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Rem Palpitt

MediaShift . Local Politicians Use Social Media to Connect with Voters - 1 views

    Smith's community isn't the only smaller city or town to find itself suffering form a lack of local press. While the New York City mayoral election attracts interest from the New York Times, elsewhere the media landscape has changed drastically, thanks to the shuttering of smaller newspapers that were traditionally the source of local political coverage. In some places, social media is being used to try and replace some of what has been lost in terms of professional reporting.
Arnault Coulet

10 Examples how Local Governments can use Twitter | DotGov - 1 views

  • 1. News & Events Obviously, the first step is to use Twitter for press releases, news & events. It only adds an extra communication channel next to the local newspaper, website and RSS feed.
  • 4. Transportation The Oregon Department of Transport (@oregondot) has been doing a great job by tweeting on road conditions, traffic jams, weather and travel information. They also have a great safety tip: Don’t Tweet ‘n Drive!
  • 7. City Council
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  • The City of Regina used Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to provide information on the 2009 civic election and better engage citizens in the process. As candidates submitted their papers a ‘tweet’ went out to let people know. It seems like one way to overcome the issue of getting the media to pay attention, and to go straight to your citizens with the news. On Election Day, Twitter acted as the most direct channel for the vote results. Unfortunately, they took their Twitter page offline.
  • 10. Citizens groups
Arnault Coulet

Fan pages for nonprofits and local institutions require care and feeding (via @palpitt) - 1 views

  • The easiest way to characterize the difference between a fan of a consumer business and one of a local institution or a nonprofit is by their degree of desired engagement.
  • The problem is that most local institutions—I’m singling out hospitals here for special attention—and nonprofits don’t do a very good job with their pages. They certainly don’t put as much care and feeding into those pages as their commercial counterparts do.
  • becoming a fan of a Facebook page is motivated by the expectation that the organization will use the page as a vehicle for keeping its fans up to date. Many hospitals, for example, host educational events for the community, but few hospitals take advantage of the “events” tab on fan pages to list those activities.
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  • Populate the Info tab with all the information your fans may want to know about your organization. Take advantage of the Events feature to let your constituents know what’s going on with your institution. Monitor what people are posting to the wall and respond wherever it’s appropriate. Let people know you’re listening and care about what they’re saying. Photos and videos are terrific ways to connect with people, particularly if you’re introducing them to real people they might encounter in their interactions with your organization.
stan mag

e-participatory budgeting system - 0 views

    White paper on participatory budgeting system at the local level
stan mag

An interesting and helpful paper on budget consultation « Participate's Blog - 0 views

    "The Consultation Institute hasrecently published their latest Briefing Paper - No 22. Entitled Local Public Services Budget Consultations"
stan mag

Government Offers Data to Miners - - 0 views

    Many local governments are figuring out how to use the Internet to make government data more accessible. The goal is to spawn useful Web sites and mobile applications - and perhaps even have people think differently about their city and its government
Arnault Coulet : la France ouvre son portail de partage des données publiques - 0 views

  • Le gouvernement français prend le train de l’Open Data en lançant son portail mettant à disposition 352.000 jeux de données publiques issus, notamment, de ministères de collectivités locales et d’autorités administratives.
Arnault Coulet

Valuable Games » Blog Archive » as Augmented Reality Game - 0 views

  • what made MyBO revolutionary, and what puts it in the same category as World Without Oil, is that it also asked participants to engage in non-digital, non-virtual activity
  • Perhaps the biggest problem of MyBO as a game was its failure to scale. It was disheartening to log in and see that you were in 266,442nd place
  • But the system would have been far more motivating if your cohort group was more local: all Obama supporters in your state, city, or your MyBO groups.
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  • Some were upset by the change, which demonstrated that the points really did motivate some. Wrote one of the top 500: “GIVE ME MY POINTS BACK!!!! THEY DO NOT BELONG TO YOU!!!!!”
  • Full disclosure: including one I’m now working on a civic engagement game for Fair Trade).
stan mag

Online Maps for Advocacy: - 0 views

    The purpose of this booklet is to enable advocacy groups explore the potential of maps to effectively send out their message. "
Arnault Coulet

Un numéro de téléphone fixe pour les sans-domicile-fixe - 0 views

  • L'association Reconnect, lauréate du concours Jeunes Talents Innovation organisé par SFR, propose aux plus démunis un numéro de téléphone fixe et une messagerie. L'intérêt ? Rester joignable et maintenir un lien social.
  • our Eric Chatry, fondateur de Reconnect, le constat est simple : « On parle beaucoup de l'ordinateur, mais le premier outil permettant de maintenir un lien social, c'est le téléphone. »
  • une étude faite par Reconnect montre que 60 % des personnes en situation précaire ont un téléphone mobile, avec dans la plupart des cas le recours aux cartes prépayées.
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  • C'est là que le bât blesse. Ces offres, souvent présentées par les opérateurs comme des solutions idéales pour les utilisateurs ayant des revenus faibles ou irréguliers, posent plus de problèmes qu'elles n'en résolvent. Elles sont d'abord très coûteuses, avec un prix tournant autour de 0,50 euro par minute, bien supérieur à n'importe quel forfait. Elles obligent de plus à une consommation assez rapide des minutes achetées, sans quoi le numéro de téléphone est attribué à un autre utilisateur. « 70 % des utilisateurs n'ont plus d'unité et courent le risque de perdre leur numéro », estime-t-on chez Reconnect. Sans parler des problèmes de perte ou de vol des appareils.
  • Déployé l'an dernier en Ile-de-France, le système est actuellement utilisé par quelque 500 personnes. Il est encore en phase de test et dépend de subventions. L'objectif est de le déployer à plus grande échelle pour un prix de 10 euros par trimestre qui sera supporté par l'utilisateur ou l'association
  • L'originalité du concours organisé par SFR est en effet d'organiser un partenariat avec des villes, « afin d'avoir un ancrage local et de bénéficier de développements rapides », précise Pierre-Emmanuel Struyvel, responsable de l'innovation et des nouveaux marchés chez SFR.
stan mag

Les cartes de maillage de la Coopol - 1 views

  • Comment partir en campagne sans savoir précisément qui a voté quoi aux précédentes élections? Avec la coopol, c'est aujourd'hui possible. Régionales 2004, présidentielle 2007, européennes 2009: vous avez accès à tout ce qu'il faut pour vous faire une idée précise des rapports de force électoraux sur des zones d'une taille de 2.000 habitants:
    Comment partir en campagne sans savoir précisément qui a voté quoi aux précédentes élections? Avec la coopol, c'est aujourd'hui possible. Régionales 2004, présidentielle 2007, européennes 2009: vous avez accès à tout ce qu'il faut pour vous faire une idée précise des rapports de force électoraux sur des zones d'une taille de 2.000 habitants:
Arnault Coulet

Sudanese president urges supporters to use Facebook to overcome opposition (via @marjor... - 0 views

  • The Sudanese president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir has called on his supporters to use Facebook in order to overcome groups that are opposed to his rule. Bashir made the call during his visit to North Kordofan state on Tuesday where he inaugurated a power plant. Sudan official news agency (SUNA) cited Bashir as instructing authorities to pay more attention towards extending electricity to the countryside so that the younger citizens can use computers and internet to combat opposition through social networking sites such as Facebook.
  • This is the first call of its kind by an Arab president since a wave of revolts spread across the Middle East leading to the downfall of the 23-years old regime in Tunisia and forced the Egyptian government to loosen its grip on the power and make unprecedented concessions.
Arnault Coulet

FreedomWorks, le MyBarackObama républicain, financé par l'industrie du tabac? - 0 views

  • Less than eight months later, the seed planted in those anti-Obama Google groups has burst into flower on the streets of Washington. Tens – or even perhaps hundreds – of thousands of livid demonstrators filled the capital, brandishing banners saying "Don't tread on me!" and "Obamunism" – a reference to the president's perceived socialist or even communist tendencies. "Liar! Liar!"they shouted, echoing the outburst of a Republican congressman to Obama's face last week.
  • Matt Kibbe, who heads FreedomWorks, a national conservative group that led the push behind last Saturday's rally, goes further. He says that the movement has stolen from Obama the techniques he used to such effect last year and is now redeploying them as a stick with which to beat the president.
  • When Obama beat Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primaries, FreedomWorks studied how he did it and then copied him. They set up a ning site, a Facebook-like platform that allows members to talk to each other without having to go through the parent body. The result was explosive
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  • FreedomWorks and Americans for Prosperity are sister groups who came from the same parent body — a campaign called Citizens for Sound Economy, which split in two in 2004. It was set up by one of America's richest men, David Koch, an oil tycoon who has funded rightwing causes for decades.
  • FreedomWorks receives funding from the tobacco conglomerate Philip Morris, as well as from Richard Scaife, another business tycoon, who for years helped fund dirt-digging investigations into Bill Clinton. Local branches of Americans for Prosperity have also received tobacco money; the group has opposed smoke-free workplace laws and cigarette taxes
  • FreedomWorks insists that about four-fifths of its $8m budget this year comes from small individual donations. Kibbe interprets that as a sign of genuine pent-up anger towards spendthrift politicians in Washington of both parties, and believes it can be traced back to George Bush's bailout of the banks.
Arnault Coulet

@digiactive what do you think about @evgenymorozov blog post "From slacktivism to activ... - 0 views

  • I've grown increasingly skeptical of numerous digital activism campaigns that attempt to change the world through Facebook and Twitter.
  • He started a Facebook group, which implied – but never stated so explicitly – that the city authorities were planning to dismantle the fountain, which of course was NEVER the case. He seeded the group to 125 friends who joined in a matter of hours; then it started spreading virally. In the first few days, it immediately went to a 1000 members and then it started growing more aggressively. After 3 days, it began to grow with over 2 new members each minute in the day time. When the group reached 27.500 members, Jørgensen decided to end the experiment. So there you have it: almost 28,000 people joined a cause that didn't really exist!
  • "just like we need stuff to furnish our homes to show who we are, on Facebook we need cultural objects that put together a version of me that I would like to present to the public."
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  • acebook users shape their online identity implicitly rather than explicitly
  • This shopping binge in an online identity supermarket has led to the proliferation of what I call “slacktivism”, where our digital effort make us feel very useful and important but have zero social impact
  • In a perfect world, this shouldn't even be considered a problem: better donate a penny than not to donate at all. The problem, however, is that the granularity of contemporary digital activism provides too many easy way-outs: too many people decide to donate a penny where they may otherwise want to donate a dollar
  • The problem is that most of these campaigns do not have clear goals or agenda items beyond awareness-raising.
  • Asking for money could also undermine one's efforts to engage groups members in more meaningful real-life activities: the fact that they have already donated some money, no matter how little, makes them feel as if they have already done their bit and should be left alone
  • Some grassroots campaigns are beginning to realize it: for example, the web-site of "Free Monem", a 2007 pan-Arab initiative to free an Egyptian blogger from jail carried a sign that said “DON'T DONATE; Take action” and had logos of Visa and MasterCard in a crossed red circle in the background
  • his was a way to show that their campaign needed more than money as well as to shame numerous local and international NGOs that like to raise money to “release bloggers from jail”, without having any meaningful impact on the situation on the ground.
  • Psychologists offer an interesting explanation as to why a million people working together may be less effective than one person working alone. They call this phenomenon “social loafing”.
  • Reading about Ringelmann's experiments, I realized that the same problem plagues much of today's “Facebook” activism:
  • For example, FreeRice, a web-site affiliated with the UN Food Program
  • This is a brilliant approach: millions of people rely on the Internet to study English anyway and most of them wouldn't mind being exposed to online advertising in exchange for a useful service. Both sides benefit, with no high words exchanged. Those who participate in the effort are not driven by helping the world and have a very selfish motivation; yet, they probably generate more good than thousands of people who are “fighting” hunger via Facebook. While this model may not be applicable to every situation, it's by finding practical hybrid models like FreeRice's that we could convert immense and undeniable collective energy of Internet users into tangible social change.
  • on't give people their identity trophies until they have proved their worth
    • Arnault Coulet
  • create diverse, distinctive, and non-trivial tasks; your supporters can do more than just click “send to all” button” all day.
    • Arnault Coulet
      second point
Arnault Coulet

Le retour des communautés | - 0 views

  • On peut aussi, grâce au net et à l’innovation technologique, contribuer de manière plus politique à l’entretien des espaces verts. La cartographie, comme l’avait souligné plus tôt dans la matinée John Tackarah, peut jouer un rôle important. Ainsi, la publication de deux photos montrant la destruction des forêts urbaines à Washington entre les années 70 et aujourd’hui a suscité suffisamment d’émotion pour entrainer une intense campagne de reforestation. D’autres préféreront devenir des “scientifiques citoyens” et communiquer leurs observations sur l’évolution de leur écologie locale.
  • Au-delà de la réduction de l’impact environnemental, l’objectif, selon Jégou, est de devenir “co-producteur des services dont on bénéficie“, mais aussi de “regénérer du tissu social“… I
  • Ce que François Jégou qualifie de “communautés créatives”, c’est-à-dire des communautés qui “n’attendent pas, (mais) qui inventent, ensemble, pour résoudre les problèmes eux-mêmes“.
Arnault Coulet

311 Online - 0 views

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