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The Inclusive Classroom - 2 views

shared by jamie hill on 30 Sep 09 - Cached
  • The skills needed to effectively create a project would be that of writing, editing, evaluating information based on audience, and presenting.
    • jamie hill
      This is the important lesson to learn. In a world where you can look up any info or fact with your cell phone there is no need to memorize facts.
    • Kevin Bush
      I think there still is a place for facts however, I dont think students need to know anything, I want them to learn depth. As I was taught very early on, students need a certain amount of content if not you are sorting an empty drawer, they need to be given content first before manipulating it with technology.
  • done without publically publishing a podcast
    • jamie hill
      I had no idea.
  • My students don’t come to their portfolio meetings, so wouldn’t it be great to be able to have students make a recording of their reading fluency at the beginning of the year and then rerecord during the third marking period. It would also be nice to scan in student work and have them record their portfolio presentation, so they have a larger say in how their conference is organized.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      evaluation is the highest level of bloom's taxonomy, and it would be great for the students to be able to do a podcast of their reflections on their portfolio.
  • ...15 more annotations...
  • It is another way to bridge the communication gap between school and home.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      I hadn't thought about using it this way, but it's a great idea.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      One of the things the wiki allows is two-way communication. I wonder how you might use a wiki with parents as two-way communication. Would there be ways they could provide feedback, ideas, etc. - a way for THEM to engage with the information rather than just consume it. After all, that is what the web is all about these days - two way communication - consuming and creating information.
  • The wiki allows people to collaborate from a multitude of locations.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
     important point. How could we use it this way in this course?
  • accumulating information in one space
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Yes...creating information.
  • So how can I use it?
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Excellent ideas! I am looking forward to hearing more in class and listening to what others are thinking about this idea.
  • What are your thoughts on this issue that I am having? Is it appropriate to post the video on my wiki for a short period of time?
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I like how you pose a question. We should talk about this in class and see what others think.
  • Photostory
    • jamie hill
      I hope we get a chance to see something you create in Photostory.
  • the Kindle (the Nook) w
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      There are definitely down sides to the Kindle - no color and no touch screen. The Nook changes that. Ironically, I was investigating the Nook earlier today and will likely get one for school to try it out.
    • Alicia Cortese
      If you get one can you bring it in for us to try?
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      so the nook has color?
  • The Nook has a colored screen that looks easier to use, plus it is more eye appealing, so it is appealing to the buyer.
    • Douglas Gimbar
      I'm more of a numbers guy, not a words guy (which is why I'm a math teacher). However this seems like a pretty amazing tool. Can you get magazines on it or just books?
  • effective it will be in an elementary classroom.
    • Alicia Cortese
      Do you think High school students would be interested?
  • please let me know.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I think you would just create a new one. It will be easy to copy/paste the content you have now....except files that you uploaded. You would need to do that all over again.
    • jamie hill
      go to manage wiki
    • jamie hill
      then domain name
  • what I am left with is still just the wiki.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      We should have the class problem-solve this on Thursday.
  • I plan to implement some pictures into Flickr
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Excellent..we haven't talked much about flickr.
  • I could use some guidance at this point
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Let's definintely chat on Thursday! Great ideas....keep up the good work.
    • jamie hill
      It sounds like you are trying too many things at once. Find the one that works for your classroom and go with it.
  • I am proud of what I have created so far.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      You should've are doing a swell job!
  • I became frustrated with many of the other technologies that I explored or did not find them functional for my classroom.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Shawn wrote about some frustration this week. You may want to check out his post. Maybe this is something we could talk about in class.
    • jamie hill
      many of these technologies i do not think i could implement well in my classroom either, but i try to pass them off to other teachers.

Look who's Blogging - 0 views

shared by Douglas Gimbar on 30 Sep 09 - Cached
  • excellent launching pad
    • jamie hill
      You have essentially sold me on the idea which is something my tech guy hasn't done yet. I am glad you informed me that it has an equation editor. Good stuff to know.
  • Google docs saves files on a “cloud” in cyberspace thus allowing users to not only save space on their hard drives, but also allowing multiple users access for creating, editing and sharing.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      this is a great feature! definitely makes it more accessible and efficient
  • variety of surveys
    • jamie hill
      My favorite is "True Colors" I'm an Orange.
  • ...25 more annotations...
  • Other tools such as Google Docs are capable or reaching a variety of different learns by simply utilizing a few of the vast templates created for the tool. Social networking sites can be incorporated to meet the needs of those students who are strong intrapersonal learners while Podcasting meets the needs of most musical and linguistic learners. Bodily-kinesthetic learners can now travel and move through virtual worlds or take their handheld devices to record data while on the go. Blogging, electronic journals and word processing applications are excellent tools for verbal/ linguistic learners as well as intrapersonal learners while Geocaching is great for both naturalists and spatial learners alike
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      you do a nice job of connecting a particular tool with a particular intelligence. thanks!
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      MI is a nice lens through which you can look at technology tools.
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      I love the ideas here! How can we make this work in our classrooms more when we keep coming up against administration and red tape?
  • over twenty years
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I saw something the other day about a book revisiting the MI after so many years. I couldn't seem to find it, though.
  • chnology it has become exponentially easier to target specific types of learners and to provide lessons that are capable of reaching a multitude of different learning styles.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Nice summary!
  • a way for narcissistic individuals to live out their fantasie
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      And it can be...
  • a personal niche needed to be created for Twitter to have relevance in my life.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I think you're correct. It's about who you connect to. If you connect to a bunch of people who talk about what they are eating or drinking, then there probably is little value. If you connect to like-minded people who have a passion for, let's say, technology or educational futurism, then you will likely grow from the sharing of knowledge.
  • You could say it was a “light bulb” moment when I finally realized that blogging allowed me to do all this and more
    • Shawn Collier
      I felt the same exact way! This calss has really opened a whole new world of learning for me.
  • A little research was all I needed
    • Shawn Collier
      Dosen't this make you wonder how many things in life you may have closed your mind to before it them a chance. We always push our kids to "give it a chance, you might like it!" There are times that I need to remind myself of the same lesson.
  • create presentations
    • jamie hill
      This looks amazing! I wonder if theres an "app for that."
  • Tweet at a time
    • jamie hill
      Can you give an example of what you would tweet about? Im having a hard time imagining this.
  • One of my favorite features is the ability to create multiple identities.
  • How can a generation who is known for their free thinking spirit tune out the latest advances in free communication and speech?
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I am interested to have a discussion about this. I think this mentality is at ALL levels of the educational system. That is why it is so dysfunctional! How can we change that? What can each of us do? I love your writing style, by they way.
    • Alicia Cortese
      Thanks Randy! I was actually slightly worried about posting this blog. My department reads all of my postings and I decided to take a risk to see if I would get a reaction from them. I did! Time and lack of insturction were the top issues for not "getting on the bus". Now I can confidently tell them that I can be of assistance in their learning.
  • The entire world has been wired for instant communication, sharing and learning, yet many are still hesitant to bridge the gap between the traditional methods that have been cultivated and ingrained by our society to the new experimental, highly addictive, personalized and engaging activities that technology can bring to the learning environment.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Is it that we "don't know what we don't know" or is it just a part of our "educational DNA" - unchangeable?
  • Are you on the bus?
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Yes...I'd say you are all on the bus. That is what is making this such an enjoyable group of professionals to work with!
    • Alicia Cortese
      I just wish my bus was newer and ran better. I feel like I am still riding in a V W van!
  • on the threshold of an educational revolution
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Do you really think we are? I hope we are, but sometimes I feel soooo discouraged!
    • Douglas Gimbar
      We definitely are. It just may take a little longer than we originally thought.
    • Alicia Cortese
      I do think we are. Our numbers may be small at the moment but every revolution starts small. Plus we have instant communication on our side. No revolution ever happens as fast or neatly as one would hope.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Why do you think change is so slow.....?
  • all the teachers who are willing to take a risk
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Frankly, all too few.
  • How can a generation who is known for their free thinking spirit tune out the latest advances in free communication and speech?
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      This is a good question. I never thought of it that way when I considered why older teachers are reluctant to try new things with technology.
  • Technology integrated into the classroom provides the opportunity for every voice to be heard
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      Imagine what they would've done if they had this instant communcation back then
  • I have always been hesitant to engage them in an argument of any kind.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      This is not uncommon in education across the board. "Careful not to offend!"
  • Lack of training, hardware/software, and time were at the forefront of their argument;
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      OK god...typical luddite responses. Please, let me preserve the status quo...
    • Alicia Cortese
      Their boat was certainly rocked today when at our faculty meeting we were informed by the administration that technology in the classroom would be a new focus. They gave me the "shifty eye" but in truth I felt as though I had won a small battle!
  • complete paradigm shift.
  • discussion, writing and debate can have on a student.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      VERY true...we don't do this enough!
    • Douglas Gimbar
      Especially in a math class. Everything is focused on standardized tests and the outcome, not discussing the process. How can we/I try and change this?
    • Alicia Cortese
      I think dicussion is key in math and would have helped me a great deal as a struggling math student. Our school recently initiated the Collins Writing program where ever subject must write and discuss. It has proven benifical across the board
  • shifting their thoughts
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Terrific goal! How will you do this? How can you bring them into the experience. I find that people in our professional that have the kinds of skills they have are so focused on themselves - "it's all about me and all the wonderful knowledge I possess. My job is to transmit that to everyone I speak to, especially my students." So how can you tap into the focus of "me?"
    • Alicia Cortese
      I intend to incorporate them as much as they will allow me to. My thoughts right now are to generate a podcast or video with their sentiments! Be prepared they are cunning and very shrewd and highly entertaining!
  • I have been laboriously scouring the web in search of interactive tools that will allow me to integrate technology into my classroom. I have battled with the notion that social networking sites are ruining wholesome communication, fought to obtain hardware, software and access to particular sites for my students and I have even set aside my preconceived notions to discover the benefits of certain tools within the classroom
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Me thinks you've been busy!
    • Alicia Cortese
      I've enjoyed almost every crazy minute
  • Countless hours have been spent delving into applications and tools, time that has been taken from my family, friends and sanity.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Interesting point.
    • Alicia Cortese
      Sometimes you just have to roll up your sleeves and dig in!
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      And with Randy's class and Dr. Lewis, we are certainly doing this. I am, however, finding that researching background knowledge and learned intelligence is also helping enhance my abilities in this class. The two are dovetailing nicely!
    • Douglas Gimbar
      Soon it will become second nature and will take up less time. That's what I am telling myself at least!
  • teach students the 21st century skills they so desperately need
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      How will you plan to keep you knowledge up-to-date?
    • Alicia Cortese
      I plan on keeping up just not at this pace! I am sure I will have more time when I am not taking two grad classes.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Tell me about it. I have been working on a doctorate for three years now and plan to graduate in May. I often wonder what I will do when I am finished. I think I will have so much time, but I bet it will be less than I think. I'm sure there will be loads of other things waiting for my time and attention.
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      Randy, there is always something more we need to pursue in academia!

moravian PARKING - 1 views

shared by Shawn Collier on 13 Oct 09 - Cached
  • Anderson and Krathwohl reworked Bloom’s Taxonomy
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Nice reference. Is there a Diigo link to this on the web?
  • , I think it’s a positive. “
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Have you had a chance to actually use one? I am going to try and bring one in on Thursday.
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      I agree, we need to get these types of things into the classroom.
  • There are thousand more Apps to explore these are just a few.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      Apps make me happy for this reason :)
  • ...22 more annotations...
  • learn what is appropriate to add as comments (Digital Citizenship)
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Nice idea to bring in multiple aspects of what you are learning in class.
  • Diigo allow people to highlight the internet.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
     allows us to annotate the web. Previous to Diigo, that was certainly one of the constraints of web technology.
  • loaning that book to a friend
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Wouldn't it be great if you could do that with a Kindle? How much more would kids love reading if they could highlight, ask questions and offer thoughts to a vast audience of readers? Now that would really change the game for reading!
  • technology helps foster collaboration
    • Douglas Gimbar
      Collaboration is one of the most important aspects in education.
  • If my class was using social bookmarking they could have then shared those bookmarks so we can all visit the sites and highlight and comment on our favorite parts or parts we still don’t understand.  With Diigo in place in your classroom at home reading assignments can be commented on all in the same place. Students can come to class, with questions in mind from what conversations where started through highlights and comments.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      great idea! this is also the same reasoning I have behind using wikis with texts we are reading
  • There is no student not listening or drifting off and they have as much time as they need to get their thoughts out too.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      This is a great attribute!
  • eaching 21st century students with 21st century methods seems so obvious now.
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      The rest of the world needs to come on board now!
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      How can we do that, Heather? How can YOU do that? How can I do that?
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      I'm not sure how we should tackle this Randy, but I was happy to hear when one of my students came and said they used their cell phones in Algebra for some homework post! Going to try and search that teacher out and connect!
  • With our final project (for lack of better name) quickly approaching
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I do hope you are all stressed out. That is what I am aiming for. LOL STRESS!!!!!
  • animoto a
  • This new approach might be pushing my students zone of proximital learning but its pushing mine too.
    • Shawn Collier
      It's great that you're learning with your kids. I really believe the most powerful way to teach your kids that learning is important is by learning with them. You should be proud of yourself for taking a chance!
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
     We are ALL learners. That is part of the shift. The teachers is not the sole source of fact, the teachers, just like the kids, is always learning!
  • Researching a new technology each week has been inspiring
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
     you think you will continue to investigate technologies beyond the end of the course in December? Why or why not?
    • Alicia Cortese
      AMEN! The techonology can only improve thus making our jobs even more exciting.
  • And continue this cycle every year.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Great idea....create this repository of shared information around a topic...or even your whole course, depending on how you envision it.
  • I am thinking that I want to use the technologies in my tool box as assessment tools but as
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Interesting...I am developing a new course for summer II on alternate assessments using technology.
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      Sign me up!
  • T eaching 21st century students with 21st century methods seems so obvious now.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      I wonder what we have to do to get there? I think it might take more people getting on board with this approach to teaching and learning and exposing them to it at a younger age,
  • free time today
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Free time on a Monday? You need more work!
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      Free time, tell me where I can find it? I was out sick on Monday... I spent the whole day reading and creating an outline for chapter 7 of our text! Fun fun fun!!
  • to help them review.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Or even TAKE the test? Ooooo..novel.
  • So, the idea is to have an alternate assessment at the end of each chapter. The alt. assessment will be created using one of many technologies we have discussed in our class (ex. animoto, flipbook, comicstrips, prezi). At midterm I plan on assigning a larger project, more cumlative of course.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Really nice idea! Love it!!
  • What do you think?
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Nice way to scaffold the assignment. And don't worry if it's a bit messy at first. Reflect on it and work out the problems, and you'll end up with a great way to engage your kids!
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      I think it is a great idea, but how will the kids be given the choice of which to do?
  • it was crucial for students to have the rubric in hand when their animation assignment was assigned.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
  • The students still seem un-easy about this new type of assignment.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      New things can be uncomfortable!
    • Shawn Collier
      Sometimes comfort leads to complacency, so a level of uncomfort (with your support along the way) can be a good thing.
  • I can show all of you too.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Looking forward to it!
  • I like the students to know what I am looking for but the rubric is vague enough that students can still be creative. 
    • Shawn Collier
      It's great that you're planning a way for students to be creative when completing your project. I think it will really help them take ownership of it.

MEDU600 - 0 views

  • could be extended
    • jamie hill
      So far, my feelings toward these technologies is very different than I expected. It seems to not be about teaching our subjects as much as teaching tools for careers.
    • Kevin Bush
      I think that these are simply tools for teaching our subject. Students today are so immerse with computers, ipods, blogs, etc that its no longer technology for them, instead it is just their world. Its what they know, so technology is embedded as a method for teaching but it isnt teaching.
  • Overall, podcasting can add a broader range of ways in which students can be more successful.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
  • For the end of the marking period final project, it would be fun to have the students choose a book they have read and create a podcast.
  • ...8 more annotations...
  •  It could summarize the book, act out a part, or focus on a specific reading strategy.  Pairing the experienced student with the inexperienced, could incorporate another learning opportunity.  We will see how it goes tomorrow…
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      This is good...think of ways beyond simply reading the book. Acting it out, choral reading, etc.might be some options. I wonder if we can get some more ideas from discussion in class.
  • Whereas others have never heard of it.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      When I asked my class, none of them had any experience with podcasts and many kids asked what it was. I even asked my sister and her boyfriend who are sophomores in college, and I had to explain it to them, too. I wonder why they aren't more familiar with it
    • Douglas Gimbar
      I think it's funny that almost all of my students have an ipod, but hardly any know what a podcast is!
  •  It is the luck of the draw who gets put in a technology class, but those students who don’t get the class are put at such a disadvantage.
    • Douglas Gimbar
      At our school all freshmen have to take a computers/careers class. I know they don't get into as much detail with certain applications as they would like, but at least all students then get the basics of the technology we will all use in the future. I'm sure there is some way more students can get into that class.
  • having to type in all of the web addresses
    • jamie hill
      I always have this same question. I think your website is a good solution.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      yes...perfect solution!
  • provide organization
    • Douglas Gimbar
      Something most of our students desperately need!
  • I created a teacher website that had many activities that I found on
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I am interested to hear how you are planning to use your web site.
  • As the year progresses, we will have a whole toolbox of activities to choose from.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      this is a great way to build things. this way, you'll have everything compiled for next year.
  • My only hesitation about using wiki-spaces would be the fact the students will not be using this to communicate, post, or share; I will be doing that.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      That's ok. At least, you are familiarizing them with it. You can always do something with it later where they post.
    • Kevin Bush
      I think if introduced correctly, students could embrace this technology. Start in the classroom and gradually begin to work on using it on home assignments. The digital divide could be the biggest barrier.
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      Yeah, the hardest thing I am finding is that my lower economic status students do not have computer access. Eventhough I promote going to the writing lab after school(they can get a late bus) or on study halls, etc...the kids just can't seem to get themselves to either of these times.

My First Blog - 1 views

  • I am a bi
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      This is a comment
  • Thinkfinity is a database
    • jamie hill
      This is similar to Web Guru then??
  • creating a product that they can print out or save
    • jamie hill
      Are most of the activities on the computer then, or can they been done without computers?
    • Douglas Gimbar
      Jamie, it all depends on what you are looking for. There are hundreds of lessons and activities. You can find ones that can be completed off the computer as well.
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      The problem with this is then we hear complaints about using ink and toner to print everything out. How do we bypass that?
  • ...19 more annotations...
  • I would really love easier access to computers
    • jamie hill
      Our science department has our 17 laptops tied up almost everyday. If I want to use them it has to be scheduled well in advance and cant conflict with their lessons anyway. Why can one department create their curriculum around tech. but the others have to suffer.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Good question, Jamie. I think it is because education has looked at technology as a "nice if you can get it" extra.
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      I agree, but since my Read 180 is a big thing right now. All of the read 180 classrooms have computer carts with 30 or so lappies! I consider myself lucky, but I do sympathize.
  • vast resource that it is almost overwhelming
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      This is one of the new skills - how we deal with the overwhelming amount of content. Thinkfinity is designed to try and help us do this by sifting and sorting through content that would otherwise take more effort to determine reliability (i.e. a Google search).
  • I hope that I am not overlooking great tools as I meander through the site.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Collaboration can help this!
  • One of the problems that I am experiencing finding a way to work these into my lessons when I don’t have instant access to computers or laptops. 
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      This is a real challenge for logs of teachers wanting to try new things, but not having the resources.
  • recite the speech and incorporate a series of images that compliment and connect to the speech.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Good activity to highlight media literacy. How will they find the images?
  • a very realistic goal
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      And ou don't have to actually have an iPod. You can listen to these files on any computer.
  • fireplace
    • jamie hill
      I debated the fireplace.
  • gathering information from Internet resources
    • jamie hill
      What a great tool to have as a HS student going into college. They can collect school stuff and fun stuff in the same place too. I couldnt help but notice a game widget.
  • be a highly technological concept
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      It can be a little intimidating at first.
  • I am wondering why more people I know don’t have one of these pages set up for themselves
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Good wondering. Why do you think more people don't use RSS?
    • Douglas Gimbar
      I think because it is a fairly new technology and certain people are hesitant to try something new. . .a fear of change.
  • Before making my netvibes page, I did create a bloglines page but was not impressed
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Yes...Bloglines is just plain ugly looking!
  • personalize t
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      This one word captures what technology can do for us.
  • my trip to the world of educational technology
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Hopefully you'll stay, even after class is over!
  • This is the impetus for me to continue to further develop more uses of technology with my students.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Great! Our understanding really develops over time --- there is no end point. So stick with it!
  • I always thought about learning how to use wikis as a way to respond to reading novels in my class but felt I needed someone to guide me through learning about it.  I haven’t had the time yet to incorporate a wiki in any of my classes, but I am teaching a new course in the spring semester, and I think that I might have the opportunity to try it out there.  As far as I can tell, the course’s curriculum doesn’t seem to have many big technological highlights, so it  might give me the opportunity to engage students using a new medium.  The class is 10th grade on level, which is a step below college prep, and those students might benefit from the ability to engage in discussion outside of class and use a hands on way of doing it.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      This is an idea you might want to consider developing as part of your final project in this class.
  • Hamlet Facebook pages
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Is this something you might share in class?
  • truly engaged and had a good time doing it
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      What do you think they learned?
  • they really had an honest reaction of surprise at how fast class was going.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      It would be interesting to dig into this deeper, trying to understand - maybe through some conversation with them - what they found most engaging about the approach you took with the class.
  • ultimately share this idea out there in cyberspace. 
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I wonder if there are practitioner journals - NCTE, ISTE, etc, that would be interested in an article?

Blooms Taxonomy: Revised Digital Approaches - 0 views

    Blooms taxonomy with an added section for technology

MEDU 600 - 0 views

shared by jamie hill on 30 Sep 09 - Cached
  • the link to the math specific resources
    • jamie hill
      How useful are the resources? Are most of them good, ok, great?
  • solve systems of equations
    • jamie hill
      ill try to remember this when my class gets to this
  • The class loved the idea and became immediately engaged.  The class as a whole performed very well on the assignment with my guidance.
    • Janelle Schaeffer
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Looking forward to hearing more about this. It would be interesting to hear how you use to teach the concept; how you taught it this year; and how it was different. How were the students engaged differently?
  • ...13 more annotations...
  • the thousands of math lessons already prepared by Thinkfinity
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I wonder if how these lessons change the idea of teaching and leanring math. Or do they "technologize" the older ways. I'll be interested to learn about that in class.
  • Any suggestions?
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Check out this blog: Darren is one of the well-known math/tech gurus. I also see that he has several posts on how he has used podcasts. Maybe you can get some ideas here:
  • intrigued by RSS
    • jamie hill
      I also was quite intrigued. I set up netvibes in about 10 minutes of spare time. Im not addicted to it yet but it has possibilities.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      RSS is the best. It can be very addicting though
    • Shawn Collier
      I'm still loving my RSS. It really has changed the way I get info from the web.
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      I just wish I could find the time to do this... I would love to set up the RSS!
  • I was glad I decided to go with Netvibes first
    • Shawn Collier
      I felt the same way. Netvibes is really user friendly and the others seemed to be tough to navigate for rss newbies.
  • However I am still having some trouble figuring out how I can incorporate the use of Netvibes into my classroom.
    • Shawn Collier
      I feel like at first it can be used just as professional development. That sounds so blah though, so I guess you can think of it as finding interesting stuff regarding technology that will positively affect the way you teach. I think its beneficial even at the level of just being exposed to new, cutting edge, technologies.
  • I’ll just start by saying that if you are someone who doesn’t spend much time exploring the internet and only likes to go to your favorite places, having an RSS feeder is the perfect thing for you.
  • Each week is a new innovative tool that sparks my curiosity and makes me want to learn more about it outside of the classroom.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      That's great to hear! It's easy to stay curious, too, with all the changes happening with technology.
    • Douglas Gimbar
      That's what makes it fun, there is/will always be something new!
    • Alicia Cortese
      I feel like I could take this class for the rest of my 35 year career and still feel as though I have only scratched the surface This class has taught me the importance of staying on top of the lastest advances because playing catch-up is never fun!
    • Alicia Cortese
      I use this tool more than anything else as well!
  • so they can have extra practice on topics they struggle with.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      Good way to personalize learning....allow student choice.
  • I should elaborate during future classes.
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      This is an interesting way to connect with your colleagues. I wonder how it will be recieved.
  • o this project?
    • Randy Ziegenfuss
      I think your project has the potential to be a really good one. It is also an opportunity to do a little action research that may prove useful when you start your thesis. Let's plan to talk about this further in class on Thursday.
  • reflect on the lesson
    • Janelle Schaeffer
      Any time you ask students to reflect on their learning is great. It promotes higher order thinking and growth.
  • survey my colleagues
    • jamie hill
      oh geometry not alg 2
3More - 1 views

  • Learn how to get a free, unlimited teacher account and all-access pass for your students here.
    • jamie hill
      animoto anyone??
    • Heather Apostolopoulos
      I cannot figure out how to access my educational account. I was approved, but having a hard time figuring it out.

Netvibes (109) - 1 views

  • This new school policy is running contrary to a nationwide ban of cell phones in schools. What’s interesting though is the source of the opposition. That the teacher’s union is against it isn’t all that surprising, but the other group that is currently opposing the change is…. the parents. While there isn’t much in the way of details on this front, it does say that parents are worried phones will be a distraction.
    • Hayley Danser
      UK is allowing the use of cell phones, against the union and parents?!?
    UK is beginning to allow the use of cell phones and MP3 players in the classroom?!? What do you think? Does this open a door that some may not want open?

If you Tweet, will anybody hear it? - Teach42 - 0 views

    Alicia touched on this in her presentation...

LiveBinders - the Knowledge Sharing Place - 1 views

    online notebooks??
    came across these online binders, looks pretty cool

Google Apps K-12 Lesson Plans using Docs, Sites, and Calendar. - 0 views

    "Easily incorporate Google Apps into your curriculum with these classroom-ready lesson plans."

ImageChef - Customize Photos, Clip Art - 0 views

    Very cool site similar to wordle, however using word mosaic you can create specific shapes that your "worlde" will appear in.

Learning in Hand Blog by Tony Vincent - 1 views

shared by jamie hill on 14 Oct 09 - Cached
    Re-working of Bloom's Taxonomy

Netvibes - 0 views

shared by Shawn Collier on 12 Oct 09 - Cached
    An easy to use RSS reader
    An easy to use RSS reader

Educational Games - 1 views

    A list of interactive games for students.

Twitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - 0 views

    • Alicia Cortese
      If we implement this technology into our classroom we must also allow the lingol.
  • witter is ranked as one of the 50 most popular websites worldwide by Alexa's web traffic analysis.[4] Although estimates of the number of daily users vary because the company does not release the number of active accounts, a February 2009 blog entry ranked Twitter as the third most used social network[5] based on their count of 6 million unique monthly visitors and 55 million monthly visits.[5
  • subscribers who are known as followers
    • Alicia Cortese
      I am not a huge fan of the word choice. I almost feel as though it has a sheep mantality undertone.

Futures Thinking: The Basics | Open The Future | Fast Company - 0 views

    Futurism as it's practiced today doesn't try to predict the future, but rather to illuminate unexpected implications of present-day issues; the emphasis isn't on what will happen, but on what could happen, given various observed drivers.
    Futurism as it's practiced today doesn't try to predict the future, but rather to illuminate unexpected implications of present-day issues; the emphasis isn't on what will happen, but on what could happen, given various observed drivers.

The Eleven Commandments of Internet Safety  The following safety tips will le... - 0 views

  • The Eleven Commandments of Internet Safety
    • jamie hill
      I dont have children so some of these seem extreme to me, but.... I like number 1.
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