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NASA - Land Cover/Land-Use Change - 0 views

    The Land-Cover/Land-Use Change (LCLUC) program is developing interdisciplinary research combining aspects of physical, social, and economic sciences, with a high level of societal relevance, using remote sensing tools, methods, and data. One of its stated goals is to develop the capability for periodic satellite-based inventories of land-cover and monitoring and characterizing land-cover and land-use change.

NASA - Rapid Response and Novel Research in Earth Science - 0 views

    This program element solicits proposals that advance the goals and objectives of NASA's Earth Science Division by conducting unique research to investigate 1) unforeseen or unpredictable Earth system events and opportunities that require a rapid response 2) novel ideas of potential high merit and relevance for ESD science to advance Earth remote sensing that have not otherwise been solicited by NASA in the past three years

Petascale Computing Resource Allocations (PRAC) (nsf17542) | NSF - National Science Fou... - 0 views

    The goal of this project and system is to open up new possibilities in science and engineering by providing computational capability that makes it possible for investigators to tackle much larger and more complex research challenges across a wide spectrum of domains. The purpose of this solicitation is to invite research groups to submit requests for allocations of resources on the Blue Waters system. Proposers must show compelling science or engineering challenges that require petascale computing resources. Proposers must also be prepared to demonstrate that they have science or engineering research problems that require and can effectively exploit the petascale computing capabilities offered by Blue Waters. Proposals from or including junior researchers are encouraged, as one of the goals of this solicitation is to build a community capable of using petascale computing.

Ohio Occupational Safety and Health Research Program - 0 views

    This is a competitive research program with an emphasis on maximizing the impact of research efforts in the areas of occupational safety and health on the overall safety, health, productivity and competitiveness of Ohio's workforce. The program, with minor modifications, is modeled after and similar to the NIOSH National Occupational Research Agenda (NORA). The program provides funding for research projects up to $250,000 per project. The duration of each research project is limited to 12 to 24 months. The deadline for proposal submission is April 21.

Nano-Biosensing | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The Nano-Biosensing program is part of the Engineering Biology and Health cluster, which includes also 1) Cellular and Biochemical Engineering; 2) Engineering of Biomedical Systems; 3) Biophotonics; and 4) Disability and Rehabilitation Engineering. The Nano-Biosensing program supports fundamental engineering research on devices and methods for measurement and quantification of biological analytes. Proposals that incorporate emerging nanotechnology methods are especially encouraged. Areas of interest include: -Multi-purpose sensor platforms that exceed the performance of current state-of-the-art devices. -Novel transduction principles, mechanisms and sensor designs suitable for measurement in practical matrix and sample-preparation-free approaches. These include error-free detection of pathogens and toxins in food matrices, waterborne pathogens, parasites, toxins, biomarkers in body fluids, and others that improve human condition. -Nano-biosensors that enable measurement of biomolecular interactions in their native states, transmembrane transport, intracellular transport and reactions, and other biological phenomena. -Studies that examine intracellular measurements must include discussion on the significance of the measurement. 

Thermal Transport Processes | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The Thermal Transport Processes (TTP) program supports engineering research projects that lay the foundation for new discoveries in thermal transport phenomena. These projects should either develop new fundamental knowledge or combine existing knowledge in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, and heat and mass transfer to probe new areas of innovation. The program seeks transformative projects with the potential for improving our basic understanding, predictability and application of thermal transport processes. Projects should articulate the contribution(s) to the fundamental knowledge supporting thermal transport processes and state clearly the potential application(s) impact when appropriate. Projects that combine analytical, experimental and numerical efforts, geared toward understanding, modeling and predicting thermal phenomena, are of great interest. Collaborative and interdisciplinary proposals for which the main contribution is in thermal transport processes fundamentals are also encouraged.

Roses 2017: Emerging Worlds - 0 views

    Research in the area of "Emerging Worlds" aims to answer the fundamental science question of how the Solar System formed and evolved. It helps to advance the strategic science goal to "explore and observe the objects in the Solar System to understand how they formed and evolve" through basic research that supports planetary exploration, aids in the development of missions, and provides context for the interpretation of all Solar System observations that are relevant to its formation and evolution. Major interdisciplinary efforts to solve key questions are particularly valued.

Roses 2017: Solar System Observations - 0 views

    Solar System Observations (SSO) supports primarily ground-based and limited airborne- and space-based astronomical observations of bodies in our Solar System. Proposals are solicited for observations over the entire range of wavelengths, from the ultraviolet to radio, that contribute to the understanding of the nature and evolution of the Solar System and its individual constituents. Additionally, SSO supports NASA's commitment to discover and inventory potentially hazardous near Earth objects with sizes down to at least ~100 meters and to characterize that population through determination of their orbital elements. This program element will also consider proposals that characterize a representative sample of these objects by measuring their sizes, shapes, and compositions.

Particulate and Multiphase Processes | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The goal of the Particulate and Multiphase Processes (PMP) program is to support fundamental research on physico-chemical phenomena that govern particulate and multiphase systems, including flow of suspensions, drops and bubbles, granular and granular-fluid flows, behavior of micro- and nanostructured fluids, and self-assembly/directed-assembly processes that involve particulates. The program encourages transformative research to improve our basic understanding of particulate and multiphase processes with emphasis on research that demonstrates how particle-scale phenomena affect the behavior and dynamics of larger-scale systems. Although proposed research should focus on fundamentals, a clear vision is required that anticipates how results could benefit important applications in advanced manufacturing, energy harvesting, transport in biological systems, biotechnology, or environmental sustainability. Collaborative and interdisciplinary proposals are encouraged, especially those that involve a combination of experiment with theory or modeling.

Environmental Engineering | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The goal of the Environmental Engineering program is to support transformative research which applies scientific and engineering principles to avoid or minimize solid, liquid, and gaseous discharges, resulting from human activities on land, inland and coastal waters, and air, while promoting resource and energy conservation and recovery. The program also fosters cutting-edge scientific research for identifying, evaluating, and monitoring the waste assimilative capacity of the natural environment and for removing or reducing contaminants from polluted air, water, and soils. Any proposal investigating sensors, materials or devices that does not integrate these products with an environmental engineering activity or area of research may be returned without review.

Cellular and Biochemical Engineering | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The Cellular and Biochemical Engineering (CBE) program supports fundamental engineering research that advances the understanding of cellular and biomolecular processes in engineering biology and eventually leads to the development of enabling technology for advanced biomanufacturing in support of the therapeutic cells, biochemical, biopharmaceutical and biotechnology industries.  A quantitative treatment of biological and engineering problems of biological processes is considered vital to successful research projects in the CBE program.  Fundamental to many research projects in this area is the understanding of how biomolecules, cells and cell populations interact in the biomanufacturing environment, and how those molecular-level interactions lead to changes in structure, function, and behavior.  The program encourages highly innovative and potentially transformative engineering research leading to novel bioprocessing and biomanufacturing approaches, and proposals that address emerging research areas and technologies that effectively integrate knowledge and practices from different disciplines while incorporating ongoing research into educational activities.

Energy for Sustainability | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The goal of the Energy for Sustainability program is to support fundamental engineering research that will enable innovative processes for the sustainable production of electricity and fuels, and for energy storage. Processes for sustainable energy production must be environmentally benign, reduce greenhouse gas production, and utilize renewable resources. Research projects that stress molecular level understanding of phenomena that directly impacts key barriers to improved system level performance (e.g. energy efficiency, product yield, process intensification) are encouraged. Proposed research should be inspired by the need for economic and impactful conversion processes. All proposals should include in the project description, how the proposed work, if successful, will improve process realization and economic feasibility and compare the proposed work against current state-of-the-art. Highly integrated multidisciplinary projects are encouraged.

ROSES 2017: Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Science - 0 views

    This ROSES NRA (NNH17ZDA001N) solicits basic and applied research in support of NASA's Science Mission Directorate (SMD). The NRA covers all aspects of basic and applied supporting research and technology in space and Earth sciences, including, but not limited to: theory, modeling, and analysis of SMD science data; aircraft, scientific balloon, sounding rocket, International Space Station, CubeSat and suborbital reusable launch vehicle investigations; development of experiment techniques suitable for future SMD space missions; development of concepts for future SMD space missions; development of advanced technologies relevant to SMD missions; development of techniques for and the laboratory analysis of both extraterrestrial samples returned by spacecraft, as well as terrestrial samples that support or otherwise help verify observations from SMD Earth system science missions; determination of atomic and composition parameters needed to analyze space data, as well as returned samples from the Earth or space; Earth surface observations and field campaigns that support SMD science missions; development of integrated Earth system models; development of systems for applying Earth science research data to societal needs; and development of applied information systems applicable to SMD objectives and data.

Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (nsf17541) | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The National Science Foundation Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program seeks to encourage talented science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) majors and professionals to become K-12 mathematics and science (including engineering and computer science) teachers. The program invites creative and innovative proposals that address the critical need for recruiting and preparing highly effective elementary and secondary science and mathematics teachers in high-need local educational agencies.

Geotechnical Engineering and Materials | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The Geotechnical Engineering and Materials Program (GEM) supports fundamental research in soil and rock mechanics and dynamics in support of physical civil infrastructure systems. Also supported is research on improvement of the engineering properties of geologic materials for infrastructure use by mechanical, biological, thermal, chemical, and electrical processes. The Program supports the traditional areas of foundation engineering, earth structures, underground construction, tunneling, geoenvironmental engineering, and site characterization, as well as the emerging area of bio-geo engineering, for civil engineering applications, with emphasis on sustainable geosystems. Research related to the geotechnical engineering aspects of geothermal energy and geothermal heat pump systems is also supported. The GEM program encourages knowledge dissemination and technology transfer activities that can lead to broader societal benefit and implementation for provision of physical civil infrastructure. The Program also encourages research that explores and builds upon advanced computing techniques and tools to enable major advances in Geotechnical Engineering.

Dear Colleague Letter: Request for Input on Federal Datasets with Potential to Advance ... - 0 views

    Over the past few years, Project Open Data ( has sought to identify and share best practices, examples, and software code to assist federal agencies with opening up access to data. Moreover, there have been efforts to scale up "open data" across various application sectors, including health, energy, climate, education and learning, finance, public safety, and global development, unlocking valuable data and improving decision making by making data resources more open and accessible to innovators and the public. NSF has established a national network of Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs and Spokes (BD Hubs and Spokes), comprising members from academia, industry, and government, with the goal of igniting new public-private partnerships across the Nation in big data research and development as well as training and education. Facilitating access to data is one of the objectives of the BD Hubs and Spokes. Collectively, these initiatives constitute an important first step in supporting the growing and interdisciplinary data science research community, which requires access to real-world datasets, e.g., as training data that can further data science, including machine learning capabilities, and enhance knowledge and decision making in various application sectors.

Energy-Efficient Computing: from Devices to Architectures (E2CDA) (nsf17531) | NSF - Na... - 0 views

    There is a consensus across the many industries touched by our ubiquitous computing infrastructure that future performance improvements across the board are now severely limited by the amount of energy it takes to manipulate, store, and critically, transport data. While the limits and tradeoffs for this performance-energy crisis vary across the full range of application platforms, they have all reached a point at which evolutionary approaches to addressing this challenge are no longer adequate. Truly disruptive breakthroughs are now required, and not just from any one segment of the technology stack. Rather, due to the complexity of the challenges, revolutionary new approaches are needed at each level in the hierarchy. Furthermore, simultaneous co-optimization across all levels is essential for the creation of new, sustainable computing platforms. These simultaneous technical and organizational challenges have never been as complex or as critically important as they are now. The urgency of solving the multi-disciplinary technical challenges will require new methods of collaboration and organization among researchers. Therefore, a comprehensive and collaborative approach must be undertaken to maximize the potential for successfully identifying and implementing revolutionary solutions to break through the bottleneck of energy-constrained computational performance. Programmers, system architects, circuit designers, chip processing engineers, material scientists, and computational chemists must all explore these new paths together to co-design an optimal solution path.

Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) (nsf17529) | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The goal of the CPS program is to develop the core system science needed to engineer complex cyber-physical systems that people can use or interact with and depend upon. Some of these may require high-confidence or provable behaviors. The program aims to foster a research community committed to advancing research and education in CPS and to transitioning CPS science and technology into engineering practice. By abstracting from the particulars of specific systems and application domains, the CPS program seeks to reveal cross-cutting fundamental scientific and engineering principles that underpin the integration of cyber and physical elements across all application sectors. To expedite and accelerate the realization of cyber-physical systems in a wide range of applications, the CPS program also supports the development of methods, tools, and hardware and software components based upon these cross-cutting principles, along with validation of the principles via prototypes and testbeds. We have also seen a convergence of CPS technologies and research thrusts that underpin Smart & Connected Communities (S&CC) and the Internet of Things (IoT). These domains offer new and exciting challenges for foundational research and provide opportunities for maturation at multiple time horizons.

Mind, Machine and Motor Nexus | NSF - National Science Foundation - 0 views

    The Mind, Machine and Motor Nexus (M3X) program supports fundamental research at the intersection of mind, machine and motor. A distinguishing characteristic of the program is an integrated treatment of human intent, perception, and behavior in interaction with embodied and intelligent engineered systems and as mediated by motor manipulation. M3X projects should advance the holistic analysis of cognition and of embodiment as present in both human and machine elements. This work will encompass not only how mind interacts with motor function in the manipulation of machines, but also how, in turn, machine response and function may shape and influence both mind and motor function.

Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) (nsf17537) - 0 views

    PECASE: Each year NSF selects nominees for the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) from among the most meritorious recent CAREER awardees. Selection for this award is based on two important criteria: 1) innovative research at the frontiers of science and technology that is relevant to the mission of NSF, and 2) community service demonstrated through scientific leadership, education, or community outreach. These awards foster innovative developments in science and technology, increase awareness of careers in science and engineering, give recognition to the scientific missions of the participating agencies, enhance connections between fundamental research and national goals, and highlight the importance of science and technology for the Nation's future. Individuals cannot apply for PECASE.
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