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NICHD Consortium for Research on Pediatric Trauma and Injury Prevention (R24) - 0 views

    The purpose of this funding opportunity announcement (FOA) is to encourage multidisciplinary collaborations to target gaps in research on pediatric trauma and injury prevention. The team science approach encouraged by this FOA could be used to generate a research resource, which may include discovery-based or hypothesis-generative approaches, to advance the relevant area of biomedical research or to devise breakthrough ideas, concepts and approaches to therapies in pediatric trauma and injury prevention research.

Focused Technology Research and Development - 0 views

    This initiative will support projects that focus solely on development of technologies with the potential to enable biomedical research. Projects should be justified in terms of potential biomedical impact, but should not include any application to specific biomedical research questions. Proof of principle for the technology will have already been shown, but there will still be significant fundamental technical challenges. Applications should include preliminary data. The products of this research will be functioning prototype instruments, methods, synthetic approaches, etc., characterized adequately to be ready for first application to the type of biomedical research questions that provided the rationale for their development.

Exploratory Research for Technology Development - 0 views

    This initiative will support exploratory research leading to the development of innovative technologies for biomedical research. The program will recognize and reward high risk approaches with potential for significant impact.  Projects will entail a high degree of risk or novelty, which will be offset by a correspondingly high potential impact. However, the possible impact is likely to be far off. Application of the proposed technology to specific biomedical questions is considered beyond the scope of the program, and should not be included. Preliminary data demonstrating feasibility of the proposed approach indicates that the project is beyond the scope of this program and therefore unsuitable for this funding opportunity.   

Research Education: Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Program (R25) - 0 views

    The NIH Research Education Program (R25) supports research education activities in the mission areas of the NIH.  The over-arching goal of this NIGMS R25 program is to support educational activities that enhance the diversity of the biomedical workforce.

NIA Research Centers Coordinating Network (U24) - 0 views

    The purpose of this FOA is to support an initial series of activities over a 3-year period to build the foundation for enhanced collaborations across NIA's 6 centers programs. These collaborations are intended to leverage NIA's substantial investments by fostering the development of novel interdisciplinary efforts in aging research. This opportunity will provide resources to build additional infrastructure and establish specific collaborative activities that could include, but are not limited to, information and data exchange, meetings and conferences, pilot studies, research opportunities for beginning investigators, visiting scholar programs, dissemination, and other collaborative efforts. The successful awardee will involve all 6 centers programs.

NIDDK Exploratory Clinical Trials for Small Business (R44) - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide a vehicle for Small Business Concerns (SBCs) submitting Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications for investigator-initiated exploratory clinical trials to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The projects must focus on products related to the mission and goals of the NIDDK and may evaluate drugs, biologics, or devices, as well as surgical, behavioral or rehabilitation therapies. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to provide a vehicle for Small Business Concerns (SBCs) submitting Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications for investigator-initiated exploratory clinical trials to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). The projects must focus on products related to the mission and goals of the NIDDK and may evaluate drugs, biologics, or devices, as well as surgical, behavioral or rehabilitation therapies.

Platform Delivery Technologies for Nucleic Acid Therapeutics - 0 views

    The purpose of this initiative is to incentivize small businesses to generate new technologies and products for delivering nucleic acids into cells and tissues for the purpose of treatment or prevention of human disease. 

Comparative Biology of Neurodegeneration (R21) - 0 views

    This FOA invites exploratory comparative biology research projects assessing how different animal species respond to challenges and damage to cellular physiology pathways that might influence the onset of Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases as well as resilience to them, such as adaptation to stress, macromolecular damage, proteostasis and stem cell function and regeneration.    

Division of Environmental Biology (core programs) (DEB) | NSF - National Science Founda... - 0 views

    The Division of Environmental Biology (DEB) supports fundamental research on populations, species, communities, and ecosystems. Scientific emphases range across many evolutionary and ecological patterns and processes at all spatial and temporal scales. Areas of research include biodiversity, phylogenetic systematics, molecular evolution, life history evolution, natural selection, ecology, biogeography, ecosystem structure, function and services, conservation biology, global change, and biogeochemical cycles. Research on organismal origins, functions, relationships, interactions, and evolutionary history may incorporate field, laboratory, or collection-based approaches; observational or manipulative experiments; synthesis activities; as well as theoretical approaches involving analytical, statistical, or computational modeling.

Exosomes: From Biogenesis and Secretion to the Early Pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Diseas... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites innovative research focused on understanding the role of exosome biogenesis and secretion in modulating and propagation of early pathogenesis in sporadic and late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD). Specifically, this FOA encourages collaborative approaches designed to identify and characterize the regulation of molecular machines that are responsible for exosome biogenesis and the secretion of exosomal cargo molecules in AD.

Understanding the Effects of ApoE2 on the Interaction between Aging and Alzheimers Dise... - 0 views

    This FOA invites applications on descriptive, basic and translational studies of APOE2 to delineate the functional effects of ApoE2 on healthy aging of the brain and other tissues. The primary focus is on the "APOE2-Aging-AD" relationship and the mechanistic effects of the protective variant on aging and potential interaction/cross talk between tissues in the aging process and AD. These studies are expected to generate new mechanistic insights that involve brain and/or other organs and assist in the identification of potential prognostic and diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets for AD and other age-related cognitive disorders. Eventually, the findings from these studies could lead to translational research opportunities not only to prevent or delay the onset of AD, but also to protect against multiple age-related conditions.  

Osteoarthritis Grant - 0 views

    AOSSM, in partnership with Sanofi, offers a research grant program to fund investigations related to early osteoarthritis (OA) and/or prevention of OA progression. This grant reflects the growing recognition of the importance of osteoarthritis within sports medicine and orthopaedics. The grant will be for $50,000 to support either a clinical research study or a lab/basic science project. Proposed studies need not relate specifically to sports injuries and should also have broad applicability to OA in the general population.

Division of Integrative Organismal Systems: Core Programs | NSF - National Science Foun... - 0 views

    The Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) supports research aimed at understanding why organisms are structured the way they are and function as they do. Proposals should focus on organisms as a fundamental unit of biological organization. Principal Investigators (PIs) are encouraged to apply systems approaches that will lead to conceptual and theoretical insights and predictions about emergent organismal properties. Areas of inquiry include, but are not limited to, developmental biology and the evolution of developmental processes, nervous system development, structure, and function, physiological processes, functional morphology, symbioses, interactions of organisms with biotic and abiotic environments, and animal behavior.

Systems Biology Approaches to Alzheimers Disease Using Non-mammalian Laboratory Animals... - 0 views

    The National Institute on Aging is seeking applications to develop systems biology approaches to understand the basic biology underpinning neurodegeneration which might ultimately contribute to Alzheimer's disease or related dementias, using non-mammalian laboratory animal models. It is expected that research carried under the auspices of this FOA will lead to discovery of new mechanisms that provoke neurodegeneration and to new molecular pathways that might be involved in causing, amplifying or protecting against neurodegeneration. Applications should propose to use established non-mammalian laboratory animals which have a history of contributions to our understanding of neurobiology or aging biology.  

Role of Peripheral Proteostasis on Brain Aging and on Alzheimers Disease (R01) - 0 views

    This FOA is soliciting research projects that would advance biomedical research on the role of peripheral proteostasis on brain structure and function during aging and in Alzheimer's disease, facilitating the identification of molecular and cellular markers of normal brain aging and brain aging during pathological conditions.

Addressing Health Disparities in NIDDK Diseases (R01) - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) invites research projects to improve understanding of the causes of high priority diseases in the United States and reducing/eliminating health disparities. Research is encouraged in the following high priority diseases within the scientific mission areas of the NIDDK: diabetes; obesity; nutrition-related disorders; hepatitis C; gallbladder disease; H. Pylori infection; sickle cell disease, specifically, studies in complications of sickle cell disease within the NIDDK mission areas; kidney diseases; urologic diseases; hematologic diseases, including studies in abnormal hemoglobin synthesis; metabolic diseases; gastrointestinal, hepatic, and renal complications from infection with HIV. Clinical trials are not permitted in response to this FOA.

Development and/or Validation of Devices or Electronic Systems to Monitor or Enhance Mi... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) supports Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant applications from small business concerns (SBCs) that will develop and/or validate devices or electronic systems that can: 1) monitor biologically- or behaviorally-based processes applicable to mind and body interventions or 2) be used to assist in optimizing the practice or increasing the efficacy of mind and body interventions.  The applications should: 1) lead to the development of new technologies, 2) adapt existing innovative technologies, devices and/or electronic systems, 3) repurpose existing devices and electronic systems, or 4) conduct testing of single or combined components of an integrated, long term, automated, wearable monitoring, stimulation device or electronic system in order to monitor or enhance the mechanistic processes or functional outcomes of mind and body interventions. For the purposes of this FOA, mind and body interventions are defined as non-pharmacological approaches that include mind/brain focused interventions (e.g., meditation, hypnosis), body-based approaches (e.g., acupuncture, massage, spinal manipulation/mobilization), or combined mind and body meditative movement approaches (e.g., yoga, tai-chi, qigong).  

Nicotinic Immune Modulation in the Presence of HIV-1 Infection (R01) - 0 views

    The FOA encourages the submission of research project applications to determine nicotine's modulatory effects on peripheral and central immune system functions in the presence of HIV-1 infection.  Specifically, NIDA is particularly interested in projects exploring the ability of nicotine to produce anti-inflammatory and protective effects, and the translational potential of the new knowledge in attenuating HIV-induced pathologies and HIV-associated CNS complications such as neurological/cognitive disorders.   

Powering Research through Innovative Methods for mixtures in Epidemiology (PRIME) (R01) - 0 views

    The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to stimulate the development of innovative statistical, data science, or other quantitative approaches to studying the health effects of complex chemical mixtures in environmental epidemiology. 

BRAIN Initiative Cell Census Network (BICCN) - Specialized Center on Human and Non-Huma... - 0 views

    This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) intends to assemble a group of Specialized Collaboratories that will adopt scalable technology platforms and streamlined workflows to accelerate progress towards establishing reference cell atlases of human brain and/or non-human primate brains. A central goal of this and the three companion FOAs is to build a brain cell census resource that can be widely used throughout the research community.
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