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Victim or Victor? China's Olympic Odyssey - - 0 views

  • Modern Chinese nationalism often veers between Mr. Coubertin's and Mr. Maurras's ideas of nationhood. Officially, the government likes to talk about friendship between peoples, and harmony and peace, while at the same time promoting an injured sense of historical Chinese victimhood at the hands of foreign powers. When demonstrations of Chinese nationalism run out of control, with or without official encouragement, the feeling of national hurt can turn to violent aggression. It has been happening of late in the U.S., among other places, when Chinese students attacked Tibetans, or indeed anyone who "offended the feelings of the Chinese people."
  • This type of official patriotism is based on a peculiarly skewed view of history. Rather than celebrate the high points of Chinese civilization, the emphasis falls entirely on suffering at the hands of foreigners. The sense of victimhood runs so deep that it is impossible for most Chinese to view themselves as aggressors. The idea that Tibetans, for example, might have some reason to see themselves as victims of the Chinese, is absurd. More than that, many Chinese genuinely believe that this type of Tibetan "propaganda" has been deliberately taken up by the Western press to inflict yet another humiliation on the Chinese people.
  • This does not mean, however, that democracy would be an automatic cure. In the unlikely event that China were suddenly to have a peaceful transformation to a liberal democracy, nationalism would not go away. No party seen to be soft on foreign powers, especially Japan and the U.S., would be. Modern Chinese history has been so bloody that the scars will take a long time to heal. Ethnic nationalism can be a kind of poison, especially when it is based on a feeling of victimhood. Political freedom should help to soothe such feelings in the long run, but this will not happen in time for the Beijing Olympics.
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  • Aggressive nationalism usually goes together with authoritarian politics. When people have no legitimate means to show dissent, vent their frustrations, express critical opinions in public, and generally take part in politics, nationalism fills the void. As long as they can control it, this suits authoritarian rulers. In China, a certain unspoken sense of guilt may also play a role. The same people who demanded democracy in 1989, when they were students, are now often among the fiercest nationalists. The educated urban elite has prospered since the Tiananmen Massacre, and when people are reminded of the political compromises this involved, resentment can flare up easily.

Unrestricted Warfare | Adbusters Culturejammer Headquarters - 0 views

  • The most interesting thesis is the idea that China could use international law as a weapon, or “lawfare” for short. The authors argue that citizens of democracies increasingly demand that their countries uphold international rules, particularly ones that govern human rights and the conduct of war. Governments are, therefore, constrained by regional or worldwide organizations, such as the European Union, ASEAN, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the WTO and the United Nations. The authors argue that China should copy the European model of using international law to pin down the USA: “there are far-sighted big powers which have clearly already begun to borrow the power of supra-national, multinational, and non-state players to redouble and expand their own influence.” They think that China could turn the United Nations and regional organizations into an amplifier of the Chinese worldview – discouraging the USA from using its might in campaigns like the Iraq War.
  • Beijing has been willing to allow the Organization of Islamic States to take the lead in weakening the new Human Rights Council. This subtle diplomacy has been devastatingly effective – contributing to a massive fall in US influence: in 1995 the USA won 50.6 percent of the votes in the United Nations general assembly; by 2006, the figure had fallen to just 23.6 percent. On human rights, the results are even more dramatic: China’s win-rate has rocketed from 43 percent to 82 percent, while the USA’s has tumbled from 57 per cent to 22 percent. The New York Times’ UN correspondent James Traub has detected a paradigm shift in the United Nations’ operations: “it’s a truism that the Security Council can function only insofar as the United States lets it. The adage may soon be applied to China as well.” Traub may be right. China’s capacity to influence the United Nations is increasing, and soon we may be complaining about Chinese behavior on big policy issues
isaac Mao

国庆典礼背景图案表 - Wikileaks - 0 views

  • 国庆(黄) National Day (yellow) 国庆(红)National Day (red) 国徽 national emblem 国旗 national flag 军旗 People's Liberation Army flag 长城 Great Wall 中华人民共和国万岁 Long live the People's Republic of China 中国共产党万岁 Long live the Communist Party of China 人民万岁 Long live the Communist Party of people 听党指挥 To obey the command of the Party 服务人民 Serve the people 英勇善战 Heroic 忠诚于党 Loyal to the party 热爱人民 Love people 报效国家 Serve the country 献身使命 崇尚荣誉 和平鸽 长城 中华人民共和国万岁 中国共产党万岁 人民万岁 向人民英雄纪念碑致敬 社会主义好 思想解放 改革开放 世纪跨越 与时俱进 科学发展 社会和谐 1949 2009 祖国万岁 麦浪 社会主义好 科教兴国 牡丹花 奥运和残奥会标 万众一心众志成城 维护世界和平 各族人民大团结万岁 繁荣昌盛 江山多娇 富强民主文明和谐 时刻准备着 明天会更好 中华人民共和国万岁

Change you can download: a billion in secret Congressional reports - Wikileaks - 0 views

  • Wikileaks has released nearly a billion dollars worth of quasi-secret reports commissioned by the United States Congress. Frontpage of sample CRS report, RL31555: China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues, dated January 7, 2009. A full listing of reports is available here.
  • The 6,780 reports, current as of this month, comprise over 127,000 pages of material on some of the most contentious issues in the nation, from the U.S. relationship with Israel to the financial collapse.
  • The Federation of American Scientists, in pushing for the reports to be made public, stated that the "CRS is Congress' Brain and it's useful for the public to be plugged into it,"[2]. While Wired magazine called their concealment "The biggest Congressional scandal of the digital age"[3]. Although all CRS reports are legally in the public domain, they are quasi-secret because the CRS, as a matter of policy, makes the reports available only to members of Congress, Congressional committees and select sister agencies such as the GAO.
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  • Opportunists smuggle out nearly all reports and sell them to cashed up special interests--lobbyists, law firms, multi-nationals, and presumably, foreign governments. Congress has turned a blind eye to special interest access, while continuing to vote down public access.
shi zhao

苏炜:耶鲁学生史力文为什么中止了学中文? - Dahema & Gromit - by 大河马 - 0 views

shared by shi zhao on 10 Jul 08 - Cached
  • 找到了语感之后的史力文,马上就把话说得直截了当:“我这个夏天在中国很不高兴,因为我碰到了太多的Racist——种族主义者。”
  • 心中犯疑:“你说的是——Nationalism,民族主义吧?”  “不是。我最不高兴的就是这个——Racism,它比Nationalism更让我病!I am sick about it!(它让我呕心!)”
  • “苏老师,你知道我这个夏天学会了一支什么中国歌吗?——《我们的大中国》。这是我们XXX项目的校歌,所有留学生都得学会唱的。你知道我们在‘中国之夜’表演什么节目吗?(“中国之夜”是每个海外中文项目都会举办的中文表演晚会),学校老师指挥我们所有外国学生,在台上合唱《我们的大中国》!——苏老师,你在美国住了这么多年,你想,布什在伊拉克问题上的‘大美国心态’挨了世界上多少人骂?如果美国有一首歌叫《我们的大美国》,会是一种什么效果?那一定就是在耶鲁以C毕业的我们Honor(荣耀)的布什总统最喜欢唱的歌了!”
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  • “我们在台上发了疯地唱,唱得高兴,最后干脆一齐喊起口号来了……”  “你们喊什么?”  “毛主席万岁!大中国万岁!毛主席……”
  • 千万千万,不要被“春晚”对于海外大陆人那种特有的乡愁解馋作用冲昏了头脑,将“春晚”一类“红火节目”用来作为向外国人推介中国文化的辅助教材——那,实在是最大的、最为立竿见影的“票房毒药”!对于那些对中国尚一知半解的外国孩子们,那种大红大绿、鼓乐喧天的夸张表演,特别是贯彻始终的那种煽情、矫饰、充满各种“伟大”字眼的高亢调门,可以说,成了一切放大而夸张的“中国式毛病”的集大成者,一定会让他们看得目瞪口呆,从而倒尽他们学中文的兴致和胃口!这一点,其实也已成了我们耶鲁中文项目同事们的共识。我们几位做过同样蠢事的大陆背景的老师至今提起,仍然为此懊丧不已。
  • “苏老师,我知道很多人学中文,是为了去做生意,为了中国的大市场。——我不是。我是为了我自己。我自己最早的自信、尊严,别人对我的尊重,都是中文给我的,我怕我最后要失掉它,所以,我要——quit。”

The Hypocrisy and Danger of Anti-China Demonstrations - - 0 views

shared by evawoo on 20 Apr 08 - Cached
  • We hear that Tibetans suffer “demographic aggression” and “cultural genocide”. But we do not hear those terms applied to Spanish and French policies toward the Basque minority. We do not hear those terms applied to the US annexation of the Kingdom of Hawaii in 1898. And Diego Garcia? In 1973, not so long ago, the UK forcibly deported the entire native Chagossian population from the Indian Ocean island of Diego Garcia. People were allowed one suitcase of clothing. Nothing else. Family pets were gassed, then cremated. Complete ethnic cleansing. Complete cultural destruction. Why? In order to build a big US air base. It has been used to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq, and soon maybe to bomb Iran and Pakistan. Diego Garcia, with nobody there but Brits and Americans, is also a perfect place for rendition, torture and other illegal actions.
  • The Chinese Context The Chinese government is responsible for the well-being and security of one-fourth of humanity. Race riots and rebellion cannot be tolerated, not even when done by Buddhist monks. Chinese Civilization was already old when the Egyptians began building pyramids. But the last 200 years have not gone well, what with two Opium Wars forcing China to import drugs, and Europeans seizing coastal ports as a step to complete colonial control, then the Boxer Rebellion, the collapse of the Manchu Dynasty, civil war, a brutal invasion and occupation by Japan, more civil war, then Communist consolidation and transformation of society, then Mao’s Cultural Revolution. Such events caused tens of millions of people to die. Thus, China’s recent history has good reasons why social order is a higher priority than individual rights. Race riots and rebellion cannot be tolerated. Considering this context, China’s treatment of its minorities has been exemplary compared to what the Western world has done to its minorities. After thousands of years of Chinese dominance, there still are more than 50 minorities in China. After a few hundred years of European dominance in North and South America, the original minority cultures have been exterminated, damaged, or diminished.
  • China’s one-child-policy seems oppressive to Westerners, but it has not applied to minorities, only to the Han Chinese. Tibetans can have as many children as they choose. If Han people have more than one child, they are punished. There is a similar preference given to minorities when it comes to admission to universities. For example, Tibetan students enter China’s elite Peking University with lower exam scores than Han Chinese students. China is not a perfect nation, but on matters of minority rights, it has been better than most Western nations. And China achieved this in the historical context of restoring itself and recovering from 200 years of continual crisis and foreign invasion.
Clement Chen

世界各国踊跃制定信息自由法 - 0 views

  • 乔治·华盛顿大学(George Washington University)国家安全档案馆(National Security Archive)首席法律顾问梅雷迪思·富克斯(Meredith Fuchs)
  • 设在华盛顿的美国科学家联合会(Federation of American Scientists)的高级研究员史蒂文·阿夫特古德(Steven Aftergood)

As world trade falters, workers head home - Washington Post- - 0 views

shared by feng37 on 05 Mar 09 - No Cached
  • Singapore's exports collapsed by a stunning 35 percent in January, mirroring much of the rest of Asia. The export boom here was tied to credit-fueled buying sprees in the United States that stopped abruptly and may take years to return, if ever. Manufacturers are grasping for a Plan B. But none of the options -- mining domestic markets, or trying to tap consumers in still-growing China and India -- offers a truly viable solution.
  • "The collapse of globalization . . . is absolutely possible," said Jeffrey Sachs, a noted American economist. "It happened in the 20th century in the wake of World War I and the Great Depression, and could happen again. Nationalism is rising and our political systems are inward looking, the more so in times of crisis."
  • Economists from Credit Suisse predict an exodus of 200,000 foreigners -- or one in every 15 workers here -- by the end of 2010.
isaac Mao

China should free dissident Hu Jia - Los Angeles Times - 0 views

  • Apparently we missed that page of the international rule book. We do recall Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, though. That's the portion of the United Nations' seminal 1948 document that states: "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers."
  • If Chinese leaders are tired of all the international attention being given to Hu, there's a better solution than high dudgeon from the Foreign Ministry: They could set him free.
isaac Mao

在境外体会中国功夫网 GFW - 0 views

shared by isaac Mao on 27 Oct 08 - Cached
  • The Internet is not the same for everybody. Despite it's reputation as a borderless, global, connected, democratic network, access and content filtering based on national boarders has become the norm. The BBC, for example, filters content for copyright reasons to visitors accessing their website from outside of Great Britain. Much more serious, however, is the heavy political censorship happening in countries like China, Saudi Arabia, and Iran. China, being the most extreme example, strictly censors political content on the web through the blocking of IP addresses and dynamic content filtering. With the support of western technology companies such as Cisco, Yahoo, and Google, The Golden Shield Project (sometimes referred to as the the Great Fire Wall of China) censors the web for China's 1.3 billion inhabitants. The Internet police in China is estimated to contain over 30,000 workers, and is responsible for blocking content such as Tibetan independence, Taiwan independence, police brutality, the Tienanmen Square protests of 1989, freedom of speech, democracy, religion, and some international news.
isaac Mao

牛根生的"民族牌"是不是一个幌子 - 0 views

  •     在万言书中,牛根生最动人之处莫过于这一句:“至于蒙牛,最后即使白送了弟兄们,也绝不愿被外国人买走。”从这里可以看出,这次牛根生打出的是“民族牌”,一些企业家的解囊援助似乎也增加了“民族牌”的分量。但是,在我看来,牛根生的“民族牌”只是一个幌子。牛根生此举,只是拉大旗,售私货。他所维护的,只是包括他自己在内的蒙牛高层的利益,而决不是民族品牌的生存。
  • 在万言书中,牛根生最动人之处莫过于这一句:“至于蒙牛,最后即使白送了弟兄们,也绝不愿被外国人买走。”从这里可以看出,这次牛根生打出的是“民族牌”,一些企业家的解囊援助似乎也增加了“民族牌”的分量。但是,在我看来,牛根生的“民族牌”只是一个幌子。牛根生此举,只是拉大旗,售私货。他所维护的,只是包括他自己在内的蒙牛高层的利益,而决不是民族品牌的生存。
isaac Mao

Beijing spending 45 billion RMB on pro-China international news network - Shanghaiist: ... - 0 views

  • So apparently the controversies in international media this summer over China and the Olympics came as a bit of a shock to the Chinese people. While the government's retained tight control over its own media, it's been less able to harmonize those pesky news outlets abroad. Not one to take perceived insults to its national image lying down, Beijing is now throwing RMB 45 billion into targeting global audiences.
Andre Li Pan

全球央行联手救市 - FT中文网 - - 0 views

  • 包括美联储(Fed)和欧洲央行(ECB)在内的全球六大央行昨日宣布,同时紧急减息半个百分点,这项举措史无前例。
  • 美联储将利率从2%降至1.5%,最近才提高了利率的欧洲央行,则将基准利率从4.25%下调至3.75%。欧洲央行还公布,调整向银行提供资金的方式,保证在官方利率下,银行贷款数额不受限制。 英国央行(BoE)将基准利率从5%下调至4.5%,瑞士央行(Swiss National Bank)将利率从3%减至2.5%。瑞典央行(Riksbank)则从4.75%调至4.25%。
  • 同时,除本次共同减息外,中国将一年期存贷款利率各下调了27个基点。日本央行对本次举措“表示欢迎”,但没有采取任何行动。
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  • 尽管如此,市场对这一系列空前举措反应冷淡。纽约午盘前,标准普尔500指数(Standard & Poor's 500 Index)下跌1.26%。

Joe Biden on Foreign Policy - 0 views

  • Q: Is China an ally or an adversary?A: They're neither. The fact of the matter is, though, they hold the mortgage on our house. This administration, in order to fund a war that shouldn't be being fought and tax cuts that weren't needed for the wealthy--we're now in debt almost a trillion dollars to China. We better end that war, cut those taxes, reduce the deficit and make sure that they no longer own the mortgage on our home.
  • How would you balance human rights and trade with China? A: I've been pushing, on the Foreign Relations Committee for the last seven years, that we hold China accountable at the United Nations. At the UN, we won't even designate China as a violator of human rights. Now, what's the deal there? We talk about competition in terms of trade. It's capitulation, not competition. Name me another country in the world that we would allow to conduct themselves the way China has, and not call them on the carpet at the UNQ: So you would call them on th carpet?A: Absolutely. Q: You would appoint a UN ambassador who would press for this?A: It's the one way to get China to reform. You can't close your eyes. You can't pretend. It is self-defeating. It's a Hobson's choice we're giving people here.

Chinese Visa Sticky ... - Thorn Tree Travel Forum - Lonely Planet - 0 views

  • Now that the Olympics has been handed on to London, should Britain in turn make visas difficult for Chinese nationals? Allow 15 days only. Apply at Shanghai British Consulate/Embassy between the hours of 9.00 – 10.00 am in person, Mondays only. No agents. The possibilities are infinite. They might even ban all foreigners from the Olympics and give Britain a chance for more gold medals.

Joho the Blog » McCain models tech policy on our oh-so-successful energy policy - 0 views

  • THE MCCAIN NEGATIVE WORDCLOUDWords Not in McCain’s Tech Policy | blog |social network | collaboration | hyperlink | democracy | google | wikipedia | open access | open source | standards | gnu | linux | | BitTorrent | anonymity | facebook | wiki | free speech | games | comcast | media concentration | media | lolcats |
  • Even if we ignore the cultural, social, and democratic aspects of the Net, even if we consider the Net to be nothing but a way to move content to “consumers” (his word), McCain still gets it wrong. There’s nothing in his policy about encouraging the free flow of ideas. Instead, when McCain thinks about ideas, he thinks about how to increase the walls around them by cracking down on “pirates” and ensuring ” fair rewards to intellectual property” (which, technically speaking, I think isn’t even English). Ideas and culture are, to John McCain, business commodities. He totally misses the dramatic and startling success of the Web in generating new value via open access to ideas and cultural products. The two candidates’ visions of the Internet could not be clearer. We can have a national LAN designed first and foremost to benefit business, and delivered to passive consumers for whom the Net is a type of cable TV. Or, we can have an Internet that is of the people, by the people, for the people. Is it going to be our Internet or theirs?
  • “Senator McCain’s technology plan doesn’t put Americans first—it is a rehash of tax breaks and giveaways to the big corporations and their lobbyists who advise the McCain campaign. This plan won’t do enough for hardworking Americans who are still waiting for competitive and affordable broadband service at their homes and businesses. It won’t do enough to ensure a free and open Internet that guarantees freedom of speech. It won’t do anything to ensure that we use technology to bring transparency to government and free Washington from the grip of lobbyists and special interests. Senator McCain’s plan would continue George Bush’s neglect of this critical sector and relegate America’s communications infrastructure to second-class status. That’s not acceptable,” said William Kennard, Former Chairman, Federal Communications Commission.
Jean Chen

[观点] 牛肉问题背后的韩国民族主义-华尔街日报 - 0 views

  • 具有讽刺意味的是,导致韩国人天生不信任美国的世界观恰恰又使得他们不愿脱离美国自立。韩国人眼里的朝鲜半岛史是一部漫长的被侵略、充满屈辱的历史,这促使他们认为自己天性过于善良,如果没有一个更为强大(即使道德低下)的国家保护,他们就很难生存下去。这就可以解释为什么韩国人愿意相信他们的盟友会故意向他们出售致命的牛肉,同时却又决心不顾一切地追随这个盟友。谈到韩国那个盛行的谣言──韩国人的基因结构使得他们尤其容易感染疯牛病;这不过显示了他们的民族主义是多么的接近日本人。
isaac Mao

U.N. agency eyes curbs on Internet anonymity | Politics and Law - CNET News - 0 views

  • A United Nations agency is quietly drafting technical standards, proposed by the Chinese government, to define methods of tracing the original source of Internet communications and potentially curbing the ability of users to remain anonymous.
  • The Chinese author of the document, Huirong Tian, did not respond to repeated interview requests. Neither did Jiayong Chen of China's state-owned ZTE Corporation, the vice chairman of the Q6/17's parent group who suggested in an April 2007 meeting that it address IP traceback.
  • Another technologist, Jacob Appelbaum, one of the developers of the Tor anonymity system, also was alarmed. "The technical nature of this 'feature' is such a beast that it cannot and will not see the light of day on the Internet," Appelbaum said. "If such a system was deployed, it would be heavily abused by precisely those people that it would supposedly trace. No blackhat would ever be caught by this."
isaac Mao

人文关怀 - 0 views

shared by isaac Mao on 08 Jun 08 - Cached
  • 2008年5月号《National Geographic》封面故事是China。在北京买到这期杂志,可是把我感动坏了。其中有三处违禁内容的页码被严严实实地用强力胶水沾了起来,天衣无 缝,一点也不影响杂志整体外观。还有一处用黑笔划掉了。祖国现在也充满了人文关怀,好生感动…
isaac Mao

心中的半旗 - 0 views

  • 心中的半旗 06月 4th, 2008 by hidecloud 虽然知道有生之年,可能都不会看到某一天能成为national级别的纪念日。 欣慰的是,始终还有些人与我一道,每年此时,在心中为某年某月某日的某些人默默哀悼。
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