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J.Randolph Radney

Teaching with Google Wave - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education - 1 views

  • Wave is extremely powerful groupware, designed to facilitate the interactions of groups working together on projects—which turns out to be a pretty good description of many college classes.
  • Class notes project (10%): Over the course of the semester, you will compile a set of collaborative notes for the class, detailing the important issues from our readings, the main threads of our discussions, any questions that we raise that remain open, and so forth. You’ll use a combination of Google Wave and Google Docs for these notes, Wave for the initial notetaking and discussion and Docs for the final product. Each of you will serve as lead notetaker during at least one class session, though you’ll be expected to contribute to the collaborative notes for every class period.
  • A networked teaching lab: I teach most of my classes in a laptop-based lab, one that allows me to pull the computers out whenever I want to use them and tuck them safely away when I don't. This semester, I decided to use them every day, and invited any of my students who had their own laptops to bring them to class if they preferred working on them.
  • ...2 more annotations...
  • At the end of the semester, in conjunction with my course evaluations, I asked my students to assess their experiences with Wave—and to a person, they liked it. Several said that they appreciated the ways that seeing their classmates' notes as class discussion was happening clarified the discussion in process; a few noted that they liked being able to follow the wave from their dorm rooms if they were out sick; many said that they were grateful to be able to return to the notes in the days and weeks after that class session had ended.
  • What didn't work? I'd had the idea before the semester started that my students would "finalize" their notes in Google Docs and keep them stored for future use in our Google Group space. As yet, however, waves aren't easily exportable, even to other Google platforms; our class notes remain solely accessible in Wave. That said, all of the members of the class will have access to those waves as long as they keep their accounts, and the waves could continue to develop, should their authors be so inspired.
J.Randolph Radney

Heutagogy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 2 views

  • Stewart Hase and Chris Kenyon (December 2000). "From Andragogy to Heutagogy". ultiBASE (Faculty of Education Language and Community Services, RMIT University).  Jane Eberle and Marcus Childress (2009). "Using Heutagogy to Address the Needs of Online Learners". in Patricia Rogers, Gary A. Berg, Judith V. Boettecher, and Lorraine Justice. Encyclopedia of Distance Learning (2nd ed.). Idea Group Inc.. ISBN 1605661988.
    Here's the Wikipedia article on heutagogy; note the references.

MY RESEARCH AND TOP 10 WEB 2.0 TOOLS IN XXI CENTURY EDUCATION with Top 10 Big #eLearning eNews for #backtoschool 2012 who can make you #socialmedia #Curation addicted #edtech20 #pln - 1 views

    Top 10 Big #eLearning eNews for #backtoschool 2012 : GlogsterEDU , EdFuture, CLASS2GO , Stanford University, Google Course Builder , GTA , Google Teachers Accademy, Wiziq Academic , TedEd , TreeHouse, Dell , Dell Social Inovation , StudyHall .Follow . If you enjoy reading add comments , share and rt
J.Randolph Radney

untitled - 0 views

  • Faculty members at many campuses have been debating whether they should ban laptops in class. At Cornell University, students are trying to change the discussion. The Student Assembly there adopted a resolution last month pushing for “greater freedom of student laptop usage” in certain classes.
  • But realistically, he said, faculty members can't develop a single, catch-all policy for laptop usage -- there is simply too much variation in class sizes, teaching styles, course levels and subject matter to expect the same policy to apply to every instructor.
  • Katherine Fahey, director of Student Disability Services, supports technology use in the classroom -- if not as a full-on policy, then at least in the sense that all students feel comfortable asking for an exception.   “In courses in which the instructor believes that learning is enhanced by students not using laptops, there should be an opportunity for any student to request an exception based on individual learning style, the impact of one’s disability or other factors,” Fahey said in an email. But even asking to overrule a professor’s classroom technology policy can be uncomfortable for many students, especially at the beginning of the semester when there is no established relationship.
J.Randolph Radney

Introducing Google Docs to the Class | - 0 views

    Some ideas for using Google Docs in the class
J.Randolph Radney

Bonk&Park.pdf - Google Docs - 2 views

    • J.Randolph Radney
      It would be interesting to note whether the collaboration went on in a class-by-class format or was pursued in more of a 'cohort' approach (i.e. several people all taking the same classes and interacting not just one a single course, but across several.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      p. 3 A lack of guidance was identified as a key element in superficial student participation.
    I am testing the possibility that our course documents might be useful to others in that we could highlight passages and add comments (via stick notes on the original pdfs) in Diigo as a way of interacting on the readings. I expect users to require memberships in both Diigo and in Google Documents (both free, and the latter comes automatically with a gmail account). Please let me know whether you have problems accessing my highlights and/or comments and whether you can access the full text of the pdfs from where you are. Thanks, radney (
J.Randolph Radney

How Twitter in the Classroom is Boosting Student Engagement - 8 views

    Although this article is about the use of Twitter in the classroom to provide a backchannel for discussion during lectures, I find that the Chat tools in MOODLE work really well for students who are in my face-to-face sessions. They love the possibility of chatting during class (with my permission--and they are aware of my monitoring the discussion), and students who must miss class staying home with a sick child, etc. can ask questions and get answers from students who are in the session.
    Thanks Radney for this. I found this article very useful especially the quote "the integration of Twitter has been a virtually bureaucracy-free endeavor". I also liked this "Twitter helps to overcome the shyness barrier" - a good point.
    Yes, the shyness factor is a major one in engaging students in class activities. I find that the more text-based the participation, the more engaged shy students become.
J.Randolph Radney

Course: Creating Student e-Portfolios with Google Sites - 5 views

  • Creating e-Portfolios with Google Sites by Jen Hegna is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Users are free to use, edit and share this course as long as this block stays in the course. If you download or like this course I would love to hear feedback from you!
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Moodle for Teachers Orientation (M4T-O) Free Online Workshop Online Class by Dr. Nellie Deutsch - 3 views

    Join the Moodle for Teachers (M4T) free online orientation workshop as a Moodle instructor or Moodle student:
J.Randolph Radney

Students prefer good lectures over the latest technology in class | University Affairs - 3 views

  • they want lectures. They want to listen to a professor who’s engaging, who’s intellectually stimulating and who delivers the content to them,” says Vivek Venkatesh, associate dean of academic programs and development in the school of graduate studies at Concordia University.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      Perhaps what students WANT is not what is best for them. Are they being lazy learners to expect a teacher to 'deliver content', as compare with more active learning strategies?
  • The reporter fails to mention that the majority of both teachers and students like technology in the classroom. And then tries to turn this report into one that is anti-technology.
  • But frankly when I find an eager proponent of, say, group work and student-directed discussions, I often (although not always) find a professor who simply can't lecture; and, worse, is not liked by their students.
    • J.Randolph Radney
      It is possible, however, to be a professor who lectures well and still prefers the use of more active learning in the classroom.
olivier alfieri

Moodle Langue Lab - 1 views

    Caractéristiques de cette version: Enregistreur intégré dans l'éditeur HTML de Moodle. Étudiant enregistré l'activité. Classe moniteur L'intégration de Moodle carnet de notes Juillet 2011 Sortie seront les suivantes: Module de dialogue L'enregistrement vidéo Les spectrogrammes des enregistrements Analyse de la parole: étudiants enregistrements sonores et le système compare avec le discours indigène
J.Randolph Radney

eSN Special Report: Small-group collaboration | - 5 views

  • Sutton said collaboration is "a more positive way of teaching" and addresses the needs of students who learn best in different ways, such as those who are visual learners or auditory learners.
  • In a traditional classroom arrangement—with the teacher lecturing at the front of the class—"the group becomes homogenized," Silverman says. The teacher targets the instruction to the middle, ignoring the passive, inattentive students in the back and the more advanced students who might be bored because they already know the material. The teacher might ask two to four students to come to the front of the room to solve a problem, but the rest are "educational voyeurs," he says.
  • He suggests that each group have a student identified as a facilitator, recorder, and possibly, reflector, with those positions changing from project to project. After a group completes its work, the students can use the projector to share what they’ve learned with the whole class.
    The article reinforces readings for the course, as well as providing suggestions for activities that would be collaborative (actually, the way they describe it is more cooperative because they specify roles, but we can "scrub 'round that bit", I'm sure.
J.Randolph Radney

The Complete Guide to Google Wave: How to Use Google Wave - 8 views

  • Don't forget: The Complete Guide to Google Wave is and will continue to be freely available to read online right here at
    For those who haven't already seen it, here is a free online guide on the Wave from Google.
Janet Bianchini

Category:Conversation questions - Teflpedia - 0 views

    Excellent source of conversation topics and questions for EFL classes
J.Randolph Radney

creative uses of moodle modules - Google Slides - 4 views

    This is an interesting survey of how certain Moodle tools might be used in classes.
Dr. Nellie Deutsch

Teach Online with Moodle - 3 views

    Dear Members of IT4ALL, 2012 is going to be a great year for teaching and learning with technology. You are invited to learn how to enhance your class with technology by learning to teach and be the administrator of Moodle course and learning management system. There are many free and low cost workshops on google docs, blended learning, learning to install and use, how to create WebQuests, Writing Academic Papers, creating e-portfolios and how to integrate technology into your classes. You are invited to join our small group (under 20) low cost 6-week workshops for Moodle for Teacher Administrators at the basic ($150) and advanced ($120) levels.The two workshops provide participants with two Moodle labs to practice as administrators of Moodle. One lab is for 1.9 and one for 2.2. Participants learn how to install and manage Moodle as administrators and facilitate their own online courses. Each participant receive individual attention throughout the workshop. For more information, please contact me and the course syllabus: and Have a wonderful holiday season and a great 2012!!! Warm wishes, Nellie Deutsch, Ed.D
J.Randolph Radney

Forget grade levels: Schools try something new | Curriculum | - 0 views

  • Students who progress quickly can finish high school material early and move forward with college coursework. Alternatively, in some districts, high-schoolers who need extra time can stick around for another year.
  • Students, often of varying ages, will work at their own pace, meeting with teachers to decide what part of the curriculum to tackle. Teachers still will instruct students as a group if needed, but often students will be working individually or in small groups on projects that are tailored to their skill level.
  • During the first two weeks of school, pre-K to sixth grade students in five schools will take reading and math assessments to determine their mastery level. The students then will be leveled and moved into groups according to their abilities,
    What do you think of the idea that classes should be set up according to skills, not age?
J.Randolph Radney

Technology a key tool in writing instruction | Community | - 1 views

  • The report found that the use of Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, podcasts, wikis, and comics-creating software can heighten students’ engagement and enhance their writing and thinking skills in all grade levels and across all subjects.
  • “The experience of these nine teachers reminds us of the central role they play in true education reform. It’s teachers who are the technology drivers, seeking out digital tools, learning them, testing them, and finally implementing them successfully in their classrooms,” said Sharon J. Washington, executive director of NWP.
  • Students also must have an opportunity to write about real issues and for a real audience outside of their classroom. They should be able to get responses from other students in and out of the classroom, and to collaborate on writing projects. All of these things, Eidman-Aadahl said, can be done by using the internet.
    This is an article on the use of Web 2.0 tools in writing classes.
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