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Response to Gender-Based Violence Justice Sector Reform - 0 views

    This project seeks to strengthen the entire value chain of judicial response to gender-based violence and domestic violence. Specifically, the development of a comprehensive approach to gender-based violence and domestic violence cases including therapy services, legal orientation for victims, improved traceability of at high risk victims, police investigations, prosecutorial duties and convictions aligned to the current laws in Costa Rica. The selected implementer must work closely with Poder Judicial's Gender Unit and Judicial Police Office for International Affairs, as well as with key institutional leaders and unit chiefs, to strengthen the capacity of Costa Rica's judicial response to gender-based violence and domestic violence. Identify needs, plan trainings, coordinate site visits to relevant partners in the United States such as Family Justice Centers and develop standard operating procedures to improve Judicial response to gender-based violence and domestic violence.

Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program - 0 views

    The Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families' Family and Youth Services Bureau announces the availability of funds under the Sexual Risk Avoidance Education (SRAE) Program. The purpose of the SRAE Program is to fund projects to implement sexual risk avoidance education that teach participants how to voluntarily refrain from non-marital sexual activity. The services are targeted to participants that reside in areas with high rates of teen births and/or are at greatest risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The goals of SRAE are to empower participants to make healthy decisions, and provide tools and resources to prevent pregnancy, STIs, and youth engagement in other risky behaviors. Successful applicants are expected to submit program plans that agree to use medically accurate information referenced to peer-reviewed publications by educational, scientific, governmental, or health organizations; implement sexual risk avoidance curricula and/or strategies with an evidence-based approach integrate research findings with practical implementation that aligns with the needs and desired outcomes for the intended audience; and teach the benefits associated with self-regulation, success sequencing for poverty prevention, healthy relationships, goal setting, and resisting sexual coercion, dating violence, and other youth risk behaviors such as underage drinking or illicit drug use without normalizing teen sexual activity.

ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions (ADVANCE)... - 0 views

    The NSF ADVANCE program contributes to the National Science Foundation's goal of a more diverse and capable science and engineering workforce.1 In this solicitation, the NSF ADVANCE program seeks to build on prior NSF ADVANCE work and other research and literature concerning gender, racial, and ethnic equity. The NSF ADVANCE program goal is to broaden the implementation of evidence-based systemic change strategies that promote equity for STEM2 faculty in academic workplaces and the academic profession. The NSF ADVANCE program provides grants to enhance the systemic factors that support equity and inclusion and to mitigate the systemic factors that create inequities in the academic profession and workplaces. Systemic (or organizational) inequities may exist in areas such as policy and practice as well as in organizational culture and climate. For example, practices in academic departments that result in the inequitable allocation of service or teaching assignments may impede research productivity, delay advancement, and create a culture of differential treatment and rewards. Similarly, policies and procedures that do not mitigate implicit bias in hiring, tenure, and promotion decisions could lead to women and racial and ethnic minorities being evaluated less favorably, perpetuating historical under-participation in STEM academic careers and contributing to an academic climate that is not inclusive.

ADVANCE: Organizational Change for Gender Equity in STEM Academic Professions - 0 views

    The NSF ADVANCE program contributes to the National Science Foundation's goal of a more diverse and capable science and engineering workforce.1 In this solicitation, the NSF ADVANCE program seeks to build on prior NSF ADVANCE work and other research and literature concerning gender, racial, and ethnic equity. The NSF ADVANCE program goal is to broaden the implementation of evidence-based systemic change strategies that promote equity for STEM2 faculty in academic workplaces and the academic profession. The NSF ADVANCE program provides grants to enhance the systemic factors that support equity and inclusion and to mitigate the systemic factors that create inequities in the academic profession and workplaces. Systemic (or organizational) inequities may exist in areas such as policy and practice as well as in organizational culture and climate. For example, practices in academic departments that result in the inequitable allocation of service or teaching assignments may impede research productivity, delay advancement, and create a culture of differential treatment and rewards. Similarly, policies and procedures that do not mitigate implicit bias in hiring, tenure, and promotion decisions could lead to women and racial and ethnic minorities being evaluated less favorably, perpetuating historical under-participation in STEM academic careers and contributing to an academic climate that is not inclusive.

Small Business Innovation Research Program Phase I | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The SBIR program is intended to support scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of federal research funds to build a strong national economy by stimulating technological innovation in the private sector; strengthening the role of small business in meeting federal research and development needs; increasing the commercial application of federally supported research results; and fostering and encouraging participation by socially and economically disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses. The SBIR program at NSF solicits proposals from the small business sector consistent with NSF's mission to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense. The program is governed  by Public Law 114-328 (SBIR/STTR Reauthorization Act of 2017). SBIR/STTR policy is provided by the Small Business Administration (SBA) through the SBIR Policy Directive. A main purpose of the legislation is to stimulate technological innovation and increase private sector commercialization. The NSF SBIR/STTR program is therefore in a unique position to meet both the goals of NSF and the purpose of the SBIR/STTR legislation by transforming scientific discovery and innovation into both social and economic benefit, and by emphasizing private sector commercialization.

Women, Peace, and Security: Supporting Women's Networks to Prevent, Resolve, and Mitiga... - 0 views

    Global instability and violent extremism threaten U.S. and global security. The U.S. WPS Act of 2017, further expanded upon by the U.S. Strategy on WPS, have identified women's leadership and participation as crucial to sustainable peace and security. Promoting women's meaningful inclusion and participation across efforts to prevent conflict and build peace is not simply a women's issue; it is a national security issue and vital for human progress. Though women provide essential contributions to lasting solutions to conflict, terrorism, and crisis, their perspectives and leadership are often absent from places where decisions are made about their countries' and communities' future. In addition, violence against women and girls remain pervasive before, during, and after conflicts - which prolongs conflict and inhibits the meaningful participation of women in political and security processes. A growing body of evidence demonstrates that women are partners we cannot afford to ignore, as their participation leads to better outcomes not only for women, but also for entire societies.

OVW Fiscal Year 2020 National Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Training and Techni... - 0 views

    The National Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Training and Technical Assistance Resource Center (NDVHP TARC) will provide customized and intensive training and technical assistance to jurisdictions interested in implementing a domestic violence homicide prevention (DVHP) intervention. This project may develop and/or enhance a community assessment tool that will be used to assess a jurisdiction's capacity to implement a DVHP intervention, maintain a resource center about existing and new DVHP interventions, and provide training, technical assistance, and resources for each of the professions, to include law enforcement, domestic violence victim service providers, prosecutors, judges and other court staff, involved in implementing a DVHP intervention.

OVW FY 2020 National Violence Against Women Law Enforcement Training and Technical Assi... - 0 views

    The National Violence Against Women Law Enforcement Training and Technical Assistance Consortium (NLETC) to support the training and technical assistance (TTA) needs of state, tribal, territorial, and local law enforcement agencies, sworn officers, and civilian staff that will enhance and strengthen law enforcement responses to domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The NLETC will also provide targeted TTA to tribal law enforcement on sex trafficking. The NLETC reflects OVW's commitment to ensuring that law enforcement responses to and investigations of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking are victim-centered, can aid in successful prosecution, and empower victims to heal and achieve safety and justice.

DRL Preventing and Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Libya - 0 views

    The U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL) announces an open competition for organizations interested in submitting applications for projects that promote the rule of law for the protection and realization of human rights; create the necessary conditions for accountability; improve access to justice in Libya; promote gender equality; and combat gender-based violence (GBV).

PAS Beirut-English Language Small Grants - 0 views

    Priority Region: Proposals must be implemented in Lebanon, with priority given to projects implemented partially or entirely in underserved areas. Program Objectives: U.S. Embassy Beirut seeks proposals that promote English language education through youth engagement, women empowerment, community service, Science Technology English Math (STEM), English for Specific Purposes (ESP) or other relevant activities. Key Guidelines: - Applicants can apply as individuals or as groups (for example, a group of alumni), organizations, or as non-profit organizations. - All applicants should be Lebanon-based. - For alumni proposals, partnerships with existing, active alumni organizations are encouraged. - Successful projects should identify and work with appropriate partner institutions. Partner institutions can be engaged to provide expertise as well as cost-share activities. Cost-sharing (financial and/or in kind) is encouraged for a competitive grant. - Each project will evaluated based on its potential sustainability, meaning its ability to reach different audiences and goals during and beyond the grant cycle; projects that demonstrate sustainability will be given preference.

Sports Envoy 2020 "¡Gol! Empowering women and girls through soccer" - 0 views

    The goal of this grant is to hold a one-week program to train girls ages 13-17, and mentors ages 18-25 from two at-risk communities on the north coast and/or the D.R.-Haiti border. The soccer clinics coached by two current or retired US women's soccer players will promote sports as a tool for gender equality and conflict resolution. The program must include life skills, empowerment, health, and/or personal development workshops to help girls create life plans and prevent teenage pregnancy, school dropout and other risky behaviors while promoting healthy choices, good decision making and planning for the future. The program will consist of two two-day clinics (one per community), including both soccer skills clinics and life skills sessions. While the focus for younger participants aged 13-17 would be these soccer and life skills development, young women aged 18-25 would be able to learn from the professional soccer players and other educators to work towards becoming mentors themselves. Alumni of U.S. government exchange programs may be invited to serve as mentors and facilitators.

Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) Phase II | NSF - National Science Fou... - 0 views

    The SBIR program is congressionally mandated and intended to support scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of federal research funds to build a strong national economy by: stimulating technological innovation in the private sector; strengthening the role of small business in meeting federal research and development needs; increasing the commercial application of federally supported research results; and fostering and encouraging participation by socially and economically disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses. The SBIR program solicits proposals from the small business sector consistent with NSF's mission to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense.

Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) Phase II | NSF - National Science Fou... - 0 views

    The SBIR program is congressionally mandated and intended to support scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of federal research funds to build a strong national economy by: stimulating technological innovation in the private sector; strengthening the role of small business in meeting federal research and development needs; increasing the commercial application of federally supported research results; and fostering and encouraging participation by socially and economically disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses. The SBIR program solicits proposals from the small business sector consistent with NSF's mission to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense.

Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program Phase II | NSF - National Science Fou... - 0 views

    The STTR program is congressionally mandated and intended to support scientific excellence and technological innovation through the investment of federal research funds to build a strong national economy by: stimulating technological innovation in the private sector; strengthening the role of small business in meeting federal research and development needs; increasing the commercial application of federally supported research results; and fostering and encouraging participation by socially and economically disadvantaged and women-owned small businesses. The STTR program solicits proposals from the small business sector consistent with NSF's mission to promote the progress of science; to advance the national health, prosperity, and welfare; and to secure the national defense.

SFARI | 2020 SFARI Collaboration on Sex Differences in Autism - Request for Applications - 0 views

    SFARI Collaborations are a new funding mechanism that will provide substantive and stable funding support to multidisciplinary teams of investigators tackling critical issues in the autism research field. Collaborations will be led by a director who oversees interdisciplinary, synergistic research efforts across multiple laboratories. Investigative groups within a Collaboration will focus on the same conceptually unified topic but will incorporate different scientific disciplines, multiple levels of analysis, and will include a robust data-sharing infrastructure.   SFARI Collaborations have a maximum budget of up to $8,000,000, including 20 percent indirect costs, over an initial period of four years, with a possible three-year extension.   For our first Collaboration RFA, SFARI solicits applications to investigate sex differences in autism.

FY2020 U.S. Embassy Tokyo: Advancing Entrepreneurship - 0 views

    The U.S. Embassy Tokyo's Public Affairs Section of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program that aims to advance women's and youth entrepreneurship in Japan to promote sustainable economic growth and foster U.S - Japan economic partnership.

Research and Evaluation on Technology-Facilitated Abuse for Criminal Justice Purposes, ... - 0 views

    With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for research and evaluation projects that will improve knowledge and practice related to identifying, preventing, investigating, prosecuting, and reducing technology-facilitated abuse, including sextortion, nonconsensual pornography (revenge porn), doxing, swatting, cyberstalking, and cyber-hate. NIJ will support scientifically rigorous projects designed to produce highly practical findings that will inform program, policy, practice and other efforts to address such crimes. NIJ is particularly interested in research and evaluation projects addressing the following topics . Risk and protective factors associated with an individual falling victim to technology-facilitated abuse, as well as how individuals or organizations become involved in these types of crimes. . Studies of the costs and consequences of technology-facilitated abuse (financial and otherwise), as well as how Internet-enabled harassment may be related to other crime(s). . Studies of the effectiveness of approaches in identifying, preventing, investigating, and prosecuting technology-facilitated abuse (This may include consideration of legislation and/or training). . Studies of the frequency and impacts of technology-facilitated abuse, in particular their effect on women and ethnic, religious, and racial minorities.

Young Investigator Student Fellowship Awards for Female Scholars in Vision Research | P... - 0 views

    The Prevent Blindness Ohio Young Investigator Student Fellowship Awards for Female Scholars in Vision Research provides training support for future generations of outstanding female scientists committed to pursuing biomedical, behavioral or clinical research careers relevant to the mission of Prevent Blindness Ohio - to prevent blindness and preserve sight.  Prevent Blindness will give preference to research fellowship applications which investigate public health issues related to the burden of eye-related health and safety topics and: * Represent the interdisciplinary nature of research. * Help translate research findings into improvements for health. * Target the health problems of the nation's growing underrepresented minority populations that are not receiving adequate attention. Fellowship awards are specifically restricted to provide a student stipend and/or to support needs specific to the funded research project. Grants are awarded for the summer session and commence on June 15th. Awards will range from $3000-$5000 depending upon the availability of funds. It is recommended that results be presented at ARVO, the year subsequent to the completion of their project (Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO).

Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) (nsf20525) | NSF - National Science F... - 0 views

    The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. Activities pursued by early-career faculty should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from early-career faculty at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply.

Faculty Early Career Development Program - 0 views

    CAREER:The Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers the National Science Foundation's most prestigious awards in support of early-career faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization. Activities pursued by early-career faculty should build a firm foundation for a lifetime of leadership in integrating education and research. NSF encourages submission of CAREER proposals from early-career faculty at all CAREER-eligible organizations and especially encourages women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and persons with disabilities to apply. PECASE: Each year NSF selects nominees for the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) from among the most meritorious recent CAREER awardees. Selection for this award is based on two important criteria: 1) innovative research at the frontiers of science and technology that is relevant to the mission of NSF, and 2) community service demonstrated through scientific leadership, education, or community outreach. These awards foster innovative developments in science and technology, increase awareness of careers in science and engineering, give recognition to the scientific missions of the participating agencies, enhance connections between fundamental research and national goals, and highlight the importance of science and technology for the Nation's future. Individuals cannot apply for PECASE. These awards are initiated by the participating federal agencies. At NSF, up to twenty nominees for this award are selected each year from among the PECASE-eligible CAREER awardees most likely to become the leaders of academic research and education in the twenty-first century. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy makes the final selection and announcement of the awardees.
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