Blogging - Collaborative Blog! - 8 views
Net 308 Group from Open Universities Australia looking at Online Collaboration
'Wikinomics: How mass collaboration changes everything" is a good book for business managers who want to understand the latest trends in technology and society. The book refers to the InnoCentive... When looking to describe the online phenomenon, social networking with friends, family and colleagues is one of the first thing that comes to mind to describe it...
References: [1] XOMReviews. (2007). WikiSpaces. Retrieved 15 April, 2010, from [2] Nys, J. d. (2008). Comparison: Google Sites vs Wikispaces vs PBwiki...
Everything2 (E2) is an online collaboration of all sorts of writings/articles submitted from people all over the world. "Everything2 is a collection of user-submitted writings about, well, pretty...