S. Embassy's Public Affairs Section seeks proposals for a program entitled "World Affairs in Theory and Practice." Implemented at the New Delhi American Center (NDAC), this competitive program will draw from a target audience of high-achieving undergraduate-level students connected to academic programs in the fields of international affairs, sustainable development, human rights, health policy business, and related disciplines. Participants will complete one of three MOOCs (Massive, Open, Online Courses) on themes of global health, environmental security, and international trade offered by American universities and expertly facilitated at the NDAC. Courses will meet weekly and will last 4-6 weeks, depending on the format of each MOOC selected for the series. Following the completion of each MOOC course, participants will participate in a live simulation of diplomatic negotiations around a similar theme as their course, helping them understand complex issues in theory and practice. Finally, participants will be introduced to EducationUSA advisors from the U.S. India Educational Foundation (USIEF) for counseling on options for pursuing higher education in the United States.

Ragdale Foundation Invites Applications for Arts Fellowships | RFPs | PND - 0 views

    Located on the former country estate of architect Howard Van Doren Shaw in Lake Forest, Illinois, Ragdale, a nonprofit artists community, offers nearly two hundred residencies and fellowships annually to creative professionals of all types. During each residency session, thirteen artists-in-residence enjoy uninterrupted time for work, a supportive environment, dynamic arts exchanges, fifty acres of idyllic prairie, and a family-style dinner each evening. The foundation has numerous upcoming fellowship opportunities. Please view the RFP website for more information.

DRL Capacity Building for Ukraine's Local Elections 2020 - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for a program that strengthens democratic processes in Ukraine.

The Southeast Regional Middle East and Islamic Studies Society (SERMEISS) Research Trav... - 0 views

    The SERMEISS Academic Book Prize recognizes outstanding scholarship in Middle Eastern Studies in any academic discipline in the social sciences or humanities from any time period. Submitted books should be peer-reviewed nonfiction, published in English, and exhibit original empirical and theoretical contributions. Books published within the last three years (2016, 2017, 2018) will be considered. Edited volumes, handbooks, and novels are not eligible for the book award. The award is $200.  The deadline for submission is June 1, 2019.   The SERMEISS Academic Article or Book Chapter Prize recognizes outstanding scholarship in Middle Eastern Studies published as a peer-reviewed article or edited volume book chapter from any academic discipline in the social sciences or humanities from any time period. The submission should be peer-reviewed nonfiction, published in English, and exhibit original empirical and theoretical contributions. For the 2019 prize, submissions must have a copyrigh

2019 The TIP Office Notification of Funding Opportunity for Program to End Modern Slave... - 0 views

    The Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (TIP Office) announces an open competition for grant funding to support the Program to End Modern Slavery (PEMS).

NEA Art Works 2, FY2020 - 0 views

    Grant Program Description "The Arts . . . belong to all the people of the United States" * Art Works is the National Endowment for the Arts' principal grants program. Through project-based funding, we support public engagement with, and access to, various forms of excellent art across the nation, the creation of art that meets the highest standards of excellence, learning in the arts at all stages of life, and the integration of the arts into the fabric of community life. Projects may be large or small, existing or new, and may take place in any part of the nation's 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories. We encourage applications for artistically excellent projects that address any of the following activities below: * Honor the 2020 centennial of women's voting rights in the United States (aka the Women's Suffrage Centennial). * Engage with Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs); Hispanic or Latino organizations; or the Native American, Alaskan Native, and Native Hawaiian arts. * Celebrate America's creativity and cultural heritage. * Invite a dialogue that fosters a mutual respect for the diverse beliefs and values of all persons and groups. * Enrich our humanity by broadening our understanding of ourselves as individuals and as a society. *1965 Enabling Legislation for the National Endowment for the Arts in the National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities Act of 1965

Romania: Teaching English to Rural Young and Middle-Aged People to Help Enhance Competi... - 0 views

    The U.S. Embassy Bucharest/Bureau of Public Affairs of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for non-profit Romanian organizations and institutions with experience in adult education, language teaching to adults, civic engagement, and with no political affiliations, to apply for a grant of up to $25,000 to conduct English language teaching programs for young to middle-aged adults (ages 20 - 45) from rural areas of Vaslui, Braila, Ialomita, Gorj and Olt counties, in order to help them acquire new skills and enhance their competitiveness on the labor market.

Tomorrow's Leaders College-to-Work Pipeline Pilot - 0 views

    This project fulfills the Middle East Partnership Initiative's (MEPI) strategic framework objectives in a) providing economically disadvantaged individuals opportunities to build leadership skills and effectively engage with civil society, the private sector, and/or government actors; and b) increasing workforce employability, and improving access to higher value opportunities through demand-driven professional training and targeted, localized job placement, primarily in the private sector. This project contributes to Bureau Goal 3 in the Department's Joint Regional Strategy for the Middle East and North Africa: Promote Inclusive Economic Growth, Socio-economic Development, Open Markets, and Increased U.S. Exports.

GKV Foundation Invites LOIs From Arts Organizations With 'Big Ideas' | RFPs | PND - 1 views

    The GKV Foundation supports individual development and related community impact through the use of a range of artistic media, including the visual arts, music, and dance. The goal is that with GKV first-year funding enough measurable results will be achieved to attract sustaining funding from other sources. Priority is given to established nonprofits with a big idea that has great potential but that has yet to be funded and therefore is untested. In order to be considered for funding, interested organizations must first submit a Letter of Interest. If the LOI is of interest to the foundation and is selected for further consideration, the organization will be contacted via email and invited to submit a more comprehensive proposal.

Theology Program at Luce Foundation Announces New RFP for Advancing Public Scholarship ... - 1 views

    Over the last several years, the Theology Program has increasingly sought to advance public understanding of religion and theology by funding university-based projects at research institutions. Through competitively-awarded grants, the program aims to support collaborative, experimental, and field-shaping initiatives that enliven the practice of public scholarship.

DRL Supporting Rule of Law in Armenia - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for a program that strengthens rule of law in Armenia.

DRL Access to Justice in Moldova - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for a program that supports access to justice in Moldova.

Research and Evaluation on Trafficking in Persons, FY 2019 - 0 views

    With this solicitation, NIJ continues to build upon its research and evaluation efforts to better understand, prevent, and respond to trafficking in persons in the United States. Applicants should propose research projects that-first and foremost-have clear implications for criminal justice policy and practice in the United States. This year, NIJ is particularly interested in research responding to the following priority areas: 1) Labor trafficking 2) Phased evaluation, not to exceed a 24-month period of performance. 3) Outcome evaluation of trafficking focused victim service providers 4) Develop a better understanding of traffickers Strong applications that address human trafficking in the U.S. in a criminal justice context that fall outside these priority areas may also be considered.

Sofja Kovalevskaja Award - 0 views

    Submit an application if you are a successful top-rank junior researcher from abroad, only completed your doctorate with distinction in the last six years, and have published work in prestigious international journals or publishing houses. The Sofja Kovalevskaja Award allows you to spend five years building up a working group and working on a high-profile, innovative research project of your own choice at a research institution of your own choice in Germany.
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