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Reducing Stigma to Improve HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment and Care in Low and Middle- I... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to stimulate research on interventions to reduce HIV/AIDS-associated stigma and its impact on the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and on the quality of life of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH). Specifically, this initiative will support research on a) novel stigma reduction interventions that link to increase in care-seeking behavior and/or decrease in transmission; b) reducing the impact of stigma on adolescent and/or youth health; c) strategies to cope with the complex burden of stigmatization due to HIV and one or more comorbidities/coinfections; d) reducing effects of stigma on and/or by family members or caregivers of PLWH; and e) innovative and improved stigma measurement in the context of implementation of an intervention. The overall goals are to understand how to reduce stigma as a factor in HIV transmission, to eliminate or mitigate the aspects of stigma that limit beneficial health outcomes for the infected and at-risk individuals and communities, and to initiate exploratory studies to determine the feasibility of stigma interventions related to HIV prevention, treatment and/or care in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).

Development and Testing of Novel Interventions to Improve HIV Prevention, Care, and Pro... - 0 views

    This FOA provides resources to support (a) pilot or feasibility studies of new or adapted interventions to prevent HIV infection among populations where substance use may be a contributing factor; (b) pilot or feasibility studies of new or adapted interventions to improve the care of HIV infection among populations where substance use is prevalent, including interventions that integrate treatment for substance use disorders and HIV infection; or (c) pilot or feasibility studies to increase the scale, uptake, delivery, and/or quality of HIV prevention or care interventions with established evidence of efficacy. Both primary and secondary prevention will be supported. The full range of substance use will be considered including problematic episodic use and substance use disorders, as well as a full range of substances and modes of administration. The most important consideration is that substance use may affect transmission directly as in the case of injection or may affect transmission risk behavior. Domestic and overseas populations will be considered, with particular attention to populations with disproportionate burden of HIV infection and those where HIV infection and/or drug use are emergent.

RFA-DA-18-019: NIDA Avant-Garde Award Program for HIV/AIDS and Drug Use Research (DP1, ... - 0 views

    The NIDA Avant-Garde Award Program for HIV/AIDS Research supports individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose high-impact research that will open new areas of HIV/AIDS research relevant to drug abuse and/or lead to new avenues for prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS among drug abusers. The term "avant-garde" is used to describe highly innovative approaches that have the potential to be transformative. The proposed research should reflect approaches and ideas that are substantially different from those already being pursued by the investigator or others and should support the NIH HIV/AIDS Research Priorities The NIDA Avant-Garde award supports innovative, basic research that may lead to improved preventive interventions or therapies; creative, new strategies to prevent disease transmission; novel approaches to improve disease outcomes; and creative approaches to eradicating HIV or improving the lives of those living with HIV.
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    To improve understanding of the intersection of HIV/AIDS and drug abuse, this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is part of a multipronged 2014 expansion of HIV and AIDS related research within the context of drug and alcohol abuse among understudied populations and in understudied settings that show promise for the development of effective prevention and treatment efforts. In addition to this funding opportunity, others included in the 2014 expansion address HIV/AIDS and substance use among the homeless and unstably housed (RFA-DA-14-009); the integration of substance abuse and HIV prevention and treatment within HIV/AIDS service delivery settings (RFA-DA-14-011); exploratory research on comorbid HIV, chronic pain, and substance use among older adults (RFA-DA-14-012); and Seek, Test, Treat, and Retain Data Harmonization Coordinating Center (RFA-DA-14-007).
MiamiOH OARS - Find Grant Opportunities - Opportunity Synopsis - 0 views

    To improve understanding of the intersection of HIV/AIDS and drug abuse, this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is part of a multipronged 2014 expansion of HIV and AIDS related research within the context of drug and alcohol abuse among understudied populations and in understudied settings that show promise for the development of effective prevention and treatment efforts. In addition to this funding opportunity, others included in the 2014 expansion address HIV/AIDS and substance use among the homeless and unstably housed (RFA-DA-14-009); substance use, HIV, and Black/African American women and young Men who have Sex with Men (MSM) (RFA-DA-14-010); the integration of substance abuse and HIV prevention and treatment within HIV/AIDS service delivery settings (RFA-DA-14-011) and Seek, Test, Treat, and Retain Data Harmonization Coordinating Center (RFA-DA-14-007).

RFA-DA-19-037: Single Cell Opioid Responses in the Context of HIV (SCORCH) Program: CNS... - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to support generation of single cell RNA-sequencing datasets for at least one brain region relevant to persistent HIV infection and opioid use disorder. Applications that are not responsive to this FOA will be returned without review. To be responsive to this FOA, proposed projects should be framed to answer one or more vexing questions about persistent HIV infection in the CNS. The major thrust of the proposed project also MUST: exploit single nucleus or single cell transcriptomic assays with the goal of identifying the types of cells within at least one NIDA-relevant brain region (e.g. PFC, NAc, VTA, striatum, insula, or other appropriately justified region) and how the cell types and individual cells within that region differ from one another in terms of gene expression. focus on human post-mortem brain tissue from controls, individuals with chronic opioid exposure, HIV-infected individuals, and HIV-infected individuals with chronic opioid exposure. propose to detect HIV proteins or RNA or DNA within the single cells or nuclei to be assayed.

Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part C HIV Early Intervention Services Program: New Geograp... - 0 views

    This notice solicits applications for fiscal year (FY) 2018 Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Part C Early Intervention Services (EIS) Program: New Geographic Service Areas. The purpose of this program is to provide comprehensive primary health care and support services in an outpatient setting for low income, uninsured, and underserved people living with HIV (PLWH). Under this notice, successful applicants must provide: (1) counseling for individuals with respect to HIV; (2) targeted HIV testing; (3) medical evaluation, clinical, and diagnostic services; (4) therapeutic measures for preventing and treating the deterioration of the immune system, and for preventing and treating conditions arising from HIV/AIDS; and (5) referrals to appropriate providers of health care and support services.

View Opportunity | GRANTS.GOV - 0 views

    This FOA will support national facility based case management activities implemented through associations of persons living with HIV (PLHIV). Activities include peer support for HIV treatment adherence, preventing and minimizing loss-to-follow-up and improving retention in care, and facilitating linkage of all HIV patients and others affected by HIV to comprehensive HIV services. The FOA will support planning, program and financial management; coordination and collaboration with partners and stakeholders; capacity building at different levels; training and deployment of case managers and adherence supporters to high load HIV care and treatment facilities. The awardee will conduct supportive supervision, mentoring, monitoring and evaluation of case management activities, and will maintain an updated inventory of available services in the catchment area of respective health facilities. These activities will minimize patient attrition, optimize adherence and improve patient outcomes.

Insurance-based Data-to-Care Strategy to (re-)engage People Living with HIV Infection t... - 0 views

    ntiretroviral therapy has been recommended for all persons living with HIV since 2012. However, in 2014, among persons with diagnosed HIV infection, 57.9% of all persons were virally suppressed and 48.1% of youth were virally suppressed ( ). Insurers have information on clinical encounters which provide them with diagnoses codes. They also have information on pharmacy claims data and can assess if persons with a diagnosis of HIV are receiving antiretroviral (ARV) drugs.

Comprehensive Community-Based HIV Services in Areas of High Prevalence to Key and Prior... - 0 views

    The goal of this NOFO is to provide comprehensive HIV services in Zambia to the general population in areas of high HIV prevalence; and priority populations (PPs), including people living with HIV (PLHIV), adolescent girls and young women (AGYW), men, couples, pregnant women, prisoners, and key populations (KPs). Services to be provided will include: community-based HIV testing services (HTS); HIV prevention services (risk reduction counseling,gender norms, and links to post gender-based violence (GBV) care); TB prevention and treatment, and community based antiretroviral therapy (ART). These services will be linked with community health care facilities. The recipient(s) will work closely with the relevant District Medical Offices (DMOs) selected in consultation with CDC Zambia. To ensure efficiencies and program effectiveness, this NOFO will support activities that complement activities supported by the Zambian government and partners with full transition to the local districts by the end of year five.

CDC-RFA-GH15-1529 Surveillance, Service Data Analysis and Capacity Building to Support ... - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to strengthen the capacity of the Government of Haiti (GOH) to effectively prevent HIV infections; improve care and treatment of HIV/AIDS and co-infections with emphasis on tuberculosis; build the capacity for the local and regional collection of strategic information and its use for program management and development; and increase the Government of Haiti's capacity to lead and manage a sustainable response to the HIV epidemic. The awardee will work directly with the GOH (and their local implementing partners) to identify the country's needs and priorities in managing a sustainable country-led response to the HIV epidemic. By the end of five years, the awardee will have provided sufficient technical assistance and capacity building in the identified priority areas to achieve an increased ability for the partner country to sustainably lead the activity. The recipient (grantee) of these funds is responsible for activities in multiple program areas designed to target underserved populations in Republic of Haiti. The grantee must show a measurable progressive reinforcement of the capacity of indigenous organizations and local communities to respond to the national HIV epidemic, as well as progress towards the sustainability of activities.

Substance Use and Abuse, Risky Decision Making and HIV/AIDS (R01) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to stimulate model-driven research to understand the ways that people make decisions about engaging in behaviors that impact the risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV, or to adhere to treatments for HIV. Decision making processes may contribute to both substance use/abuse and other HIV acquisition or transmission risks. A better understanding of decision making processes in the context of brain neural networks and their associated functions would lead to the development of better strategies to reduce the frequency of HIV-risk behaviors. Therefore, this FOA encourages applications to study 1) cognitive, motivational or emotional mechanisms and/or 2) brain neuroendocrine and reinforcement systems that related to HIV-risk behaviors or treatment non-compliance. Interdisciplinary studies that incorporate approaches from psychology, economics, anthropology, sociology, decision sciences, neuroscience and computational modeling are encouraged. This FOA for R01 applications solicits empirical, hypothesis-driven, confirmatory research and modeling approaches. Exploratory, descriptive or hypothesis-generating research are more appropriate for the complementary FOAs using the R21 or R03 mechanisms. In no cases, should research involving animals be proposed.

Substance Use and Abuse, Risky Decision Making and HIV/AIDS (R03) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to stimulate model-driven research to understand the ways that people make decisions about engaging in behaviors that impact the risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV, or to adhere to treatments for HIV. Decision making processes may contribute to both substance use/abuse and other HIV acquisition or transmission risks. A better understanding of decision making processes in the context of brain neural networks and their associated functions would lead to the development of better strategies to reduce the frequency of HIV-risk behaviors. Therefore, this FOA encourages applications to study 1) cognitive, motivational or emotional mechanisms and/or 2) brain neuroendocrine and reinforcement systems that related to HIV-risk behaviors or treatment non-compliance. Interdisciplinary studies that incorporate approaches from psychology, economics, anthropology, sociology, decision sciences, neuroscience and computational modeling are encouraged. This FOA for R03 applications encourages small research projects that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources. The R03 activity code supports different types of projects including pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology. In no cases, should research involving animals be proposed.

Substance Use and Abuse, Risky Decision Making and HIV/AIDS (R21) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is intended to stimulate model-driven research to understand the ways that people make decisions about engaging in behaviors that impact the risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV, or to adhere to treatments for HIV. Decision making processes may contribute to both substance use/abuse and other HIV acquisition or transmission risks. A better understanding of decision making processes in the context of brain neural networks and their associated functions would lead to the development of better strategies to reduce the frequency of HIV-risk behaviors. Therefore, this FOA encourages applications to study 1) cognitive, motivational or emotional mechanisms and/or 2) brain neuroendocrine and reinforcement systems that related to HIV-risk behaviors or treatment non-compliance. Interdisciplinary studies that incorporate approaches from psychology, economics, anthropology, sociology, decision sciences, neuroscience and computational modeling are encouraged. This FOA for R21 applications is intended to encourage exploratory and developmental research projects by providing support for the early and conceptual stages of these projects. These studies may involve considerable risk but may lead to a breakthrough in a particular area, or to the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or applications that could have a major impact.

RFA-DA-15-004: NIDA Avant-Garde Award Program for HIV/AIDS and Drug Use Research (DP1) - 0 views

    The NIDA Avant-Garde Award Program for HIV/AIDS Research supports individual scientists of exceptional creativity who propose high-impact research that will open new areas of HIV/AIDS research and/or lead to new avenues for prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS among drug abusers.  The term "avant-garde" is used to describe highly innovative approaches that have the potential to be transformative.  The proposed research should reflect approaches and ideas that are substantially different from those already being pursued by the investigator or others.  The NIDA Avant-Garde award supports innovative, basic research that may lead to improved preventive interventions or therapies; creative, new strategies to prevent disease transmission; novel approaches to improve disease outcomes; and creative approaches to eradicating HIV or improving the lives of those living with HIV.

RFA-AA-19-003: Comprehensive Alcohol-HIV/AIDS Research Center (P60 Clinical Trial Optio... - 0 views

    NIAAA seeks applications aimed to address the impact of alcohol use on the most important challenges for ending HIV/AIDS pandemic, outlined as the High Priority topics of research by the NIH Office of AIDS Research ( These priority areas are: 1) Reducing incidence of HIV/AIDS including vaccine development and infection prevention; 2) Next generation of HIV therapy; 3) Research toward a cure; 4) Comorbidities, coinfections, and complications; 5) cross-cutting areas of basic research on fundamental issues that underpin the development of high priority HIV prevention, cure, co-morbidities, and treatment strategies; 6) research to reduce health disparities, and research training of workforce required to conduct high priority HIV/AIDS related research.

Improving HIV Prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment with Point-of-Care HIV Nucleic Acid T... - 0 views

    The purpose of this research project is to develop feasible and effective models for using HIV point-of-care nucleic acid tests: (1) to improve pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) initiation and maintenance among persons at high-risk for acquiring HIV infection; (2) to improve viral suppression among persons diagnosed with HIV infection; and (3) to reduce the time between testing in community-based settings, linkage to HIV care and ART initiation.

Systems-level Approach to Improving Health Outcomes for HIV-positive State Prison Inmat... - 0 views

    The purpose of this NOFO is to develop effective, sustainable, and replicable program models that support continuity of HIV medical care for people with HIV (PWH) released from state prisons into the community, with emphasis on linkage to and retention in community HIV medical care, adherence to HIV treatment, and suppression of HIV viral load.

RFA-DA-20-005: Limited Competition Cohort Studies of HIV/AIDS and Substance Abuse (U01 ... - 0 views

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) supports several HIV/AIDS cohorts involving people with substance use disorders (SUDs). These longitudinal cohorts serve as a resource platform for facilitating collaborations among investigators attempting to address emerging questions related to HIV infection, prevention, and treatment in the context of substance use and SUDs, and foster creativity and efficiency in investigator-initiated research. The purpose of this limited competition FOA is to continue supporting basic, epidemiologic, and clinical research on HIV/AIDS and HIV-associated co-morbidities and co-infections among populations with substance use and SUDs. This FOA ensures that the cohort studies continue to provide further insights into the changing demographics of the HIV epidemic as it relates to the current opioid crisis.

Minority AIDS: Integration of HIV-related Mental Health and Primary Care - 0 views

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS), is accepting applications for fiscal year (FY) 2018 Minority AIDS Initiative: Service Integration grant program. The purpose of this program is to integrate evidence-based, culturally competent mental and substance use disorder treatment with HIV primary care and prevention services. The population of focus is individuals with a serious mental illness (SMI) or co-occurring disorder (COD) living with or at risk for HIV and/or hepatitis in at-risk populations, including racial and ethnic minority communities. SAMHSA expects that this program will reduce the incidence of HIV and improve overall health outcomes for individuals with SMI or COD. While there has been an overall decline in new HIV infections in the U.S. from 2008-2014, racial and ethnic minority communities continue to experience disproportionate impacts of HIV.
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